mirror of
synced 2025-03-22 02:04:31 +00:00
Use Ace's built in auto-completer
This commit is contained in:
4 changed files with 60 additions and 251 deletions
@ -1,40 +1,47 @@
define [
], (MenuView, SuggestionManager) ->
], (SuggestionManager, Util) ->
Range = require("ace/range").Range
Util.retrievePrecedingIdentifier = (text, pos, regex) ->
currentLineOffset = 0
for i in [(pos-1)..0]
if text[i] == "\n"
currentLineOffset = i + 1
currentLine = text.slice(currentLineOffset, pos)
fragment = getLastCommandFragment(currentLine) or ""
return fragment
getLastCommandFragment = (lineUpToCursor) ->
if m = lineUpToCursor.match(/(\\[^\\ ]+)$/)
return m[1]
return null
class AutoCompleteManager
constructor: (@ide) ->
@aceEditor = @ide.editor.aceEditor
@menu = new MenuView()
@menu.on "click", (e, suggestion) => @insertSuggestion(suggestion)
@menuVisible = false
@suggestionManager = new SuggestionManager()
@aceEditor = @ide.editor.aceEditor
enableBasicAutocompletion: true,
enableSnippets: true
snippetManager = @aceEditor.completers[0]
console.log snippetManager
@aceEditor.completers = [snippetManager, @suggestionManager]
bindToEditorEvents: () ->
@ide.editor.on "change:doc", (@aceSession) =>
@aceSession.on "change", (change) => @onChange(change)
@ide.editor.on "scroll", () =>
bindToAceInputEvents: () ->
@oldOnCommandKey = @aceEditor.keyBinding.onCommandKey
@aceEditor.keyBinding.onCommandKey = () => @onKeyPress.apply(@, arguments)
$(@aceEditor.renderer.getContainerElement()).on "click", (e) => @onClick(e)
onChange: (change) ->
cursorPosition = @aceEditor.getCursorPosition()
end = change.data.range.end
# Check that this change was made by us, not a collaborator
@ -43,110 +50,9 @@ define [
if change.data.action == "insertText"
range = new Range(end.row, 0, end.row, end.column)
lineUpToCursor = @aceSession.getTextRange(range)
commandFragment = @getLastCommandFragment(lineUpToCursor)
if commandFragment
suggestions = @suggestionManager.getSuggestions(commandFragment)
if suggestions.length > 0
@menu.setSuggestions suggestions
onKeyPress: (e) ->
keyCode = e.keyCode
args = arguments
delegate = () =>
@oldOnCommandKey.apply(@aceEditor.keyBinding, args)
if @menuVisible
switch keyCode
when @keyCodes.UP
when @keyCodes.DOWN
when @keyCodes.ENTER, @keyCodes.TAB
when @keyCodes.ESCAPE
positionMenu: (characterOffset) ->
characterWidth = @getAceRenderer().characterWidth
lineHeight = @getAceRenderer().lineHeight
pos = @getCursorOffset()
pos.top = pos.top + lineHeight
styleOffset = 10 # CSS borders and margins
pos.left = pos.left - styleOffset - characterOffset * characterWidth
# We need to position the menu with coordinates relative to the
# editor area.
editorAreaOffset = @ide.mainAreaManager.getAreaElement("editor").offset()
aceOffset = @getAceContentEl().offset()
top: aceOffset.top - editorAreaOffset.top + pos.top
left: aceOffset.left - editorAreaOffset.left + pos.left
insertSuggestion: (suggestion) ->
if suggestion?
oldCursorPosition = @aceEditor.getCursorPosition()
oldCursorPosition.column + suggestion.completionBeforeCursor.length
scheduleSuggestionListRefresh: () ->
clearTimeout(@updateTimeoutId) if @updateTimeoutId?
@updateTimeoutId = setTimeout((() =>
delete @updateTimeoutId
), 5000)
refreshSuggestionList: () ->
onClick: () ->
getLastCommandFragment: (line) ->
if m = line.match(/\\([^\\ ]+)$/)
showMenu: () ->
@menuVisible = true
hideMenu: () ->
@menuVisible = false
keyCodes: "UP": 38, "DOWN": 40, "ENTER": 13, "TAB": 9, "ESCAPE": 27
getCursorOffset: () ->
# This is fragile and relies on the internal Ace API not changing.
# See $moveTextAreaToCursor in
# https://github.com/ajaxorg/ace/blob/master/lib/ace/virtual_renderer.js
getAceRenderer: () -> @aceEditor.renderer
getAceContentEl: () -> $(@aceEditor.renderer.getContainerElement()).find(".ace_content")
commandFragment = getLastCommandFragment(lineUpToCursor)
if commandFragment?
setTimeout () =>
, 0
@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
define [
], () ->
MenuView = Backbone.View.extend
tagName: "ul"
className: "auto-complete-menu"
suggestion: $("#autoCompleteSuggestionTemplate").html()
render: (fontFamily, fontSize) ->
position: "absolute"
"font-family": fontFamily
"font-size": fontSize
return @$el
setSuggestions: (suggestions) ->
@suggestions = []
for suggestion in suggestions
do (suggestion) =>
el = $(Mustache.to_html(@templates.suggestion, suggestion))
el.on "click", (e) => @trigger("click", e, suggestion)
@suggestions.push suggestion: suggestion, el: el
@selectSuggestionAtIndex 0
selectSuggestionAtIndex: (index) ->
if index >= 0 and index < @suggestions.length
@$("li").removeClass "selected"
@suggestions[index].el.addClass "selected"
@selectedIndex = index
moveSelectionDown: () ->
if @selectedIndex? and @selectedIndex < @suggestions.length - 1
@selectSuggestionAtIndex @selectedIndex + 1
moveSelectionUp: () ->
if @selectedIndex? and @selectedIndex > 0
@selectSuggestionAtIndex @selectedIndex - 1
getSelectedSuggestion: () ->
if @selectedIndex? and @suggestions[@selectedIndex]?
position: (pos) ->
top: pos.top
left: pos.left
show: () -> @$el.show()
hide: () -> @$el.hide()
@ -66,8 +66,32 @@ define [
return false
class SuggestionManager
constructor: () ->
@commands = []
getCompletions: (editor, session, pos, prefix, callback) ->
doc = session.getValue()
parser = new Parser(doc)
commands = parser.parse()
completions = []
for command in commands
caption = "\\#{command[0]}"
snippet = caption
i = 1
_.times command[1], () ->
snippet += "[${#{i}}]"
caption += "[]"
_.times command[2], () ->
snippet += "{${#{i}}}"
caption += "{}"
completions.push {
caption: caption
snippet: snippet
meta: "snippet"
callback null, completions
loadCommandsFromDoc: (doc) ->
parser = new Parser(doc)
@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
define () -> [
# [<command>, <square brackets args>, <curly bracket args>]
# E.g. ["includegraphics", 1 ,1] => \includegraphics[]{}
# Common
["emph", 0, 1]
# Greek letters
["alpha", 0, 0]
["beta", 0, 0]
["gamma", 0, 0]
["delta", 0, 0]
["eta", 0, 0]
["theta", 0, 0]
["iota", 0, 0]
["kappa", 0, 0]
["lambda", 0, 0]
["phi", 0, 0]
["psi", 0, 0]
["mu", 0, 0]
["nu", 0, 0]
["chi", 0, 0]
["xsi", 0, 0]
["upsilon", 0, 0]
["Lambda", 0, 0]
["Omega", 0, 0]
["Gamma", 0, 0]
["Delta", 0, 0]
# Maths
["infty", 0, 0]
["frac", 0, 2]
["int", 0, 0]
["sum", 0, 0]
["sin", 0, 0]
["cos", 0, 0]
# LaTeX commands
["begin", 0, 1]
["end", 0, 1]
["includegraphics", 0, 1]
["includegraphics", 1, 1]
["section", 0, 1]
["chapter", 0, 1]
["subsection", 0, 1]
["subsubsection", 0, 1]
["part", 0, 1]
["author", 0, 1]
["title", 0, 1]
["documentclass", 0, 1]
["documentclass", 1, 1]
["usepackage", 0, 1]
["usepackage", 1, 1]
# Font commands
["textit", 0, 1]
["textrm", 0, 1]
["textsf", 0, 1]
["texttt", 0, 1]
["newcommand", 0, 2]
["renewcommand", 0, 2]
["newenvironment", 0, 3]
Reference in a new issue