Refactor, take indentation into account.

This commit is contained in:
Shane Kilkelly 2016-03-17 15:27:20 +00:00
parent 229ced6f2f
commit 53b46e42cd

View file

@ -97,46 +97,44 @@ define () ->
meta: "env"
CUSTOM_ENVIRONMENT_REGEX = /^\\newenvironment{(\w+)}.*$/gm
parseCustomEnvironmentNames = (text) ->
names = []
parseCustomEnvironments = (text) ->
re = /^\\newenvironment{(\w+)}.*$/gm
result = []
iterations = 0
while match = CUSTOM_ENVIRONMENT_REGEX.exec(text)
names.push match[1]
while match = re.exec(text)
result.push {name: match[1], whitespace: null}
iterations += 1
if iterations >= 1000
return names
return names
return result
return result
BEGIN_COMMAND_REGEX = /^\\begin{(\w+)}.*$/gm
parseBeginCommandNames = (text) ->
names = []
parseBeginCommands = (text) ->
re = /^\\begin{(\w+)}.*\n([\t ]*).*$/gm
result = []
iterations = 0
while match = BEGIN_COMMAND_REGEX.exec(text)
names.push match[1]
while match = re.exec(text)
result.push {name: match[1], whitespace: match[2]}
iterations += 1
if iterations >= 1000
return names
return names
return result
return result
class SnippetManager
getCompletions: (editor, session, pos, prefix, callback) ->
# console.log ">> get snippet completions", editor, session, pos, prefix
docText = session.getValue()
customEnvironmentNames = parseCustomEnvironmentNames(docText)
beginCommandNames = parseBeginCommandNames(docText)
# console.log customEnvironmentNames
parsedNames = _.union(customEnvironmentNames, beginCommandNames)
customEnvironments = parseCustomEnvironments(docText)
beginCommands = parseBeginCommands(docText)
parsedItems = _.union(customEnvironments, beginCommands)
snippets = staticSnippets.concat( (name) -> (item) ->
caption: "\\begin{#{name}}..."
caption: "\\begin{#{}}..."
snippet: """
#{item.whitespace || ''}$1
meta: "env"
@ -144,10 +142,10 @@ define () ->
# arguably these `end` commands shouldn't be here, as they're not snippets
# but this is where we have access to the `begin` environment names
# *shrug* (name) -> (item) ->
caption: "\\end{#{name}}"
value: "\\end{#{name}}"
caption: "\\end{#{}}"
value: "\\end{#{}}"
meta: "env"