Merge pull request #145 from overleaf/jpa-backport-140

[backport] 140: stop processing requests as we detect a client disconnect
This commit is contained in:
Jakob Ackermann 2020-06-09 14:41:12 +02:00 committed by GitHub
commit 5238e6ad36
5 changed files with 323 additions and 9 deletions

View file

@ -71,8 +71,10 @@ module.exports = RoomManager =
# Ignore any requests to leave when the client is not actually in the
# room. This can happen if the client sends spurious leaveDoc requests
# for old docs after a reconnection.
# This can now happen all the time, as we skip the join for clients that
# disconnect before joinProject/joinDoc completed.
if !@_clientAlreadyInRoom(client, id)
logger.warn {client:, entity, id}, "ignoring request from client to leave room it is not in"
logger.log {client:, entity, id}, "ignoring request from client to leave room it is not in"
client.leave id
afterCount = @_clientsInRoom(client, id)

View file

@ -16,11 +16,18 @@ module.exports = WebsocketController =
joinProject: (client, user, project_id, callback = (error, project, privilegeLevel, protocolVersion) ->) ->
if client.disconnected'editor.join-project.disconnected', 1, {status: 'immediately'})
return callback()
user_id = user?._id
logger.log {user_id, project_id, client_id:}, "user joining project" "editor.join-project"
WebApiManager.joinProject project_id, user, (error, project, privilegeLevel, isRestrictedUser) ->
return callback(error) if error?
if client.disconnected'editor.join-project.disconnected', 1, {status: 'after-web-api-call'})
return callback()
if !privilegeLevel or privilegeLevel == ""
err = new Error("not authorized")
@ -77,6 +84,10 @@ module.exports = WebsocketController =
, WebsocketController.FLUSH_IF_EMPTY_DELAY
joinDoc: (client, doc_id, fromVersion = -1, options, callback = (error, doclines, version, ops, ranges) ->) ->
if client.disconnected'editor.join-doc.disconnected', 1, {status: 'immediately'})
return callback() "editor.join-doc"
Utils.getClientAttributes client, ["project_id", "user_id", "is_restricted_user"], (error, {project_id, user_id, is_restricted_user}) ->
return callback(error) if error?
@ -89,8 +100,17 @@ module.exports = WebsocketController =
# doc to the client, so that no events are missed.
RoomManager.joinDoc client, doc_id, (error) ->
return callback(error) if error?
if client.disconnected'editor.join-doc.disconnected', 1, {status: 'after-joining-room'})
# the client will not read the response anyways
return callback()
DocumentUpdaterManager.getDocument project_id, doc_id, fromVersion, (error, lines, version, ranges, ops) ->
return callback(error) if error?
if client.disconnected'editor.join-doc.disconnected', 1, {status: 'after-doc-updater-call'})
# the client will not read the response anyways
return callback()
if is_restricted_user and ranges?.comments?
ranges.comments = []
@ -122,6 +142,7 @@ module.exports = WebsocketController =
callback null, escapedLines, version, ops, ranges
leaveDoc: (client, doc_id, callback = (error) ->) ->
# client may have disconnected, but we have to cleanup internal state. "editor.leave-doc"
Utils.getClientAttributes client, ["project_id", "user_id"], (error, {project_id, user_id}) ->
logger.log {user_id, project_id, doc_id, client_id:}, "client leaving doc"
@ -132,6 +153,10 @@ module.exports = WebsocketController =
## AuthorizationManager.removeAccessToDoc client, doc_id
updateClientPosition: (client, cursorData, callback = (error) ->) ->
if client.disconnected
# do not create a ghost entry in redis
return callback() "editor.update-client-position", 0.1
Utils.getClientAttributes client, [
"project_id", "first_name", "last_name", "email", "user_id"
@ -173,6 +198,10 @@ module.exports = WebsocketController =
getConnectedUsers: (client, callback = (error, users) ->) ->
if client.disconnected
# they are not interested anymore, skip the redis lookups
return callback() "editor.get-connected-users"
Utils.getClientAttributes client, ["project_id", "user_id", "is_restricted_user"], (error, clientAttributes) ->
return callback(error) if error?
@ -192,6 +221,7 @@ module.exports = WebsocketController =
, WebsocketController.CLIENT_REFRESH_DELAY
applyOtUpdate: (client, doc_id, update, callback = (error) ->) ->
# client may have disconnected, but we can submit their update to doc-updater anyways.
Utils.getClientAttributes client, ["user_id", "project_id"], (error, {user_id, project_id}) ->
return callback(error) if error?
return callback(new Error("no project_id found on client")) if !project_id?
@ -223,6 +253,9 @@ module.exports = WebsocketController =
# trigger an out-of-sync error
message = {project_id, doc_id, error: "update is too large"}
setTimeout () ->
if client.disconnected
# skip the message broadcast, the client has moved on
return'editor.doc-update.disconnected', 1, {status:'at-otUpdateError'})
client.emit "otUpdateError", message.error, message
, 100

View file

@ -0,0 +1,160 @@
async = require "async"
{expect} = require("chai")
RealTimeClient = require "./helpers/RealTimeClient"
MockDocUpdaterServer = require "./helpers/MockDocUpdaterServer"
MockWebServer = require "./helpers/MockWebServer"
FixturesManager = require "./helpers/FixturesManager"
settings = require "settings-sharelatex"
redis = require "redis-sharelatex"
rclient = redis.createClient(settings.redis.pubsub)
rclientRT = redis.createClient(settings.redis.realtime)
KeysRT = settings.redis.realtime.key_schema
describe "EarlyDisconnect", ->
before (done) -> done
describe "when the client disconnects before joinProject completes", ->
before () ->
# slow down web-api requests to force the race condition
@actualWebAPIjoinProject = joinProject = MockWebServer.joinProject
MockWebServer.joinProject = (project_id, user_id, cb) ->
setTimeout () ->
joinProject(project_id, user_id, cb)
, 300
after () ->
MockWebServer.joinProject = @actualWebAPIjoinProject
beforeEach (done) ->
async.series [
(cb) =>
FixturesManager.setUpProject {
privilegeLevel: "owner"
project: {
name: "Test Project"
}, (e, {@project_id, @user_id}) => cb()
(cb) =>
@clientA = RealTimeClient.connect()
@clientA.on "connectionAccepted", cb
(cb) =>
@clientA.emit "joinProject", project_id: @project_id, (() ->)
# disconnect before joinProject completes
@clientA.on "disconnect", () -> cb()
(cb) =>
# wait for joinDoc and subscribe
setTimeout cb, 500
], done
# we can force the race condition, there is no need to repeat too often
for attempt in Array.from(length: 5).map((_, i) -> i+1)
it "should not subscribe to the pub/sub channel anymore (race #{attempt})", (done) ->
rclient.pubsub 'CHANNELS', (err, resp) =>
return done(err) if err
expect(resp).to.not.include "editor-events:#{@project_id}"
return null
describe "when the client disconnects before joinDoc completes", ->
beforeEach (done) ->
async.series [
(cb) =>
FixturesManager.setUpProject {
privilegeLevel: "owner"
project: {
name: "Test Project"
}, (e, {@project_id, @user_id}) => cb()
(cb) =>
@clientA = RealTimeClient.connect()
@clientA.on "connectionAccepted", cb
(cb) =>
@clientA.emit "joinProject", project_id: @project_id, (error, @project, @privilegeLevel, @protocolVersion) =>
(cb) =>
FixturesManager.setUpDoc @project_id, {@lines, @version, @ops}, (e, {@doc_id}) =>
(cb) =>
@clientA.emit "joinDoc", @doc_id, (() ->)
# disconnect before joinDoc completes
@clientA.on "disconnect", () -> cb()
(cb) =>
# wait for subscribe and unsubscribe
setTimeout cb, 100
], done
# we can not force the race condition, so we have to try many times
for attempt in Array.from(length: 20).map((_, i) -> i+1)
it "should not subscribe to the pub/sub channels anymore (race #{attempt})", (done) ->
rclient.pubsub 'CHANNELS', (err, resp) =>
return done(err) if err
expect(resp).to.not.include "editor-events:#{@project_id}"
rclient.pubsub 'CHANNELS', (err, resp) =>
return done(err) if err
expect(resp).to.not.include "applied-ops:#{@doc_id}"
return null
describe "when the client disconnects before clientTracking.updatePosition starts", ->
beforeEach (done) ->
async.series [
(cb) =>
FixturesManager.setUpProject {
privilegeLevel: "owner"
project: {
name: "Test Project"
}, (e, {@project_id, @user_id}) => cb()
(cb) =>
@clientA = RealTimeClient.connect()
@clientA.on "connectionAccepted", cb
(cb) =>
@clientA.emit "joinProject", project_id: @project_id, (error, @project, @privilegeLevel, @protocolVersion) =>
(cb) =>
FixturesManager.setUpDoc @project_id, {@lines, @version, @ops}, (e, {@doc_id}) =>
(cb) =>
@clientA.emit "joinDoc", @doc_id, cb
(cb) =>
@clientA.emit "clientTracking.updatePosition", {
row: 42
column: 36
doc_id: @doc_id
}, (() ->)
# disconnect before updateClientPosition completes
@clientA.on "disconnect", () -> cb()
(cb) =>
# wait for updateClientPosition
setTimeout cb, 100
], done
# we can not force the race condition, so we have to try many times
for attempt in Array.from(length: 20).map((_, i) -> i+1)
it "should not show the client as connected (race #{attempt})", (done) ->
rclientRT.smembers KeysRT.clientsInProject({project_id: @project_id}), (err, results) ->
return done(err) if err
return null

View file

@ -17,12 +17,14 @@ describe "leaveDoc", ->
@ops = ["mock", "doc", "ops"]
sinon.spy(logger, "error")
sinon.spy(logger, "warn")
sinon.spy(logger, "log")
@other_doc_id = FixturesManager.getRandomId()
after ->
logger.error.restore() # remove the spy
describe "when joined to a doc", ->
beforeEach (done) ->
async.series [
@ -80,5 +82,5 @@ describe "leaveDoc", ->
throw error if error?
it "should trigger a warning only", ->
sinon.assert.calledWith(logger.warn, sinon.match.any, "ignoring request from client to leave room it is not in")
it "should trigger a low level message only", ->
sinon.assert.calledWith(logger.log, sinon.match.any, "ignoring request from client to leave room it is not in")

View file

@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ describe 'WebsocketController', ->
@callback = sinon.stub()
@client =
disconnected: false
id: @client_id = "mock-client-id-123"
publicId: "other-id-#{Math.random()}"
params: {}
@ -148,6 +149,35 @@ describe 'WebsocketController', ->
.should.equal true
@callback.args[0][0].message.should.equal "subscribe failed"
describe "when the client has disconnected", ->
beforeEach ->
@client.disconnected = true
@WebApiManager.joinProject = sinon.stub().callsArg(2)
@WebsocketController.joinProject @client, @user, @project_id, @callback
it "should not call WebApiManager.joinProject", ->
it "should call the callback with no details", ->
expect(@callback.args[0]).to.deep.equal []
it "should increment the editor.join-project.disconnected metric with a status", ->
expect('editor.join-project.disconnected', 1, {status: 'immediately'})).to.equal(true)
describe "when the client disconnects while WebApiManager.joinProject is running", ->
beforeEach ->
@WebApiManager.joinProject = (project, user, cb) =>
@client.disconnected = true
cb(null, @project, @privilegeLevel, @isRestrictedUser)
@WebsocketController.joinProject @client, @user, @project_id, @callback
it "should call the callback with no details", ->
expect(@callback.args[0]).to.deep.equal []
it "should increment the editor.join-project.disconnected metric with a status", ->
expect('editor.join-project.disconnected', 1, {status: 'after-web-api-call'})).to.equal(true)
describe "leaveProject", ->
beforeEach ->
@DocumentUpdaterManager.flushProjectToMongoAndDelete = sinon.stub().callsArg(1)
@ -385,6 +415,51 @@ describe 'WebsocketController', ->
ranges = @callback.args[0][4]
expect(ranges.comments).to.deep.equal []
describe "when the client has disconnected", ->
beforeEach ->
@client.disconnected = true
@WebsocketController.joinDoc @client, @doc_id, -1, @options, @callback
it "should call the callback with no details", ->
it "should increment the editor.join-doc.disconnected metric with a status", ->
expect('editor.join-doc.disconnected', 1, {status: 'immediately'})).to.equal(true)
it "should not get the document", ->
describe "when the client disconnects while RoomManager.joinDoc is running", ->
beforeEach ->
@RoomManager.joinDoc = (client, doc_id, cb) =>
@client.disconnected = true
@WebsocketController.joinDoc @client, @doc_id, -1, @options, @callback
it "should call the callback with no details", ->
it "should increment the editor.join-doc.disconnected metric with a status", ->
expect('editor.join-doc.disconnected', 1, {status: 'after-joining-room'})).to.equal(true)
it "should not get the document", ->
describe "when the client disconnects while DocumentUpdaterManager.getDocument is running", ->
beforeEach ->
@DocumentUpdaterManager.getDocument = (project_id, doc_id, fromVersion, callback) =>
@client.disconnected = true
callback(null, @doc_lines, @version, @ranges, @ops)
@WebsocketController.joinDoc @client, @doc_id, -1, @options, @callback
it "should call the callback with no details", ->
expect(@callback.args[0]).to.deep.equal []
it "should increment the editor.join-doc.disconnected metric with a status", ->
expect('editor.join-doc.disconnected', 1, {status: 'after-doc-updater-call'})).to.equal(true)
describe "leaveDoc", ->
beforeEach ->
@doc_id = "doc-id-123"
@ -464,6 +539,18 @@ describe 'WebsocketController', ->
.should.equal false
describe "when the client has disconnected", ->
beforeEach ->
@client.disconnected = true
@AuthorizationManager.assertClientCanViewProject = sinon.stub()
@WebsocketController.getConnectedUsers @client, @callback
it "should call the callback with no details", ->
it "should not check permissions", ->
describe "updateClientPosition", ->
beforeEach ->
@WebsocketLoadBalancer.emitToRoom = sinon.stub()
@ -643,6 +730,18 @@ describe 'WebsocketController', ->
@ConnectedUsersManager.updateUserPosition.called.should.equal false
describe "when the client has disconnected", ->
beforeEach ->
@client.disconnected = true
@AuthorizationManager.assertClientCanViewProjectAndDoc = sinon.stub()
@WebsocketController.updateClientPosition @client, @update, @callback
it "should call the callback with no details", ->
it "should not check permissions", ->
describe "applyOtUpdate", ->
beforeEach ->
@update = {op: {p: 12, t: "foo"}}
@ -716,7 +815,7 @@ describe 'WebsocketController', ->
@WebsocketController.applyOtUpdate @client, @doc_id, @update, @callback
setTimeout ->
, 201
, 1
it "should call the callback with no error", ->
@callback.called.should.equal true
@ -728,11 +827,29 @@ describe 'WebsocketController', ->
@user_id, @project_id, @doc_id, updateSize: 7372835
}, 'update is too large']
it "should send an otUpdateError the client", ->
@client.emit.calledWith('otUpdateError').should.equal true
describe "after 100ms", ->
beforeEach (done) ->
setTimeout done, 100
it "should disconnect the client", ->
@client.disconnect.called.should.equal true
it "should send an otUpdateError the client", ->
@client.emit.calledWith('otUpdateError').should.equal true
it "should disconnect the client", ->
@client.disconnect.called.should.equal true
describe "when the client disconnects during the next 100ms", ->
beforeEach (done) ->
@client.disconnected = true
setTimeout done, 100
it "should not send an otUpdateError the client", ->
@client.emit.calledWith('otUpdateError').should.equal false
it "should not disconnect the client", ->
@client.disconnect.called.should.equal false
it "should increment the editor.doc-update.disconnected metric with a status", ->
expect('editor.doc-update.disconnected', 1, {status:'at-otUpdateError'})).to.equal(true)
describe "_assertClientCanApplyUpdate", ->
beforeEach ->