HighlightedWordManager is more naive about tracking position

We are relying entirely on Ace's tracking of markers with the anchor trick.
This means that we don't have to apply changes to ensure that the word manager
data structure tracks which row the highlights are on. This is traded off
against slightly less efficient searching/removing
This commit is contained in:
Alasdair Smith 2018-05-14 16:28:16 +01:00
parent ebf1b7c84c
commit 9fa85400b3
2 changed files with 39 additions and 36 deletions

View file

@ -4,9 +4,7 @@ define [
Range = ace.require("ace/range").Range
class Highlight
constructor: (options) ->
@row = options.row
@column = options.column
constructor: (@markerId, @range, options) ->
@word = options.word
@suggestions = options.suggestions
@ -15,56 +13,53 @@ define [
reset: () ->
@highlights?.rows.forEach (highlight) =>
@highlights?.forEach (highlight) =>
@highlights = rows: []
addHighlight: (highlight) ->
unless highlight instanceof Highlight
highlight = new Highlight(highlight)
@highlights = []
addHighlight: (options) ->
session = @editor.getSession()
doc = session.getDocument()
# Set up Range that will automatically update it's positions when the
# document changes
range = new Range()
range.start = doc.createAnchor({
row: highlight.row,
column: highlight.column
row: options.row,
column: options.column
range.end = doc.createAnchor({
row: highlight.row,
column: highlight.column + highlight.word.length
row: options.row,
column: options.column + options.word.length
highlight.markerId = session.addMarker range, "spelling-highlight", 'text', false
@highlights.rows[highlight.row] ||= []
@highlights.rows[highlight.row].push highlight
markerId = session.addMarker range, "spelling-highlight", 'text', false
@highlights.push new Highlight(markerId, range, options)
removeHighlight: (highlight) ->
for h, i in @highlights.rows[highlight.row]
if h == highlight
@highlights.rows[highlight.row].splice(i, 1)
@highlights = @highlights.filter (hl) ->
hl != highlight
clearRow: (row) ->
row = @highlights.rows[row]
for highlight in (row || []).slice()
@removeHighlight highlight
@highlights.filter (highlight) ->
highlight.range.start.row == row
.forEach (highlight) =>
findHighlightWithinRange: (range) ->
rows = @highlights.rows.slice(range.start.row, range.end.row + 1)
for row in rows
for highlight in (row || [])
if @_doesHighlightOverlapRange(highlight, range.start, range.end)
return highlight
return null
@highlights.find (highlight) =>
@_doesHighlightOverlapRange highlight, range.start, range.end
_doesHighlightOverlapRange: (highlight, start, end) ->
highlightRow = highlight.range.start.row
highlightStartColumn = highlight.range.start.column
highlightEndColumn = highlight.range.end.column
highlightIsAllBeforeRange =
highlight.row < start.row or
(highlight.row == start.row and highlight.column + highlight.word.length <= start.column)
highlightRow < start.row or
(highlightRow == start.row and highlightEndColumn <= start.column)
highlightIsAllAfterRange =
highlight.row > end.row or
(highlight.row == end.row and highlight.column >= end.column)
highlightRow > end.row or
(highlightRow == end.row and highlightStartColumn >= end.column)
!(highlightIsAllBeforeRange or highlightIsAllAfterRange)

View file

@ -31,15 +31,23 @@ define [
selectHighlightedWord: (highlight) ->
row = highlight.range.start.row
startColumn = highlight.range.start.column
endColumn = highlight.range.end.column
new Range(
highlight.row, highlight.column,
highlight.row, highlight.column + highlight.word.length
row, startColumn,
row, endColumn
replaceWord: (highlight, newWord) =>
row = highlight.range.start.row
startColumn = highlight.range.start.column
endColumn = highlight.range.end.column
@editor.getSession().replace(new Range(
highlight.row, highlight.column,
highlight.row, highlight.column + highlight.word.length
row, startColumn,
row, endColumn
), newWord)