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synced 2025-03-15 05:11:57 +00:00
Merge pull request #40 from overleaf/spd-destroy-docs
Add endpoint to completely purge a project's documents
This commit is contained in:
9 changed files with 188 additions and 6 deletions
@ -42,6 +42,7 @@ app.del '/project/:project_id/doc/:doc_id', HttpController.deleteDoc
app.post '/project/:project_id/archive', HttpController.archiveAllDocs
app.post '/project/:project_id/unarchive', HttpController.unArchiveAllDocs
app.post '/project/:project_id/destroy', HttpController.destroyAllDocs
app.get "/health_check", HttpController.healthCheck
@ -79,11 +79,43 @@ module.exports = DocArchive =
MongoManager.upsertIntoDocCollection project_id, doc_id.toString(), mongo_doc, (err) ->
return callback(err) if err?
logger.log project_id: project_id, doc_id: doc_id, "deleting doc from s3"
request.del options, (err, res, body)->
if err? || res.statusCode != 204
logger.err err:err, res:res, project_id:project_id, doc_id:doc_id, "something went wrong deleting doc from aws"
return callback new Errors.NotFoundError("Error in S3 request")
DocArchive._deleteDocFromS3 project_id, doc_id, callback
destroyAllDocs: (project_id, callback = (err) ->) ->
MongoManager.getProjectsDocs project_id, {include_deleted: true}, {_id: 1}, (err, docs) ->
if err?
logger.err err:err, project_id:project_id, "error getting project's docs"
return callback(err)
else if !docs?
return callback()
jobs = _.map docs, (doc) ->
DocArchive.destroyDoc(project_id, doc._id, cb)
async.parallelLimit jobs, 5, callback
destroyDoc: (project_id, doc_id, callback)->
logger.log project_id: project_id, doc_id: doc_id, "removing doc from mongo and s3"
MongoManager.findDoc project_id, doc_id, {inS3: 1}, (error, doc) ->
return callback error if error?
return callback new Errors.NotFoundError("Doc not found in Mongo") unless doc?
if doc.inS3 == true
DocArchive._deleteDocFromS3 project_id, doc_id, (err) ->
return err if err?
MongoManager.destroyDoc doc_id, callback
MongoManager.destroyDoc doc_id, callback
_deleteDocFromS3: (project_id, doc_id, callback) ->
options = DocArchive.buildS3Options(project_id+"/"+doc_id)
catch e
return callback e
options.json = true
request.del options, (err, res, body)->
if err? || res.statusCode != 204
logger.err err:err, res:res, project_id:project_id, doc_id:doc_id, "something went wrong deleting doc from aws"
return callback new Error("Error in S3 request")
_s3DocToMongoDoc: (doc, callback = (error, mongo_doc) ->) ->
mongo_doc = {}
@ -117,6 +117,13 @@ module.exports = HttpController =
return next(error) if error?
res.send 200
destroyAllDocs: (req, res, next = (error) ->) ->
project_id = req.params.project_id
logger.log project_id: project_id, "destroying all docs"
DocArchive.destroyAllDocs project_id, (error) ->
return next(error) if error?
res.send 204
healthCheck: (req, res)->
HealthChecker.check (err)->
if err?
@ -72,6 +72,14 @@ module.exports = MongoManager =
upsert: true
}, callback
destroyDoc: (doc_id, callback) ->
db.docs.remove {
_id: ObjectId(doc_id)
}, (err) ->
return callback(err) if err?
db.docOps.remove {
doc_id: ObjectId(doc_id)
}, callback
@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ sinon = require "sinon"
chai = require("chai")
{db, ObjectId} = require "../../../app/js/mongojs"
expect = chai.expect
DocstoreApp = require "./helpers/DocstoreApp"
DocstoreClient = require "./helpers/DocstoreClient"
@ -40,3 +41,45 @@ describe "Deleting a doc", ->
res.statusCode.should.equal 404
describe "Destroying a project's documents", ->
describe "when the doc exists", ->
beforeEach (done) ->
db.docOps.insert {doc_id: ObjectId(@doc_id), version: 1}, (err) ->
return done(err) if err?
DocstoreClient.destroyAllDoc @project_id, done
it "should remove the doc from the docs collection", (done) ->
db.docs.find _id: @doc_id, (err, docs) ->
expect(docs).to.deep.equal []
it "should remove the docOps from the docOps collection", (done) ->
db.docOps.find doc_id: @doc_id, (err, docOps) ->
expect(docOps).to.deep.equal []
describe "when the doc is archived", ->
beforeEach (done) ->
DocstoreClient.archiveAllDoc @project_id, (err) ->
return done(err) if err?
DocstoreClient.destroyAllDoc @project_id, done
it "should remove the doc from the docs collection", (done) ->
db.docs.find _id: @doc_id, (err, docs) ->
expect(docs).to.deep.equal []
it "should remove the docOps from the docOps collection", (done) ->
db.docOps.find doc_id: @doc_id, (err, docOps) ->
expect(docOps).to.deep.equal []
it "should remove the doc contents from s3", (done) ->
DocstoreClient.getS3Doc @project_id, @doc_id, (error, res, s3_doc) =>
throw error if error?
expect(res.statusCode).to.equal 404
@ -44,8 +44,12 @@ module.exports = DocstoreClient =
archiveAllDoc: (project_id, callback = (error, res, body) ->) ->
request.post {
url: "http://localhost:#{settings.internal.docstore.port}/project/#{project_id}/archive"
}, callback
}, callback
destroyAllDoc: (project_id, callback = (error, res, body) ->) ->
request.post {
url: "http://localhost:#{settings.internal.docstore.port}/project/#{project_id}/destroy"
}, callback
getS3Doc: (project_id, doc_id, callback = (error, res, body) ->) ->
options = DocArchiveManager.buildS3Options(project_id+"/"+doc_id)
@ -61,6 +61,22 @@ describe "DocArchiveManager", ->
rev: 6
@unarchivedDocs = [{
_id: ObjectId()
lines: ["wombat", "potato", "banana"]
rev: 2
}, {
_id: ObjectId()
lines: ["llama", "turnip", "apple"]
rev: 4
}, {
_id: ObjectId()
lines: ["elephant", "swede", "nectarine"]
rev: 6
@mixedDocs = @archivedDocs.concat(@unarchivedDocs)
@MongoManager =
markDocAsArchived: sinon.stub().callsArgWith(2, null)
upsertIntoDocCollection: sinon.stub().callsArgWith(3, null)
@ -214,6 +230,51 @@ describe "DocArchiveManager", ->
@DocArchiveManager.unArchiveAllDocs @project_id, (err)=>
err.should.equal @error
describe "destroyAllDocs", ->
beforeEach ->
@request.del = sinon.stub().callsArgWith(1, null, statusCode:204, {})
@MongoManager.getProjectsDocs = sinon.stub().callsArgWith(3, null, @mixedDocs)
@MongoManager.findDoc = sinon.stub().callsArgWith(3, null, null)
@MongoManager.destroyDoc = sinon.stub().yields()
for doc in @mixedDocs
@MongoManager.findDoc.withArgs(@project_id, doc._id).callsArgWith(3, null, doc)
it "should destroy all the docs", (done)->
@DocArchiveManager.destroyDoc = sinon.stub().callsArgWith(2, null)
@DocArchiveManager.destroyAllDocs @project_id, (err)=>
for doc in @mixedDocs
@DocArchiveManager.destroyDoc.calledWith(@project_id, doc._id).should.equal true
should.not.exist err
it "should only the s3 docs from s3", (done)->
docOpts = (doc) =>
aws: {key:@settings.docstore.s3.key, secret:@settings.docstore.s3.secret, bucket:@settings.docstore.s3.bucket},
json: true,
timeout: 30 * 1000
@DocArchiveManager.destroyAllDocs @project_id, (err)=>
for doc in @archivedDocs
sinon.assert.calledWith(@request.del, docOpts(doc))
for doc in @unarchivedDocs
expect(@request.del.calledWith(docOpts(doc))).to.equal false # no notCalledWith
it "should remove the docs from mongo", (done)->
@DocArchiveManager.destroyAllDocs @project_id, (err)=>
for doc in @mixedDocs
sinon.assert.calledWith(@MongoManager.destroyDoc, doc._id)
describe "_s3DocToMongoDoc", ->
describe "with the old schema", ->
@ -326,3 +326,17 @@ describe "HttpController", ->
.should.equal true
describe "destroyAllDocs", ->
beforeEach ->
@req.params =
project_id: @project_id
@DocArchiveManager.destroyAllDocs = sinon.stub().callsArg(1)
@HttpController.destroyAllDocs @req, @res, @next
it "should destroy the docs", ->
sinon.assert.calledWith(@DocArchiveManager.destroyAllDocs, @project_id)
it "should return 204", ->
sinon.assert.calledWith(@res.send, 204)
@ -110,6 +110,18 @@ describe "MongoManager", ->
err.should.equal @stubbedErr
describe "destroyDoc", ->
beforeEach (done) ->
@db.docs.remove = sinon.stub().yields()
@db.docOps.remove = sinon.stub().yields()
@MongoManager.destroyDoc '123456789012', done
it "should destroy the doc", ->
sinon.assert.calledWith(@db.docs.remove, {_id: ObjectId('123456789012')})
it "should destroy the docOps", ->
sinon.assert.calledWith(@db.docOps.remove, {doc_id: ObjectId('123456789012')})
describe "getDocVersion", ->
describe "when the doc exists", ->
beforeEach ->
Reference in a new issue