diff --git a/services/web/app/coffee/Features/Subscription/SubscriptionController.coffee b/services/web/app/coffee/Features/Subscription/SubscriptionController.coffee
index e7a67a877e..ce9e47764a 100644
--- a/services/web/app/coffee/Features/Subscription/SubscriptionController.coffee
+++ b/services/web/app/coffee/Features/Subscription/SubscriptionController.coffee
@@ -19,11 +19,12 @@ module.exports = SubscriptionController =
plan.href = "/register?redir=#{plan.href}"
viewName = "subscriptions/plans"
if req.query.variant?
- viewName += req.query.variant
+ viewName += "-#{req.query.variant}"
logger.log viewName:viewName, "showing plans page"
res.render viewName,
title: "Plans and Pricing"
plans: plans
+ gaExperimentCode: gaExperimentCode
#get to show the recurly.js page
@@ -167,3 +168,21 @@ module.exports = SubscriptionController =
return next(error) if error?
req.body = body
+gaExperimentCode = '''
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/services/web/app/coffee/Features/Subscription/SubscriptionViewModelBuilder.coffee b/services/web/app/coffee/Features/Subscription/SubscriptionViewModelBuilder.coffee
index bb2bfa5e6b..340863a405 100644
--- a/services/web/app/coffee/Features/Subscription/SubscriptionViewModelBuilder.coffee
+++ b/services/web/app/coffee/Features/Subscription/SubscriptionViewModelBuilder.coffee
@@ -38,8 +38,13 @@ module.exports =
buildViewModel : ->
plans = Settings.plans
+ allPlans = {}
+ plans.forEach (plan)->
+ allPlans[plan.planCode] = plan
result =
- allPlans: plans
+ allPlans: allPlans
result.personalAccount = _.find plans, (plan)->
plan.planCode == "personal"
diff --git a/services/web/app/views/layout.jade b/services/web/app/views/layout.jade
index 396d8a4cb1..3f62ccceb6 100644
--- a/services/web/app/views/layout.jade
+++ b/services/web/app/views/layout.jade
@@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
html(itemscope, itemtype='http://schema.org/Product')
+ if (typeof(gaExperimentCode) !== "undefined" && gaExperimentCode)
+ !{gaExperimentCode}
- if (typeof(priority_title) !== "undefined" && priority_title)
title= title + ' - Online LaTeX Editor ShareLaTeX'
- else
diff --git a/services/web/app/views/subscriptions/plans-freetrial.jade b/services/web/app/views/subscriptions/plans-freetrial.jade
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b4a5a4f01f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/services/web/app/views/subscriptions/plans-freetrial.jade
@@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
+extends ../layout
+mixin liSection(feature)
+ | #{feature.text}
+ -if(feature.comingSoon)
+ span.label.label-info coming soon
+ -if(feature.beta)
+ span.label.label-warning beta
+mixin plan(plan, cssClass, monthly)
+ .pricing-table
+ ul(class=cssClass)
+ li.pricing-header-row-1
+ .package-title
+ h2.no-bold #{plan.name}
+ li.pricing-header-row-2
+ .package-price
+ if plan.price == 0
+ h1.free Free forever
+ else
+ h1.no-bold
+ | $#{plan.price/100}
+ if monthly
+ span.cents /month
+ else
+ span.cents /year
+ - var odd = false
+ - if(plan.planCode != "personal")
+ li.pricing-content-row-even
+ mixin liSection({text:"30 day free trial"})
+ -each feature in plan.featureDescription
+ - odd = !odd
+ - if(odd)
+ li.pricing-content-row-odd
+ mixin liSection(feature)
+ - else
+ li.pricing-content-row-even
+ mixin liSection(feature)
+ - if(plan.planCode == "personal")
+ li.pricing-content-row-even
+ mixin liSection({text:""})
+ li.pricing-footer
+ - var href = '/user/subscription/new?planCode='+plan.planCode
+ - planIsPersonal = plan.planCode.indexOf("personal") != -1
+ - userNotLoggedIn = session && !session.user
+ -if(planIsPersonal)
+ - href = "/register"
+ -else if(userNotLoggedIn)
+ - href = "/register?redir="+href
+ a.btn.btn-success(href='#{href}').sign_up_now
+ | Sign Up Now!
+block content
+ .container
+ .row
+ .span12.span-box
+ .page-header
+ h1 Choose your plan
+ blockquote.quote.pull-right
+ p
+ | This is one of the most useful resources I have ever found on the Internet.
+ br
+ | Fantastic execution and thoughtful attention to detail make this product shine!
+ small Benjamin Shepherd, Waterloo University
+ .row
+ .span12
+ .offset3
+ ul.nav.nav-pills.pricing-pills
+ li.active
+ a(href="#", data-target=".monthly-pricing", data-toggle="tab") Monthly
+ li
+ a(href="#", data-target=".annual-pricing", data-toggle="tab") Annual
+ li
+ a(href="#", data-target=".student-pricing", data-toggle="tab") Half price student plans
+ .row
+ .span12
+ .page-header
+ h2 Individual Plans
+ .pricing-steelblue.pricing-row
+ .tab-content
+ .tab-pane.active.monthly-pricing
+ .row
+ .span6.offset3.tagline.freeTrialBlurb
+ h1 Start your risk free 30 day trial
+ .row
+ .span4
+ mixin plan(plans.personalAccount, "", true)
+ .span4
+ mixin plan(plans.allPlans['collaborator_free_trial'], "big", true)
+ .span4
+ mixin plan(plans.allPlans['professional_free_trial'], "", true)
+ .tab-pane.annual-pricing
+ .row
+ .span6.offset3.tagline.freeTrialBlurb
+ h1 Start your risk free 30 day trial
+ .span4
+ mixin plan(plans.personalAccount, "", true)
+ .span4
+ mixin plan(plans.allPlans['collaborator-annual_free_trial'], "big", false)
+ .span4
+ mixin plan(plans.allPlans['prof-ann_free_trial'], "", false)
+ .tab-pane.student-pricing
+ .row
+ .span6.offset3.tagline.freeTrialBlurb
+ h1 Start your risk free 30 day trial
+ .span4
+ mixin plan(plans.personalAccount, "", true)
+ .span4
+ mixin plan(plans.allPlans['student_free_trial'], "big", true)
+ .span4
+ mixin plan(plans.allPlans['stud-ann_free_trial'], "", false)
+ .pricing-steelblue.pricing-row
+ .tab-content
+ .tab-pane.active.monthly-pricing
+ .page-header
+ h2 Group Plans
+ .row
+ .span12.tagline
+ p Improve the workflow of your research group by unlocking ShareLaTeX's premium features for everyone on your team
+ .row
+ .span4
+ mixin plan(plans.groupMonthlyPlans[0], "", true)
+ .span4
+ mixin plan(plans.groupMonthlyPlans[1], "big", true)
+ .span4
+ mixin plan(plans.groupMonthlyPlans[2], "", true)
+ .tab-pane.annual-pricing
+ .page-header
+ h2 Group Plans
+ .row
+ .span12.tagline
+ p Improve the workflow of your research group by unlocking ShareLaTeX's premium features for everyone on your team
+ .row
+ .span4
+ mixin plan(plans.groupAnnualPlans[0], "", false)
+ .span4
+ mixin plan(plans.groupAnnualPlans[1], "big", false)
+ .span4
+ mixin plan(plans.groupAnnualPlans[2], "", false)
+ .tab-pane.student-pricing
+ .row
+ .span6.offset3
+ .alert.alert-info(style="color: #333")
+ h3 Want to use ShareLaTeX for free?
+ p Tell your university or department about our
+ a(href="/university") site licenses
+ | and use of all our
+ | features for free as a student or member of staff.
+ include ../general/small-footer
+ link(rel='stylesheet', href='/brand/plans.css?fingerprint='+fingerprint('/brand/plans.css'))
diff --git a/services/web/app/views/subscriptions/plans.jade b/services/web/app/views/subscriptions/plans.jade
index b00e136ff4..892796d776 100644
--- a/services/web/app/views/subscriptions/plans.jade
+++ b/services/web/app/views/subscriptions/plans.jade
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ mixin plan(plan, cssClass, monthly)
- href = "/register"
-else if(userNotLoggedIn)
- href = "/register?redir="+href
- a.btn.btn-success(href='#{href}').sign_up_now
+ a.btn.btn-success(href='#{href}', ga_PlanType=plan.planCode).sign_up_now
| Sign Up Now!
@@ -90,9 +90,9 @@ block content
mixin plan(plans.personalAccount, "", true)
- mixin plan(plans.individualMonthlyPlans[0], "big", true)
+ mixin plan(plans.allPlans['collaborator'], "big", true)
- mixin plan(plans.individualMonthlyPlans[1], "", true)
+ mixin plan(plans.allPlans['professional'], "", true)
@@ -101,9 +101,9 @@ block content
mixin plan(plans.personalAccount, "", true)
- mixin plan(plans.individualAnnualPlans[0], "big", false)
+ mixin plan(plans.allPlans['collaborator-annual'], "big", false)
- mixin plan(plans.individualAnnualPlans[1], "", false)
+ mixin plan(plans.allPlans['professional-annual'], "", false)
@@ -112,9 +112,9 @@ block content
mixin plan(plans.personalAccount, "", true)
- mixin plan(plans.studentAccounts[0], "big", true)
+ mixin plan(plans.allPlans['student'], "big", true)
- mixin plan(plans.studentAccounts[1], "", false)
+ mixin plan(plans.allPlans['student-annual'], "", false)
.span12.ab-guarantee-shown(style="text-align: center;")
diff --git a/services/web/public/coffee/event_tracking.coffee b/services/web/public/coffee/event_tracking.coffee
index e369f92c8f..84d1219ae5 100644
--- a/services/web/public/coffee/event_tracking.coffee
+++ b/services/web/public/coffee/event_tracking.coffee
@@ -1,15 +1,17 @@
require [
- "libs/bootstrap/bootstrap2full"
], ()->
#plans page
- $('a.sign_up_now').on 'click', ->
- ga 'send', 'event', 'button', 'click', 'premium-sign-up'
+ $('a.sign_up_now').on 'click', (e)->
+ ga_PlanType = $(@).attr("ga_PlanType")
+ ga 'send', 'event', 'subscription-funnel', 'sign_up_now_button', ga_PlanType
$('#annual-pricing').on 'click', ->
- ga 'send', 'event', 'button', 'click', 'student-prices'
+ ga 'send', 'event', 'subscription-funnel', 'plans-page', 'annual-prices'
$('#student-pricing').on 'click', ->
- ga('send', 'event', 'button', 'click', 'student-prices')
+ ga('send', 'event', 'subscription-funnel', 'plans-page', 'student-prices')
- #plans link
$('#plansLink').on 'click', ->
- ga 'send', 'event', 'button', 'click', 'plans-link-menu-bar'
+ ga 'send', 'event', 'subscription-funnel', 'go-to-plans-page', 'from menu bar'
diff --git a/services/web/public/coffee/main.coffee b/services/web/public/coffee/main.coffee
index 80310702ae..8030aca98d 100644
--- a/services/web/public/coffee/main.coffee
+++ b/services/web/public/coffee/main.coffee
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ require [
+ "./event_tracking"
], ()->
diff --git a/services/web/public/stylesheets/less/subscriptions.less b/services/web/public/stylesheets/less/subscriptions.less
index d279dce345..2972e6f6e1 100644
--- a/services/web/public/stylesheets/less/subscriptions.less
+++ b/services/web/public/stylesheets/less/subscriptions.less
@@ -78,3 +78,6 @@
+.freeTrialBlurb {
+ padding-left: 40px;