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Migrated from services/web/frontend/js/ide/connection/EditorWatchdogManager.js
EditorWatchdogManager is used for end-to-end checks of edits.
The editor UI is backed by Ace and CodeMirrors, which in turn are connected
to ShareJs documents in the frontend.
Edits propagate from the editor to ShareJs and are send through socket.io
and real-time to document-updater.
In document-updater edits are integrated into the document history and
a confirmation/rejection is sent back to the frontend.
Along the way things can get lost.
We have certain safe-guards in place, but are still getting occasional
reports of lost edits.
EditorWatchdogManager is implementing the basis for end-to-end checks on
two levels:
- local/ShareJsDoc: edits that pass-by a ShareJs document shall get
acknowledged eventually.
- global: any edits made in the editor shall get acknowledged eventually,
independent for which ShareJs document (potentially none) sees it.
How does this work?
The global check is using a global EditorWatchdogManager that is available
via the angular factory 'ide'.
Local/ShareJsDoc level checks will connect to the global instance.
Each EditorWatchdogManager keeps track of the oldest un-acknowledged edit.
When ever a ShareJs document receives an acknowledgement event, a local
EditorWatchdogManager will see it and also notify the global instance about
The next edit cycle will clear the oldest un-acknowledged timestamp in case
a new ack has arrived, otherwise it will bark loud! via the timeout handler.
- User opens the CodeMirror editor
- attach global check to new CM instance
- detach Ace from the local EditorWatchdogManager
- when the frontend attaches the CM instance to ShareJs, we also
attach it to the local EditorWatchdogManager
- the internal attach process writes the document content to the editor,
which in turn emits 'change' events. These event need to be excluded
from the watchdog. EditorWatchdogManager.ignoreEditsFor takes care
of that.
- User opens the Ace editor (again)
- (attach global check to the Ace editor, only one copy of Ace is around)
- detach local EditorWatchdogManager from CM
- likewise with CM, attach Ace to the local EditorWatchdogManager
- User makes an edit
- the editor will emit a 'change' event
- the global EditorWatchdogManager will process it first
- the local EditorWatchdogManager will process it next
- Document-updater confirms an edit
- the local EditorWatchdogManager will process it first, it passes it on to
- the global EditorWatchdogManager will process it next
The delay between edits and acks is measured using a monotonic clock:
It is agnostic to system clock changes in either direction and timezone
changes do not affect it as well.
Roughly speaking, it is initialized with `0` when the `window` context is
created, before our JS app boots.
As per canIUse.com and MDN `performance.now()` is available to all supported
Browsers, including IE11.
See also: https://caniuse.com/?search=performance.now
See also: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Performance/now
import {
} from '../../source-editor/extensions/realtime'
import { debugConsole } from '@/utils/debugging'
// TIMEOUT specifies the timeout for edits into a single ShareJsDoc.
const TIMEOUT = 60 * 1000
// GLOBAL_TIMEOUT specifies the timeout for edits into any ShareJSDoc.
// REPORT_EVERY specifies how often we send events/report errors.
const REPORT_EVERY = 60 * 1000
const SCOPE_LOCAL = 'ShareJsDoc'
const SCOPE_GLOBAL = 'global'
type Scope = 'ShareJsDoc' | 'global'
type Meta = {
scope: Scope
delay: number
lastAck: number
lastUnackedEdit: number
type TimeoutHandler = (meta: Meta) => void
class Reporter {
private lastReport: number | null = null
private queue: Meta[] = []
// eslint-disable-next-line no-useless-constructor
constructor(private readonly onTimeoutHandler: TimeoutHandler) {}
private getMetaPreferLocal() {
for (const meta of this.queue) {
if (meta.scope === SCOPE_LOCAL) {
return meta
return this.queue.pop()
onTimeout(meta: Meta) {
// Collect all 'meta's for this update.
// global arrive before local ones, but we are eager to report local ones.
setTimeout(() => {
// Another handler processed the 'meta' entry already
if (!this.queue.length) return
// There is always an item on the queue at this point,
// so getMetaPreferLocal will always return a Meta object
const maybeLocalMeta = this.getMetaPreferLocal() as Meta
// Discard other, newly arrived 'meta's
this.queue.length = 0
const now = Date.now()
// Do not flood the server with losing-edits events
const reportedRecently =
this.lastReport !== null && now - this.lastReport < REPORT_EVERY
if (!reportedRecently) {
this.lastReport = now
export default class EditorWatchdogManager {
lastAck: number | null = null
reporter: Reporter
parent?: EditorWatchdogManager
scope: Scope
timeout: number
lastUnackedEdit: number | null
}: {
parent?: EditorWatchdogManager
onTimeoutHandler?: TimeoutHandler
}) {
this.scope = parent ? SCOPE_LOCAL : SCOPE_GLOBAL
this.timeout = parent ? TIMEOUT : GLOBAL_TIMEOUT
this.parent = parent
if (parent) {
this.reporter = parent.reporter
} else if (onTimeoutHandler) {
this.reporter = new Reporter(onTimeoutHandler)
} else {
throw new Error('No parent or onTimeoutHandler')
this.lastAck = null
this.lastUnackedEdit = null
onAck() {
this.lastAck = performance.now()
// bubble up to globalEditorWatchdogManager
if (this.parent) this.parent.onAck()
onEdit() {
// Use timestamps to track the high-water mark of unacked edits
const now = performance.now()
// Discard the last unacked edit if there are now newer acks
// TODO Handle cases where lastAck and/or lastUnackedEdit are null more transparently
// @ts-ignore
if (this.lastAck > this.lastUnackedEdit) {
this.lastUnackedEdit = null
// Start tracking for this keypress if we aren't already tracking an
// unacked edit
if (!this.lastUnackedEdit) {
this.lastUnackedEdit = now
// Report an error if the last tracked edit hasn't been cleared by an
// ack from the server after a long time
const delay = now - this.lastUnackedEdit
if (delay > this.timeout) {
const timeOrigin = Date.now() - now
const scope = this.scope
const lastAck = this.lastAck ? timeOrigin + this.lastAck : 0
const lastUnackedEdit = timeOrigin + this.lastUnackedEdit
const meta: Meta = { scope, delay, lastAck, lastUnackedEdit }
this.log('timedOut', meta)
attachToEditor(editor: EditorFacade) {
this.log('attach to editor')
const onChange = (
_editor: EditorFacade,
changeDescription: ChangeDescription
) => {
if (changeDescription.origin === 'remote') return
if (!(changeDescription.removed || changeDescription.inserted)) return
editor.on('change', onChange)
return () => {
this.log('detach from editor')
editor.off('change', onChange)
private log(...args: any[]) {
debugConsole.log(`[EditorWatchdogManager] ${this.scope}:`, ...args)