mirror of
synced 2024-11-21 20:47:08 -05:00
Remove migrations
These will be replaced by migrations in the web project
This commit is contained in:
17 changed files with 0 additions and 1211 deletions
@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ ENV SHARELATEX_CONFIG /etc/sharelatex/settings.coffee
# -------------------------
# -------------------------
ADD ${baseDir}/bin /var/www/sharelatex/bin
ADD ${baseDir}/bin /var/www/sharelatex/bin
ADD ${baseDir}/doc /var/www/sharelatex/doc
ADD ${baseDir}/doc /var/www/sharelatex/doc
ADD ${baseDir}/migrations /var/www/sharelatex/migrations
ADD ${baseDir}/tasks /var/www/sharelatex/tasks
ADD ${baseDir}/tasks /var/www/sharelatex/tasks
ADD ${baseDir}/Gruntfile.coffee /var/www/sharelatex/Gruntfile.coffee
ADD ${baseDir}/Gruntfile.coffee /var/www/sharelatex/Gruntfile.coffee
ADD ${baseDir}/package.json /var/www/sharelatex/package.json
ADD ${baseDir}/package.json /var/www/sharelatex/package.json
@ -38,20 +38,6 @@ module.exports = (grunt) ->
limit: SERVICES.length
limit: SERVICES.length
logConcurrentOutput: true
logConcurrentOutput: true
expand: true,
flatten: false,
cwd: './',
src: ['./migrations/*.coffee'],
dest: './',
ext: '.js'
command: "./node_modules/east/bin/east migrate --adapter east-mongo --url #{settings?.mongo?.url}"
@ -115,8 +101,6 @@ module.exports = (grunt) ->
grunt.registerTask "check:make", "Check that make is installed", () ->
grunt.registerTask "check:make", "Check that make is installed", () ->
Helpers.checkMake @async()
Helpers.checkMake @async()
grunt.registerTask 'migrate', "compile migrations and run them", ["coffee:migrate", 'shell:migrate']
Helpers =
Helpers =
installService: (service, callback = (error) ->) ->
installService: (service, callback = (error) ->) ->
@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
set -e
which node
which grunt
ls -al /var/www/sharelatex/migrations
cd /var/www/sharelatex && grunt migrate -v
echo "All migrations finished"
@ -1,109 +0,0 @@
const Settings = require('settings-sharelatex')
const Async = require('async')
const mongojs = require('mongojs')
const db = mongojs(Settings.mongo.url, ['users'])
const indexKeys = { 'tokens.readAndWritePrefix': 1 }
const indexOpts = {
unique: true,
partialFilterExpression: {
'tokens.readAndWritePrefix': { $exists: true }
background: true
// Index on Prefix
const addReadAndWritePrefixIndex = (db, callback) => {
db.projects.ensureIndex(indexKeys, indexOpts, callback)
const removeReadAndWritePrefixIndex = (db, callback) => {
db.projects.dropIndex(indexKeys, callback)
// Extract prefix data
const extractPrefix = (db, callback) => {
'tokens.readAndWrite': { $exists: true },
'tokens.readAndWritePrefix': { $exists: false }
{ tokens: 1 },
(err, projects) => {
if (err) {
return callback(err)
console.log(`>> Updating ${projects.length} projects`)
(project, cb) => {
const rwToken = project.tokens.readAndWrite
const prefixMatch = rwToken.match(/^(\d+).*$/)
if (!prefixMatch) {
const err = new Error(
`no prefix on token: ${project._id}, ${rwToken}`
console.log(`>> Error, ${err.message}`)
return cb(err)
{ _id: project._id },
{ $set: { 'tokens.readAndWritePrefix': prefixMatch[1] } },
err => {
if (err) {
return callback(err)
console.log('>> done')
const erasePrefix = (db, callback) => {
db.projects.update({$unset: 'tokens.readAndWritePrefix'}, callback)
// Migrations
exports.migrate = (client, done) => {
console.log(`>> Adding index to projects: ${JSON.stringify(indexKeys)}, with options: ${JSON.stringify(indexOpts)}`)
addReadAndWritePrefixIndex(db, (err) => {
if(err) {
console.log(">> Error while adding index")
return done(err)
console.log(">> Extracting tokens.readAndWritePrefix field for existing projects")
extractPrefix(db, (err) => {
if(err) {
console.log(">> Error while extracting prefix data")
return done(err)
exports.rollback = (client, done) => {
console.log(`>> Dropping index on projects: ${JSON.stringify(indexKeys)}`)
removeReadAndWritePrefixIndex(db, (err) => {
if(err) {
console.log(">> Error while dropping index")
return done(err)
console.log(">> Erasing tokens.readAndWritePrefix field for existing projects")
erasePrefix(db, (err) => {
if(err) {
console.log(">> Error while erasing prefix data")
return done(err)
@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
const Settings = require('settings-sharelatex')
const mongojs = require('mongojs')
const db = mongojs(Settings.mongo.url, ['projects'])
exports.migrate = (client, done) => {
console.log(`>> Setting 'imageName' in projects`)
if (!Settings.currentImageName) {
console.log(`>> 'currentImageName' is not defined, no projects updated`)
return done()
console.log(`>> Setting 'imageName' = ${Settings.currentImageName}`)
{ imageName: { $exists: false } },
{ $set: { imageName: Settings.currentImageName } },
{ multi: true },
exports.rollback = (client, done) => done()
@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
// Internal ticket: https://github.com/overleaf/issues/issues/4094
const Settings = require('settings-sharelatex')
const mongojs = require('mongojs')
const db = mongojs(Settings.mongo.url, ['deletedFiles'])
const INDEX_NAME = 'projectId_1'
const INDEX_KEYS = { projectId: 1 }
background: 1
exports.migrate = (client, done) => {
exports.rollback = (client, done) => {
db.deletedFiles.dropIndex(INDEX_NAME, done)
@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
// Internal ticket: https://github.com/overleaf/issues/issues/4211
const Settings = require('settings-sharelatex')
const mongojs = require('mongojs')
const db = mongojs(Settings.mongo.url, ['docs'])
const INDEX_NAME = 'project_id_deleted_deletedAt_1'
const INDEX_KEYS = {
project_id: 1,
deleted: 1,
deletedAt: -1
background: 1
exports.migrate = (client, done) => {
exports.rollback = (client, done) => {
db.docs.dropIndex(INDEX_NAME, done)
@ -1,164 +0,0 @@
Settings = require "settings-sharelatex"
bson = require('bson')
BSON = new bson()
fs = require("fs")
mongojs = require("mongojs")
ObjectId = mongojs.ObjectId
console.log Settings.mongo.url
db = mongojs(Settings.mongo.url, ['projects', 'docs'])
_ = require("lodash")
async = require("async")
exec = require("child_process").exec
finished_projects_path = "/tmp/finished-projects"
all_projects_path = "/tmp/all-projects"
project_too_large_path = "/tmp/large_projects"
printProgress = ->
exec "wc #{finished_projects_path}", (error, results) ->
setTimeout printProgress, 1000 * 30
checkIfFileHasBeenProcessed = (project_id, callback)->
exec "grep #{project_id} #{finished_projects_path}", (error, results) ->
hasBeenProcessed = _.include(results, project_id)
callback(error, hasBeenProcessed)
loadProjectIds = (callback)->
console.log "loading project ids from #{all_projects_path}"
fs.readFile all_projects_path, "utf-8", (err, data)->
ids = data.split("\n")
ids = _.filter ids, (id)-> id? and id.length == 24
console.log "loaded #{ids.length} project ids from #{all_projects_path}"
callback err, ids
getAndWriteProjectids = (callback)->
console.log "finding all project id's - #{new Date().toString()}"
db.projects.find {}, {_id:1}, (err, ids)->
console.log "total found projects in mongo #{ids.length} - #{new Date().toString()}"
ids = _.pluck ids, '_id'
ids = _.filter ids, (id)-> id?
fileData = ids.join("\n")
fs.writeFile all_projects_path, fileData, ->
callback(err, ids)
markProjectAsToLargeAndFinished = (project_id, callback)->
console.log "#{project_id} too large"
markProjectAsProcessed project_id, (err)->
fs.appendFile project_too_large_path, "#{project_id}\n", callback
getProjectIds = (callback)->
exists = fs.existsSync all_projects_path
if exists
loadProjectIds callback
getAndWriteProjectids callback
markProjectAsProcessed = (project_id, callback)->
fs.appendFile finished_projects_path, "#{project_id}\n", callback
getAllDocs = (project_id, callback = (error, docs) ->) ->
db.projects.findOne _id:ObjectId(project_id), (error, project) ->
return callback(error) if error?
if !project?
console.log "no such project #{project_id}"
return callback()
size = BSON.calculateObjectSize(project)
if size > 12000000 #12mb
return markProjectAsToLargeAndFinished project_id, callback
findAllDocsInProject project, (error, docs) ->
return callback(error) if error?
return callback null, docs
findAllDocsInProject = (project, callback = (error, docs) ->) ->
callback null, _findAllDocsInFolder project.rootFolder[0]
_findDocInFolder = (folder = {}, doc_id, currentPath) ->
for doc, i in folder.docs or []
if doc?._id? and doc._id.toString() == doc_id.toString()
return {
doc: doc
mongoPath: "#{currentPath}.docs.#{i}"
for childFolder, i in folder.folders or []
result = _findDocInFolder childFolder, doc_id, "#{currentPath}.folders.#{i}"
return result if result?
return null
_findAllDocsInFolder = (folder = {}) ->
docs = folder.docs or []
for childFolder in folder.folders or []
docs = docs.concat _findAllDocsInFolder childFolder
return docs
insertDocIntoDocCollection = (project_id, doc_id, lines, oldRev, callback)->
if !project_id?
return callback("no project id")
if !doc_id?
return callback()
if !lines?
lines = [""]
update = {}
update["_id"] = ObjectId(doc_id.toString())
update["lines"] = lines
update["project_id"] = ObjectId(project_id)
update["rev"] = oldRev || 0
db.docs.insert update, callback
saveDocsIntoMongo = (project_id, docs, callback)->
jobs = _.map docs, (doc)->
if !doc?
console.error "null doc in project #{project_id}" #just skip it, not a big deal
return cb()
insertDocIntoDocCollection project_id, doc._id, doc.lines, doc.rev, (err)->
if err?.code == 11000 #duplicate key, doc already in there so its not a problem.
err = undefined
if err?
console.log "error inserting doc into doc collection", err
async.series jobs, callback
processNext = (project_id, callback)->
checkIfFileHasBeenProcessed project_id, (err, hasBeenProcessed)->
if hasBeenProcessed
console.log "#{project_id} already processed, skipping"
return callback()
console.log "#{project_id} processing"
getAllDocs project_id, (err, docs)->
if err?
console.error err, project_id, "could not get all docs"
return callback(err)
saveDocsIntoMongo project_id, docs, (err)->
if err?
console.error err, project_id, "could not save docs into mongo"
return callback(err)
markProjectAsProcessed project_id, (err)->
-> callback(err)
exports.migrate = (client, done = ->)->
getProjectIds (err, ids)->
jobs = _.map ids, (id)->
return (cb)->
processNext(id, cb)
async.series jobs, (err)->
if err?
console.error err, "at end of jobs"
console.log "finished"
exports.rollback = (next)->
@ -1,185 +0,0 @@
Settings = require "settings-sharelatex"
fs = require("fs")
mongojs = require("mongojs")
ObjectId = mongojs.ObjectId
db = mongojs(Settings.mongo.url, ['projects', 'docs'])
_ = require("lodash")
async = require("async")
exec = require("child_process").exec
finished_projects_path = "/tmp/finished-projects-2"
all_projects_path = "/tmp/all-projects-2"
unmigrated_docs_path = "/tmp/unmigrated-2"
printProgress = ->
exec "wc #{finished_projects_path}", (error, results) ->
setTimeout printProgress, 1000 * 30
checkIfFileHasBeenProcessed = (project_id, callback)->
exec "grep #{project_id} #{finished_projects_path}", (error, results) ->
hasBeenProcessed = _.include(results, project_id)
callback(error, hasBeenProcessed)
loadProjectIds = (callback)->
console.log "loading project ids from #{all_projects_path}"
fs.readFile all_projects_path, "utf-8", (err, data)->
ids = data.split("\n")
ids = _.filter ids, (id)-> id? and id.length == 24
console.log "loaded #{ids.length} project ids from #{all_projects_path}"
callback err, ids
getAndWriteProjectids = (callback)->
console.log "finding all project id's - #{new Date().toString()}"
db.projects.find {}, {_id:1}, (err, ids)->
console.log "total found projects in mongo #{ids.length} - #{new Date().toString()}"
ids = _.pluck ids, '_id'
ids = _.filter ids, (id)-> id?
fileData = ids.join("\n")
fs.writeFile all_projects_path, fileData, ->
callback(err, ids)
markDocAsUnmigrated = (project_id, doc_id, callback)->
console.log "#{project_id} #{doc_id} unmigrated"
markProjectAsProcessed project_id, (err)->
fs.appendFile unmigrated_docs_path, "#{project_id} #{doc_id}\n", callback
markUnmigratedDocs = (project_id, docs, callback)->
console.log docs.length, project_id, "unmigrated"
jobs = _.map docs, (doc)->
markDocAsUnmigrated project_id, doc._id, cb
async.series jobs, callback
getProjectIds = (callback)->
exists = fs.existsSync all_projects_path
if exists
loadProjectIds callback
getAndWriteProjectids callback
markProjectAsProcessed = (project_id, callback)->
fs.appendFile finished_projects_path, "#{project_id}\n", callback
getAllDocs = (project_id, callback = (error, docs) ->) ->
excludes = {}
for i in [0..12]
excludes["rootFolder#{Array(i).join(".folders")}.docs.lines"] = 0
db.projects.findOne _id: ObjectId(project_id.toString()), excludes, (error, project) ->
return callback(error) if error?
if !project?
console.log "no such project #{project_id}"
return callback()
findAllDocsInProject project, (error, docs) ->
return callback(error) if error?
return callback null, docs, project
findAllDocsInProject = (project, callback = (error, docs) ->) ->
callback null, _findAllDocsInFolder project.rootFolder[0]
findDocInProject = (project, doc_id, callback = (error, doc, mongoPath) ->) ->
result = _findDocInFolder project.rootFolder[0], doc_id, "rootFolder.0"
if result?
callback null, result.doc, result.mongoPath
callback null, null, null
_findDocInFolder = (folder = {}, doc_id, currentPath) ->
for doc, i in folder.docs or []
if doc?._id? and doc._id.toString() == doc_id.toString()
return {
doc: doc
mongoPath: "#{currentPath}.docs.#{i}"
for childFolder, i in folder.folders or []
result = _findDocInFolder childFolder, doc_id, "#{currentPath}.folders.#{i}"
return result if result?
return null
_findAllDocsInFolder = (folder = {}) ->
docs = folder.docs or []
for childFolder in folder.folders or []
docs = docs.concat _findAllDocsInFolder childFolder
return docs
isDocInDocCollection = (doc, callback)->
if !doc?._id? or doc._id.length == 0
return callback(null, true)
db.docs.find({_id: ObjectId(doc._id+"")}, {_id: 1}).limit 1, (err, foundDocs)->
exists = foundDocs.length > 0
callback err, exists
getWhichDocsCanBeDeleted = (docs, callback = (err, docsToBeDeleted, unmigratedDocs)->)->
docsToBeDeleted = []
unmigratedDocs = []
jobs = _.map docs, (doc)->
return (cb)->
isDocInDocCollection doc, (err, exists)->
if exists
docsToBeDeleted.push doc
unmigratedDocs.push doc
async.series jobs, (err)->
callback err, docsToBeDeleted, unmigratedDocs
wipeDocLines = (project_id, mongoPath, callback)->
update =
$unset: {}
update.$unset["#{mongoPath}.lines"] = ""
update.$unset["#{mongoPath}.rev"] = ""
db.projects.update _id: ObjectId(project_id+''), update, callback
removeDocLinesFromProject = (docs, project, callback)->
jobs = _.map docs, (doc)->
findDocInProject project, doc._id, (err, doc, mongoPath)->
wipeDocLines project._id, mongoPath, cb
async.parallelLimit jobs, 5, callback
processNext = (project_id, callback)->
if !project_id? or project_id.length == 0
return callback()
checkIfFileHasBeenProcessed project_id, (err, hasBeenProcessed)->
if hasBeenProcessed
console.log "#{project_id} already processed, skipping"
return callback()
console.log "#{project_id} processing"
getAllDocs project_id, (err, docs, project)->
if err?
console.error err, project_id, "could not get all docs"
return callback(err)
getWhichDocsCanBeDeleted docs, (err, docsToBeDeleted, unmigratedDocs)->
if err?
console.error err, project_id, "could not save docs into mongo"
return callback(err)
markUnmigratedDocs project_id, unmigratedDocs, (err)->
removeDocLinesFromProject docsToBeDeleted, project, (err)->
if err?
return callback(err)
markProjectAsProcessed project_id, (err)->
-> callback(err)
exports.migrate = (client, done = ->)->
getProjectIds (err, ids)->
jobs = _.map ids, (id)->
return (cb)->
processNext(id, cb)
async.series jobs, (err)->
if err?
console.error err, "at end of jobs"
console.log "finished"
exports.rollback = (next)->
@ -1,342 +0,0 @@
Settings = require "settings-sharelatex"
fs = require("fs")
mongojs = require("mongojs")
ObjectId = mongojs.ObjectId
db = mongojs(Settings.mongo.url, ['docs','docHistory', 'docHistoryStats'])
_ = require("underscore")
async = require("async")
exec = require("child_process").exec
bson = require('bson')
BSON = new bson()
logger = {
log: ->
err: ->
needToExit = false
handleExit = () ->
needToExit = true
console.log('Got signal. Shutting down.')
process.on 'SIGINT', handleExit
process.on 'SIGHUP', handleExit
finished_docs_path = "/tmp/finished-docs-3"
all_docs_path = "/tmp/all-docs-3"
unmigrated_docs_path = "/tmp/unmigrated-docs-3"
finished_docs = {}
if fs.existsSync(finished_docs_path)
for id in fs.readFileSync(finished_docs_path,'utf-8').split("\n")
finished_docs[id] = true
getAndWriteDocids = (callback)->
console.log "finding all doc id's - #{new Date().toString()}"
db.docs.find {}, {_id:1}, (err, ids)->
console.log "total found docs in mongo #{ids.length} - #{new Date().toString()}"
ids = _.pluck ids, '_id'
ids = _.filter ids, (id)-> id?
fileData = ids.join("\n")
fs.writeFileSync all_docs_path + ".tmp", fileData
fs.renameSync all_docs_path + ".tmp", all_docs_path
callback(err, ids)
loadDocIds = (callback)->
console.log "loading doc ids from #{all_docs_path}"
data = fs.readFileSync all_docs_path, "utf-8"
ids = data.split("\n")
console.log "loaded #{ids.length} doc ids from #{all_docs_path}"
callback null, ids
getDocIds = (callback)->
exists = fs.existsSync all_docs_path
if exists
loadDocIds callback
getAndWriteDocids callback
markDocAsProcessed = (doc_id, callback)->
finished_docs[doc_id] = true
fs.appendFile finished_docs_path, "#{doc_id}\n", callback
markDocAsUnmigrated = (doc_id, callback)->
console.log "#{doc_id} unmigrated"
markDocAsProcessed doc_id, (err)->
fs.appendFile unmigrated_docs_path, "#{doc_id}\n", callback
checkIfDocHasBeenProcessed = (doc_id, callback)->
callback(null, finished_docs[doc_id])
processNext = (doc_id, callback)->
if !doc_id? or doc_id.length == 0
return callback()
if needToExit
return callback(new Error("graceful shutdown"))
checkIfDocHasBeenProcessed doc_id, (err, hasBeenProcessed)->
if hasBeenProcessed
console.log "#{doc_id} already processed, skipping"
return callback()
PackManager._packDocHistory doc_id, {}, (err) ->
if err?
console.log "error processing #{doc_id}"
markDocAsUnmigrated doc_id, callback
markDocAsProcessed doc_id, callback
updateIndexes = (callback) ->
async.series [
(cb) ->
console.log "create index"
db.docHistory.ensureIndex { project_id: 1, "meta.end_ts": 1, "meta.start_ts": -1 }, { background: true }, cb
(cb) ->
console.log "drop index"
db.docHistory.dropIndex { project_id: 1, "meta.end_ts": 1 }, cb
(cb) ->
console.log "drop index"
db.docHistory.dropIndex { project_id: 1, "pack.0.meta.end_ts": 1, "meta.end_ts": 1}, cb
], (err, results) ->
console.log "all done"
exports.migrate = (client, done = ->)->
getDocIds (err, ids)->
totalDocCount = ids.length
alreadyFinishedCount = Object.keys(finished_docs).length
t0 = Date.now()
printProgress = () ->
count = Object.keys(finished_docs).length
processedFraction = (count-alreadyFinishedCount)/totalDocCount
remainingFraction = (totalDocCount-count)/totalDocCount
t = Date.now()
dt = (t-t0)*remainingFraction/processedFraction
estFinishTime = new Date(t + dt)
console.log "completed #{count}/#{totalDocCount} processed=#{processedFraction.toFixed(2)} remaining=#{remainingFraction.toFixed(2)} elapsed=#{(t-t0)/1000} est Finish=#{estFinishTime}"
interval = setInterval printProgress, 3*1000
nextId = null
testFn = () ->
return false if needToExit
id = ids.shift()
while id? and finished_docs[id] # skip finished
id = ids.shift()
nextId = id
return nextId?
executeFn = (cb) ->
processNext nextId, cb
async.whilst testFn, executeFn, (err)->
if err?
console.error err, "at end of jobs"
console.log "finished at #{new Date}"
clearInterval interval
exports.rollback = (client, done)->
# process.nextTick () ->
# exports.migrate () ->
# console.log "done"
DAYS = 24 * 3600 * 1000 # one day in milliseconds
# copied from track-changes/app/coffee/PackManager.coffee
PackManager =
MAX_SIZE: 1024*1024 # make these configurable parameters
convertDocsToPacks: (docs, callback) ->
packs = []
top = null
docs.forEach (d,i) ->
# skip existing packs
if d.pack?
top = null
sz = BSON.calculateObjectSize(d)
# decide if this doc can be added to the current pack
validLength = top? && (top.pack.length < PackManager.MAX_COUNT)
validSize = top? && (top.sz + sz < PackManager.MAX_SIZE)
bothPermanent = top? && (top.expiresAt? is false) && (d.expiresAt? is false)
bothTemporary = top? && (top.expiresAt? is true) && (d.expiresAt? is true)
within1Day = bothTemporary && (d.meta.start_ts - top.meta.start_ts < 24 * 3600 * 1000)
if top? && validLength && validSize && (bothPermanent || (bothTemporary && within1Day))
top.pack = top.pack.concat {v: d.v, meta: d.meta, op: d.op, _id: d._id}
top.sz += sz
top.n += 1
top.v_end = d.v
top.meta.end_ts = d.meta.end_ts
top.expiresAt = d.expiresAt if top.expiresAt?
# create a new pack
top = _.clone(d)
top.pack = [ {v: d.v, meta: d.meta, op: d.op, _id: d._id} ]
top.meta = { start_ts: d.meta.start_ts, end_ts: d.meta.end_ts }
top.sz = sz
top.n = 1
top.v_end = d.v
delete top.op
delete top._id
packs.push top
callback(null, packs)
checkHistory: (docs, callback) ->
errors = []
prev = null
error = (args...) ->
errors.push args
docs.forEach (d,i) ->
if d.pack?
n = d.pack.length
last = d.pack[n-1]
error('bad pack v_end', d) if d.v_end != last.v
error('bad pack start_ts', d) if d.meta.start_ts != d.pack[0].meta.start_ts
error('bad pack end_ts', d) if d.meta.end_ts != last.meta.end_ts
d.pack.forEach (p, i) ->
prev = v
v = p.v
error('bad version', v, 'in', p) if v <= prev
#error('expired op', p, 'in pack') if p.expiresAt?
prev = v
v = d.v
error('bad version', v, 'in', d) if v <= prev
if errors.length
insertPack: (packObj, callback) ->
bulk = db.docHistory.initializeOrderedBulkOp()
doc_id = packObj.doc_id
expect_nInserted = 1
expect_nRemoved = packObj.pack.length
logger.log {doc_id: doc_id}, "adding pack, removing #{expect_nRemoved} ops"
bulk.insert packObj
ids = (op._id for op in packObj.pack)
bulk.execute (err, result) ->
if err?
logger.error {doc_id: doc_id}, "error adding pack"
callback(err, result)
else if result.nInserted != expect_nInserted or result.nRemoved != expect_nRemoved
logger.error {doc_id: doc_id, result}, "unexpected result adding pack"
callback(new Error(
msg: 'unexpected result'
expected: {expect_nInserted, expect_nRemoved}
), result)
db.docHistoryStats.update {doc_id:doc_id}, {
}, {upsert:true}, () ->
callback(err, result)
# retrieve document ops/packs and check them
getDocHistory: (doc_id, callback) ->
db.docHistory.find({doc_id:ObjectId(doc_id)}).sort {v:1}, (err, docs) ->
return callback(err) if err?
# for safety, do a consistency check of the history
logger.log {doc_id}, "checking history for document"
PackManager.checkHistory docs, (err) ->
return callback(err) if err?
callback(err, docs)
#PackManager.deleteExpiredPackOps docs, (err) ->
# return callback(err) if err?
# callback err, docs
packDocHistory: (doc_id, options, callback) ->
if typeof callback == "undefined" and typeof options == 'function'
callback = options
options = {}
(releaseLock) ->
PackManager._packDocHistory(doc_id, options, releaseLock)
, callback
_packDocHistory: (doc_id, options, callback) ->
logger.log {doc_id},"starting pack operation for document history"
PackManager.getDocHistory doc_id, (err, docs) ->
return callback(err) if err?
origDocs = 0
origPacks = 0
for d in docs
if d.pack? then origPacks++ else origDocs++
PackManager.convertDocsToPacks docs, (err, packs) ->
return callback(err) if err?
total = 0
for p in packs
total = total + p.pack.length
logger.log {doc_id, origDocs, origPacks, newPacks: packs.length, totalOps: total}, "document stats"
if packs.length
if options['dry-run']
logger.log {doc_id}, 'dry-run, skipping write packs'
return callback()
PackManager.savePacks packs, (err) ->
return callback(err) if err?
# check the history again
PackManager.getDocHistory doc_id, callback
logger.log {doc_id}, "no packs to write"
# keep a record that we checked this one to avoid rechecking it
db.docHistoryStats.update {doc_id:doc_id}, {
}, {upsert:true}, () ->
callback null, null
savePacks: (packs, callback) ->
async.eachSeries packs, PackManager.safeInsert, (err, result) ->
if err?
logger.log {err, result}, "error writing packs"
callback err, result
safeInsert: (packObj, callback) ->
PackManager.insertPack packObj, (err, result) ->
setTimeout () ->
, PackManager.DB_WRITE_DELAY
deleteExpiredPackOps: (docs, callback) ->
now = Date.now()
toRemove = []
toUpdate = []
docs.forEach (d,i) ->
if d.pack?
newPack = d.pack.filter (op) ->
if op.expiresAt? then op.expiresAt > now else true
if newPack.length == 0
toRemove.push d
else if newPack.length < d.pack.length
# adjust the pack properties
d.pack = newPack
first = d.pack[0]
last = d.pack[d.pack.length - 1]
d.v_end = last.v
d.meta.start_ts = first.meta.start_ts
d.meta.end_ts = last.meta.end_ts
toUpdate.push d
if toRemove.length or toUpdate.length
bulk = db.docHistory.initializeOrderedBulkOp()
toRemove.forEach (pack) ->
console.log "would remove", pack
toUpdate.forEach (pack) ->
console.log "would update", pack
bulk.execute callback
@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
Settings = require "settings-sharelatex"
fs = require("fs")
mongojs = require("mongojs")
ObjectId = mongojs.ObjectId
db = mongojs(Settings.mongo.url, ['users'])
_ = require("underscore")
handleExit = () ->
console.log('Got signal. Shutting down.')
process.on 'SIGINT', handleExit
process.on 'SIGHUP', handleExit
exports.migrate = (client, done=()->) ->
patch = {
$set: {
features: {
collaborators: -1
dropbox: true
versioning: true
references: true
templates: true
compileTimeout: 180
compileGroup: "standard"
console.log ">> updating all user features: ", patch
db.users.update {}, patch, {multi: true}, (err) ->
console.log "finished updating all user features"
return done(err)
exports.rollback = (client, done) ->
@ -1,103 +0,0 @@
Settings = require "settings-sharelatex"
mongojs = require("mongojs")
ObjectId = mongojs.ObjectId
db = mongojs(Settings.mongo.url, ['users', 'projects', 'subscriptions'])
async = require "async"
module.exports = HoldingAccountMigration =
DRY_RUN: true
findHoldingAccounts: (callback = (error, users) ->) ->
db.users.find({holdingAccount: true, hashedPassword: { $exists: false }}, {holdingAccount: 1, email: 1}, callback)
deleteUserProjects: (user_id, callback = (error) ->) ->
# Holding accounts can't own projects, so only remove from
# collaberator_refs and readOnly_refs
console.log "[Removing user from projects]", user_id
db.projects.find {
$or: [
{collaberator_refs: user_id},
{readOnly_refs: user_id}
}, { collaberator_refs: 1, readOnly_refs: 1 }, (error, projects = []) ->
return callback(error) if error?
jobs = projects.map (project) ->
(cb) ->
console.log "[Removing user from project]", user_id, JSON.stringify(project)
if !project?._id?
throw new Error("no project id")
if !HoldingAccountMigration.DRY_RUN
db.projects.update {
_id: project._id
}, {
$pull: {
collaberator_refs: user_id,
readOnly_refs: user_id
}, (error, result) ->
return cb(error) if error?
console.log "[Removed user from project]", user_id, project._id, result
console.log "[Would have removed user from project]", user_id, project._id
async.series jobs, callback
deleteUser: (user_id, callback = (error) ->) ->
if !user_id?
throw new Error("must have user_id")
if !HoldingAccountMigration.DRY_RUN
db.users.remove {_id: user_id, holdingAccount: true}, (error, result) ->
return callback(error) if error?
console.log "[Removed user]", user_id, result
if result.n != 1
return callback(new Error("failed to remove user as expected"))
console.log "[Would have removed user]", user_id
migrateGroupInvites: (user_id, email, callback = (error) ->) ->
if !user_id?
throw new Error("must have user_id")
if !HoldingAccountMigration.DRY_RUN
db.subscriptions.update {member_ids: user_id}, {
$pull: { member_ids: user_id },
$addToSet : { invited_emails: email }
}, { multi : true }, (error, result) ->
return callback(error) if error?
console.log "[Migrated user in group accounts]", user_id, email, result
console.log "[Would have migrated user in group accounts]", user_id, email
run: (done = () ->) ->
console.log "[Getting list of holding accounts]"
HoldingAccountMigration.findHoldingAccounts (error, users) ->
throw error if error?
console.log "[Got #{users.length} holding accounts]"
i = 0
jobs = users.map (u) ->
(cb) ->
console.log "[Removing user #{i++}/#{users.length}]"
HoldingAccountMigration.migrateGroupInvites u._id, u.email, (error) ->
return cb(error) if error?
HoldingAccountMigration.deleteUser u._id, (error) ->
return cb(error) if error?
HoldingAccountMigration.deleteUserProjects u._id, (error) ->
return cb(error) if error?
setTimeout cb, 50 # Small delay to not hammer DB
async.series jobs, (error) ->
throw error if error?
console.log "[FINISHED]"
migrate: (client, done=()->) ->
HoldingAccountMigration.DRY_RUN = false
rollback: (client, done) ->
@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
Settings = require "settings-sharelatex"
fs = require("fs")
mongojs = require("mongojs")
ObjectId = mongojs.ObjectId
db = mongojs(Settings.mongo.url, ['users'])
_ = require("underscore")
handleExit = () ->
console.log('Got signal. Shutting down.')
process.on 'SIGINT', handleExit
process.on 'SIGHUP', handleExit
exports.migrate = (client, done=()->) ->
patch = {
$set: {
'features.trackChanges': true
console.log ">> enabling trackChanges feature: ", patch
db.users.update {}, patch, {multi: true}, (err) ->
console.log "finished enabling trackChanges feature"
return done(err)
exports.rollback = (client, done) ->
@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
Settings = require "settings-sharelatex"
fs = require("fs")
mongojs = require("mongojs")
ObjectId = mongojs.ObjectId
db = mongojs(Settings.mongo.url, ['docs','docHistory', 'docHistoryStats'])
_ = require("underscore")
async = require("async")
exec = require("child_process").exec
bson = require('bson')
BSON = new bson()
handleExit = () ->
console.log('Got signal. Shutting down.')
exports.migrate = (client, done=()->) ->
console.log ">> Adding indexes for token-based project access: "
db.projects.ensureIndex {'tokens.readAndWrite': 1}, {
partialFilterExpression: { 'tokens.readAndWrite': { $exists: true } },
unique: true,
background: true
}, (err) ->
if err?
return done(err)
db.projects.ensureIndex {'tokens.readOnly': 1}, {
partialFilterExpression: { 'tokens.readOnly': { $exists: true } },
unique: true,
background: true
}, (err) ->
if err?
return done(err)
db.projects.ensureIndex {tokenAccessReadAndWrite_refs: 1}, {
background: true
}, (err) ->
if err?
return done(err)
db.projects.ensureIndex {tokenAccessOnly_refs: 1}, {
background: true
}, (err) ->
console.log ">> done adding indexes for token-based project access"
exports.rollback = (client, done) ->
process.on 'SIGINT', handleExit
process.on 'SIGHUP', handleExit
@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
#This is needed because we forgot to add track changes into the default settings
Settings = require "settings-sharelatex"
fs = require("fs")
mongojs = require("mongojs")
ObjectId = mongojs.ObjectId
db = mongojs(Settings.mongo.url, ['users'])
_ = require("underscore")
handleExit = () ->
console.log('Got signal. Shutting down.')
process.on 'SIGINT', handleExit
process.on 'SIGHUP', handleExit
exports.migrate = (client, done=()->) ->
patch = {
$set: {
'features.trackChanges': true
console.log ">> enabling trackChanges feature: ", patch
db.users.update {}, patch, {multi: true}, (err) ->
console.log "finished enabling trackChanges feature"
return done(err)
exports.rollback = (client, done) ->
@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
const Settings = require('settings-sharelatex')
const mongojs = require('mongojs')
const db = mongojs(Settings.mongo.url, ['users'])
const async = require('async')
const handleExit = () => console.log('Got signal. Shutting down.')
process.on('SIGINT', handleExit)
process.on('SIGHUP', handleExit)
const initUserEmailsAttribute = (user, callback) => {
const update = {
$set: {
emails: [
email: user.email,
createdAt: new Date()
db.users.update({ _id: user._id }, update, callback)
const updateAllUsersEmailsAttribute = (users, callback) => {
console.log(`updating ${users.length} users`)
async.eachSeries(users, initUserEmailsAttribute, callback)
exports.migrate = (client, done) =>
{ emails: { $exists: false } },
{ email: 1 },
(error, users) => {
if (error) {
} else {
updateAllUsersEmailsAttribute(users, done)
exports.rollback = (client, done) => {
const update = {
$unset: {
emails: 1
db.users.update({ emails: { $exists: true } }, update, done)
@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
If migration is stopped mid way it will start at the beginning next time
To see the run migrations do db.getCollection('_migrations').find() you can't do db._migrations.find()
When testing, to roll back a migration run:
./node_modules/east/bin/east rollback 5 --adapter east-mongo --url mongodb://localhost:27017/sharelatex
Reference in a new issue