mirror of
synced 2025-02-09 08:51:00 +00:00
50 lines
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50 lines
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# Usage: coffee preprocess.coffee projects.json done.csv
# where projects.json is the output of
# mongoexport <CREDENTIALS> --db sharelatex-staging --collection projects --type=json --fields owner_ref,collaberator_refs,readOnly_refs --query '{ $or: [{collaberator_refs: { $not : {$size: 0} }}, {readOnly_refs: { $not: {$size: 0}}}]}'
fs = require "fs"
projects = fs.readFileSync(process.argv[2]).toString()
projects = projects.split("\n").filter((p) -> p!="").map (p) -> JSON.parse(p)
contact_pairs = []
for project in projects
project_id = project._id.$oid
owner_id = project.owner_ref.$oid
contact_ids = project.collaberator_refs.concat(project.readOnly_refs).map (r) -> r.$oid
for contact_id in contact_ids
contact_pairs.push [project_id, owner_id, contact_id]
# Done list is a list of pairs owner_id:contact_id
DONE_FILE = process.argv[3]
done_list = fs.readFileSync(DONE_FILE).toString()
done_contacts = {}
for done_pair in done_list.split("\n")
done_contacts[done_pair] = true
workers = []
for contact_pair in contact_pairs
do (contact_pair) ->
workers.push (cb) ->
if done_contacts[contact_pair.join(":")]
console.log "ALREADY DONE", contact_pair.join(":"), "SKIPPING"
[project_id, owner_id, contact_id] = contact_pair
console.log "PINGING CONTACT API (OWNER: #{owner_id}, CONTACT: #{contact_id})..."
require("request").post {
url: "http://localhost:3036/user/#{owner_id}/contacts"
json: { contact_id }
}, (error, response, body) ->
return cb(error) if error?
if response.statusCode != 204
return cb(new Error("bad status code: #{response.statusCode}"))
console.log "DONE, WRITING TO DONE FILE..."
fs.appendFile DONE_FILE, contact_pair.join(":") + "\n", (error) ->
return cb(error) if error?
console.log "WRITTEN"
require("async").series workers, (error) ->
console.error error if error?
console.log "DONE"