Tidy up HistoryV2Manager

This commit is contained in:
James Allen 2017-12-14 10:07:17 +00:00
parent b0812864ac
commit b4a5e5a041

View file

@ -22,8 +22,7 @@ define [
@$scope.$on "entity:selected", (event, entity) =>
if (@$scope.ui.view == "history") and (entity.type == "doc")
# TODO: Set selection.pathname to entity path name
# @$scope.history.selection.doc = entity
@$scope.history.selection.pathname = _ide.fileTreeManager.getEntityPath(entity)
show: () ->
@ -43,7 +42,7 @@ define [
atEnd: false
selection: {
updates: []
doc: null
pathname: null
range: {
fromV: null
toV: null
@ -52,6 +51,7 @@ define [
diff: null
autoSelectRecentUpdates: () ->
return if @$scope.history.updates.length == 0
@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ define [
indexOfLastUpdateNotByMe = 0
for update, i in @$scope.history.updates
if @_updateContainsUserId(update, @$scope.user.id)
if @_updateContainsUserId(update, @$scope.user.id) or i > @MAX_RECENT_UPDATES_TO_SELECT
indexOfLastUpdateNotByMe = i
@ -75,7 +75,6 @@ define [
.then (response) =>
{ data } = response
console.log "fetchNextBatchOfUpdates", data.updates
@$scope.history.nextBeforeTimestamp = data.nextBeforeTimestamp
if !data.nextBeforeTimestamp?
@ -86,10 +85,10 @@ define [
diff = @$scope.history.diff
{updates} = @$scope.history.selection
{fromV, toV, pathname} = @_calculateDiffDataFromSelection()
console.log "[reloadDiff] current diff", diff
console.log "[reloadDiff] new diff data", {fromV, toV, pathname}
return if !pathname?
if !pathname?
@$scope.history.diff = null
return if diff? and
diff.pathname == pathname and
@ -103,32 +102,24 @@ define [
error: false
# TODO: How do we track deleted files now? We can probably show the diffs easily
# with the new system!
if true # !doc.deleted
diff.loading = true
url = "/project/#{@$scope.project_id}/diff"
query = ["pathname=#{encodeURIComponent(pathname)}"]
if diff.fromV? and diff.toV?
query.push "from=#{diff.fromV}", "to=#{diff.toV}"
url += "?" + query.join("&")
diff.loading = true
url = "/project/#{@$scope.project_id}/diff"
query = ["pathname=#{encodeURIComponent(pathname)}"]
if diff.fromV? and diff.toV?
query.push "from=#{diff.fromV}", "to=#{diff.toV}"
url += "?" + query.join("&")
.then (response) =>
{ data } = response
diff.loading = false
{text, highlights} = @_parseDiff(data)
diff.text = text
diff.highlights = highlights
.catch () ->
diff.loading = false
diff.error = true
diff.deleted = true
diff.restoreInProgress = false
diff.restoreDeletedSuccess = false
diff.restoredDocNewId = null
.then (response) =>
{ data } = response
diff.loading = false
{text, highlights} = @_parseDiff(data)
diff.text = text
diff.highlights = highlights
.catch () ->
diff.loading = false
diff.error = true
_parseDiff: (diff) ->
row = 0
@ -255,14 +246,12 @@ define [
selected_pathname = @$scope.history.selection.pathname
console.log "[_calculateDiffDataFromSelection]", @$scope.history.selection.updates
for pathname, doc of @_perDocSummaryOfUpdates(@$scope.history.selection.updates)
console.log "[_calculateDiffDataFromSelection] doc:", pathname, doc
if pathname == selected_pathname
{fromV, toV} = doc
return {fromV, toV, pathname}
return {fromV, toV, pathname}
return {}
# Set the track changes selected doc to one of the docs in the range
# of currently selected updates. If we already have a selected doc