pulled logic for arching docs arpart a bit, can be moved into its own file

hacked out (needs tests) the unarchiving of individual docs & doc updates
This commit is contained in:
Henry Oswald 2015-06-02 12:36:38 +01:00
parent 19f1a9ad82
commit 60bc7bf4e1
2 changed files with 38 additions and 26 deletions

View file

@ -16,7 +16,13 @@ module.exports = DocManager =
return callback(err)
else if !doc?
return callback new Errors.NotFoundError("No such doc: #{doc_id} in project #{project_id}")
callback null, doc
else if doc?.inS3
DocManager.unarchiveDoc project_id, doc_id, (err)->
if err?
return callback(err)
MongoManager.findDoc doc_id, callback
callback err, doc
getAllDocs: (project_id, callback = (error, docs) ->) ->
DocManager.unArchiveAllDocs project_id, (error) ->
@ -29,8 +35,8 @@ module.exports = DocManager =
return callback(null, docs)
updateDoc: (project_id, doc_id, lines, callback = (error, modified, rev) ->) ->
MongoManager.findDoc doc_id, (err, doc)->
if err?
DocManager.getDoc doc_id, (err, doc)->
if err? and !(error instanceof Errors.NotFoundError)
logger.err project_id: project_id, doc_id: doc_id, err:err, "error getting document for update"
return callback(err)
@ -63,51 +69,54 @@ module.exports = DocManager =
return callback(error) if error?
archiveAllDocs: (project_id, callback = (error, docs) ->) ->
MongoManager.getProjectsDocs project_id, (error, docs) ->
if err?
return callback(error)
else if !docs?
return callback new Errors.NotFoundError("No docs for project #{project_id}")
jobs = _.map docs, (doc) ->
logger.log project_id: project_id, doc_id: doc._id, "sending doc to s3"
options = buildS3Options(doc.lines, project_id+"/"+doc._id)
request.put options, (err, res)->
if err? || res.statusCode != 200
logger.err err:err, res:res, "something went wrong archiving doc in aws"
MongoManager.markDocAsArchived doc._id, (error) ->
return cb(error) if error?
(cb)-> DocManager.archiveDoc project_id, doc, cb
async.series jobs, callback
archiveDoc: (project_id, doc, callback)->
logger.log project_id: project_id, doc_id: doc._id, "sending doc to s3"
options = buildS3Options(doc.lines, project_id+"/"+doc._id)
request.put options, (err, res)->
if err? || res.statusCode != 200
logger.err err:err, res:res, "something went wrong archiving doc in aws"
MongoManager.markDocAsArchived doc._id, (error) ->
return callback(error) if error?
unArchiveAllDocs: (project_id, callback = (error) ->) ->
MongoManager.getProjectsDocs project_id, (error, docs) ->
if err?
return callback(error)
else if !docs?
return callback new Errors.NotFoundError("No docs for project #{project_id}")
jobs = _.map docs, (doc) ->
if !doc.inS3?
return cb()
logger.log project_id: project_id, doc_id: doc._id, "getting doc from s3"
options = buildS3Options(true, project_id+"/"+doc._id)
request.get options, (err, res, lines)->
if err? || res.statusCode != 200
logger.err err:err, res:res, "something went wrong unarchiving doc from aws"
MongoManager.upsertIntoDocCollection project_id, doc._id.toString(), lines, (error) ->
return cb(error) if error?
unarchiveDoc project_id, doc_id, cb
async.series jobs, callback
unarchiveDoc: (project_id, doc_id, callback)->
logger.log project_id: project_id, doc_id: doc._id, "getting doc from s3"
options = buildS3Options(true, project_id+"/"+doc._id)
request.get options, (err, res, lines)->
if err? || res.statusCode != 200
logger.err err:err, res:res, "something went wrong unarchiving doc from aws"
MongoManager.upsertIntoDocCollection project_id, doc._id.toString(), lines, (error) ->
return callback(error) if error?
buildS3Options = (content, key)->
return {

View file

@ -34,5 +34,8 @@ module.exports = MongoManager =
$unset: {}
update.$set["inS3"] = true
update.$unset["lines"] = true
# to ensure that the lines have not changed during the archive process
# what if we passed the lines through into the query {_id: doc_id, lines:lines}
# or more performant would be todo the rev {_id:doc_id, rev:rev}
db.docs.update _id: doc_id, update, (err)->