annual upgrade page works, needs a bit of copy love now

This commit is contained in:
Henry Oswald 2014-08-28 18:14:31 +01:00
parent f5618e9d9c
commit 350b95a0a5
7 changed files with 113 additions and 35 deletions

View file

@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ module.exports = RecurlyWrapper =
"Content-Type" : "application/xml; charset=utf-8"
request options, (error, response, body) ->
unless error? or response.statusCode == 200 or response.statusCode == 201 or response.statusCode == 204
logger.err err:error, options:options, "error returned from recurly"
error = "Recurly API returned with status code: #{response.statusCode}"
callback(error, response, body)
@ -72,8 +73,6 @@ module.exports = RecurlyWrapper =
@getAccount accountId, (error, account) ->
return callback(error) if error?
recurlySubscription.account = account
console.log recurlySubscription
callback null, recurlySubscription
@ -126,16 +125,19 @@ module.exports = RecurlyWrapper =
redeemCoupon: (account_code, coupon_code, callback)->
requestBody = """
logger.log account_code:account_code, coupon_code:coupon_code, requestBody:requestBody, "redeeming coupon for user"
url : "coupons/#{coupon_code}/redeem"
method : "post"
body : requestBody
}, (error, response, responseBody) =>
if error?
logger.err err:error, account_code:account_code, coupon_code:coupon_code, "error redeeming coupon"

View file

@ -160,23 +160,34 @@ module.exports = SubscriptionController =
res.send 200
renderUpgradeToAnnualPlanPage: (req, res)->
SecurityManager.getCurrentUser req, (error, user) ->
LimitationsManager.userHasSubscription user, (err, hasSubscription)->
LimitationsManager.userHasSubscription user, (err, hasSubscription, subscription)->
planCode = subscription?.planCode.toLowerCase()
if planCode?.indexOf("student") != -1
planName = "student"
else if planCode?.indexOf("collaborator") != -1
planName = "collaborator"
if !hasSubscription
return res.redirect("/user/subscription/plans")
logger.log planName:planName, user_id:user._id, "rendering upgrade to annual page"
res.render "subscriptions/upgradeToAnnual",
title: "Upgrade to annual"
planName: req.query.planName
planName: planName
processUpgradeToAnnualPlan: (req, res)->
SecurityManager.getCurrentUser req, (error, user) ->
{plan_code, coupon_code} = req.body
SubscriptionHandler.updateSubscription user, plan_code, coupon_code, ->
res.send 200
{planName} = req.body
coupon_code = Settings.coupon_codes.upgradeToAnnualPromo[planName]
annualPlanName = "#{planName}-annual"
logger.log user_id:user._id, planName:annualPlanName, "user is upgrading to annual billing with discount"
SubscriptionHandler.updateSubscription user, annualPlanName, coupon_code, (err)->
if err?
logger.err err:err, user_id:user._id, "error updating subscription"
res.send 500
res.send 200
recurlyNotificationParser: (req, res, next) ->
xml = ""

View file

@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ module.exports =
updateSubscription: (user, plan_code, coupon_code, callback)->
logger.log user:user, plan_code:plan_code, "updating subscription"
logger.log user:user, plan_code:plan_code, coupon_code:coupon_code, "updating subscription"
LimitationsManager.userHasSubscription user, (err, hasSubscription, subscription)->
if !hasSubscription
return callback()
@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ module.exports =
async.series [
return cb() if !coupon_code?
logger.log user_id:user._id, plan_code:plan_code, coupon_code:coupon_code, "updating subscription with coupon code applied first"
RecurlyWrapper.getSubscription subscription.recurlySubscription_id, includeAccount: true, (err, usersSubscription)->
return callback(err) if err?
account_code = usersSubscription.account.account_code

View file

@ -3,23 +3,24 @@ extends ../layout
block content
.card(ng-init="planName = #{JSON.stringify(planName)}")
h1.text-centered Move to Annual Billing
span(ng-show="planName == 'student'")
| Upgarde from Student to Student Annual and save 20% equivilent to $19.2
if planName.indexOf("student") != -1
| Upgarde from Student to Student Annual and save 20% equivilent to $19.2
if planName.indexOf("collaborator") != -1
| Upgarde from Collaborator to Collaborator Annual and save 20% equivilent to $36
span(ng-show="planName == 'collaborator'")
| Upgarde from Collaborator to Collaborator Annual and save 20% equivilent to $36
form(action="/user/subscription/upgrade-annual", method="post")
input(name="_csrf", type="hidden", value=csrfToken)
input(name="planName", type="hidden", value=planName)
input.btn.btn-success(type="submit", value="Move to annual billing now")
button.btn.btn-success(ng-click="completeAnnualUpgrade()", ng-disabled="inflight")
span(ng-show="inflight") #{translate("processing")}
span(ng-hide="inflight") Move to annual billing now
span Upgrade to annual Complete

View file

@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ define [

View file

@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
define [
], (App) ->
App.controller "AnnualUpgradeController", ($scope, $http, $modal) ->
MESSAGES_URL = "/user/subscription/upgrade-annual"
$scope.upgradeComplete = false
$scope.completeAnnualUpgrade = ->
body =
planName: $scope.planName
_csrf : window.csrfToken
$scope.inflight = true
$, body)
.success ->
$scope.upgradeComplete = true
.error ->
console.log "something went wrong changing plan"

View file

@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ mockSubscriptions =
account_code: "user-123"
describe "Subscription controller sanboxed", ->
describe "SubscriptionController sanboxed", ->
beforeEach ->
@user = {}
@ -47,6 +47,15 @@ describe "Subscription controller sanboxed", ->
@SubscriptionViewModelBuilder =
buildUsersSubscriptionViewModel:sinon.stub().callsArgWith(1, null, @activeRecurlySubscription)
buildViewModel: sinon.stub()
@settings =
siteUrl: ""
@SubscriptionController = SandboxedModule.require modulePath, requires:
'../../managers/SecurityManager': @SecurityManager
@ -56,6 +65,7 @@ describe "Subscription controller sanboxed", ->
"./LimitationsManager": @LimitationsManager
'./RecurlyWrapper': @RecurlyWrapper
"logger-sharelatex": log:->
"settings-sharelatex": @settings
@res = new MockResponse()
@ -297,18 +307,48 @@ describe "Subscription controller sanboxed", ->
@SubscriptionController.renderUpgradeToAnnualPlanPage @req, @res
it "should pass the plan code to the view - student", (done)->
@LimitationsManager.userHasSubscription.callsArgWith(1, null, true, {planCode:"Student free trial 14 days"})
@res.render = (view, opts)->
view.should.equal "subscriptions/upgradeToAnnual"
opts.planName.should.equal "student"
@SubscriptionController.renderUpgradeToAnnualPlanPage @req, @res
it "should pass the plan code to the view - collaborator", (done)->
@LimitationsManager.userHasSubscription.callsArgWith(1, null, true, {planCode:"free trial for Collaborator free trial 14 days"})
@res.render = (view, opts)->
opts.planName.should.equal "collaborator"
@SubscriptionController.renderUpgradeToAnnualPlanPage @req, @res
describe "processUpgradeToAnnualPlan", ->
beforeEach ->
@req.body =
@res = {}
it "should tell the subscription handler to update the subscription with the annual plan and apply a coupon code", (done)->
@res.send = ()=>
@SubscriptionHandler.updateSubscription.calledWith(@user, "student-annual", "1234").should.equal true
@req.body =
@res.redirect = ()=>
@SubscriptionHandler.updateSubscription.calledWith(@user, "student-annual", "STUDENTCODEHERE").should.equal true
@SubscriptionController.processUpgradeToAnnualPlan @req, @res
@SubscriptionController.processUpgradeToAnnualPlan @req, @res
it "should get the collaborator coupon code", (done)->
@req.body =
@res.redirect = (url)=>
@SubscriptionHandler.updateSubscription.calledWith(@user, "collaborator-annual", "COLLABORATORCODEHERE").should.equal true
url.should.equal "/user/subscription/thank-you"
@SubscriptionController.processUpgradeToAnnualPlan @req, @res