diff --git a/services/web/app/coffee/Features/Email/Bodies/SingleCTAEmailBody.coffee b/services/web/app/coffee/Features/Email/Bodies/SingleCTAEmailBody.coffee
index 2b522d6c6c..eb36869a2c 100644
--- a/services/web/app/coffee/Features/Email/Bodies/SingleCTAEmailBody.coffee
+++ b/services/web/app/coffee/Features/Email/Bodies/SingleCTAEmailBody.coffee
@@ -42,17 +42,19 @@ module.exports = _.template """
<% if (gmailGoToAction) { %>
<% } %>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/services/web/app/coffee/Features/Email/EmailBuilder.coffee b/services/web/app/coffee/Features/Email/EmailBuilder.coffee
index 2f37901dbe..aa28555ec7 100644
--- a/services/web/app/coffee/Features/Email/EmailBuilder.coffee
+++ b/services/web/app/coffee/Features/Email/EmailBuilder.coffee
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
_ = require('underscore')
settings = require("settings-sharelatex")
marked = require('marked')
+StringHelper = require "../Helpers/StringHelper"
PersonalEmailLayout = require("./Layouts/PersonalEmailLayout")
NotificationEmailLayout = require("./Layouts/NotificationEmailLayout")
@@ -35,6 +36,7 @@ The #{settings.appName} Team - #{settings.siteUrl}
ctaText: content.ctaText(opts)
ctaURL: content.ctaURL(opts)
gmailGoToAction: content.gmailGoToAction?(opts)
+ StringHelper: StringHelper
@@ -58,7 +60,7 @@ templates.accountMergeToSharelatexAddress = templates.accountMergeToOverleafAddr
templates.registered = CTAEmailTemplate({
subject: () -> "Activate your #{settings.appName} Account"
message: (opts) -> """
-Congratulations, you've just had an account created for you on #{settings.appName} with the email address '#{opts.to}'.
+Congratulations, you've just had an account created for you on #{settings.appName} with the email address '#{_.escape(opts.to)}'.
Click here to set your password and log in:
@@ -99,20 +101,20 @@ templates.confirmEmail = CTAEmailTemplate({
templates.projectInvite = CTAEmailTemplate({
- subject: (opts) -> "#{opts.project.name} - shared by #{opts.owner.email}"
- title: (opts) -> "#{ opts.project.name } - shared by #{ opts.owner.email }"
- message: (opts) -> "#{ opts.owner.email } wants to share '#{ opts.project.name }' with you."
+ subject: (opts) -> "#{ _.escape(opts.project.name) } - shared by #{ _.escape(opts.owner.email) }"
+ title: (opts) -> "#{ _.escape(opts.project.name) } - shared by #{ _.escape(opts.owner.email) }"
+ message: (opts) -> "#{ _.escape(opts.owner.email) } wants to share '#{ _.escape(opts.project.name) }' with you."
ctaText: () -> "View project"
ctaURL: (opts) -> opts.inviteUrl
gmailGoToAction: (opts) ->
target: opts.inviteUrl
name: "View project"
- description: "Join #{ opts.project.name } at #{ settings.appName }"
+ description: "Join #{ _.escape(opts.project.name) } at #{ settings.appName }"
templates.verifyEmailToJoinTeam = CTAEmailTemplate({
- subject: (opts) -> "#{ opts.inviterName } has invited you to join a team on #{settings.appName}"
- title: (opts) -> "#{opts.inviterName} has invited you to join a team on #{settings.appName}"
+ subject: (opts) -> "#{ _.escape(opts.inviterName) } has invited you to join a team on #{ settings.appName }"
+ title: (opts) -> "#{ _.escape(opts.inviterName) } has invited you to join a team on #{ settings.appName }"
message: (opts) -> "Please click the button below to join the team and enjoy the benefits of an upgraded #{ settings.appName } account."
ctaText: (opts) -> "Join now"
ctaURL: (opts) -> opts.acceptInviteUrl
diff --git a/services/web/test/unit/coffee/Email/EmailBuilderTests.coffee b/services/web/test/unit/coffee/Email/EmailBuilderTests.coffee
index a6cbc7d1ea..51eb497b54 100644
--- a/services/web/test/unit/coffee/Email/EmailBuilderTests.coffee
+++ b/services/web/test/unit/coffee/Email/EmailBuilderTests.coffee
@@ -31,12 +31,24 @@ describe "EmailBuilder", ->
name:"standard project"
- @email = @EmailBuilder.buildEmail("projectInvite", @opts)
- it 'should have html and text properties', ->
- expect(@email.html?).to.equal true
- expect(@email.text?).to.equal true
+ describe "when sending a normal email", ->
+ beforeEach ->
+ @email = @EmailBuilder.buildEmail("projectInvite", @opts)
+ it 'should have html and text properties', ->
+ expect(@email.html?).to.equal true
+ expect(@email.text?).to.equal true
+ it "should not have undefined in it", ->
+ @email.html.indexOf("undefined").should.equal -1
+ @email.subject.indexOf("undefined").should.equal -1
+ describe "when someone is up to no good", ->
+ beforeEach ->
+ @opts.project.name = "
+ @email = @EmailBuilder.buildEmail("projectInvite", @opts)
+ it 'should not contain unescaped html in the html part', ->
+ expect(@email.html).to.contain "<img"
- it "should not have undefined in it", ->
- @email.html.indexOf("undefined").should.equal -1
- @email.subject.indexOf("undefined").should.equal -1