2020-11-26 14:22:30 +00:00
import React, { useRef, useEffect } from 'react'
import PropTypes from 'prop-types'
import { useTranslation } from 'react-i18next'
import { DndProvider, createDndContext, useDrag, useDrop } from 'react-dnd'
import { HTML5Backend, getEmptyImage } from 'react-dnd-html5-backend'
import {
} from '../util/find-in-tree'
import { useFileTreeActionable } from './file-tree-actionable'
import { useFileTreeMutable } from './file-tree-mutable'
import { useFileTreeSelectable } from '../contexts/file-tree-selectable'
2021-01-05 10:57:53 +00:00
// DnD binds drag and drop events on window and stop propagation if the dragged
// item is not a DnD element. This break other drag and drop interfaces; in
// particular in rich text.
// This is a hacky workaround to avoid calling the DnD listeners when the
// draggable or droppable element is not within a `dnd-container` element.
const ModifiedBackend = (...args) => {
function isDndChild(elt) {
if (elt.getAttribute && elt.getAttribute('dnd-container')) return true
if (!elt.parentNode) return false
return isDndChild(elt.parentNode)
const instance = new HTML5Backend(...args)
const dragDropListeners = [
dragDropListeners.forEach(dragDropListener => {
const originalListener = instance[dragDropListener]
instance[dragDropListener] = (ev, ...extraArgs) => {
if (isDndChild(ev.target)) originalListener(ev, ...extraArgs)
return instance
const DndContext = createDndContext(ModifiedBackend)
2020-11-26 14:22:30 +00:00
export function FileTreeDraggableProvider({ children }) {
const DndManager = useRef(DndContext)
return (
<DndProvider manager={DndManager.current.dragDropManager}>
FileTreeDraggableProvider.propTypes = {
children: PropTypes.oneOfType([
export function useDraggable(draggedEntityId) {
const { t } = useTranslation()
const { fileTreeData } = useFileTreeMutable()
const { selectedEntityIds } = useFileTreeSelectable()
const item = { type: DRAGGABLE_TYPE }
const [{ isDragging }, dragRef, preview] = useDrag({
item, // required, but overwritten by the return value of `begin`
begin: () => {
const draggedEntityIds = getDraggedEntityIds(
const draggedItems = findAllInTreeOrThrow(fileTreeData, draggedEntityIds)
const title = getDraggedTitle(draggedItems, t)
const forbiddenFolderIds = getForbiddenFolderIds(draggedItems)
return { ...item, title, forbiddenFolderIds, draggedEntityIds }
collect: monitor => ({
isDragging: !!monitor.isDragging()
// remove the automatic preview as we're using a custom preview via
// FileTreeDraggablePreviewLayer
2020-12-15 10:23:54 +00:00
useEffect(() => {
}, [preview])
2020-11-26 14:22:30 +00:00
return {
export function useDroppable(droppedEntityId) {
const { finishMoving } = useFileTreeActionable()
const [{ isOver }, dropRef] = useDrop({
canDrop: (item, monitor) => {
const isOver = monitor.isOver({ shallow: true })
if (!isOver) return false
if (item.forbiddenFolderIds.has(droppedEntityId)) return false
return true
drop: (item, monitor) => {
const didDropInChild = monitor.didDrop()
if (didDropInChild) return
finishMoving(droppedEntityId, item.draggedEntityIds)
collect: monitor => ({
isOver: monitor.canDrop()
return {
// Get the list of dragged entity ids. If the dragged entity is one of the
// selected entities then all the selected entites are dragged entities,
// otherwise it's the dragged entity only.
function getDraggedEntityIds(selectedEntityIds, draggedEntityId) {
if (selectedEntityIds.size > 1 && selectedEntityIds.has(draggedEntityId)) {
// dragging the multi-selected entities
return new Set(selectedEntityIds)
} else {
// not dragging the selection; only the current item
return new Set([draggedEntityId])
// Get the draggable title. This is the name of the dragged entities if there's
// only one, otherwise it's the number of dragged entities.
function getDraggedTitle(draggedItems, t) {
if (draggedItems.size === 1) {
const draggedItem = Array.from(draggedItems)[0]
return draggedItem.entity.name
return t('n_items', { count: draggedItems.size })
// Get all children folder ids of any of the dragged items.
function getForbiddenFolderIds(draggedItems) {
const draggedFoldersArray = Array.from(draggedItems)
.filter(draggedItem => {
return draggedItem.type === 'folder'
.map(draggedItem => draggedItem.entity)
const draggedFolders = new Set(draggedFoldersArray)
return findAllFolderIdsInFolders(draggedFolders)