Merge branch 'docstore_integration'

This commit is contained in:
James Allen 2014-05-12 14:23:41 +01:00
commit 4a27342b01
10 changed files with 376 additions and 139 deletions

View file

@ -27,5 +27,38 @@ module.exports = DocstoreManager =
callback(null, docs)
error = new Error("docstore api responded with non-success code: #{res.statusCode}")
logger.error err: error, project_id: project_id, "error getting all docs in docstore"
logger.error err: error, project_id: project_id, "error getting all docs from docstore"
getDoc: (project_id, doc_id, callback = (error, lines, version, rev) ->) ->
logger.log project_id: project_id, doc_id: doc_id, "getting doc in docstore api"
url = "#{settings.apis.docstore.url}/project/#{project_id}/doc/#{doc_id}"
request.get {
url: url
json: true
}, (error, res, doc) ->
return callback(error) if error?
if 200 <= res.statusCode < 300
logger.log doc_id: doc_id, project_id: project_id, version: doc.version, rev: doc.rev, "got doc from docstore api"
callback(null, doc.lines, doc.version, doc.rev)
error = new Error("docstore api responded with non-success code: #{res.statusCode}")
logger.error err: error, project_id: project_id, doc_id: doc_id, "error getting doc from docstore"
updateDoc: (project_id, doc_id, lines, version, callback = (error, modified, rev) ->) ->
logger.log project_id: project_id, doc_id: doc_id, version: version, "updating doc in docstore api"
url = "#{settings.apis.docstore.url}/project/#{project_id}/doc/#{doc_id}" {
url: url
lines: lines
version: version
}, (error, res, result) ->
return callback(error) if error?
if 200 <= res.statusCode < 300
callback(null, result.modified, result.rev)
error = new Error("docstore api responded with non-success code: #{res.statusCode}")
logger.error err: error, project_id: project_id, doc_id: doc_id, "error updating doc in docstore"

View file

@ -58,6 +58,22 @@ module.exports =
error = new Error("document updater returned a failure status code: #{res.statusCode}")
logger.error err: error, project_id: project_id, sl_req_id: sl_req_id, "document updater returned failure status code: #{res.statusCode}"
return callback(error)
flushDocToMongo: (project_id, doc_id, callback = (error) ->) ->
logger.log project_id:project_id, doc_id: doc_id, "flushing doc from document updater"
timer = new metrics.Timer("flushing.mongo.doc")
url = "#{settings.apis.documentupdater.url}/project/#{project_id}/doc/#{doc_id}/flush" url, (error, res, body)->
if error?
logger.error err: error, project_id: project_id, doc_id: doc_id, "error flushing doc from document updater"
return callback(error)
else if res.statusCode >= 200 and res.statusCode < 300
logger.log project_id: project_id, doc_id: doc_id, "flushed doc from document updater"
return callback(null)
error = new Error("document updater returned a failure status code: #{res.statusCode}")
logger.error err: error, project_id: project_id, doc_id: doc_id, "document updater returned failure status code: #{res.statusCode}"
return callback(error)
deleteDoc : (project_id, doc_id, sl_req_id, callback = ()->)->
{callback, sl_req_id} = slReqIdHelper.getCallbackAndReqId(callback, sl_req_id)

View file

@ -1,31 +1,30 @@
ProjectLocator = require "../Project/ProjectLocator"
ProjectEntityHandler = require "../Project/ProjectEntityHandler"
Errors = require "../../errors"
logger = require("logger-sharelatex")
module.exports =
module.exports =
getDocument: (req, res, next = (error) ->) ->
project_id = req.params.Project_id
doc_id = req.params.doc_id
logger.log doc_id:doc_id, project_id:project_id, "receiving get document request from api (docupdater)"
ProjectLocator.findElement project_id: project_id, element_id: doc_id, type: "doc", (error, doc) ->
ProjectEntityHandler.getDoc project_id, doc_id, (error, lines, version, rev) ->
if error?
logger.err err:error, doc_id:doc_id, project_id:project_id, "error finding element for getDocument"
return next(error)
res.type "json"
res.send JSON.stringify {
lines: doc.lines
lines: lines
version: version
setDocument: (req, res, next = (error) ->) ->
project_id = req.params.Project_id
doc_id = req.params.doc_id
lines = req.body.lines
version = req.body.version
logger.log doc_id:doc_id, project_id:project_id, "receiving set document request from api (docupdater)"
ProjectEntityHandler.updateDocLines project_id, doc_id, lines, (error) ->
ProjectEntityHandler.updateDocLines project_id, doc_id, lines, version, (error) ->
if error?
logger.err err:error, doc_id:doc_id, project_id:project_id, "error finding element for getDocument"
return next(error)

View file

@ -158,8 +158,7 @@ module.exports = EditorController =
DocumentUpdaterHandler.setDocument project_id, doc_id, docLines, (err)=>
logger.log project_id:project_id, doc_id:doc_id, "notifying users that the document has been updated"
EditorRealTimeController.emitToRoom(project_id, "entireDocUpdate", doc_id)
ProjectEntityHandler.updateDocLines project_id, doc_id, docLines, sl_req_id, (err)->
DocumentUpdaterHandler.flushDocToMongo project_id, doc_id, callback
addDoc: (project_id, folder_id, docName, docLines, sl_req_id, callback = (error, doc)->)->
{callback, sl_req_id} = slReqIdHelper.getCallbackAndReqId(callback, sl_req_id)

View file

@ -111,16 +111,29 @@ module.exports = ProjectEntityHandler =
logger.log sl_req_id: sl_req_id, project_id: project_id, "removing root doc"
Project.update {_id:project_id}, {$unset: {rootDoc_id: true}}, {}, callback
getDoc: (project_id, doc_id, callback = (error, lines, version, rev) ->) ->
DocstoreManager.getDoc project_id, doc_id, callback
addDoc: (project_or_id, folder_id, docName, docLines, sl_req_id, callback = (error, doc, folder_id) ->)=>
{callback, sl_req_id} = slReqIdHelper.getCallbackAndReqId(callback, sl_req_id)
Project.getProject project_or_id, "", (err, project) ->
logger.log sl_req_id: sl_req_id, project: project._id, folder_id: folder_id, doc_name: docName, "adding doc"
return callback(err) if err?
confirmFolder project, folder_id, (folder_id)=>
doc = new Doc name: docName, lines: docLines
doc = new Doc name: docName
Project.putElement project._id, folder_id, doc, "doc", (err, result)=>
tpdsUpdateSender.addDoc {project_id:project._id, docLines:docLines, path:result.path.fileSystem,, rev:doc.rev}, sl_req_id, ->
callback(err, doc, folder_id)
return callback(err) if err?
DocstoreManager.updateDoc project._id.toString(), doc._id.toString(), docLines, 0, (err, modified, rev) ->
return callback(err) if err?
tpdsUpdateSender.addDoc {
project_id: project._id,
docLines: docLines,
path: result.path.fileSystem,
rev: 0
}, sl_req_id, (err) ->
return callback(err) if err?
callback(null, doc, folder_id)
addFile: (project_or_id, folder_id, fileName, path, sl_req_id, callback = (error, fileRef, folder_id) ->)->
{callback, sl_req_id} = slReqIdHelper.getCallbackAndReqId(callback, sl_req_id)
@ -221,45 +234,31 @@ module.exports = ProjectEntityHandler =
if callback?
callback(err, folder, parentFolder_id)
updateDocLines : (project_or_id, doc_id, docLines, sl_req_id, callback = (error) ->)->
{callback, sl_req_id} = slReqIdHelper.getCallbackAndReqId(callback, sl_req_id)
Project.getProject project_or_id, "", (err, project)->
updateDocLines : (project_id, doc_id, lines, version, callback = (error) ->)->
ProjectGetter.getProjectWithoutDocLines project_id, (err, project)->
return callback(err) if err?
return callback(new Errors.NotFoundError("project not found")) if !project?
project_id = project._id
if err?
logger.err err:err,project_id:project_id, "error finding project"
callback err
else if !project?
logger.err project_id:project_id, doc_id:doc_id, err: new Error("project #{project_id} could not be found for doc #{doc_id}")
callback "could not find project #{project_id}"
projectLocator.findElement {project:project, element_id:doc_id, type:"docs"}, (err, doc, path)->
logger.log project_id: project_id, doc_id: doc_id, version: version, "updating doc lines"
projectLocator.findElement {project:project, element_id:doc_id, type:"docs"}, (err, doc, path)->
if err?
logger.error err: err, doc_id: doc_id, project_id: project_id, version: version, lines: lines, "error finding doc while updating doc lines"
return callback err
if !doc?
error = new Errors.NotFoundError("doc not found")
logger.error err: error, doc_id: doc_id, project_id: project_id, version: version, lines: lines, "doc not found while updating doc lines"
return callback(error)
DocstoreManager.updateDoc project_id, doc_id, lines, version, (err, modified, rev) ->
if err?
logger.err "error putting doc #{doc_id} in project #{project_id} #{err}"
callback err
else if docComparitor.areSame docLines, doc.lines
logger.log sl_req_id: sl_req_id, project_id:project_id, doc_id:doc_id, rev:doc.rev, "old doc lines are same as the new doc lines, not updating them"
logger.error err: err, doc_id: doc_id, project_id:project_id, lines: lines, version: version, "error sending doc to docstore"
return callback(err)
if modified
# Don't need to block for marking as updated
projectUpdateHandler.markAsUpdated project_id
tpdsUpdateSender.addDoc {project_id:project_id, path:path.fileSystem, docLines:lines,, rev:rev}, callback
logger.log sl_req_id: sl_req_id, project_id:project_id, doc_id:doc_id, docLines: docLines, oldDocLines: doc.lines, rev:doc.rev, "updating doc lines"
conditons = _id:project_id
update = {$set:{}, $inc:{}}
changeLines = {}
changeLines["#{path.mongo}.lines"] = docLines
inc = {}
inc["#{path.mongo}.rev"] = 1
update["$set"] = changeLines
update["$inc"] = inc
Project.update conditons, update, {}, (err, second)->
logger.err(sl_req_id:sl_req_id, doc_id:doc_id, project_id:project_id, err:err, "error saving doc to mongo")
logger.log sl_req_id:sl_req_id, doc_id:doc_id, project_id:project_id, newDocLines:docLines, oldDocLines:doc.lines, "doc saved to mongo"
rev = doc.rev+1
projectUpdateHandler.markAsUpdated project_id
tpdsUpdateSender.addDoc {project_id:project_id, path:path.fileSystem, docLines:docLines,, rev:rev}, sl_req_id, callback
moveEntity: (project_id, entity_id, folder_id, entityType, sl_req_id, callback = (error) ->)->
{callback, sl_req_id} = slReqIdHelper.getCallbackAndReqId(callback, sl_req_id)

View file

@ -52,6 +52,87 @@ describe "DocstoreManager", ->
}, "error deleting doc in docstore")
.should.equal true
describe "updateDoc", ->
beforeEach ->
@lines = ["mock", "doc", "lines"]
@version = 42
@rev = 5
@modified = true
describe "with a successful response code", ->
beforeEach -> = sinon.stub().callsArgWith(1, null, statusCode: 204, { modified: @modified, rev: @rev })
@DocstoreManager.updateDoc @project_id, @doc_id, @lines, @version, @callback
it "should update the doc in the docstore api", ->
url: "#{@settings.apis.docstore.url}/project/#{@project_id}/doc/#{@doc_id}"
lines: @lines
version: @version
.should.equal true
it "should call the callback with the modified status and revision", ->
@callback.calledWith(null, @modified, @rev).should.equal true
describe "with a failed response code", ->
beforeEach -> = sinon.stub().callsArgWith(1, null, statusCode: 500, "")
@DocstoreManager.updateDoc @project_id, @doc_id, @lines, @version, @callback
it "should call the callback with an error", ->
@callback.calledWith(new Error("docstore api responded with non-success code: 500")).should.equal true
it "should log the error", ->
err: new Error("docstore api responded with a non-success code: 500")
project_id: @project_id
doc_id: @doc_id
}, "error updating doc in docstore")
.should.equal true
describe "getDoc", ->
beforeEach ->
@doc =
lines: @lines = ["mock", "doc", "lines"]
version: @version = 42
rev: @rev = 5
describe "with a successful response code", ->
beforeEach ->
@request.get = sinon.stub().callsArgWith(1, null, statusCode: 204, @doc)
@DocstoreManager.getDoc @project_id, @doc_id, @callback
it "should get the doc from the docstore api", ->
url: "#{@settings.apis.docstore.url}/project/#{@project_id}/doc/#{@doc_id}"
json: true
.should.equal true
it "should call the callback with the lines, version and rev", ->
@callback.calledWith(null, @lines, @version, @rev).should.equal true
describe "with a failed response code", ->
beforeEach ->
@request.get = sinon.stub().callsArgWith(1, null, statusCode: 500, "")
@DocstoreManager.getDoc @project_id, @doc_id, @callback
it "should call the callback with an error", ->
@callback.calledWith(new Error("docstore api responded with non-success code: 500")).should.equal true
it "should log the error", ->
err: new Error("docstore api responded with a non-success code: 500")
project_id: @project_id
doc_id: @doc_id
}, "error getting doc from docstore")
.should.equal true
describe "getAllDocs", ->
describe "with a successful response code", ->
@ -83,5 +164,5 @@ describe "DocstoreManager", ->
err: new Error("docstore api responded with a non-success code: 500")
project_id: @project_id
}, "error getting all docs in docstore")
}, "error getting all docs from docstore")
.should.equal true

View file

@ -156,6 +156,40 @@ describe 'Flushing documents :', ->
.calledWith(new Error("doc updater returned failure status code: 500"))
.should.equal true
describe 'flushDocToMongo', ->
beforeEach ->
@callback = sinon.stub()
describe "successfully", ->
beforeEach -> = sinon.stub().callsArgWith(1, null, {statusCode: 204}, "")
@handler.flushDocToMongo @project_id, @doc_id, @callback
it 'should flush the document from the document updater', ->
url = "#{@settings.apis.documentupdater.url}/project/#{@project_id}/doc/#{@doc_id}/flush" true
it "should call the callback with no error", ->
@callback.calledWith(null).should.equal true
describe "when the document updater API returns an error", ->
beforeEach -> = sinon.stub().callsArgWith(1, @error = new Error("something went wrong"), null, null)
@handler.flushDocToMongo @project_id, @doc_id, @callback
it "should return an error to the callback", ->
@callback.calledWith(@error).should.equal true
describe "when the document updater returns a failure error code", ->
beforeEach -> = sinon.stub().callsArgWith(1, null, { statusCode: 500 }, "")
@handler.flushDocToMongo @project_id, @doc_id, @callback
it "should return the callback with an error", ->
.calledWith(new Error("doc updater returned failure status code: 500"))
.should.equal true
describe "deleteDoc", ->
beforeEach ->
@callback = sinon.stub()

View file

@ -11,8 +11,7 @@ Errors = require "../../../../app/js/errors"
describe "DocumentController", ->
beforeEach ->
@DocumentController = SandboxedModule.require modulePath, requires:
"../Project/ProjectLocator": @ProjectLocator = {}
@DocumentController = SandboxedModule.require modulePath, requires:
"../Project/ProjectEntityHandler": @ProjectEntityHandler = {}
@res = new MockResponse()
@req = new MockRequest()
@ -20,32 +19,34 @@ describe "DocumentController", ->
@project_id = "project-id-123"
@doc_id = "doc-id-123"
@doc_lines = ["one", "two", "three"]
@version = 42
@rev = 5
describe "getDocument", ->
beforeEach ->
@req.params =
Project_id: @project_id
doc_id: @doc_id
describe "when the document exists", ->
beforeEach ->
@ProjectLocator.findElement = sinon.stub().callsArgWith(1, null, lines: @doc_lines)
@ProjectEntityHandler.getDoc = sinon.stub().callsArgWith(2, null, @doc_lines, @version, @rev)
@DocumentController.getDocument(@req, @res, @next)
it "should get the document from Mongo", ->
.calledWith(project_id: @project_id, element_id: @doc_id, type: "doc")
.calledWith(@project_id, @doc_id)
.should.equal true
it "should return the document data to the client as JSON", ->
@res.type.should.equal "json"
@res.body.should.equal JSON.stringify
lines: @doc_lines
version: @version
describe "when the document doesn't exist", ->
beforeEach ->
@ProjectLocator.findElement = sinon.stub().callsArgWith(1, new Errors.NotFoundError("not found"), null)
@ProjectEntityHandler.getDoc = sinon.stub().callsArgWith(2, new Errors.NotFoundError("not found"), null)
@DocumentController.getDocument(@req, @res, @next)
it "should call next with the NotFoundError", ->
@ -60,14 +61,15 @@ describe "DocumentController", ->
describe "when the document exists", ->
beforeEach ->
@ProjectEntityHandler.updateDocLines = sinon.stub().callsArg(3)
@ProjectEntityHandler.updateDocLines = sinon.stub().callsArg(4)
@req.body =
lines: @doc_lines
version: @version
@DocumentController.setDocument(@req, @res, @next)
it "should update the document in Mongo", ->
.calledWith(@project_id, @doc_id, @doc_lines)
.calledWith(@project_id, @doc_id, @doc_lines, @version)
.should.equal true
it "should return a successful response", ->
@ -75,9 +77,10 @@ describe "DocumentController", ->
describe "when the document doesn't exist", ->
beforeEach ->
@ProjectEntityHandler.updateDocLines = sinon.stub().callsArgWith(3, new Errors.NotFoundError("document does not exist"))
@ProjectEntityHandler.updateDocLines = sinon.stub().callsArgWith(4, new Errors.NotFoundError("document does not exist"))
@req.body =
lines: @doc_lines
version: @version
@DocumentController.setDocument(@req, @res, @next)
it "should call next with the NotFoundError", ->

View file

@ -372,7 +372,7 @@ describe "EditorController", ->
describe 'set document', ->
beforeEach ->
@docLines = ["foo", "bar"]
@ProjectEntityHandler.updateDocLines = sinon.stub().callsArg(4)
@DocumentUpdaterHandler.flushDocToMongo = sinon.stub().callsArg(2)
@DocumentUpdaterHandler.setDocument = sinon.stub().callsArg(3)
@EditorRealTimeController.emitToRoom = sinon.stub()
@ -394,12 +394,9 @@ describe "EditorController", ->
it 'should update the document lines', (done)->
@ProjectEntityHandler.updateDocLines = ->
mock = sinon.mock(@ProjectEntityHandler).expects("updateDocLines").withArgs(@project_id, @doc_id, @docLines).once().callsArg(4)
@EditorController.setDoc @project_id, @doc_id, @docLines, (err)->
it 'should flush the doc to mongo', (done)->
@EditorController.setDoc @project_id, @doc_id, @docLines, (err)=>
@DocumentUpdaterHandler.flushDocToMongo.calledWith(@project_id, @doc_id).should.equal true

View file

@ -1,14 +1,17 @@
chai = require('chai')
assert = require('chai').assert
should = chai.should()
expect = chai.expect
sinon = require 'sinon'
modulePath = "../../../../app/js/Features/Project/ProjectEntityHandler"
SandboxedModule = require('sandboxed-module')
ObjectId = require("mongoose").Types.ObjectId
tk = require 'timekeeper'
Errors = require "../../../../app/js/errors"
describe 'ProjectEntityHandler', ->
project_id = '4eecb1c1bffa66588e0000a1'
doc_id = '4eecb1c1bffa66588e0000a2'
folder_id = "4eecaffcbffa66588e000008"
rootFolderId = "4eecaffcbffa66588e000007"
@ -34,7 +37,8 @@ describe 'ProjectEntityHandler', ->
@DocModel = class Doc
{@name, @lines} = options
{@name, @lines} = options
@_id = "mock-id"
@rev = 0
@FileModel = class File
@ -62,7 +66,7 @@ describe 'ProjectEntityHandler', ->
'./ProjectLocator':@projectLocator = {}
'../../Features/DocumentUpdater/DocumentUpdaterHandler':@documentUpdaterHandler = {}
'../Docstore/DocstoreManager': @DocstoreManager = {}
'logger-sharelatex': @logger = {log:sinon.stub(), error: sinon.stub()}
'./ProjectUpdateHandler': @projectUpdater
"./ProjectGetter": @ProjectGetter = {}
@ -277,42 +281,63 @@ describe 'ProjectEntityHandler', ->
@ProjectEntityHandler._removeElementFromMongoArray model, id, mongoPath, ->
describe 'adding doc', ->
docName = "some new doc"
docLines = ['1234','abc']
describe 'getDoc', ->
beforeEach ->
@lines = ["mock", "doc", "lines"]
@version = 42
@rev = 5
@DocstoreManager.getDoc = sinon.stub().callsArgWith(2, null, @lines, @version, @rev)
@ProjectEntityHandler.getDoc project_id, doc_id, @callback
it 'should call put element', (done)->
@ProjectModel.putElement = (passedProject_id, passedFolder_id, passedDoc, passedType, callback)->
passedProject_id.should.equal project_id
passedFolder_id.should.equal folder_id docName
passedDoc.lines[0].should.equal docLines[0]
passedDoc.lines[1].should.equal docLines[1]
passedType.should.equal 'doc'
@ProjectEntityHandler.addDoc project_id, folder_id, docName, docLines, "", (err, doc, parentFolder)->
it "should call the docstore", ->
.calledWith(project_id, doc_id)
.should.equal true
it 'should return doc and parent folder', (done)->
@ProjectEntityHandler.addDoc project_id, folder_id, docName, docLines, "", (err, doc, parentFolder)->
parentFolder.should.equal folder_id docName
it "should call the callback with the lines, version and rev", ->
@callback.calledWith(null, @lines, @version, @rev).should.equal true
it 'should call third party data store', (done)->
fileSystemPath = "/somehwere/#{docName}"
@ProjectModel.putElement = (project_id, folder_id, doc, type, callback)-> callback(null, {path:{fileSystem:fileSystemPath}})
describe 'addDoc', ->
beforeEach ->
@name = "some new doc"
@lines = ['1234','abc']
@path = "/path/to/doc"
@tpdsUpdateSender.addDoc = (options)=>
options.project_id.should.equal project_id
options.docLines.should.equal docLines
options.path.should.equal fileSystemPath
options.rev.should.equal 0
@ProjectModel.putElement = sinon.stub().callsArgWith(4, null, {path:{fileSystem:@path}})
@callback = sinon.stub()
@tpdsUpdateSender.addDoc = sinon.stub().callsArg(2)
@DocstoreManager.updateDoc = sinon.stub().callsArgWith(4, null, true, 0)
@ProjectEntityHandler.addDoc project_id, folder_id, docName, docLines, "",->
@ProjectEntityHandler.addDoc project_id, folder_id, @name, @lines, @callback
# Created doc
@doc = @ProjectModel.putElement.args[0][2] @name
it 'should call put element', ->
.calledWith(project_id, folder_id, @doc)
.should.equal true
it 'should return doc and parent folder', ->
@callback.calledWith(null, @doc, folder_id).should.equal true
it 'should call third party data store', ->
project_id: project_id
docLines: @lines
path: @path
rev: 0
.should.equal true
it "should send the doc lines to the doc store", ->
.calledWith(project_id, @doc._id.toString(), @lines, 0)
.should.equal true
describe 'adding file', ->
fileName = "something.jpg"
@ -433,54 +458,105 @@ describe 'ProjectEntityHandler', ->
describe 'updating document lines', ->
docId = "123456"
docLines = ['1234','abc', '543543']
mongoPath = "folders[0].folders[5]"
fileSystemPath = "/somehwere/something.tex"
describe 'updateDocLines', ->
beforeEach ->
@lines = ['mock', 'doc', 'lines']
@path = "/somewhere/something.tex"
@doc = {
_id: doc_id
@version = 42
@ProjectGetter.getProjectWithoutDocLines = sinon.stub().callsArgWith(1, null, @project)
@projectLocator.findElement = sinon.stub().callsArgWith(1, null, @doc, {fileSystem: @path})
@tpdsUpdateSender.addDoc = sinon.stub().callsArg(1)
@projectUpdater.markAsUpdated = sinon.stub()
@callback = sinon.stub()
it 'should find project via getProject', (done)->
@ProjectModel.getProject = (passedProject_id, callback)->
passedProject_id.should.equal project_id
describe "when the doc has been modified", ->
beforeEach ->
@DocstoreManager.updateDoc = sinon.stub().callsArgWith(4, null, true, @rev = 5)
@ProjectEntityHandler.updateDocLines project_id, doc_id, @lines, @version, @callback
@ProjectEntityHandler.updateDocLines project_id, "", [], ->
it "should get the project without doc lines", ->
.should.equal true
it 'should find the doc', (done)->
@projectLocator.findElement = (options, callback)->
options.element_id.should.equal docId
options.type.should.equal 'docs'
it "should find the doc", ->
project: @project
type: "docs"
element_id: doc_id
.should.equal true
@ProjectEntityHandler.updateDocLines project_id, docId, "", ->
it "should update the doc in the docstore", ->
.calledWith(project_id, doc_id, @lines, @version)
.should.equal true
it 'should build mongo update statment', (done)->
@projectLocator.findElement = (opts, callback)->
callback(null, {lines:[], rev:0}, {mongo:mongoPath})
it "should mark the project as updated", ->
.should.equal true
@ProjectModel.update = (conditions, update, options, callback)->
conditions._id.should.equal project_id
update.$set["#{mongoPath}.lines"].should.equal docLines
update.$inc["#{mongoPath}.rev"].should.equal 1
it "should send the doc the to the TPDS", ->
project_id: project_id
docLines: @lines
rev: @rev
path: @path
.should.equal true
@ProjectEntityHandler.updateDocLines project_id, docId, docLines, ->
it "should call the callback", ->
@callback.called.should.equal true
describe "when the doc has not been modified", ->
beforeEach ->
@DocstoreManager.updateDoc = sinon.stub().callsArgWith(4, null, false, @rev = 5)
@ProjectEntityHandler.updateDocLines project_id, doc_id, @lines, @version, @callback
it "should not mark the project as updated", ->
@projectUpdater.markAsUpdated.called.should.equal false
it "should not send the doc the to the TPDS", ->
@tpdsUpdateSender.addDoc.called.should.equal false
it "should call the callback", ->
@callback.called.should.equal true
describe "when the project is not found", ->
beforeEach ->
@ProjectGetter.getProjectWithoutDocLines = sinon.stub().callsArgWith(1, null, null)
@ProjectEntityHandler.updateDocLines project_id, doc_id, @lines, @version, @callback
it "should return a not found error", ->
@callback.calledWith(new Errors.NotFoundError()).should.equal true
describe "when the doc is not found", ->
beforeEach ->
@projectLocator.findElement = sinon.stub().callsArgWith(1, null, null, null)
@ProjectEntityHandler.updateDocLines project_id, doc_id, @lines, @version, @callback
it "should log out the error", ->
project_id: project_id
doc_id: doc_id
version: @version
lines: @lines
err: new Errors.NotFoundError("doc not found")
"doc not found while updating doc lines"
.should.equal true
it "should return a not found error", ->
@callback.calledWith(new Errors.NotFoundError()).should.equal true
it 'should call third party data store ', (done)->
rev = 3
@projectLocator.findElement = (opts, callback)->
callback(null, {lines:[],rev:rev}, {fileSystem:fileSystemPath})
@ProjectModel.update = (conditions, update, options, callback)-> callback()
@tpdsUpdateSender.addDoc = (options, _, callback)=>
options.project_id.should.equal project_id
options.docLines.should.equal docLines
options.path.should.equal fileSystemPath
options.rev.should.equal (rev+1)
@projectUpdater.markAsUpdated.calledWith(project_id).should.equal true
@ProjectEntityHandler.updateDocLines project_id, docId, docLines, done
describe "getting folders, docs and files", ->
beforeEach ->