mirror of
synced 2025-03-01 08:43:45 +00:00
Explicitly create tags and get their id
This commit is contained in:
8 changed files with 147 additions and 76 deletions
@ -2,9 +2,20 @@ TagsHandler = require("./TagsHandler")
logger = require("logger-sharelatex")
module.exports =
getAllTags: (req, res)->
TagsHandler.getAllTags req.session.user._id, (err, allTags)->
getAllTags: (req, res, next)->
user_id = req.session.user._id
logger.log {user_id}, "getting tags"
TagsHandler.getAllTags user_id, (error, allTags)->
return next(error) if error?
createTag: (req, res, next) ->
user_id = req.session.user._id
name = req.body.name
logger.log {user_id, name}, "creating tag"
TagsHandler.createTag user_id, name, (error, tag) ->
return next(error) if error?
addProjectToTag: (req, res, next) ->
user_id = req.session.user._id
@ -5,7 +5,59 @@ logger = require("logger-sharelatex")
TIMEOUT = 1000
module.exports = TagsHandler =
_handleResponse: (res, params, callback) ->
getAllTags: (user_id, callback)->
@_requestTags user_id, (err, allTags)=>
if !allTags?
allTags = []
@_groupTagsByProject allTags, (err, groupedByProject)->
logger.log allTags:allTags, user_id:user_id, groupedByProject:groupedByProject, "got all tags from tags api"
callback err, allTags, groupedByProject
createTag: (user_id, name, callback = (error, tag) ->) ->
opts =
url: "#{settings.apis.tags.url}/user/#{user_id}/tag"
name: name
timeout: TIMEOUT
request.post opts, (err, res, body)->
TagsHandler._handleResponse err, res, {user_id}, (error) ->
return callback(error) if error?
callback(null, body or {})
renameTag: (user_id, tag_id, name, callback = (error) ->) ->
url = "#{settings.apis.tags.url}/user/#{user_id}/tag/#{tag_id}/rename"
request.post {
url: url
name: name
timeout: TIMEOUT
}, (err, res, body) ->
TagsHandler._handleResponse err, res, {url, user_id, tag_id, name}, callback
deleteTag: (user_id, tag_id, callback = (error) ->) ->
url = "#{settings.apis.tags.url}/user/#{user_id}/tag/#{tag_id}"
request.del {url, timeout: TIMEOUT}, (err, res, body) ->
TagsHandler._handleResponse err, res, {url, user_id, tag_id}, callback
removeProjectFromTag: (user_id, tag_id, project_id, callback)->
url = "#{settings.apis.tags.url}/user/#{user_id}/tag/#{tag_id}/project/#{project_id}"
request.del {url, timeout: TIMEOUT}, (err, res, body) ->
TagsHandler._handleResponse err, res, {url, user_id, tag_id, project_id}, callback
addProjectToTag: (user_id, tag_id, project_id, callback)->
url = "#{settings.apis.tags.url}/user/#{user_id}/tag/#{tag_id}/project/#{project_id}"
request.post {url, timeout: TIMEOUT}, (err, res, body) ->
TagsHandler._handleResponse err, res, {url, user_id, tag_id, project_id}, callback
removeProjectFromAllTags: (user_id, project_id, callback)->
url = "#{settings.apis.tags.url}/user/#{user_id}/project/#{project_id}"
opts =
url: url
request.del opts, (err, res, body) ->
TagsHandler._handleResponse err, res, {url, user_id, project_id}, callback
_handleResponse: (err, res, params, callback) ->
if err?
params.err = err
logger.err params, "error in tag api"
@ -18,58 +70,17 @@ module.exports = TagsHandler =
logger.err params, "tags api returned failure status code: #{res?.statusCode}"
return callback(err)
renameTag: (user_id, tag_id, name, callback = (error) ->) ->
url = "#{settings.apis.tags.url}/user/#{user_id}/tag/#{tag_id}/rename"
request.post {
url: url
name: name
timeout: TIMEOUT
}, (err, res, body) ->
TagsHandler._handleResponse res, {url, user_id, tag_id, name}, callback
deleteTag: (user_id, tag_id, callback = (error) ->) ->
url = "#{settings.apis.tags.url}/user/#{user_id}/tag/#{tag_id}"
request.del {url, timeout: TIMEOUT}, (err, res, body) ->
TagsHandler._handleResponse res, {url, user_id, tag_id}, callback
removeProjectFromTag: (user_id, tag_id, project_id, callback)->
url = "#{settings.apis.tags.url}/user/#{user_id}/tag/#{tag_id}/project/#{project_id}"
request.del {url, timeout: TIMEOUT}, (err, res, body) ->
TagsHandler._handleResponse res, {url, user_id, tag_id, project_id}, callback
addProjectToTag: (user_id, tag_id, project_id, callback)->
url = "#{settings.apis.tags.url}/user/#{user_id}/tag/#{tag_id}/project/#{project_id}"
request.post {url, timeout: TIMEOUT}, (err, res, body) ->
TagsHandler._handleResponse res, {url, user_id, tag_id, project_id}, callback
requestTags: (user_id, callback)->
_requestTags: (user_id, callback)->
opts =
url: "#{settings.apis.tags.url}/user/#{user_id}/tag"
json: true
timeout: TIMEOUT
request.get opts, (err, res, body)->
TagsHandler._handleResponse res, {user_id}, (error) ->
TagsHandler._handleResponse err, res, {user_id}, (error) ->
return callback(error, []) if error?
callback(null, body or [])
getAllTags: (user_id, callback)->
@requestTags user_id, (err, allTags)=>
if !allTags?
allTags = []
@groupTagsByProject allTags, (err, groupedByProject)->
logger.log allTags:allTags, user_id:user_id, groupedByProject:groupedByProject, "getting all tags from tags api"
callback err, allTags, groupedByProject
removeProjectFromAllTags: (user_id, project_id, callback)->
uri = buildUri(user_id, project_id)
opts =
logger.log user_id:user_id, project_id:project_id, "removing project_id from tags"
request.del opts, callback
groupTagsByProject: (tags, callback)->
_groupTagsByProject: (tags, callback)->
result = {}
_.each tags, (tag)->
_.each tag.project_ids, (project_id)->
@ -81,7 +92,3 @@ module.exports = TagsHandler =
delete clonedTag.project_ids
callback null, result
buildUri = (user_id, project_id)->
uri = "#{settings.apis.tags.url}/user/#{user_id}/project/#{project_id}/tag"
@ -131,11 +131,12 @@ module.exports = class Router
webRouter.get '/Project/:Project_id/download/zip', SecurityManager.requestCanAccessProject, ProjectDownloadsController.downloadProject
webRouter.get '/project/download/zip', SecurityManager.requestCanAccessMultipleProjects, ProjectDownloadsController.downloadMultipleProjects
webRouter.get '/tag', AuthenticationController.requireLogin(), TagsController.getAllTags
webRouter.get '/tag', AuthenticationController.requireLogin(), TagsController.getAllTags
webRouter.post '/tag', AuthenticationController.requireLogin(), TagsController.createTag
webRouter.post '/tag/:tag_id/rename', AuthenticationController.requireLogin(), TagsController.renameTag
webRouter.delete '/tag/:tag_id', AuthenticationController.requireLogin(), TagsController.deleteTag
webRouter.post '/tag/:tag_id/project/:project_id', AuthenticationController.requireLogin(), TagsController.addProjectToTag
webRouter.delete '/tag/:tag_id/project/:project_id', AuthenticationController.requireLogin(), TagsController.removeProjectFromTag
webRouter.delete '/tag/:tag_id', AuthenticationController.requireLogin(), TagsController.deleteTag
webRouter.post '/tag/:tag_id/rename', AuthenticationController.requireLogin(), TagsController.renameTag
# Deprecated in favour of /internal/project/:project_id but still used by versioning
apiRouter.get '/project/:project_id/details', AuthenticationController.httpAuth, ProjectApiController.getProjectDetails
@ -18,6 +18,8 @@ script(type='text/ng-template', id='newTagModalTemplate')
span.text-danger.error(ng-show="state.error") #{translate("generic_something_went_wrong")}
//- We stop propagation to stop the clicks from closing the
//- 'move to folder' menu.
@ -25,10 +27,12 @@ script(type='text/ng-template', id='newTagModalTemplate')
) #{translate("cancel")}
ng-disabled="newTagForm.$invalid || state.inflight"
) #{translate("create")}
span(ng-show="!state.inflight") #{translate("create")}
span(ng-show="state.inflight") #{translate("creating")}...
script(type='text/ng-template', id='deleteTagModalTemplate')
@ -203,12 +203,6 @@ define [
$scope.createTag = (name) ->
event_tracking.send 'project-list-page-interaction', 'project action', 'createTag'
$scope.tags.push tag = {
name: name
project_ids: []
showWhenEmpty: true
return tag
$scope.openNewTagModal = (e) ->
@ -218,8 +212,9 @@ define [
(newTagName) ->
tag = $scope.createTag(newTagName)
(tag) ->
console.log "Created tag", tag
$scope.tags.push tag
@ -343,6 +338,7 @@ define [
$scope._removeProjectIdsFromTagArray(tag, selected_project_ids)
for project in selected_projects
project.tags = []
if project.accessLevel == "owner"
project.archived = true
queuedHttp {
@ -61,9 +61,13 @@ define [
App.controller 'NewTagModalController', ($scope, $modalInstance, $timeout) ->
App.controller 'NewTagModalController', ($scope, $modalInstance, $timeout, $http) ->
$scope.inputs =
newTagName: ""
$scope.state =
inflight: false
error: false
$modalInstance.opened.then () ->
$timeout () ->
@ -71,7 +75,20 @@ define [
, 200
$scope.create = () ->
name = $scope.inputs.newTagName
$scope.state.inflight = true
$scope.state.error = false
.post "/tag", {
_csrf: window.csrfToken,
name: name
.success (data, status, headers, config) ->
$scope.state.inflight = false
.error () ->
$scope.state.inflight = false
$scope.state.error = true
$scope.cancel = () ->
@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ describe 'TagsController', ->
removeProjectFromTag: sinon.stub().callsArgWith(3)
deleteTag: sinon.stub().callsArg(2)
renameTag: sinon.stub().callsArg(3)
createTag: sinon.stub()
@controller = SandboxedModule.require modulePath, requires:
@ -31,15 +32,31 @@ describe 'TagsController', ->
@res = {}
@res.status = sinon.stub().returns @res
@res.end = sinon.stub()
@res.json = sinon.stub()
describe "getAllTags", ->
it 'should ask the handler for all tags', (done)->
allTags = [{name:"tag", projects:["123423","423423"]}]
@handler.getAllTags = sinon.stub().callsArgWith(1, null, allTags)
@controller.getAllTags @req, send:(body)=>
@controller.getAllTags @req, json:(body)=>
body.should.equal allTags
@handler.getAllTags.calledWith(user_id).should.equal true
describe "createTag", ->
beforeEach ->
@handler.createTag.callsArgWith(2, null, @tag = {"mock": "tag"})
@req.session.user._id = @user_id = "user-id-123"
@req.body = name: @name = "tag-name"
@controller.createTag @req, @res
it "should create the tag in the backend", ->
.calledWith(@user_id, @name)
.should.equal true
it "should return the tag", ->
@res.json.calledWith(@tag).should.equal true
describe "deleteTag", ->
beforeEach ->
@ -29,10 +29,10 @@ describe 'TagsHandler', ->
describe "removeProjectFromAllTags", ->
it 'should tell the tags api to remove the project_id from all the users tags', (done)->
@handler.removeProjectFromAllTags user_id, project_id, =>
@request.del.calledWith({uri:"#{tagsUrl}/user/#{user_id}/project/#{project_id}", timeout:1000}).should.equal true
@request.del.calledWith({url:"#{tagsUrl}/user/#{user_id}/project/#{project_id}", timeout:1000}).should.equal true
describe "groupTagsByProject", ->
describe "_groupTagsByProject", ->
it 'should group the tags by project_id', (done)->
rawTags = [
{name:"class101", project_ids:["1234", "51db33e31a55afd212000007"]}
@ -41,35 +41,35 @@ describe 'TagsHandler', ->
{name:"different", project_ids:["1234", "e2c39a2f09000100"]}
@handler.groupTagsByProject rawTags, (err, tags)->
@handler._groupTagsByProject rawTags, (err, tags)->
_.size(tags).should.equal 7
describe "requestTags", ->
describe "_requestTags", ->
it 'should return an err and empty array on error', (done)->
@request.get.callsArgWith(1, {something:"wrong"}, {statusCode:200}, [])
@handler.requestTags user_id, (err, allTags)=>
@handler._requestTags user_id, (err, allTags)=>
allTags.length.should.equal 0
assert.isDefined err
it 'should return an err and empty array on no body', (done)->
@request.get.callsArgWith(1, {something:"wrong"}, {statusCode:200}, undefined)
@handler.requestTags user_id, (err, allTags)=>
@handler._requestTags user_id, (err, allTags)=>
allTags.length.should.equal 0
assert.isDefined err
it 'should return an err and empty array on non 200 response', (done)->
@request.get.callsArgWith(1, null, {statusCode:201}, [])
@handler.requestTags user_id, (err, allTags)=>
@handler._requestTags user_id, (err, allTags)=>
allTags.length.should.equal 0
assert.isDefined err
it 'should return an err and empty array on no body and no response', (done)->
@request.get.callsArgWith(1, {something:"wrong"}, undefined, undefined)
@handler.requestTags user_id, (err, allTags)=>
@handler._requestTags user_id, (err, allTags)=>
allTags.length.should.equal 0
assert.isDefined err
@ -93,6 +93,24 @@ describe 'TagsHandler', ->
allTags.length.should.equal 0
_.size(projectGroupedTags).should.equal 0
describe "createTag", ->
beforeEach ->
@request.post = sinon.stub().callsArgWith(1, null, {statusCode: 204}, "")
@handler.createTag user_id, @name = "tag_name", @callback
it "should send a request to the tag backend", ->
url: "#{tagsUrl}/user/#{user_id}/tag"
name: @name
timeout: 1000
.should.equal true
it "should call the callback with no error", ->
@callback.calledWith(null).should.equal true
describe "deleteTag", ->
describe "successfully", ->
beforeEach ->
Reference in a new issue