mirror of
synced 2024-11-21 20:47:08 -05:00
decaffeinate: Convert ArchiveDocsTests.coffee and 6 other files to JS
This commit is contained in:
7 changed files with 1098 additions and 743 deletions
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
@ -1,85 +1,122 @@
sinon = require "sinon"
chai = require("chai")
{db, ObjectId} = require "../../../app/js/mongojs"
expect = chai.expect
DocstoreApp = require "./helpers/DocstoreApp"
* decaffeinate suggestions:
* DS102: Remove unnecessary code created because of implicit returns
* DS207: Consider shorter variations of null checks
* Full docs: https://github.com/decaffeinate/decaffeinate/blob/master/docs/suggestions.md
const sinon = require("sinon");
const chai = require("chai");
const {db, ObjectId} = require("../../../app/js/mongojs");
const {
} = chai;
const DocstoreApp = require("./helpers/DocstoreApp");
DocstoreClient = require "./helpers/DocstoreClient"
const DocstoreClient = require("./helpers/DocstoreClient");
describe "Deleting a doc", ->
beforeEach (done) ->
@project_id = ObjectId()
@doc_id = ObjectId()
@lines = ["original", "lines"]
@version = 42
@ranges = []
DocstoreApp.ensureRunning =>
DocstoreClient.createDoc @project_id, @doc_id, @lines, @version, @ranges, (error) =>
throw error if error?
describe("Deleting a doc", function() {
beforeEach(function(done) {
this.project_id = ObjectId();
this.doc_id = ObjectId();
this.lines = ["original", "lines"];
this.version = 42;
this.ranges = [];
return DocstoreApp.ensureRunning(() => {
return DocstoreClient.createDoc(this.project_id, this.doc_id, this.lines, this.version, this.ranges, error => {
if (error != null) { throw error; }
return done();
describe "when the doc exists", ->
beforeEach (done) ->
DocstoreClient.deleteDoc @project_id, @doc_id, (error, @res, doc) =>
describe("when the doc exists", function() {
beforeEach(function(done) {
return DocstoreClient.deleteDoc(this.project_id, this.doc_id, (error, res, doc) => {
this.res = res;
return done();
afterEach (done) ->
db.docs.remove({_id: @doc_id}, done)
afterEach(function(done) {
return db.docs.remove({_id: this.doc_id}, done);
it "should insert a deleted doc into the docs collection", (done) ->
db.docs.find _id: @doc_id, (error, docs) =>
docs[0]._id.should.deep.equal @doc_id
docs[0].lines.should.deep.equal @lines
docs[0].deleted.should.equal true
return it("should insert a deleted doc into the docs collection", function(done) {
return db.docs.find({_id: this.doc_id}, (error, docs) => {
return done();
describe "when the doc does not exist", ->
it "should return a 404", (done) ->
missing_doc_id = ObjectId()
DocstoreClient.deleteDoc @project_id, missing_doc_id, (error, res, doc) ->
res.statusCode.should.equal 404
return describe("when the doc does not exist", () => it("should return a 404", function(done) {
const missing_doc_id = ObjectId();
return DocstoreClient.deleteDoc(this.project_id, missing_doc_id, function(error, res, doc) {
return done();
describe "Destroying a project's documents", ->
describe "when the doc exists", ->
beforeEach (done) ->
db.docOps.insert {doc_id: ObjectId(@doc_id), version: 1}, (err) ->
return done(err) if err?
DocstoreClient.destroyAllDoc @project_id, done
describe("Destroying a project's documents", function() {
describe("when the doc exists", function() {
beforeEach(function(done) {
return db.docOps.insert({doc_id: ObjectId(this.doc_id), version: 1}, function(err) {
if (err != null) { return done(err); }
return DocstoreClient.destroyAllDoc(this.project_id, done);
it "should remove the doc from the docs collection", (done) ->
db.docs.find _id: @doc_id, (err, docs) ->
expect(docs).to.deep.equal []
it("should remove the doc from the docs collection", function(done) {
return db.docs.find({_id: this.doc_id}, function(err, docs) {
return done();
it "should remove the docOps from the docOps collection", (done) ->
db.docOps.find doc_id: @doc_id, (err, docOps) ->
expect(docOps).to.deep.equal []
return it("should remove the docOps from the docOps collection", function(done) {
return db.docOps.find({doc_id: this.doc_id}, function(err, docOps) {
return done();
describe "when the doc is archived", ->
beforeEach (done) ->
DocstoreClient.archiveAllDoc @project_id, (err) ->
return done(err) if err?
DocstoreClient.destroyAllDoc @project_id, done
return describe("when the doc is archived", function() {
beforeEach(function(done) {
return DocstoreClient.archiveAllDoc(this.project_id, function(err) {
if (err != null) { return done(err); }
return DocstoreClient.destroyAllDoc(this.project_id, done);
it "should remove the doc from the docs collection", (done) ->
db.docs.find _id: @doc_id, (err, docs) ->
expect(docs).to.deep.equal []
it("should remove the doc from the docs collection", function(done) {
return db.docs.find({_id: this.doc_id}, function(err, docs) {
return done();
it "should remove the docOps from the docOps collection", (done) ->
db.docOps.find doc_id: @doc_id, (err, docOps) ->
expect(docOps).to.deep.equal []
it("should remove the docOps from the docOps collection", function(done) {
return db.docOps.find({doc_id: this.doc_id}, function(err, docOps) {
return done();
it "should remove the doc contents from s3", (done) ->
DocstoreClient.getS3Doc @project_id, @doc_id, (error, res, s3_doc) =>
throw error if error?
expect(res.statusCode).to.equal 404
return it("should remove the doc contents from s3", function(done) {
return DocstoreClient.getS3Doc(this.project_id, this.doc_id, (error, res, s3_doc) => {
if (error != null) { throw error; }
return done();
@ -1,63 +1,83 @@
sinon = require "sinon"
chai = require("chai")
{ObjectId} = require "mongojs"
async = require "async"
DocstoreApp = require "./helpers/DocstoreApp"
* decaffeinate suggestions:
* DS101: Remove unnecessary use of Array.from
* DS102: Remove unnecessary code created because of implicit returns
* DS207: Consider shorter variations of null checks
* Full docs: https://github.com/decaffeinate/decaffeinate/blob/master/docs/suggestions.md
const sinon = require("sinon");
const chai = require("chai");
const {ObjectId} = require("mongojs");
const async = require("async");
const DocstoreApp = require("./helpers/DocstoreApp");
DocstoreClient = require "./helpers/DocstoreClient"
const DocstoreClient = require("./helpers/DocstoreClient");
describe "Getting all docs", ->
beforeEach (done) ->
@project_id = ObjectId()
@docs = [{
_id: ObjectId()
lines: ["one", "two", "three"]
ranges: {"mock": "one"}
describe("Getting all docs", function() {
beforeEach(function(done) {
this.project_id = ObjectId();
this.docs = [{
_id: ObjectId(),
lines: ["one", "two", "three"],
ranges: {"mock": "one"},
rev: 2
}, {
_id: ObjectId()
lines: ["aaa", "bbb", "ccc"]
ranges: {"mock": "two"}
_id: ObjectId(),
lines: ["aaa", "bbb", "ccc"],
ranges: {"mock": "two"},
rev: 4
}, {
_id: ObjectId()
lines: ["111", "222", "333"]
ranges: {"mock": "three"}
_id: ObjectId(),
lines: ["111", "222", "333"],
ranges: {"mock": "three"},
rev: 6
@deleted_doc = {
_id: ObjectId()
lines: ["deleted"]
ranges: {"mock": "four"}
this.deleted_doc = {
_id: ObjectId(),
lines: ["deleted"],
ranges: {"mock": "four"},
rev: 8
version = 42
jobs = for doc in @docs
do (doc) =>
(callback) =>
DocstoreClient.createDoc @project_id, doc._id, doc.lines, version, doc.ranges, callback
jobs.push (cb) =>
DocstoreClient.createDoc @project_id, @deleted_doc._id, @deleted_doc.lines, version, @deleted_doc.ranges, (err)=>
DocstoreClient.deleteDoc @project_id, @deleted_doc._id, cb
jobs.unshift (cb)->
DocstoreApp.ensureRunning cb
async.series jobs, done
const version = 42;
const jobs = Array.from(this.docs).map((doc) =>
(doc => {
return callback => {
return DocstoreClient.createDoc(this.project_id, doc._id, doc.lines, version, doc.ranges, callback);
jobs.push(cb => {
return DocstoreClient.createDoc(this.project_id, this.deleted_doc._id, this.deleted_doc.lines, version, this.deleted_doc.ranges, err=> {
return DocstoreClient.deleteDoc(this.project_id, this.deleted_doc._id, cb);
jobs.unshift(cb => DocstoreApp.ensureRunning(cb));
return async.series(jobs, done);
it "getAllDocs should return all the (non-deleted) docs", (done) ->
DocstoreClient.getAllDocs @project_id, (error, res, docs) =>
throw error if error?
docs.length.should.equal @docs.length
for doc, i in docs
doc.lines.should.deep.equal @docs[i].lines
it("getAllDocs should return all the (non-deleted) docs", function(done) {
return DocstoreClient.getAllDocs(this.project_id, (error, res, docs) => {
if (error != null) { throw error; }
for (let i = 0; i < docs.length; i++) {
const doc = docs[i];
return done();
it "getAllRanges should return all the (non-deleted) doc ranges", (done) ->
DocstoreClient.getAllRanges @project_id, (error, res, docs) =>
throw error if error?
docs.length.should.equal @docs.length
for doc, i in docs
doc.ranges.should.deep.equal @docs[i].ranges
return it("getAllRanges should return all the (non-deleted) doc ranges", function(done) {
return DocstoreClient.getAllRanges(this.project_id, (error, res, docs) => {
if (error != null) { throw error; }
for (let i = 0; i < docs.length; i++) {
const doc = docs[i];
return done();
@ -1,63 +1,83 @@
sinon = require "sinon"
chai = require("chai")
{ObjectId} = require "mongojs"
DocstoreApp = require "./helpers/DocstoreApp"
* decaffeinate suggestions:
* DS102: Remove unnecessary code created because of implicit returns
* DS207: Consider shorter variations of null checks
* Full docs: https://github.com/decaffeinate/decaffeinate/blob/master/docs/suggestions.md
const sinon = require("sinon");
const chai = require("chai");
const {ObjectId} = require("mongojs");
const DocstoreApp = require("./helpers/DocstoreApp");
DocstoreClient = require "./helpers/DocstoreClient"
const DocstoreClient = require("./helpers/DocstoreClient");
describe "Getting a doc", ->
beforeEach (done) ->
@project_id = ObjectId()
@doc_id = ObjectId()
@lines = ["original", "lines"]
@version = 42
@ranges = {
describe("Getting a doc", function() {
beforeEach(function(done) {
this.project_id = ObjectId();
this.doc_id = ObjectId();
this.lines = ["original", "lines"];
this.version = 42;
this.ranges = {
changes: [{
id: ObjectId().toString()
op: { i: "foo", p: 3 }
user_id: ObjectId().toString()
id: ObjectId().toString(),
op: { i: "foo", p: 3 },
meta: {
user_id: ObjectId().toString(),
ts: new Date().toString()
DocstoreApp.ensureRunning =>
DocstoreClient.createDoc @project_id, @doc_id, @lines, @version, @ranges, (error) =>
throw error if error?
return DocstoreApp.ensureRunning(() => {
return DocstoreClient.createDoc(this.project_id, this.doc_id, this.lines, this.version, this.ranges, error => {
if (error != null) { throw error; }
return done();
describe "when the doc exists", ->
it "should get the doc lines and version", (done) ->
DocstoreClient.getDoc @project_id, @doc_id, {}, (error, res, doc) =>
doc.lines.should.deep.equal @lines
doc.version.should.equal @version
doc.ranges.should.deep.equal @ranges
describe("when the doc exists", () => it("should get the doc lines and version", function(done) {
return DocstoreClient.getDoc(this.project_id, this.doc_id, {}, (error, res, doc) => {
return done();
describe "when the doc does not exist", ->
it "should return a 404", (done) ->
missing_doc_id = ObjectId()
DocstoreClient.getDoc @project_id, missing_doc_id, {}, (error, res, doc) ->
res.statusCode.should.equal 404
describe("when the doc does not exist", () => it("should return a 404", function(done) {
const missing_doc_id = ObjectId();
return DocstoreClient.getDoc(this.project_id, missing_doc_id, {}, function(error, res, doc) {
return done();
describe "when the doc is a deleted doc", ->
beforeEach (done) ->
@deleted_doc_id = ObjectId()
DocstoreClient.createDoc @project_id, @deleted_doc_id, @lines, @version, @ranges, (error) =>
throw error if error?
DocstoreClient.deleteDoc @project_id, @deleted_doc_id, done
return describe("when the doc is a deleted doc", function() {
beforeEach(function(done) {
this.deleted_doc_id = ObjectId();
return DocstoreClient.createDoc(this.project_id, this.deleted_doc_id, this.lines, this.version, this.ranges, error => {
if (error != null) { throw error; }
return DocstoreClient.deleteDoc(this.project_id, this.deleted_doc_id, done);
it "should return the doc", (done) ->
DocstoreClient.getDoc @project_id, @deleted_doc_id, {include_deleted:true},(error, res, doc) =>
doc.lines.should.deep.equal @lines
doc.version.should.equal @version
doc.ranges.should.deep.equal @ranges
doc.deleted.should.equal true
it("should return the doc", function(done) {
return DocstoreClient.getDoc(this.project_id, this.deleted_doc_id, {include_deleted:true},(error, res, doc) => {
return done();
it "should return a 404 when the query string is not set", (done)->
DocstoreClient.getDoc @project_id, @deleted_doc_id, {},(error, res, doc) =>
res.statusCode.should.equal 404
return it("should return a 404 when the query string is not set", function(done){
return DocstoreClient.getDoc(this.project_id, this.deleted_doc_id, {},(error, res, doc) => {
return done();
@ -1,225 +1,332 @@
sinon = require "sinon"
chai = require("chai")
{ObjectId} = require "mongojs"
DocstoreApp = require "./helpers/DocstoreApp"
* decaffeinate suggestions:
* DS102: Remove unnecessary code created because of implicit returns
* DS207: Consider shorter variations of null checks
* Full docs: https://github.com/decaffeinate/decaffeinate/blob/master/docs/suggestions.md
const sinon = require("sinon");
const chai = require("chai");
const {ObjectId} = require("mongojs");
const DocstoreApp = require("./helpers/DocstoreApp");
DocstoreClient = require "./helpers/DocstoreClient"
const DocstoreClient = require("./helpers/DocstoreClient");
describe "Applying updates to a doc", ->
beforeEach (done) ->
@project_id = ObjectId()
@doc_id = ObjectId()
@originalLines = ["original", "lines"]
@newLines = ["new", "lines"]
@originalRanges = {
describe("Applying updates to a doc", function() {
beforeEach(function(done) {
this.project_id = ObjectId();
this.doc_id = ObjectId();
this.originalLines = ["original", "lines"];
this.newLines = ["new", "lines"];
this.originalRanges = {
changes: [{
id: ObjectId().toString()
op: { i: "foo", p: 3 }
user_id: ObjectId().toString()
id: ObjectId().toString(),
op: { i: "foo", p: 3 },
meta: {
user_id: ObjectId().toString(),
ts: new Date().toString()
@newRanges = {
this.newRanges = {
changes: [{
id: ObjectId().toString()
op: { i: "bar", p: 6 }
user_id: ObjectId().toString()
id: ObjectId().toString(),
op: { i: "bar", p: 6 },
meta: {
user_id: ObjectId().toString(),
ts: new Date().toString()
@version = 42
DocstoreApp.ensureRunning =>
DocstoreClient.createDoc @project_id, @doc_id, @originalLines, @version, @originalRanges, (error) =>
throw error if error?
this.version = 42;
return DocstoreApp.ensureRunning(() => {
return DocstoreClient.createDoc(this.project_id, this.doc_id, this.originalLines, this.version, this.originalRanges, error => {
if (error != null) { throw error; }
return done();
describe "when nothing has been updated", ->
beforeEach (done) ->
DocstoreClient.updateDoc @project_id, @doc_id, @originalLines, @version, @originalRanges, (error, res, @body) =>
describe("when nothing has been updated", function() {
beforeEach(function(done) {
return DocstoreClient.updateDoc(this.project_id, this.doc_id, this.originalLines, this.version, this.originalRanges, (error, res, body) => {
this.body = body;
return done();
it "should return modified = false", ->
@body.modified.should.equal false
it("should return modified = false", function() {
return this.body.modified.should.equal(false);
it "should not update the doc in the API", (done) ->
DocstoreClient.getDoc @project_id, @doc_id, {}, (error, res, doc) =>
doc.lines.should.deep.equal @originalLines
doc.version.should.equal @version
doc.ranges.should.deep.equal @originalRanges
return it("should not update the doc in the API", function(done) {
return DocstoreClient.getDoc(this.project_id, this.doc_id, {}, (error, res, doc) => {
return done();
describe "when the lines have changed", ->
beforeEach (done) ->
DocstoreClient.updateDoc @project_id, @doc_id, @newLines, @version, @originalRanges, (error, res, @body) =>
describe("when the lines have changed", function() {
beforeEach(function(done) {
return DocstoreClient.updateDoc(this.project_id, this.doc_id, this.newLines, this.version, this.originalRanges, (error, res, body) => {
this.body = body;
return done();
it "should return modified = true", ->
@body.modified.should.equal true
it("should return modified = true", function() {
return this.body.modified.should.equal(true);
it "should return the rev", ->
@body.rev.should.equal 2
it("should return the rev", function() {
return this.body.rev.should.equal(2);
it "should update the doc in the API", (done) ->
DocstoreClient.getDoc @project_id, @doc_id, {}, (error, res, doc) =>
doc.lines.should.deep.equal @newLines
doc.version.should.equal @version
doc.ranges.should.deep.equal @originalRanges
return it("should update the doc in the API", function(done) {
return DocstoreClient.getDoc(this.project_id, this.doc_id, {}, (error, res, doc) => {
return done();
describe "when the version has changed", ->
beforeEach (done) ->
DocstoreClient.updateDoc @project_id, @doc_id, @originalLines, @version + 1, @originalRanges, (error, res, @body) =>
describe("when the version has changed", function() {
beforeEach(function(done) {
return DocstoreClient.updateDoc(this.project_id, this.doc_id, this.originalLines, this.version + 1, this.originalRanges, (error, res, body) => {
this.body = body;
return done();
it "should return modified = true", ->
@body.modified.should.equal true
it("should return modified = true", function() {
return this.body.modified.should.equal(true);
it "should return the rev", ->
@body.rev.should.equal 1
it("should return the rev", function() {
return this.body.rev.should.equal(1);
it "should update the doc in the API", (done) ->
DocstoreClient.getDoc @project_id, @doc_id, {}, (error, res, doc) =>
doc.lines.should.deep.equal @originalLines
doc.version.should.equal @version + 1
doc.ranges.should.deep.equal @originalRanges
return it("should update the doc in the API", function(done) {
return DocstoreClient.getDoc(this.project_id, this.doc_id, {}, (error, res, doc) => {
doc.version.should.equal(this.version + 1);
return done();
describe "when the ranges have changed", ->
beforeEach (done) ->
DocstoreClient.updateDoc @project_id, @doc_id, @originalLines, @version, @newRanges, (error, res, @body) =>
describe("when the ranges have changed", function() {
beforeEach(function(done) {
return DocstoreClient.updateDoc(this.project_id, this.doc_id, this.originalLines, this.version, this.newRanges, (error, res, body) => {
this.body = body;
return done();
it "should return modified = true", ->
@body.modified.should.equal true
it("should return modified = true", function() {
return this.body.modified.should.equal(true);
it "should return the rev", ->
@body.rev.should.equal 2
it("should return the rev", function() {
return this.body.rev.should.equal(2);
it "should update the doc in the API", (done) ->
DocstoreClient.getDoc @project_id, @doc_id, {}, (error, res, doc) =>
doc.lines.should.deep.equal @originalLines
doc.version.should.equal @version
doc.ranges.should.deep.equal @newRanges
return it("should update the doc in the API", function(done) {
return DocstoreClient.getDoc(this.project_id, this.doc_id, {}, (error, res, doc) => {
return done();
describe "when the doc does not exist", ->
beforeEach (done) ->
@missing_doc_id = ObjectId()
DocstoreClient.updateDoc @project_id, @missing_doc_id, @originalLines, 0, @originalRanges, (error, @res, @body) =>
describe("when the doc does not exist", function() {
beforeEach(function(done) {
this.missing_doc_id = ObjectId();
return DocstoreClient.updateDoc(this.project_id, this.missing_doc_id, this.originalLines, 0, this.originalRanges, (error, res, body) => {
this.res = res;
this.body = body;
return done();
it "should create the doc", ->
@body.rev.should.equal 1
it("should create the doc", function() {
return this.body.rev.should.equal(1);
it "should be retreivable", (done)->
DocstoreClient.getDoc @project_id, @missing_doc_id, {}, (error, res, doc) =>
doc.lines.should.deep.equal @originalLines
doc.version.should.equal 0
doc.ranges.should.deep.equal @originalRanges
return it("should be retreivable", function(done){
return DocstoreClient.getDoc(this.project_id, this.missing_doc_id, {}, (error, res, doc) => {
return done();
describe "when malformed doc lines are provided", ->
describe "when the lines are not an array", ->
beforeEach (done) ->
DocstoreClient.updateDoc @project_id, @doc_id, { foo: "bar" }, @version, @originalRanges, (error, @res, @body) =>
describe("when malformed doc lines are provided", function() {
describe("when the lines are not an array", function() {
beforeEach(function(done) {
return DocstoreClient.updateDoc(this.project_id, this.doc_id, { foo: "bar" }, this.version, this.originalRanges, (error, res, body) => {
this.res = res;
this.body = body;
return done();
it "should return 400", ->
@res.statusCode.should.equal 400
it("should return 400", function() {
return this.res.statusCode.should.equal(400);
it "should not update the doc in the API", (done) ->
DocstoreClient.getDoc @project_id, @doc_id, {}, (error, res, doc) =>
doc.lines.should.deep.equal @originalLines
return it("should not update the doc in the API", function(done) {
return DocstoreClient.getDoc(this.project_id, this.doc_id, {}, (error, res, doc) => {
return done();
describe "when the lines are not present", ->
beforeEach (done) ->
DocstoreClient.updateDoc @project_id, @doc_id, null, @version, @originalRanges, (error, @res, @body) =>
return describe("when the lines are not present", function() {
beforeEach(function(done) {
return DocstoreClient.updateDoc(this.project_id, this.doc_id, null, this.version, this.originalRanges, (error, res, body) => {
this.res = res;
this.body = body;
return done();
it "should return 400", ->
@res.statusCode.should.equal 400
it("should return 400", function() {
return this.res.statusCode.should.equal(400);
it "should not update the doc in the API", (done) ->
DocstoreClient.getDoc @project_id, @doc_id, {}, (error, res, doc) =>
doc.lines.should.deep.equal @originalLines
return it("should not update the doc in the API", function(done) {
return DocstoreClient.getDoc(this.project_id, this.doc_id, {}, (error, res, doc) => {
return done();
describe "when no version is provided", ->
beforeEach (done) ->
DocstoreClient.updateDoc @project_id, @doc_id, @originalLines, null, @originalRanges, (error, @res, @body) =>
describe("when no version is provided", function() {
beforeEach(function(done) {
return DocstoreClient.updateDoc(this.project_id, this.doc_id, this.originalLines, null, this.originalRanges, (error, res, body) => {
this.res = res;
this.body = body;
return done();
it "should return 400", ->
@res.statusCode.should.equal 400
it("should return 400", function() {
return this.res.statusCode.should.equal(400);
it "should not update the doc in the API", (done) ->
DocstoreClient.getDoc @project_id, @doc_id, {}, (error, res, doc) =>
doc.lines.should.deep.equal @originalLines
doc.version.should.equal @version
return it("should not update the doc in the API", function(done) {
return DocstoreClient.getDoc(this.project_id, this.doc_id, {}, (error, res, doc) => {
return done();
describe "when the content is large", ->
beforeEach (done) ->
line = new Array(1025).join("x") # 1kb
@largeLines = Array.apply(null, Array(1024)).map(() -> line) # 1mb
DocstoreClient.updateDoc @project_id, @doc_id, @largeLines, @version, @originalRanges, (error, res, @body) =>
describe("when the content is large", function() {
beforeEach(function(done) {
const line = new Array(1025).join("x"); // 1kb
this.largeLines = Array.apply(null, Array(1024)).map(() => line); // 1mb
return DocstoreClient.updateDoc(this.project_id, this.doc_id, this.largeLines, this.version, this.originalRanges, (error, res, body) => {
this.body = body;
return done();
it "should return modified = true", ->
@body.modified.should.equal true
it("should return modified = true", function() {
return this.body.modified.should.equal(true);
it "should update the doc in the API", (done) ->
DocstoreClient.getDoc @project_id, @doc_id, {}, (error, res, doc) =>
doc.lines.should.deep.equal @largeLines
return it("should update the doc in the API", function(done) {
return DocstoreClient.getDoc(this.project_id, this.doc_id, {}, (error, res, doc) => {
return done();
describe "when there is a large json payload", ->
beforeEach (done) ->
line = new Array(1025).join("x") # 1kb
@largeLines = Array.apply(null, Array(1024)).map(() -> line) # 1kb
@originalRanges.padding = Array.apply(null, Array(2049)).map(() -> line) # 2mb + 1kb
DocstoreClient.updateDoc @project_id, @doc_id, @largeLines, @version, @originalRanges, (error, @res, @body) =>
describe("when there is a large json payload", function() {
beforeEach(function(done) {
const line = new Array(1025).join("x"); // 1kb
this.largeLines = Array.apply(null, Array(1024)).map(() => line); // 1kb
this.originalRanges.padding = Array.apply(null, Array(2049)).map(() => line); // 2mb + 1kb
return DocstoreClient.updateDoc(this.project_id, this.doc_id, this.largeLines, this.version, this.originalRanges, (error, res, body) => {
this.res = res;
this.body = body;
return done();
it "should return modified = true", ->
@body.modified.should.equal true
it("should return modified = true", function() {
return this.body.modified.should.equal(true);
it "should update the doc in the API", (done) ->
DocstoreClient.getDoc @project_id, @doc_id, {}, (error, res, doc) =>
doc.lines.should.deep.equal @largeLines
return it("should update the doc in the API", function(done) {
return DocstoreClient.getDoc(this.project_id, this.doc_id, {}, (error, res, doc) => {
return done();
describe "when the document body is too large", ->
beforeEach (done) ->
line = new Array(1025).join("x") # 1kb
@largeLines = Array.apply(null, Array(2049)).map(() -> line) # 2mb + 1kb
DocstoreClient.updateDoc @project_id, @doc_id, @largeLines, @version, @originalRanges, (error, @res, @body) =>
describe("when the document body is too large", function() {
beforeEach(function(done) {
const line = new Array(1025).join("x"); // 1kb
this.largeLines = Array.apply(null, Array(2049)).map(() => line); // 2mb + 1kb
return DocstoreClient.updateDoc(this.project_id, this.doc_id, this.largeLines, this.version, this.originalRanges, (error, res, body) => {
this.res = res;
this.body = body;
return done();
it "should return 413", ->
@res.statusCode.should.equal 413
it("should return 413", function() {
return this.res.statusCode.should.equal(413);
it "should report body too large", ->
@res.body.should.equal 'document body too large'
it("should report body too large", function() {
return this.res.body.should.equal('document body too large');
it "should not update the doc in the API", (done) ->
DocstoreClient.getDoc @project_id, @doc_id, {}, (error, res, doc) =>
doc.lines.should.deep.equal @originalLines
return it("should not update the doc in the API", function(done) {
return DocstoreClient.getDoc(this.project_id, this.doc_id, {}, (error, res, doc) => {
return done();
describe "when the json payload is too large", ->
beforeEach (done) ->
line = new Array(1025).join("x") # 1kb
@largeLines = Array.apply(null, Array(1024)).map(() -> line) # 1kb
@originalRanges.padding = Array.apply(null, Array(4096)).map(() -> line) # 4mb
DocstoreClient.updateDoc @project_id, @doc_id, @largeLines, @version, @originalRanges, (error, @res, @body) =>
return describe("when the json payload is too large", function() {
beforeEach(function(done) {
const line = new Array(1025).join("x"); // 1kb
this.largeLines = Array.apply(null, Array(1024)).map(() => line); // 1kb
this.originalRanges.padding = Array.apply(null, Array(4096)).map(() => line); // 4mb
return DocstoreClient.updateDoc(this.project_id, this.doc_id, this.largeLines, this.version, this.originalRanges, (error, res, body) => {
this.res = res;
this.body = body;
return done();
it "should not update the doc in the API", (done) ->
DocstoreClient.getDoc @project_id, @doc_id, {}, (error, res, doc) =>
doc.lines.should.deep.equal @originalLines
return it("should not update the doc in the API", function(done) {
return DocstoreClient.getDoc(this.project_id, this.doc_id, {}, (error, res, doc) => {
return done();
@ -1,21 +1,39 @@
app = require('../../../../app')
settings = require("settings-sharelatex")
* decaffeinate suggestions:
* DS101: Remove unnecessary use of Array.from
* DS102: Remove unnecessary code created because of implicit returns
* DS205: Consider reworking code to avoid use of IIFEs
* DS207: Consider shorter variations of null checks
* Full docs: https://github.com/decaffeinate/decaffeinate/blob/master/docs/suggestions.md
const app = require('../../../../app');
const settings = require("settings-sharelatex");
module.exports =
running: false
initing: false
callbacks: []
ensureRunning: (callback = (error) ->) ->
if @running
return callback()
else if @initing
@callbacks.push callback
@initing = true
@callbacks.push callback
app.listen settings.internal.docstore.port, "localhost", (error) =>
throw error if error?
@running = true
for callback in @callbacks
module.exports = {
running: false,
initing: false,
callbacks: [],
ensureRunning(callback) {
if (callback == null) { callback = function(error) {}; }
if (this.running) {
return callback();
} else if (this.initing) {
return this.callbacks.push(callback);
} else {
this.initing = true;
return app.listen(settings.internal.docstore.port, "localhost", error => {
if (error != null) { throw error; }
this.running = true;
return (() => {
const result = [];
for (callback of Array.from(this.callbacks)) {
return result;
@ -1,57 +1,84 @@
request = require("request").defaults(jar: false)
{db, ObjectId} = require("../../../../app/js/mongojs")
settings = require("settings-sharelatex")
DocArchiveManager = require("../../../../app/js/DocArchiveManager.js")
* decaffeinate suggestions:
* DS102: Remove unnecessary code created because of implicit returns
* DS207: Consider shorter variations of null checks
* Full docs: https://github.com/decaffeinate/decaffeinate/blob/master/docs/suggestions.md
let DocstoreClient;
const request = require("request").defaults({jar: false});
const {db, ObjectId} = require("../../../../app/js/mongojs");
const settings = require("settings-sharelatex");
const DocArchiveManager = require("../../../../app/js/DocArchiveManager.js");
module.exports = DocstoreClient =
module.exports = (DocstoreClient = {
createDoc: (project_id, doc_id, lines, version, ranges, callback = (error) ->) ->
DocstoreClient.updateDoc project_id, doc_id, lines, version, ranges, callback
createDoc(project_id, doc_id, lines, version, ranges, callback) {
if (callback == null) { callback = function(error) {}; }
return DocstoreClient.updateDoc(project_id, doc_id, lines, version, ranges, callback);
getDoc: (project_id, doc_id, qs, callback = (error, res, body) ->) ->
request.get {
url: "http://localhost:#{settings.internal.docstore.port}/project/#{project_id}/doc/#{doc_id}"
getDoc(project_id, doc_id, qs, callback) {
if (callback == null) { callback = function(error, res, body) {}; }
return request.get({
url: `http://localhost:${settings.internal.docstore.port}/project/${project_id}/doc/${doc_id}`,
json: true,
}, callback);
getAllDocs(project_id, callback) {
if (callback == null) { callback = function(error, res, body) {}; }
return request.get({
url: `http://localhost:${settings.internal.docstore.port}/project/${project_id}/doc`,
json: true
}, callback
}, callback);
getAllDocs: (project_id, callback = (error, res, body) ->) ->
request.get {
url: "http://localhost:#{settings.internal.docstore.port}/project/#{project_id}/doc"
getAllRanges(project_id, callback) {
if (callback == null) { callback = function(error, res, body) {}; }
return request.get({
url: `http://localhost:${settings.internal.docstore.port}/project/${project_id}/ranges`,
json: true
}, callback
}, callback);
getAllRanges: (project_id, callback = (error, res, body) ->) ->
request.get {
url: "http://localhost:#{settings.internal.docstore.port}/project/#{project_id}/ranges"
json: true
}, callback
updateDoc(project_id, doc_id, lines, version, ranges, callback) {
if (callback == null) { callback = function(error, res, body) {}; }
return request.post({
url: `http://localhost:${settings.internal.docstore.port}/project/${project_id}/doc/${doc_id}`,
json: {
}, callback);
updateDoc: (project_id, doc_id, lines, version, ranges, callback = (error, res, body) ->) ->
request.post {
url: "http://localhost:#{settings.internal.docstore.port}/project/#{project_id}/doc/#{doc_id}"
lines: lines
version: version
ranges: ranges
}, callback
deleteDoc: (project_id, doc_id, callback = (error, res, body) ->) ->
request.del {
url: "http://localhost:#{settings.internal.docstore.port}/project/#{project_id}/doc/#{doc_id}"
}, callback
deleteDoc(project_id, doc_id, callback) {
if (callback == null) { callback = function(error, res, body) {}; }
return request.del({
url: `http://localhost:${settings.internal.docstore.port}/project/${project_id}/doc/${doc_id}`
}, callback);
archiveAllDoc: (project_id, callback = (error, res, body) ->) ->
request.post {
url: "http://localhost:#{settings.internal.docstore.port}/project/#{project_id}/archive"
}, callback
archiveAllDoc(project_id, callback) {
if (callback == null) { callback = function(error, res, body) {}; }
return request.post({
url: `http://localhost:${settings.internal.docstore.port}/project/${project_id}/archive`
}, callback);
destroyAllDoc: (project_id, callback = (error, res, body) ->) ->
request.post {
url: "http://localhost:#{settings.internal.docstore.port}/project/#{project_id}/destroy"
}, callback
destroyAllDoc(project_id, callback) {
if (callback == null) { callback = function(error, res, body) {}; }
return request.post({
url: `http://localhost:${settings.internal.docstore.port}/project/${project_id}/destroy`
}, callback);
getS3Doc: (project_id, doc_id, callback = (error, res, body) ->) ->
options = DocArchiveManager.buildS3Options(project_id+"/"+doc_id)
options.json = true
request.get options, callback
getS3Doc(project_id, doc_id, callback) {
if (callback == null) { callback = function(error, res, body) {}; }
const options = DocArchiveManager.buildS3Options(project_id+"/"+doc_id);
options.json = true;
return request.get(options, callback);
Reference in a new issue