mirror of
synced 2025-03-22 02:04:31 +00:00
Merge branch 'clsichecks'
This commit is contained in:
11 changed files with 276 additions and 79 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
_ = require("lodash")
async = require("async")
module.exports = ClsiFormatChecker =
checkRecoursesForProblems: (resources, callback)->
jobs =
conflictedPaths: (cb)->
ClsiFormatChecker._checkForConflictingPaths resources, cb
sizeCheck: (cb)->
ClsiFormatChecker._checkDocsAreUnderSizeLimit resources, cb
async.series jobs, (err, problems)->
if err?
return callback(err)
problems = _.omitBy(problems, _.isEmpty)
if _.isEmpty(problems)
return callback()
callback(null, problems)
_checkForConflictingPaths: (resources, callback)->
paths = _.map(resources, 'path')
conflicts = _.filter paths, (path)->
matchingPaths = _.filter paths, (checkPath)->
return checkPath.indexOf(path+"/") != -1
return matchingPaths.length > 0
conflictObjects = _.map conflicts, (conflict)->
callback null, conflictObjects
_checkDocsAreUnderSizeLimit: (resources, callback)->
FIVEMB = 1000 * 1000 * 5
totalSize = 0
sizedResources = _.map resources, (resource)->
result = {path:resource.path}
if resource.content?
result.size = resource.content.replace(/\n/g).length
result.kbSize = Math.ceil(result.size / 1000)
result.size = 0
totalSize += result.size
return result
tooLarge = totalSize > FIVEMB
if !tooLarge
return callback()
sizedResources = _.sortBy(sizedResources, "size").reverse().slice(0, 10)
return callback(null, {resources:sizedResources, totalSize:totalSize})
@ -7,25 +7,34 @@ ProjectEntityHandler = require("../Project/ProjectEntityHandler")
logger = require "logger-sharelatex"
Url = require("url")
ClsiCookieManager = require("./ClsiCookieManager")
_ = require("underscore")
async = require("async")
ClsiFormatChecker = require("./ClsiFormatChecker")
module.exports = ClsiManager =
sendRequest: (project_id, options = {}, callback = (error, success) ->) ->
sendRequest: (project_id, options = {}, callback = (error, status, outputFiles, clsiServerId, validationProblems) ->) ->
ClsiManager._buildRequest project_id, options, (error, req) ->
return callback(error) if error?
logger.log project_id: project_id, "sending compile to CLSI"
ClsiManager._postToClsi project_id, req, options.compileGroup, (error, response) ->
if error?
logger.err err:error, project_id:project_id, "error sending request to clsi"
return callback(error)
logger.log project_id: project_id, outputFilesLength: response?.outputFiles?.length, status: response?.status, "received compile response from CLSI"
ClsiCookieManager._getServerId project_id, (err, clsiServerId)->
if err?
logger.err err:err, project_id:project_id, "error getting server id"
return callback(err)
outputFiles = ClsiManager._parseOutputFiles(project_id, response?.compile?.outputFiles)
callback(null, response?.compile?.status, outputFiles, clsiServerId)
ClsiFormatChecker.checkRecoursesForProblems req.compile?.resources, (err, validationProblems)->
if err?
logger.err err, project_id, "could not check resources for potential problems before sending to clsi"
return callback(err)
if validationProblems?
logger.log project_id:project_id, validationProblems:validationProblems, "problems with users latex before compile was attempted"
return callback(null, "validation-problems", null, null, validationProblems)
ClsiManager._postToClsi project_id, req, options.compileGroup, (error, response) ->
if error?
logger.err err:error, project_id:project_id, "error sending request to clsi"
return callback(error)
logger.log project_id: project_id, outputFilesLength: response?.outputFiles?.length, status: response?.status, "received compile response from CLSI"
ClsiCookieManager._getServerId project_id, (err, clsiServerId)->
if err?
logger.err err:err, project_id:project_id, "error getting server id"
return callback(err)
outputFiles = ClsiManager._parseOutputFiles(project_id, response?.compile?.outputFiles)
callback(null, response?.compile?.status, outputFiles, clsiServerId)
deleteAuxFiles: (project_id, options, callback = (error) ->) ->
compilerUrl = @_getCompilerUrl(options?.compileGroup)
@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ module.exports = CompileController =
if req.body?.draft
options.draft = req.body.draft
logger.log {options, project_id}, "got compile request"
CompileManager.compile project_id, user_id, options, (error, status, outputFiles, clsiServerId, limits) ->
CompileManager.compile project_id, user_id, options, (error, status, outputFiles, clsiServerId, limits, validationProblems) ->
return next(error) if error?
res.status(200).send JSON.stringify {
@ -38,6 +38,7 @@ module.exports = CompileController =
outputFiles: outputFiles
compileGroup: limits?.compileGroup
downloadPdf: (req, res, next = (error) ->)->
@ -138,10 +139,7 @@ module.exports = CompileController =
# expand any url parameter passed in as {url:..., qs:...}
if typeof url is "object"
{url, qs} = url
if limits.compileGroup == "priority"
compilerUrl = Settings.apis.clsi_priority.url
compilerUrl = Settings.apis.clsi.url
compilerUrl = Settings.apis.clsi.url
url = "#{compilerUrl}#{url}"
logger.log url: url, "proxying to CLSI"
oneMinute = 60 * 1000
@ -37,10 +37,10 @@ module.exports = CompileManager =
return callback(error) if error?
for key, value of limits
options[key] = value
ClsiManager.sendRequest project_id, options, (error, status, outputFiles, clsiServerId) ->
ClsiManager.sendRequest project_id, options, (error, status, outputFiles, clsiServerId, validationProblems) ->
return callback(error) if error?
logger.log files: outputFiles, "output files"
callback(null, status, outputFiles, clsiServerId, limits)
callback(null, status, outputFiles, clsiServerId, limits, validationProblems)
deleteAuxFiles: (project_id, callback = (error) ->) ->
CompileManager.getProjectCompileLimits project_id, (error, limits) ->
@ -154,6 +154,27 @@ div.full-size.pdf(ng-controller="PdfController")
ng-if="settings.pdfViewer == 'native'"
strong #{translate("latex_error")}
span #{translate("duplicate_paths_found")}
strong #{translate("project_too_large")}
div #{translate("project_too_large_please_reduce")}
li(ng-repeat="entry in pdf.validation.sizeCheck.resources") {{ '/'+entry['path'] }} - {{entry['kbSize']}}kb
strong #{translate("conflicting_paths_found")}
div #{translate("following_paths_conflict")}
li(ng-repeat="entry in pdf.validation.conflictedPaths") {{ '/'+entry['path'] }}
@ -30,6 +30,7 @@
"http-proxy": "^1.8.1",
"jade": "~1.3.1",
"ldapjs": "^1.0.0",
"lodash": "^4.13.1",
"logger-sharelatex": "git+https://github.com/sharelatex/logger-sharelatex.git#v1.3.1",
"lynx": "0.1.1",
"marked": "^0.3.5",
@ -57,7 +58,6 @@
"temp": "^0.8.3",
"translations-sharelatex": "git+https://github.com/sharelatex/translations-sharelatex.git#master",
"underscore": "1.6.0",
"underscore.string": "^3.0.2",
"v8-profiler": "^5.2.3",
"xml2js": "0.2.0"
@ -42,11 +42,11 @@ define [
$scope.pdf.error = false
$scope.pdf.timedout = false
$scope.pdf.failure = false
$scope.pdf.projectTooLarge = false
$scope.pdf.url = null
$scope.pdf.clsiMaintenance = false
$scope.pdf.tooRecentlyCompiled = false
$scope.pdf.renderingError = false
$scope.pdf.projectTooLarge = false
# make a cache to look up files by name
fileByPath = {}
@ -72,6 +72,9 @@ define [
else if response.status == "too-recently-compiled"
$scope.pdf.view = 'errors'
$scope.pdf.tooRecentlyCompiled = true
else if response.status == "validation-problems"
$scope.pdf.view = "validation-problems"
$scope.pdf.validation = response.validationProblems
else if response.status == "success"
$scope.pdf.view = 'pdf'
$scope.shouldShowLogs = false
@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
top: 58px;
.pdf-logs, .pdf-errors, .pdf-uncompiled {
.pdf-logs, .pdf-errors, .pdf-uncompiled, .pdf-validation-problems{
padding: @line-height-computed / 2;
@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
sinon = require('sinon')
chai = require('chai')
should = chai.should()
expect = chai.expect
modulePath = "../../../../app/js/Features/Compile/ClsiFormatChecker.js"
SandboxedModule = require('sandboxed-module')
describe "ClsiFormatChecker", ->
beforeEach ->
@ClsiFormatChecker = SandboxedModule.require modulePath, requires:
"settings-sharelatex": @settings ={}
"logger-sharelatex": @logger = { log: sinon.stub(), error: sinon.stub(), warn: sinon.stub() }
@project_id = "project-id"
describe "checkRecoursesForProblems", ->
beforeEach ->
@resources = [{
path: "main.tex"
content: "stuff"
}, {
path: "chapters/chapter1"
content: "other stuff"
}, {
path: "stuff/image/image.png"
url: "http:somewhere.com/project/#{@project_id}/file/1234124321312"
modified: "more stuff"
it "should call _checkForDuplicatePaths and _checkForConflictingPaths", (done)->
@ClsiFormatChecker._checkForConflictingPaths = sinon.stub().callsArgWith(1, null)
@ClsiFormatChecker._checkDocsAreUnderSizeLimit = sinon.stub().callsArgWith(1)
@ClsiFormatChecker.checkRecoursesForProblems @resources, (err, problems)=>
@ClsiFormatChecker._checkForConflictingPaths.called.should.equal true
@ClsiFormatChecker._checkDocsAreUnderSizeLimit.called.should.equal true
it "should remove undefined errors", (done)->
@ClsiFormatChecker._checkForConflictingPaths = sinon.stub().callsArgWith(1, null, [])
@ClsiFormatChecker._checkDocsAreUnderSizeLimit = sinon.stub().callsArgWith(1, null, {})
@ClsiFormatChecker.checkRecoursesForProblems @resources, (err, problems)=>
it "should keep populated arrays", (done)->
@ClsiFormatChecker._checkForConflictingPaths = sinon.stub().callsArgWith(1, null, [{path:"somewhere/main.tex"}])
@ClsiFormatChecker._checkDocsAreUnderSizeLimit = sinon.stub().callsArgWith(1, null, {})
@ClsiFormatChecker.checkRecoursesForProblems @resources, (err, problems)=>
problems.conflictedPaths[0].path.should.equal "somewhere/main.tex"
it "should keep populated object", (done)->
@ClsiFormatChecker._checkForConflictingPaths = sinon.stub().callsArgWith(1, null, [])
@ClsiFormatChecker._checkDocsAreUnderSizeLimit = sinon.stub().callsArgWith(1, null, {resources:[{"a.tex"},{"b.tex"}], totalSize:1000000})
@ClsiFormatChecker.checkRecoursesForProblems @resources, (err, problems)=>
problems.sizeCheck.resources.length.should.equal 2
problems.sizeCheck.totalSize.should.equal 1000000
describe "_checkForConflictingPaths", ->
beforeEach ->
path: "chapters/chapter1.tex"
content: "other stuff"
path: "chapters.tex"
content: "other stuff"
it "should flag up when a nested file has folder with same subpath as file elsewhere", (done)->
path: "stuff/image"
url: "http://somwhere.com"
@ClsiFormatChecker._checkForConflictingPaths @resources, (err, conflictPathErrors)->
conflictPathErrors.length.should.equal 1
conflictPathErrors[0].path.should.equal "stuff/image"
it "should flag up when a root level file has folder with same subpath as file elsewhere", (done)->
path: "stuff"
content: "other stuff"
@ClsiFormatChecker._checkForConflictingPaths @resources, (err, conflictPathErrors)->
conflictPathErrors.length.should.equal 1
conflictPathErrors[0].path.should.equal "stuff"
it "should not flag up when the file is a substring of a path", (done)->
path: "stuf"
content: "other stuff"
@ClsiFormatChecker._checkForConflictingPaths @resources, (err, conflictPathErrors)->
conflictPathErrors.length.should.equal 0
describe "_checkDocsAreUnderSizeLimit", ->
it "should error when there is more than 5mb of data", (done)->
path: "massive.tex"
content: require("crypto").randomBytes(1000 * 1000 * 5).toString("hex")
while @resources.length < 20
@resources.push({path:"chapters/chapter1.tex",url: "http://somwhere.com"})
@ClsiFormatChecker._checkDocsAreUnderSizeLimit @resources, (err, sizeError)->
sizeError.totalSize.should.equal 10000016
sizeError.resources.length.should.equal 10
sizeError.resources[0].path.should.equal "massive.tex"
sizeError.resources[0].size.should.equal 1000 * 1000 * 10
it "should return nothing when project is correct size", (done)->
path: "massive.tex"
content: require("crypto").randomBytes(1000 * 1000 * 1).toString("hex")
while @resources.length < 20
@resources.push({path:"chapters/chapter1.tex",url: "http://somwhere.com"})
@ClsiFormatChecker._checkDocsAreUnderSizeLimit @resources, (err, sizeError)->
@ -12,6 +12,8 @@ describe "ClsiManager", ->
getCookieJar: sinon.stub().callsArgWith(1, null, @jar)
setServerId: sinon.stub().callsArgWith(2)
@ClsiFormatChecker =
@ClsiManager = SandboxedModule.require modulePath, requires:
"settings-sharelatex": @settings =
@ -27,6 +29,7 @@ describe "ClsiManager", ->
"./ClsiCookieManager": @ClsiCookieManager
"logger-sharelatex": @logger = { log: sinon.stub(), error: sinon.stub(), warn: sinon.stub() }
"request": @request = sinon.stub()
"./ClsiFormatChecker": @ClsiFormatChecker
@project_id = "project-id"
@callback = sinon.stub()
@ -323,17 +326,3 @@ describe "ClsiManager", ->
@ -206,16 +206,6 @@ describe "CompileController", ->
@CompileManager.getProjectCompileLimits = sinon.stub().callsArgWith(1, null, {compileGroup: "priority"})
@CompileController.proxyToClsi(@project_id, @url = "/test", @req, @res, @next)
it "should proxy to the priority url if the user has the feature", ()->
method: @req.method
url: "#{@settings.apis.clsi_priority.url}#{@url}",
timeout: 60 * 1000
.should.equal true
describe "user with standard priority via query string", ->
beforeEach ->
@req.query = {compileGroup: 'standard'}
@ -239,20 +229,6 @@ describe "CompileController", ->
it "should bind an error handle to the request proxy", ->
@proxy.on.calledWith("error").should.equal true
describe "user with priority compile via query string", ->
beforeEach ->
@req.query = {compileGroup: 'priority'}
@CompileController.proxyToClsi(@project_id, @url = "/test", @req, @res, @next)
it "should proxy to the priority url if the user has the feature", ()->
method: @req.method
url: "#{@settings.apis.clsi_priority.url}#{@url}",
timeout: 60 * 1000
.should.equal true
describe "user with non-existent priority via query string", ->
beforeEach ->
@ -316,25 +292,7 @@ describe "CompileController", ->
it "should bind an error handle to the request proxy", ->
@proxy.on.calledWith("error").should.equal true
describe "user with priority compile", ->
beforeEach ->
@CompileManager.getProjectCompileLimits = sinon.stub().callsArgWith(1, null, {compileGroup: "priority"})
@CompileController.proxyToClsi(@project_id, @url = "/test", @req, @res, @next)
it "should proxy to the priority url if the user has the feature", ()->
method: @req.method
url: "#{@settings.apis.clsi_priority.url}#{@url}",
timeout: 60 * 1000
headers: {
'Range': '123-456'
'If-Range': 'abcdef'
'If-Modified-Since': 'Mon, 15 Dec 2014 15:23:56 GMT'
.should.equal true
describe "user with build parameter via query string", ->
beforeEach ->
Reference in a new issue