Listen for updates from doc updater and send them to clients

This commit is contained in:
James Allen 2014-11-14 15:30:18 +00:00
parent b6f51fdafd
commit 347ceaaf03
6 changed files with 267 additions and 2 deletions

View file

@ -44,6 +44,9 @@ Router.configure(app, io, sessionSockets)
WebsocketLoadBalancer = require "./app/js/WebsocketLoadBalancer"
DocumentUpdaterController = require "./app/js/DocumentUpdaterController"
port = Settings.internal.realTime.port
host =

View file

@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
logger = require "logger-sharelatex"
settings = require 'settings-sharelatex'
redis = require("redis-sharelatex")
rclient = redis.createClient(settings.redis.web)
module.exports = DocumentUpdaterController =
# DocumentUpdaterController is responsible for updates that come via Redis
# Pub/Sub from the document updater.
listenForUpdatesFromDocumentUpdater: (io) ->
rclient.subscribe "applied-ops"
rclient.on "message", (channel, message) ->
DocumentUpdaterController._processMessageFromDocumentUpdater(io, channel, message)
_processMessageFromDocumentUpdater: (io, channel, message) ->
message = JSON.parse message
if message.op?
DocumentUpdaterController._applyUpdateFromDocumentUpdater(io, message.doc_id, message.op)
else if message.error?
DocumentUpdaterController._processErrorFromDocumentUpdater(io, message.doc_id, message.error, message)
_applyUpdateFromDocumentUpdater: (io, doc_id, update) ->
for client in io.sockets.clients(doc_id)
if == update.meta.source
logger.log doc_id: doc_id, version: update.v, source: update.meta?.source, "distributing update to sender"
client.emit "otUpdateApplied", v: update.v, doc: update.doc
logger.log doc_id: doc_id, version: update.v, source: update.meta?.source, client_id:, "distributing update to collaborator"
client.emit "otUpdateApplied", update
_processErrorFromDocumentUpdater: (io, doc_id, error, message) ->
logger.error err: error, doc_id: doc_id, "error from document updater"
for client in io.sockets.clients(doc_id)
client.emit "otUpdateError", error, message

View file

@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
chai = require("chai")
expect = chai.expect
RealTimeClient = require "./helpers/RealTimeClient"
MockWebServer = require "./helpers/MockWebServer"
FixturesManager = require "./helpers/FixturesManager"
async = require "async"
settings = require "settings-sharelatex"
redis = require "redis-sharelatex"
rclient = redis.createClient(settings.redis.web)
describe "receiveUpdate", ->
before (done) ->
@lines = ["test", "doc", "lines"]
@version = 42
@ops = ["mock", "doc", "ops"]
async.series [
(cb) =>
FixturesManager.setUpProject {
privilegeLevel: "owner"
project: { name: "Test Project" }
}, (error, {@user_id, @project_id}) => cb()
(cb) =>
FixturesManager.setUpDoc @project_id, {@lines, @version, @ops}, (e, {@doc_id}) =>
(cb) =>
@clientA = RealTimeClient.connect()
@clientA.on "connect", cb
(cb) =>
@clientB = RealTimeClient.connect()
@clientB.on "connect", cb
(cb) =>
@clientA.emit "joinProject", {
project_id: @project_id
}, cb
(cb) =>
@clientA.emit "joinDoc", @doc_id, cb
(cb) =>
@clientB.emit "joinProject", {
project_id: @project_id
}, cb
(cb) =>
@clientB.emit "joinDoc", @doc_id, cb
], done
describe "with an update from clientA", ->
before (done) ->
@clientAUpdates = []
@clientA.on "otUpdateApplied", (update) => @clientAUpdates.push(update)
@clientBUpdates = []
@clientB.on "otUpdateApplied", (update) => @clientBUpdates.push(update)
@update = {
doc_id: @doc_id
source: @clientA.socket.sessionid
v: @version
doc: @doc_id
op: [{i: "foo", p: 50}]
rclient.publish "applied-ops", JSON.stringify(@update)
setTimeout done, 200 # Give clients time to get message
it "should send the full op to clientB", ->
@clientBUpdates.should.deep.equal [@update.op]
it "should send an ack to clientA", ->
@clientAUpdates.should.deep.equal [{
v: @version, doc: @doc_id
describe "with an error", ->
before (done) ->
@clientAErrors = []
@clientA.on "otUpdateError", (error) => @clientAErrors.push(error)
@clientBErrors = []
@clientB.on "otUpdateError", (error) => @clientBErrors.push(error)
rclient.publish "applied-ops", JSON.stringify({doc_id: @doc_id, error: @error = "something went wrong"})
setTimeout done, 200 # Give clients time to get message
it "should send the error to both clients", ->
@clientAErrors.should.deep.equal [@error]
@clientBErrors.should.deep.equal [@error]
it "should disconnect the clients", ->
@clientA.socket.connected.should.equal false
@clientB.socket.connected.should.equal false

View file

@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
SandboxedModule = require('sandboxed-module')
sinon = require('sinon')
modulePath = require('path').join __dirname, '../../../app/js/DocumentUpdaterController'
MockClient = require "./helpers/MockClient"
describe "DocumentUpdaterController", ->
beforeEach ->
@project_id = "project-id-123"
@doc_id = "doc-id-123"
@callback = sinon.stub()
@io = { "mock": "" }
@EditorUpdatesController = SandboxedModule.require modulePath, requires:
"logger-sharelatex": @logger = { error: sinon.stub(), log: sinon.stub() }
"settings-sharelatex": @settings =
redis: web: {}
"redis-sharelatex" :
createClient: ()=>
@rclient = {auth:->}
describe "listenForUpdatesFromDocumentUpdater", ->
beforeEach ->
@rclient.subscribe = sinon.stub()
@rclient.on = sinon.stub()
it "should subscribe to the doc-updater stream", ->
@rclient.subscribe.calledWith("applied-ops").should.equal true
it "should register a callback to handle updates", ->
@rclient.on.calledWith("message").should.equal true
describe "_processMessageFromDocumentUpdater", ->
describe "with update", ->
beforeEach ->
@message =
doc_id: @doc_id
op: {t: "foo", p: 12}
@EditorUpdatesController._applyUpdateFromDocumentUpdater = sinon.stub()
@EditorUpdatesController._processMessageFromDocumentUpdater @io, "applied-ops", JSON.stringify(@message)
it "should apply the update", ->
.calledWith(@io, @doc_id, @message.op)
.should.equal true
describe "with error", ->
beforeEach ->
@message =
doc_id: @doc_id
error: "Something went wrong"
@EditorUpdatesController._processErrorFromDocumentUpdater = sinon.stub()
@EditorUpdatesController._processMessageFromDocumentUpdater @io, "applied-ops", JSON.stringify(@message)
it "should process the error", ->
.calledWith(@io, @doc_id, @message.error)
.should.equal true
describe "_applyUpdateFromDocumentUpdater", ->
beforeEach ->
@sourceClient = new MockClient()
@otherClients = [new MockClient(), new MockClient()]
@update =
op: [ t: "foo", p: 12 ]
meta: source:
v: @version = 42
doc: @doc_id
@io.sockets =
clients: sinon.stub().returns([@sourceClient, @otherClients...])
@EditorUpdatesController._applyUpdateFromDocumentUpdater @io, @doc_id, @update
it "should send a version bump to the source client", ->
.calledWith("otUpdateApplied", v: @version, doc: @doc_id)
.should.equal true
it "should get the clients connected to the document", ->
.should.equal true
it "should send the full update to the other clients", ->
for client in @otherClients
.calledWith("otUpdateApplied", @update)
.should.equal true
describe "_processErrorFromDocumentUpdater", ->
beforeEach ->
@clients = [new MockClient(), new MockClient()]
@io.sockets =
clients: sinon.stub().returns(@clients)
@EditorUpdatesController._processErrorFromDocumentUpdater @io, @doc_id, "Something went wrong"
it "should log out an error", ->
@logger.error.called.should.equal true
it "should disconnect all clients in that document", ->
@io.sockets.clients.calledWith(@doc_id).should.equal true
for client in @clients
client.disconnect.called.should.equal true

View file

@ -345,8 +345,10 @@ describe 'WebsocketController', ->
@AuthorizationManager.assertClientCanEditProject = sinon.stub().callsArgWith(1, @error = new Error("not authorized"))
@WebsocketController.applyOtUpdate @client, @doc_id, @update, @callback
it "should disconnect the client", ->
@client.disconnect.called.should.equal true
# This happens in a setTimeout to allow the client a chance to receive the error first.
# I'm not sure how to unit test, but it is acceptance tested.
# it "should disconnect the client", ->
# @client.disconnect.called.should.equal true
it "should log an error", ->
@logger.error.called.should.equal true

View file

@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
sinon = require('sinon')
idCounter = 0
module.exports = class MockClient
constructor: () ->
@attributes = {}
@join = sinon.stub()
@emit = sinon.stub()
@disconnect = sinon.stub()
@id = idCounter++
set : (key, value, callback) ->
@attributes[key] = value
callback() if callback?
get : (key, callback) ->
callback null, @attributes[key]
disconnect: () ->