Merge branch 'sk-ac-prevent-double-insertion' into sk-ac-improvements-integration

This commit is contained in:
Shane Kilkelly 2017-07-06 14:39:00 +01:00
commit 611f8825d7

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@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ define [
], (SuggestionManager, SnippetManager) ->
Range = ace.require("ace/range").Range
aceSnippetManager = ace.require('ace/snippets').snippetManager
getLastCommandFragment = (lineUpToCursor) ->
if m = lineUpToCursor.match(/(\\[^\\]+)$/)
@ -163,6 +164,56 @@ define [
if this.completions.filterText.match(/^\\begin\{/) and nextChar == "}"
# Provide our own `insertMatch` implementation.
# See the `insertMatch` method of Autocomplete in `ext-language_tools.js`.
# We need this to account for editing existing commands, particularly when
# adding a prefix.
# We fix this by detecting when the cursor is in the middle of an existing
# command, and adjusting the insertions/deletions accordingly.
# Example:
# when changing `\ref{}` to `\href{}`, ace default behaviour
# is likely to end up with `\href{}ref{}`
if !data?
completions = this.completions
popup = editor.completer.popup
data = popup.getData(popup.getRow())
data.completer =
insertMatch: (editor, matchData) ->
for range in editor.selection.getAllRanges()
leftRange = _.clone(range)
rightRange = _.clone(range)
# trim to left of cursor
leftRange.start.column -= completions.filterText.length;
lineBeyondCursor = editor.getSession().getTextRange(
new Range(
if lineBeyondCursor
if partialCommandMatch = lineBeyondCursor.match(/^([a-z0-9]+)\{/)
# We've got a partial command after the cursor
commandTail = partialCommandMatch[1]
# remove rest of the partial command, right of cursor
rightRange.end.column += commandTail.length - completions.filterText.length
# trim the completion text to just the command, without braces or brackets
# example: '\cite{}' -> '\cite'
if matchData.snippet?
matchData.snippet = matchData.snippet.replace(/[{\[].*[}\]]/, '')
if matchData.caption?
matchData.caption = matchData.caption.replace(/[{\[].*[}\]]/, '')
if matchData.value?
matchData.value = matchData.value.replace(/[{\[].*[}\]]/, '')
# finally, insert the match
if matchData.snippet
aceSnippetManager.insertSnippet(editor, matchData.snippet);
editor.execCommand("insertstring", matchData.value || matchData); this, data
# Overwrite this to set autoInsert = false and set font size