[misc] test/acceptance: add tests for the draining of connections

This commit is contained in:
Jakob Ackermann 2020-02-21 15:11:09 +00:00 committed by Jakob Ackermann
parent 1c9eaf574a
commit 91e296533f

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@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
RealTimeClient = require "./helpers/RealTimeClient"
FixturesManager = require "./helpers/FixturesManager"
expect = require("chai").expect
async = require "async"
request = require "request"
Settings = require "settings-sharelatex"
drain = (rate, callback) ->
request.post {
url: "http://localhost:3026/drain?rate=#{rate}"
auth: {
user: Settings.internal.realTime.user,
pass: Settings.internal.realTime.pass
}, (error, response, data) ->
callback error, data
return null
describe "DrainManagerTests", ->
before (done) ->
FixturesManager.setUpProject {
privilegeLevel: "owner"
project: {
name: "Test Project"
}, (e, {@project_id, @user_id}) => done()
return null
describe "with two clients in the project", ->
beforeEach (done) ->
async.series [
(cb) =>
@clientA = RealTimeClient.connect()
@clientA.on "connectionAccepted", cb
(cb) =>
@clientB = RealTimeClient.connect()
@clientB.on "connectionAccepted", cb
(cb) =>
@clientA.emit "joinProject", project_id: @project_id, cb
(cb) =>
@clientB.emit "joinProject", project_id: @project_id, cb
], done
describe "starting to drain", () ->
# there is an internal delay of 1000ms, shift accordingly
beforeEach (done) ->
async.parallel [
(cb) =>
@clientA.on "reconnectGracefully", cb
(cb) =>
@clientB.on "reconnectGracefully", cb
(cb) -> drain(2, cb)
], done
afterEach (done) ->
# reset drain
drain(0, done)
it "should not timeout", ->
it "should not have disconnected", ->
expect(@clientA.socket.connected).to.equal true
expect(@clientB.socket.connected).to.equal true