Update Ranges Tracker

This commit is contained in:
James Allen 2017-02-17 09:24:19 +01:00
parent de7f760ea4
commit 89537927b5

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@ -410,14 +410,10 @@ load = (EventEmitter) ->
@emit "changes:moved", moved_changes
_addOp: (op, metadata) ->
# Don't take a reference to the existing op since we'll modify this in place with future changes
clone_op = {}
for k,v of op
clone_op[k] = v
change = {
id: @newId()
op: clone_op
metadata: metadata
op: @_clone(op) # Don't take a reference to the existing op since we'll modify this in place with future changes
metadata: @_clone(metadata)
@changes.push change
@ -490,6 +486,11 @@ load = (EventEmitter) ->
previous_change = change
return { moved_changes, remove_changes }
_clone: (object) ->
clone = {}
(clone[k] = v for k,v of object)
return clone
if define?
define ["utils/EventEmitter"], load