Prototype of requesting history information by doc path, while tracking renames

This commit is contained in:
James Allen 2017-11-28 18:18:15 +00:00
parent 70298ba65c
commit a1615e6d84
2 changed files with 92 additions and 43 deletions

View file

@ -134,8 +134,10 @@ div#history(ng-show="ui.view == 'history'")
div.time {{ update.meta.end_ts | formatDate:'h:mm a' }}"(doc_id, doc) in")
span.doc {{ }}"(doc_path, doc) in", ng-if="")
span.doc {{ doc_path }}"rename in update.renames", ng-if="update.renames")
span Renamed {{ rename.pathname }} to {{ rename.newPathname }}
div.user(ng-repeat="update_user in update.meta.users")
.color-square(ng-if="update_user != null", ng-style="{'background-color': 'hsl({{ update_user.hue }}, 70%, 50%)'}")

View file

@ -22,7 +22,8 @@ define [
@$scope.$on "entity:selected", (event, entity) =>
if (@$scope.ui.view == "history") and (entity.type == "doc")
@$scope.history.selection.doc = entity
# TODO: Set selection.doc_path to entity path name
# @$scope.history.selection.doc = entity
show: () ->
@ -83,30 +84,36 @@ define [
reloadDiff: () ->
diff = @$scope.history.diff
{updates, doc} = @$scope.history.selection
{fromV, toV, start_ts, end_ts} = @_calculateRangeFromSelection()
{updates} = @$scope.history.selection
{fromV, toV, start_ts, end_ts, original_path} = @_calculateDiffDataFromSelection()
console.log "[reloadDiff] current diff", diff
console.log "[reloadDiff] new diff data", {fromV, toV, start_ts, end_ts, original_path}
return if !doc?
return if !original_path?
return if diff? and
diff.doc == doc and
diff.fromV == fromV and
diff.toV == toV
diff.doc_path == original_path and
diff.fromV == fromV and
diff.toV == toV
@$scope.history.diff = diff = {
fromV: fromV
toV: toV
start_ts: start_ts
end_ts: end_ts
doc: doc
doc_path: original_path
error: false
if !doc.deleted
# TODO: How do we track deleted files now? We can probably show the diffs easily
# with the new system!
if true # !doc.deleted
diff.loading = true
url = "/project/#{@$scope.project_id}/doc/#{}/diff"
url = "/project/#{@$scope.project_id}/doc/by_path/diff"
query = ["path=#{encodeURIComponent(original_path)}"]
if diff.fromV? and diff.toV?
url += "?from=#{diff.fromV}&to=#{diff.toV}"
query.push "from=#{diff.fromV}", "to=#{diff.toV}"
url += "?" + query.join("&")
@ -190,8 +197,9 @@ define [
previousUpdate = @$scope.history.updates[@$scope.history.updates.length - 1]
for update in updates
for doc_id, doc of or {}
doc.entity = @ide.fileTreeManager.findEntityById(doc_id, includeDeleted: true)
for doc_path, doc of or {}
doc.path = doc_path
doc.entity = @ide.fileTreeManager.findEntityByPath(doc_path, includeDeleted: true)
for user in update.meta.users or []
if user?
@ -210,50 +218,89 @@ define [
@$scope.history.updates =
console.log "[_loadUpdates] updates", @$scope.history.updates
@autoSelectRecentUpdates() if firstLoad
_calculateRangeFromSelection: () ->
fromV = toV = start_ts = end_ts = null
_perDocSummaryOfUpdates: (updates) ->
current_paths = {}
docs_summary = {}
selected_doc_id = @$scope.history.selection.doc?.id
for update in @$scope.history.selection.updates or []
for doc_id, doc of
if doc_id == selected_doc_id
if fromV? and toV?
fromV = Math.min(fromV, doc.fromV)
toV = Math.max(toV, doc.toV)
start_ts = Math.min(start_ts, update.meta.start_ts)
end_ts = Math.max(end_ts, update.meta.end_ts)
for update in updates # Updates are reverse chronologically ordered
console.log "[_perDocSummaryOfUpdates] update", update
for doc_path, doc of
# doc_path may not be the latest doc path that this doc has had
if !current_paths[doc_path]?
current_paths[doc_path] = doc_path
current_path = current_paths[doc_path]
console.log "[_perDocSummaryOfUpdates] doc", doc, current_path
if !docs_summary[current_path]?
# todo start_ts and end_ts
docs_summary[current_path] = {
fromV: doc.fromV, toV: doc.toV,
original_path: doc_path
fromV = doc.fromV
toV = doc.toV
start_ts = update.meta.start_ts
end_ts = update.meta.end_ts
docs_summary[current_path] = {
fromV: Math.min(docs_summary[current_path].fromV, doc.fromV),
toV: Math.max(docs_summary[current_path].toV, doc.toV),
original_path: doc_path
else if update.renames?
for rename in update.renames
console.log "[_perDocSummaryOfUpdates] rename", rename
if !current_paths[rename.newPathname]?
current_paths[rename.newPathname] = rename.newPathname
current_paths[rename.pathname] = current_paths[rename.newPathname]
delete current_paths[rename.newPathname]
return {fromV, toV, start_ts, end_ts}
console.log "[_perDocSummaryOfUpdates] docs_summary", docs_summary
console.log "[_perDocSummaryOfUpdates] current_paths", current_paths
return docs_summary
_calculateDiffDataFromSelection: () ->
fromV = toV = start_ts = end_ts = original_path = null
selected_doc_path = @$scope.history.selection.doc_path
console.log "[_calculateDiffDataFromSelection] selected_doc_path", selected_doc_path
for doc_path, doc of @_perDocSummaryOfUpdates(@$scope.history.selection.updates)
if doc_path == selected_doc_path
fromV = doc.fromV
toV = doc.toV
start_ts = doc.start_ts
end_ts = doc.end_ts
original_path = doc.original_path
return {fromV, toV, start_ts, end_ts, original_path}
# Set the track changes selected doc to one of the docs in the range
# of currently selected updates. If we already have a selected doc
# then prefer this one if present.
_selectDocFromUpdates: () ->
affected_docs = {}
for update in @$scope.history.selection.updates
for doc_id, doc of
affected_docs[doc_id] = doc.entity
affected_docs = @_perDocSummaryOfUpdates(@$scope.history.selection.updates)
console.log "[_selectDocFromUpdates] affected_docs", affected_docs
selected_doc = @$scope.history.selection.doc
if selected_doc? and affected_docs[]?
selected_doc_path = @$scope.history.selection.doc_path
console.log "[_selectDocFromUpdates] current selected_doc_path", selected_doc_path
if selected_doc_path? and affected_docs[selected_doc_path]
# Selected doc is already open
for doc_id, doc of affected_docs
selected_doc = doc
# Set to first possible candidate
for doc_path, doc of affected_docs
selected_doc_path = doc_path
@$scope.history.selection.doc = selected_doc
console.log "[_selectDocFromUpdates] new selected_doc_path", selected_doc_path
@$scope.history.selection.doc_path = selected_doc_path
if selected_doc_path?
entity = @ide.fileTreeManager.findEntityByPath(selected_doc_path)
if entity?
_updateContainsUserId: (update, user_id) ->
for user in update.meta.users