diff --git a/services/notifications/package.json b/services/notifications/package.json index befd9912d6..73a6066049 100644 --- a/services/notifications/package.json +++ b/services/notifications/package.json @@ -4,17 +4,12 @@ "description": "An API to handle user notifications", "main": "app.js", "scripts": { - "compile:app": "([ -e app/coffee ] && coffee -m $COFFEE_OPTIONS -o app/js -c app/coffee || echo 'No CoffeeScript folder to compile') && ( [ -e app.coffee ] && coffee -m $COFFEE_OPTIONS -c app.coffee || echo 'No CoffeeScript app to compile')", "start": "node $NODE_APP_OPTIONS app.js", "test:acceptance:_run": "mocha --recursive --reporter spec --timeout 15000 --exit $@ test/acceptance/js", "test:acceptance": "npm run test:acceptance:_run -- --grep=$MOCHA_GREP", "test:unit:_run": "mocha --recursive --reporter spec $@ test/unit/js", "test:unit": "npm run test:unit:_run -- --grep=$MOCHA_GREP", - "compile:unit_tests": "[ ! -e test/unit/coffee ] && echo 'No unit tests to compile' || coffee -o test/unit/js -c test/unit/coffee", - "compile:acceptance_tests": "[ ! -e test/acceptance/coffee ] && echo 'No acceptance tests to compile' || coffee -o test/acceptance/js -c test/acceptance/coffee", - "compile:all": "npm run compile:app && npm run compile:unit_tests && npm run compile:acceptance_tests && npm run compile:smoke_tests", "nodemon": "nodemon --config nodemon.json", - "compile:smoke_tests": "[ ! -e test/smoke/coffee ] && echo 'No smoke tests to compile' || coffee -o test/smoke/js -c test/smoke/coffee", "lint": "node_modules/.bin/eslint .", "format": "node_modules/.bin/prettier-eslint '**/*.js' --list-different", "format:fix": "node_modules/.bin/prettier-eslint '**/*.js' --write"