
45 lines
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2019-09-25 11:42:49 -04:00
RedisManager = require "./RedisManager"
ProjectManager = require "./ProjectManager"
logger = require "logger-sharelatex"
metrics = require "./Metrics"
async = require "async"
module.exports = DeleteQueueManager =
flushAndDeleteOldProjects: (options, callback) ->
startTime = Date.now()
count = 0
flushProjectIfNotModified = (project_id, flushTimestamp, cb) ->
ProjectManager.getProjectDocsTimestamps project_id, (err, timestamps) ->
return callback(err) if err?
if !timestamps?
logger.log {project_id}, "skipping flush of queued project - no timestamps"
return cb()
# are any of the timestamps newer than the time the project was flushed?
for timestamp in timestamps or [] when timestamp > flushTimestamp
metrics.inc "queued-delete-skipped"
logger.debug {project_id, timestamps, flushTimestamp}, "found newer timestamp, will skip delete"
return cb()
logger.log {project_id, flushTimestamp}, "flushing queued project"
ProjectManager.flushAndDeleteProjectWithLocks project_id, {skip_history_flush: true}, (err) ->
logger.err {project_id, err}, "error flushing queued project"
metrics.inc "queued-delete-completed"
return cb(null, true)
flushNextProject = () ->
now = Date.now()
if now - startTime > options.timeout
logger.log "hit time limit on flushing old projects"
return callback()
if count > options.limit
logger.log "hit count limit on flushing old projects"
return callback()
cutoffTime = now - options.min_delete_age
RedisManager.getNextProjectToFlushAndDelete cutoffTime, (err, project_id, flushTimestamp) ->
return callback(err) if err?
return callback() if !project_id?
flushProjectIfNotModified project_id, flushTimestamp, (err, flushed) ->
count++ if flushed