remove helpers we don’t use

This commit is contained in:
Henry Oswald 2016-09-20 17:08:38 +01:00
parent 7d4286d368
commit c41540fc02

View file

@ -103,16 +103,6 @@ module.exports = (grunt) ->
grunt.registerTask "check:redis", "Check that redis is installed and running", () ->
Helpers.checkRedisConnect @async()
grunt.registerTask "check:latexmk", "Check that latexmk is installed", () ->
Helpers.checkLatexmk @async()
grunt.registerTask "check:s3", "Check that Amazon S3 credentials are configured", () ->
Helpers.checkS3 @async()
grunt.registerTask "check:fs", "Check that local filesystem options are configured", () ->
Helpers.checkFS @async()
grunt.registerTask "check:aspell", "Check that aspell is installed", () ->
Helpers.checkAspell @async()
grunt.registerTask "check:make", "Check that make is installed", () ->
Helpers.checkMake @async()
grunt.registerTask "check:mongo", "Check that make is installed", () ->
Helpers.checkMongoConnect @async()
@ -181,176 +171,6 @@ module.exports = (grunt) ->
proc.on "close", () ->
checkRedis: (callback = (error) ->) ->
grunt.log.write "Checking Redis is running... "
exec "redis-cli info", (error, stdout, stderr) ->
if error? and error.message.match("Could not connect")
grunt.log.error "FAIL. Redis is not running"
return callback(error)
else if error?
return callback(error)
m = stdout.match(/redis_version:(.*)/)
if !m?
grunt.log.error "FAIL."
grunt.log.error "Unknown redis version"
error = new Error("Unknown redis version")
version = m[1]
if semver.gte(version, "2.6.12")
grunt.log.writeln "OK."
grunt.log.writeln "Running Redis version #{version}"
grunt.log.error "FAIL."
grunt.log.error "Redis version is too old (#{version}). Must be 2.6.12 or greater."
error = new Error("Redis version is too old (#{version}). Must be 2.6.12 or greater.")
checkLatexmk: (callback = (error) ->) ->
grunt.log.write "Checking latexmk is installed... "
exec "latexmk --version", (error, stdout, stderr) ->
if error? and error.message.match("not found")
grunt.log.error "FAIL."
grunt.log.errorlns """
Either latexmk is not installed or is not in your PATH.
latexmk comes with TexLive 2013, and must be a version from 2013 or later.
If you have already have TeXLive installed, then make sure it is
included in your PATH (example for 64-bit linux):
export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/texlive/2014/bin/x86_64-linux/
This is a not a fatal error, but compiling will not work without latexmk.
return callback(error)
else if error?
return callback(error)
m = stdout.match(/Version (.*)/)
if !m?
grunt.log.error "FAIL."
grunt.log.error "Unknown latexmk version"
error = new Error("Unknown latexmk version")
version = m[1]
if semver.gte(version + ".0", "4.39.0")
grunt.log.writeln "OK."
grunt.log.writeln "Running latexmk version #{version}"
grunt.log.error "FAIL."
grunt.log.errorlns """
latexmk version is too old (#{version}). Must be 4.39 or greater.
This is a not a fatal error, but compiling will not work without latexmk
error = new Error("latexmk is too old")
checkAspell: (callback = (error) ->) ->
grunt.log.write "Checking aspell is installed... "
exec "aspell dump dicts", (error, stdout, stderr) ->
if error? and error.message.match("not found")
grunt.log.error "FAIL."
grunt.log.errorlns """
Either aspell is not installed or is not in your PATH.
On Ubuntu you can install aspell with:
sudo apt-get install aspell
Or on a mac:
brew install aspell
This is not a fatal error, but the spell-checker will not work without aspell
return callback(error)
else if error?
return callback(error)
grunt.log.writeln "OK."
grunt.log.writeln "The following spell check dictionaries are available:"
grunt.log.write stdout
checkS3: (callback = (error) ->) ->
Settings = require "settings-sharelatex"
if Settings.filestore.backend==""
grunt.log.writeln "No backend specified. Assuming Amazon S3"
Settings.filestore.backend = "s3"
if Settings.filestore.backend=="s3"
grunt.log.write "Checking S3 credentials... "
client = knox.createClient({
key: Settings.filestore.s3.key
secret: Settings.filestore.s3.secret
bucket: Settings.filestore.stores.user_files
catch e
grunt.log.error "FAIL."
grunt.log.errorlns """
Please configure your Amazon S3 credentials in config/
Amazon S3 (Simple Storage Service) is a cloud storage service provided by
Amazon. ShareLaTeX uses S3 for storing binary files like images. You can
sign up for an account and find out more at:
return callback()
client.getFile "does-not-exist", (error, response) ->
unless response? and response.statusCode == 404
grunt.log.error "FAIL."
grunt.log.errorlns """
Could not connect to Amazon S3. Please check your credentials.
grunt.log.writeln "OK."
grunt.log.writeln "Filestore other than S3 configured. Not checking S3."
checkFS: (callback = (error) ->) ->
Settings = require "settings-sharelatex"
if Settings.filestore.backend=="fs"
grunt.log.write "Checking FS configuration... "
fs = require("fs")
fs.exists Settings.filestore.stores.user_files, (exists) ->
if exists
grunt.log.writeln "OK."
grunt.log.error "FAIL."
grunt.log.errorlns """
Could not find directory "#{Settings.filestore.stores.user_files}".
Please check your configuration.
grunt.log.writeln "Filestore other than FS configured. Not checking FS."
checkMake: (callback = (error) ->) ->
grunt.log.write "Checking make is installed... "
exec "make --version", (error, stdout, stderr) ->
if error? and error.message.match("not found")
grunt.log.error "FAIL."
grunt.log.errorlns """
Either make is not installed or is not in your path.
On Ubuntu you can install make with:
sudo apt-get install build-essential
return callback(error)
else if error?
return callback(error)
grunt.log.write "OK."
return callback()
checkMongoConnect: (callback = (error) ->) ->
grunt.log.write "Checking can connect to mongo"