Insert some mocked changes

This commit is contained in:
James Allen 2016-11-21 15:18:46 +00:00
parent ad857a15f9
commit 12168b2ae8

View file

@ -24,6 +24,95 @@ define [
$scope.reviewPanelEventsBridge = new EventEmitter()
changesTrackers = {}
# TODO Just for prototyping purposes; remove afterwards.
mockedUserId = 'mock_user_id_1'
mockedUserId2 = 'mock_user_id_2'
if /mocktc=true/
mock_changes = {
changes: [{
op: { i: "Habitat loss and conflicts with humans are the greatest causes of concern.", p: 925 - 38 }
metadata: { user_id: mockedUserId, ts: new Date( - 30 * 60 * 1000) }
}, {
op: { d: "The lion is now a vulnerable species. ", p: 778 }
metadata: { user_id: mockedUserId, ts: new Date( - 31 * 60 * 1000) }
comments: [{
offset: 1375 - 38
length: 79
thread: [{
content: "Do we have a source for this?"
user_id: mockedUserId
ts: new Date( - 45 * 60 * 1000)
changes: [{
"op":{"p":740,"d":", to take down large animals"},
"metadata":{"user_id":mockedUserId, ts: new Date( - 15 * 60 * 1000)}
}, {
"op":{"i":", to keep hold of the prey","p":920},
"metadata":{"user_id":mockedUserId, ts: new Date( - 130 * 60 * 1000)}
}, {
"op":{"i":" being","p":1057},
"metadata":{"user_id":mockedUserId2, ts: new Date( - 72 * 60 * 1000)}
"thread": [
{"content":"Have we used 'pride' too much here?","user_id":mockedUserId, ts: new Date( - 12 * 60 * 1000)},
{"content":"No, I think this is OK","user_id":mockedUserId2, ts: new Date( - 9 * 60 * 1000)}
{"content":"TODO: Don't use as many parentheses!","user_id":mockedUserId2, ts: new Date( - 99 * 60 * 1000)}
changes: [{
"metadata":{"user_id":mockedUserId, ts: new Date( - 133 * 60 * 1000)}
"op":{"i":"usually 2-3, ","p":928},
"metadata":{"user_id":mockedUserId, ts: new Date( - 27 * 60 * 1000)}
"op":{"i":"If the parents are a male lion and a female tiger, it is called a liger. A tigon comes from a male tiger and a female lion.","p":1126},
"metadata":{"user_id":mockedUserId, ts: new Date( - 152 * 60 * 1000)}
comments: [{
"content":"Should we use a different word here if 'den' needs clarifying?","user_id":mockedUserId,"ts": new Date( - 430 * 60 * 1000)
"content":"This sentence is a little ambiguous","user_id":mockedUserId,"ts": new Date( - 430 * 60 * 1000)
ide.$scope.$on "file-tree:initialized", () ->
ide.fileTreeManager.forEachEntity (entity) ->
if mock_changes[]?
changesTrackers[] ?= new ChangesTracker()
for change in mock_changes[].changes
changesTrackers[]._addOp change.op, change.metadata
for comment in mock_changes[].comments
changesTrackers[].addComment comment.offset, comment.length, comment.metadata
scrollbar = {}
$scope.reviewPanelEventsBridge.on "aceScrollbarVisibilityChanged", (isVisible, scrollbarWidth) ->
scrollbar = {isVisible, scrollbarWidth}
@ -48,18 +137,12 @@ define [
# Reset back to what we had when previously open
$scope.reviewPanel.subView = $scope.reviewPanel.openSubView
changesTrackers = {}
$scope.$watch "editor.open_doc_id", (open_doc_id) ->
return if !open_doc_id?
changesTrackers[open_doc_id] ?= new ChangesTracker()
$scope.reviewPanel.changesTracker = changesTrackers[open_doc_id]
# TODO Just for prototyping purposes; remove afterwards.
mockedUserId = '12345abc'
$scope.$watch (() ->
entries = $scope.reviewPanel.entries[$scope.editor.open_doc_id] or {}
@ -127,7 +210,7 @@ define [
# TODO Just for prototyping purposes; remove afterwards.
submitMockedReply = (entry) ->
entry.thread.push {
content: 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet'
content: 'Sounds good!'
ts: new Date()
user_id: mockedUserId
@ -184,11 +267,18 @@ define [
$scope.users = {}
# TODO Just for prototyping purposes; remove afterwards.
$scope.users[mockedUserId] = {
email: ""
name: "Gerald Butler"
email: ""
name: "Paulo Reis"
isSelf: false
hue: 70
avatar_text: "G"
avatar_text: "PR"
$scope.users[mockedUserId2] = {
email: ""
name: "James Allen"
isSelf: false
hue: 320
avatar_text: "JA"
for member in $scope.project.members.concat($scope.project.owner)