
1007 lines
33 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2014-02-12 10:23:40 +00:00
chai = require('chai')
assert = require('chai').assert
should = chai.should()
2014-05-07 13:31:46 +00:00
expect = chai.expect
2014-02-12 10:23:40 +00:00
sinon = require 'sinon'
modulePath = "../../../../app/js/Features/Project/ProjectEntityHandler"
SandboxedModule = require('sandboxed-module')
ObjectId = require("mongoose").Types.ObjectId
tk = require 'timekeeper'
2014-05-08 14:47:50 +00:00
Errors = require "../../../../app/js/errors"
2014-02-12 10:23:40 +00:00
describe 'ProjectEntityHandler', ->
2014-02-12 10:23:40 +00:00
project_id = '4eecb1c1bffa66588e0000a1'
2014-05-08 12:42:30 +00:00
doc_id = '4eecb1c1bffa66588e0000a2'
2014-02-12 10:23:40 +00:00
folder_id = "4eecaffcbffa66588e000008"
rootFolderId = "4eecaffcbffa66588e000007"
beforeEach ->
@FileStoreHandler =
uploadFileFromDisk:(project_id, fileRef, localImagePath, callback)->callback()
copyFile: sinon.stub().callsArgWith(4, null)
@tpdsUpdateSender =
2014-10-15 13:11:02 +00:00
2014-02-12 10:23:40 +00:00
@rootFolder =
{name:"level1", folders:[]}
@ProjectModel = class Project
@._id = project_id
@name = "project_name_here"
@rev = 0
2014-02-12 10:23:40 +00:00
@DocModel = class Doc
2014-05-07 13:31:46 +00:00
{@name, @lines} = options
@_id = doc_id
2014-02-12 10:23:40 +00:00
@rev = 0
@FileModel = class File
{@name} = options
@._id = "file_id"
@rev = 0
@FolderModel = class Folder
{@name} = options
@project = new @ProjectModel()
@project.rootFolder = [@rootFolder]
@ProjectModel.findById = (project_id, callback)=> callback(null, @project)
@ProjectModel.getProject = (project_id, fields, callback)=> callback(null, @project)
@ProjectModel.putElement = (project_id, folder_id, doc, type, callback)-> callback(null, {path:{fileSystem:"somehintg"}})
@projectUpdater = markAsUpdated:sinon.stub()
@ProjectEntityHandler = SandboxedModule.require modulePath, requires:
'../../models/Project': Project:@ProjectModel
'../../models/Doc': Doc:@DocModel
'../../models/Folder': Folder:@FolderModel
'../../models/File': File:@FileModel
'./ProjectLocator':@projectLocator = {}
'../../Features/DocumentUpdater/DocumentUpdaterHandler':@documentUpdaterHandler = {}
'../Docstore/DocstoreManager': @DocstoreManager = {}
2014-05-08 14:47:50 +00:00
'logger-sharelatex': @logger = {log:sinon.stub(), error: sinon.stub()}
2014-02-12 10:23:40 +00:00
'./ProjectUpdateHandler': @projectUpdater
"./ProjectGetter": @ProjectGetter = {}
2014-02-12 10:23:40 +00:00
describe 'mkdirp', ->
beforeEach ->
@parentFolder_id = "1jnjknjk"
@newFolder = {_id:"newFolder_id_here"}
@lastFolder = {_id:"123das", folders:[]}
@projectLocator.findElementByPath = (project_id, path, cb)=>
@parentFolder = {_id:"parentFolder_id_here"}
lastFolder = path.substring(path.lastIndexOf("/"))
if lastFolder.indexOf("level1") == -1
cb "level1 is not the last foler "
cb null, @parentFolder
2014-10-15 13:11:02 +00:00
@ProjectEntityHandler.addFolder = (project_id, parentFolder_id, folderName, callback)=>
2014-02-12 10:23:40 +00:00
callback null, {name:folderName}, @parentFolder_id
it 'should return the root folder if the path is just a slash', (done)->
path = "/"
@ProjectEntityHandler.mkdirp project_id, path, (err, folders, lastFolder)=>
lastFolder.should.deep.equal @rootFolder
assert.equal lastFolder.parentFolder_id, undefined
it 'should make just one folder', (done)->
path = "/differentFolder/"
@ProjectEntityHandler.mkdirp project_id, path, (err, folders, lastFolder)=>
folders.length.should.equal 1
lastFolder.name.should.equal "differentFolder"
lastFolder.parentFolder_id.should.equal @parentFolder_id
it 'should make the final folder in path if it doesnt exist with one level', (done)->
path = "level1/level2"
@ProjectEntityHandler.mkdirp project_id, path, (err, folders, lastFolder)=>
folders.length.should.equal 1
lastFolder.name.should.equal "level2"
lastFolder.parentFolder_id.should.equal @parentFolder_id
it 'should make the final folder in path if it doesnt exist with mutliple levels', (done)->
path = "level1/level2/level3"
@ProjectEntityHandler.mkdirp project_id, path,(err, folders, lastFolder) =>
folders.length.should.equal 2
folders[0].name.should.equal "level2"
folders[0].parentFolder_id.should.equal @parentFolder_id
lastFolder.name.should.equal "level3"
lastFolder.parentFolder_id.should.equal @parentFolder_id
it 'should work with slashes either side', (done)->
path = "/level1/level2/level3/"
@ProjectEntityHandler.mkdirp project_id, path, (err, folders, lastFolder)=>
folders.length.should.equal 2
folders[0].name.should.equal "level2"
folders[0].parentFolder_id.should.equal @parentFolder_id
lastFolder.name.should.equal "level3"
lastFolder.parentFolder_id.should.equal @parentFolder_id
2014-10-15 13:11:02 +00:00
describe 'deleteEntity', ->
2014-02-12 10:23:40 +00:00
entity_id = "4eecaffcbffa66588e000009"
beforeEach ->
2014-10-15 13:11:02 +00:00
@tpdsUpdateSender.deleteEntity = sinon.stub().callsArg(1)
2014-02-12 10:23:40 +00:00
@ProjectEntityHandler._removeElementFromMongoArray = sinon.stub().callsArg(3)
@ProjectEntityHandler._cleanUpEntity = sinon.stub().callsArg(3)
@path = mongo: "mongo.path", fileSystem: "/file/system/path"
@projectLocator.findElement = sinon.stub().callsArgWith(1, null, @entity = { _id: entity_id }, @path)
describe "deleting from Mongo", ->
beforeEach (done) ->
@ProjectEntityHandler.deleteEntity project_id, entity_id, @type = 'file', done
it "should retreive the path", ->
@projectLocator.findElement.called.should.equal true
options = @projectLocator.findElement.args[0][0]
options.type.should.equal @type
options.project.should.equal @project
options.element_id.should.equal entity_id
it "should remove the element from the database", ->
@ProjectEntityHandler._removeElementFromMongoArray.calledWith(@ProjectModel, project_id, @path.mongo).should.equal true
it "should call the third party data store", ->
options = @tpdsUpdateSender.deleteEntity.args[0][0]
options.project_id.should.equal project_id
options.path.should.equal @path.fileSystem
it "should clean up the entity from the rest of the system", ->
.calledWith(@project, @entity, @type)
.should.equal true
describe "_cleanUpEntity", ->
beforeEach ->
@entity_id = "4eecaffcbffa66588e000009"
@documentUpdaterHandler.deleteDoc = sinon.stub().callsArg(2)
@FileStoreHandler.deleteFile = sinon.stub().callsArg(2)
@ProjectEntityHandler.unsetRootDoc = sinon.stub().callsArg(1)
describe "a file", ->
beforeEach (done) ->
@ProjectEntityHandler._cleanUpEntity @project, _id: @entity_id, 'file', done
it "should delete the file from FileStoreHandler", ->
@FileStoreHandler.deleteFile.calledWith(project_id, @entity_id).should.equal true
it "should not attempt to delete from the document updater", ->
@documentUpdaterHandler.deleteDoc.called.should.equal false
describe "a doc", ->
beforeEach (done) ->
2014-10-15 13:11:02 +00:00
@ProjectEntityHandler._cleanUpDoc = sinon.stub().callsArg(2)
2014-04-30 10:23:53 +00:00
@ProjectEntityHandler._cleanUpEntity @project, @entity = {_id: @entity_id}, 'doc', done
2014-02-12 10:23:40 +00:00
2014-04-30 10:23:53 +00:00
it "should clean up the doc", ->
.calledWith(@project, @entity)
.should.equal true
2014-02-12 10:23:40 +00:00
describe "a folder", ->
beforeEach (done) ->
@folder =
folders: [
fileRefs: [ @file1 = {_id: "file-id-1" } ]
docs: [ @doc1 = { _id: "doc-id-1" } ]
folders: []
fileRefs: [ @file2 = { _id: "file-id-2" } ]
docs: [ @doc2 = { _id: "doc-id-2" } ]
2014-10-15 13:11:02 +00:00
@ProjectEntityHandler._cleanUpDoc = sinon.stub().callsArg(2)
@ProjectEntityHandler._cleanUpFile = sinon.stub().callsArg(2)
2014-02-12 10:23:40 +00:00
@ProjectEntityHandler._cleanUpEntity @project, @folder, "folder", done
it "should clean up all sub files", ->
@ProjectEntityHandler._cleanUpFile.calledWith(@project, @file1).should.equal true
@ProjectEntityHandler._cleanUpFile.calledWith(@project, @file2).should.equal true
it "should clean up all sub docs", ->
@ProjectEntityHandler._cleanUpDoc.calledWith(@project, @doc1).should.equal true
@ProjectEntityHandler._cleanUpDoc.calledWith(@project, @doc2).should.equal true
describe 'moveEntity', ->
2014-02-12 10:23:40 +00:00
beforeEach ->
@pathAfterMove = {
fileSystem: "/somewhere/else.txt"
@ProjectEntityHandler._removeElementFromMongoArray = sinon.stub().callsArg(3)
@ProjectModel.putElement = sinon.stub().callsArgWith(4, null, path: @pathAfterMove)
@tpdsUpdateSender.moveEntity = sinon.stub().callsArg(1)
describe "moving a doc", ->
beforeEach (done) ->
@docId = "4eecaffcbffa66588e000009"
@doc = {lines:["1234","312343d"], rev: "1234"}
@path = {
@projectLocator.findElement = sinon.stub().callsArgWith(1, null, @doc, @path)
@ProjectEntityHandler.moveEntity project_id, @docId, folder_id, "docs", done
it 'should find the project then element', ->
element_id: @docId,
type: "docs",
project: @project
.should.equal true
2014-02-12 10:23:40 +00:00
it 'should remove the element from its current position', ->
.should.equal true
it "should put the element back in the new folder", ->
.should.equal true
it 'should tell the third party data store', ->
project_id: project_id,
startPath: @path.fileSystem
endPath: @pathAfterMove.fileSystem
project_name: @project.name
rev: @doc.rev
.should.equal true
describe "moving a folder", ->
beforeEach ->
@folder_id = "folder-to-move"
@move_to_folder_id = "folder-to-move-to"
@folder = { name: "folder" }
@folder_to_move_to = { name: "folder to move to" }
@path = {
mongo: "folders[0]"
fileSystem: "/somewhere.txt"
@pathToMoveTo = {
mongo: "folders[0]"
fileSystem: "/somewhere.txt"
@projectLocator.findElement = (options, callback) =>
if options.element_id == @folder_id
callback(null, @folder, @path)
else if options.element_id == @move_to_folder_id
callback(null, @folder_to_move_to, @pathToMoveTo)
console.log "UNKNOWN ID", options
sinon.spy @projectLocator, "findElement"
describe "when the destination folder is outside the moving folder", ->
beforeEach (done) ->
@path.fileSystem = "/one/directory"
@pathToMoveTo.fileSystem = "/another/directory"
@ProjectEntityHandler.moveEntity project_id, @folder_id, @move_to_folder_id, "folder", done
it 'should find the project then element', ->
element_id: @folder_id,
type: "folder",
project: @project
.should.equal true
it 'should remove the element from its current position', ->
.should.equal true
it "should put the element back in the new folder", ->
.should.equal true
it 'should tell the third party data store', ->
project_id: project_id,
startPath: @path.fileSystem
endPath: @pathAfterMove.fileSystem
project_name: @project.name,
rev: @folder.rev
.should.equal true
describe "when the destination folder is inside the moving folder", ->
beforeEach ->
@path.fileSystem = "/one/two"
@pathToMoveTo.fileSystem = "/one/two/three"
@callback = sinon.stub()
@ProjectEntityHandler.moveEntity project_id, @folder_id, @move_to_folder_id, "folder", @callback
it 'should find the folder we are moving to as well element', ->
element_id: @move_to_folder_id,
type: "folder",
project: @project
.should.equal true
it "should return an error", ->
.calledWith(new Error("destination folder is a child folder of me"))
.should.equal true
2014-02-12 10:23:40 +00:00
describe 'removing element from mongo array', ->
it 'should call update with log the path', (done)->
mongoPath = "folders[0].folders[5]"
id = "12344"
firstUpdate = true
model =
update: (conditions, update, opts, callback)->
if firstUpdate
conditions._id.should.equal id
update.$unset[mongoPath].should.equal 1
firstUpdate = false
conditions._id.should.equal id
assert.deepEqual update, { '$pull': { 'folders[0]': null } }
@ProjectEntityHandler._removeElementFromMongoArray model, id, mongoPath, ->
2014-05-08 12:42:30 +00:00
describe 'getDoc', ->
beforeEach ->
@lines = ["mock", "doc", "lines"]
@rev = 5
@DocstoreManager.getDoc = sinon.stub().callsArgWith(3, null, @lines, @rev)
2014-05-08 12:42:30 +00:00
@ProjectEntityHandler.getDoc project_id, doc_id, @callback
it "should call the docstore", ->
.calledWith(project_id, doc_id)
.should.equal true
it "should call the callback with the lines, version and rev", ->
@callback.calledWith(null, @lines, @rev).should.equal true
2014-05-08 12:42:30 +00:00
2014-05-07 13:31:46 +00:00
describe 'addDoc', ->
beforeEach ->
@name = "some new doc"
@lines = ['1234','abc']
@path = "/path/to/doc"
@ProjectModel.putElement = sinon.stub().callsArgWith(4, null, {path:{fileSystem:@path}})
@callback = sinon.stub()
2014-10-15 13:11:02 +00:00
@tpdsUpdateSender.addDoc = sinon.stub().callsArg(1)
2014-05-15 14:43:04 +00:00
@DocstoreManager.updateDoc = sinon.stub().callsArgWith(3, null, true, 0)
2014-05-07 13:31:46 +00:00
@ProjectEntityHandler.addDoc project_id, folder_id, @name, @lines, @callback
# Created doc
@doc = @ProjectModel.putElement.args[0][2]
@doc.name.should.equal @name
it 'should call put element', ->
.calledWith(project_id, folder_id, @doc)
.should.equal true
it 'should return doc and parent folder', ->
@callback.calledWith(null, @doc, folder_id).should.equal true
it 'should call third party data store', ->
project_id: project_id
doc_id: doc_id
2014-05-07 13:31:46 +00:00
path: @path
project_name: @project.name
rev: 0
.should.equal true
it "should send the doc lines to the doc store", ->
2014-05-15 14:43:04 +00:00
.calledWith(project_id, @doc._id.toString(), @lines)
2014-05-07 13:31:46 +00:00
.should.equal true
2014-02-12 10:23:40 +00:00
2014-06-05 15:18:25 +00:00
describe "restoreDoc", ->
beforeEach ->
@name = "doc-name"
@lines = ['1234','abc']
@doc = { "mock": "doc" }
@folder_id = "mock-folder-id"
@callback = sinon.stub()
@ProjectEntityHandler.getDoc = sinon.stub().callsArgWith(3, null, @lines)
2014-06-05 15:18:25 +00:00
@ProjectEntityHandler.addDoc = sinon.stub().callsArgWith(4, null, @doc, @folder_id)
@ProjectEntityHandler.restoreDoc project_id, doc_id, @name, @callback
it 'should get the doc lines', ->
.calledWith(project_id, doc_id, include_deleted: true)
2014-06-05 15:18:25 +00:00
.should.equal true
it "should add a new doc with these doc lines", ->
.calledWith(project_id, null, @name, @lines)
.should.equal true
it "should call the callback with the new folder and doc", ->
@callback.calledWith(null, @doc, @folder_id).should.equal true
2014-10-15 13:11:02 +00:00
describe 'addFile', ->
2014-02-12 10:23:40 +00:00
fileName = "something.jpg"
beforeEach ->
@filePath = "somewhere"
it 'should upload it via the FileStoreHandler', (done)->
@FileStoreHandler.uploadFileFromDisk = (passedProject_id, file_id, filePath, callback)=>
file_id.should.equal "file_id"
passedProject_id.should.equal project_id
filePath.should.equal @filePath
@ProjectEntityHandler.addFile project_id, folder_id, fileName, @filePath, (err, fileRef, parentFolder)->
it 'should put file into folder by calling put element', (done)->
@ProjectModel.putElement = (passedProject_id, passedFolder_id, passedFileRef, passedType, callback)->
passedProject_id.should.equal project_id
passedFolder_id.should.equal folder_id
passedFileRef.name.should.equal fileName
passedType.should.equal 'file'
@ProjectEntityHandler.addFile project_id, folder_id, fileName, {}, (err, fileRef, parentFolder)->
it 'should return doc and parent folder', (done)->
@ProjectEntityHandler.addFile project_id, folder_id, fileName, {}, (err, fileRef, parentFolder)->
parentFolder.should.equal folder_id
fileRef.name.should.equal fileName
it 'should call third party data store', (done)->
@project.existsInVersioningApi = true
opts =
path : "/somehwere/idsadsds"
project_id : project_id
@ProjectModel.putElement = (project_id, folder_id, doc, type, callback)-> callback(null, {path:{fileSystem:opts.path}})
@tpdsUpdateSender.addFile = (options)=>
options.project_id.should.equal project_id
options.path.should.equal opts.path
options.project_name.should.equal @project.name
options.rev.should.equal 0
@ProjectEntityHandler.addFile project_id, folder_id, fileName, {}, (err, fileRef, parentFolder)->
describe 'replacing a file', ->
beforeEach ->
@file_id = "file_id_here"
@fsPath = "fs_path_here.png"
@fileRef = {rev:3, _id:@file_id}
@filePaths = {fileSystem:"/folder1/file.png", mongo:"folder.1.files.somewhere"}
@projectLocator.findElement = sinon.stub().callsArgWith(1, null, @fileRef, @filePaths)
@ProjectModel.update = (_, __, ___, cb)-> cb()
it 'should find the file', (done)->
@ProjectEntityHandler.replaceFile project_id, @file_id, @fsPath, =>
@projectLocator.findElement.calledWith({element_id:@file_id, type:"file", project_id:project_id}).should.equal true
it 'should tell the file store handler to upload the file from disk', (done)->
@FileStoreHandler.uploadFileFromDisk = sinon.stub().callsArgWith(3)
@ProjectEntityHandler.replaceFile project_id, @file_id, @fsPath, =>
@FileStoreHandler.uploadFileFromDisk.calledWith(project_id, @file_id, @fsPath).should.equal true
it 'should send the file to the tpds with an incremented rev', (done)->
@tpdsUpdateSender.addFile = (options)=>
options.project_id.should.equal project_id
options.path.should.equal @filePaths.fileSystem
options.project_name.should.equal @project.name
options.file_id.should.equal @file_id
options.rev.should.equal @fileRef.rev + 1
@ProjectEntityHandler.replaceFile project_id, @file_id, @fsPath, =>
it 'should inc the rev id', (done)->
@ProjectModel.update = (conditions, update, options, callback)=>
conditions._id.should.equal project_id
update.$inc["#{@filePaths.mongo}.rev"].should.equal 1
@ProjectEntityHandler.replaceFile project_id, @file_id, @fsPath, =>
it 'should update the created at date', (done)->
d = new Date()
@ProjectModel.update = (conditions, update, options, callback)=>
conditions._id.should.equal project_id
differenceInMs = update.$set["#{@filePaths.mongo}.created"].getTime() - d.getTime()
@ProjectEntityHandler.replaceFile project_id, @file_id, @fsPath, =>
describe 'adding a folder', ->
folderName = "folder1234"
it 'should call put element', (done)->
@ProjectModel.putElement = (passedProject_id, passedFolder_id, passedFolder, passedType, callback)->
passedProject_id.should.equal project_id
passedFolder_id.should.equal folder_id
passedFolder.name.should.equal folderName
passedType.should.equal 'folder'
@ProjectEntityHandler.addFolder project_id, folder_id, folderName, (err, folder, parentFolder)->
it 'should return the folder and parent folder', (done)->
@ProjectEntityHandler.addFolder project_id, folder_id, folderName, (err, folder, parentFolder)->
parentFolder.should.equal folder_id
folder.name.should.equal folderName
2014-05-08 14:47:50 +00:00
describe 'updateDocLines', ->
beforeEach ->
@lines = ['mock', 'doc', 'lines']
@path = "/somewhere/something.tex"
@doc = {
_id: doc_id
@ProjectGetter.getProjectWithoutDocLines = sinon.stub().callsArgWith(1, null, @project)
@projectLocator.findElement = sinon.stub().callsArgWith(1, null, @doc, {fileSystem: @path})
@tpdsUpdateSender.addDoc = sinon.stub().callsArg(1)
@projectUpdater.markAsUpdated = sinon.stub()
@callback = sinon.stub()
2014-02-12 10:23:40 +00:00
2014-05-08 14:47:50 +00:00
describe "when the doc has been modified", ->
beforeEach ->
@DocstoreManager.updateDoc = sinon.stub().callsArgWith(3, null, true, @rev = 5)
@ProjectEntityHandler.updateDocLines project_id, doc_id, @lines, @callback
2014-02-12 10:23:40 +00:00
2014-05-08 14:47:50 +00:00
it "should get the project without doc lines", ->
.should.equal true
2014-02-12 10:23:40 +00:00
2014-05-08 14:47:50 +00:00
it "should find the doc", ->
project: @project
type: "docs"
element_id: doc_id
.should.equal true
2014-02-12 10:23:40 +00:00
2014-05-08 14:47:50 +00:00
it "should update the doc in the docstore", ->
.calledWith(project_id, doc_id, @lines)
2014-05-08 14:47:50 +00:00
.should.equal true
2014-02-12 10:23:40 +00:00
2014-05-08 14:47:50 +00:00
it "should mark the project as updated", ->
.should.equal true
2014-02-12 10:23:40 +00:00
2014-05-08 14:47:50 +00:00
it "should send the doc the to the TPDS", ->
project_id: project_id
project_name: @project.name
doc_id: doc_id
2014-05-08 14:47:50 +00:00
rev: @rev
path: @path
.should.equal true
2014-02-12 10:23:40 +00:00
2014-05-08 14:47:50 +00:00
it "should call the callback", ->
@callback.called.should.equal true
describe "when the doc has not been modified", ->
beforeEach ->
@DocstoreManager.updateDoc = sinon.stub().callsArgWith(3, null, false, @rev = 5)
@ProjectEntityHandler.updateDocLines project_id, doc_id, @lines, @callback
2014-05-08 14:47:50 +00:00
it "should not mark the project as updated", ->
@projectUpdater.markAsUpdated.called.should.equal false
it "should not send the doc the to the TPDS", ->
@tpdsUpdateSender.addDoc.called.should.equal false
it "should call the callback", ->
@callback.called.should.equal true
describe "when the project is not found", ->
beforeEach ->
@ProjectGetter.getProjectWithoutDocLines = sinon.stub().callsArgWith(1, null, null)
@ProjectEntityHandler.updateDocLines project_id, doc_id, @lines, @callback
2014-05-08 14:47:50 +00:00
it "should return a not found error", ->
@callback.calledWith(new Errors.NotFoundError()).should.equal true
describe "when the doc is not found", ->
beforeEach ->
@projectLocator.findElement = sinon.stub().callsArgWith(1, null, null, null)
@ProjectEntityHandler.updateDocLines project_id, doc_id, @lines, @callback
2014-05-08 14:47:50 +00:00
it "should log out the error", ->
project_id: project_id
doc_id: doc_id
lines: @lines
err: new Errors.NotFoundError("doc not found")
"doc not found while updating doc lines"
.should.equal true
it "should return a not found error", ->
@callback.calledWith(new Errors.NotFoundError()).should.equal true
2014-02-12 10:23:40 +00:00
describe "getting folders, docs and files", ->
2014-02-12 10:23:40 +00:00
beforeEach ->
@project.rootFolder = [
docs: [@doc1 = {
name : "doc1"
_id : "doc1_id"
fileRefs: [@file1 = {
rev : 1
_id : "file1_id"
name : "file1"
folders: [@folder1 = {
2014-02-12 10:23:40 +00:00
name : "folder1"
docs : [@doc2 = {
name : "doc2"
_id : "doc2_id"
2014-02-12 10:23:40 +00:00
fileRefs : [@file2 = {
rev : 2
2014-02-12 10:23:40 +00:00
name : "file2"
_id : "file2_id"
folders : []
@ProjectGetter.getProjectWithoutDocLines = sinon.stub().callsArgWith(1, null, @project)
describe "getAllFolders", ->
beforeEach ->
@callback = sinon.stub()
@ProjectEntityHandler.getAllFolders project_id, @callback
it "should get the project without the docs lines", ->
.should.equal true
it "should call the callback with the folders", ->
.calledWith(null, {
"/": @project.rootFolder[0]
"/folder1": @folder1
.should.equal true
describe "getAllFiles", ->
beforeEach ->
@callback = sinon.stub()
@ProjectEntityHandler.getAllFiles project_id, @callback
it "should call the callback with the files", ->
.calledWith(null, {
"/file1": @file1
"/folder1/file2": @file2
.should.equal true
describe "getAllDocs", ->
beforeEach ->
@docs = [{
_id: @doc1._id
lines: @lines1 = ["one"]
rev: @rev1 = 1
}, {
_id: @doc2._id
lines: @lines2 = ["two"]
rev: @rev2 = 2
@DocstoreManager.getAllDocs = sinon.stub().callsArgWith(1, null, @docs)
@ProjectEntityHandler.getAllDocs project_id, @callback
it "should get the doc lines and rev from the docstore", ->
.should.equal true
it "should call the callback with the docs with the lines and rev included", ->
.calledWith(null, {
"/doc1": {
_id: @doc1._id
lines: @lines1
name: @doc1.name
rev: @rev1
"/folder1/doc2": {
_id: @doc2._id
lines: @lines2
name: @doc2.name
rev: @rev2
.should.equal true
describe "flushProjectToThirdPartyDataStore", ->
beforeEach (done) ->
@project = {
_id: project_id
name: "Mock project name"
@ProjectModel.findById = sinon.stub().callsArgWith(1, null, @project)
@documentUpdaterHandler.flushProjectToMongo = sinon.stub().callsArg(2)
2014-10-15 13:11:02 +00:00
@tpdsUpdateSender.addDoc = sinon.stub().callsArg(1)
@tpdsUpdateSender.addFile = sinon.stub().callsArg(1)
@docs = {
"/doc/one": @doc1 = { _id: "mock-doc-1", lines: ["one"], rev: 5 }
"/doc/two": @doc2 = { _id: "mock-doc-2", lines: ["two"], rev: 6 }
@files = {
"/file/one": @file1 = { _id: "mock-file-1", rev: 7 }
"/file/two": @file2 = { _id: "mock-file-2", rev: 8 }
@ProjectEntityHandler.getAllDocs = sinon.stub().callsArgWith(1, null, @docs)
@ProjectEntityHandler.getAllFiles = sinon.stub().callsArgWith(1, null, @files)
@ProjectEntityHandler.flushProjectToThirdPartyDataStore project_id, () -> done()
it "should flush the project from the doc updater", ->
.should.equal true
it "should look up the project in mongo", ->
.should.equal true
it "should get all the docs in the project", ->
.should.equal true
it "should get all the files in the project", ->
.should.equal true
it "should flush each doc to the TPDS", ->
for path, doc of @docs
project_id: project_id,
doc_id: doc._id
project_name: @project.name
rev: doc.rev
path: path
.should.equal true
it "should flush each file to the TPDS", ->
for path, file of @files
project_id: project_id,
file_id: file._id
project_name: @project.name
rev: file.rev
path: path
.should.equal true
2014-02-12 10:23:40 +00:00
describe "setRootDoc", ->
it "should call Project.update", ->
@project_id = "project-id-123234adfs"
@rootDoc_id = "root-doc-id-123123"
@ProjectModel.update = sinon.stub()
@ProjectEntityHandler.setRootDoc @project_id, @rootDoc_id
@ProjectModel.update.calledWith({_id : @project_id}, {rootDoc_id: @rootDoc_id})
.should.equal true
describe "unsetRootDoc", ->
it "should call Project.update", ->
@project_id = "project-id-123234adfs"
@rootDoc_id = "root-doc-id-123123"
@ProjectModel.update = sinon.stub()
@ProjectEntityHandler.unsetRootDoc @project_id
@ProjectModel.update.calledWith({_id : @project_id}, {$unset : {rootDoc_id: true}})
.should.equal true
describe 'copying file', ->
fileName = "something.jpg"
filePath = "dumpFolder/somewhere/image.jpeg"
oldProject_id = "123kljadas"
oldFileRef = {name:fileName, _id:"oldFileRef"}
it 'should copy the file in FileStoreHandler', (done)->
@ProjectEntityHandler.copyFileFromExistingProject project_id, folder_id, oldProject_id, oldFileRef, (err, fileRef, parentFolder)=>
@FileStoreHandler.copyFile.calledWith(oldProject_id, oldFileRef._id, project_id, fileRef._id).should.equal true
it 'should put file into folder by calling put element', (done)->
@ProjectModel.putElement = (passedProject_id, passedFolder_id, passedFileRef, passedType, callback)->
passedProject_id.should.equal project_id
passedFolder_id.should.equal folder_id
passedFileRef.name.should.equal fileName
passedType.should.equal 'file'
@ProjectEntityHandler.copyFileFromExistingProject project_id, folder_id, oldProject_id, oldFileRef, (err, fileRef, parentFolder)->
it 'should return doc and parent folder', (done)->
@ProjectEntityHandler.copyFileFromExistingProject project_id, folder_id, oldProject_id, oldFileRef, (err, fileRef, parentFolder)->
parentFolder.should.equal folder_id
fileRef.name.should.equal fileName
it 'should call third party data store if versioning is enabled', (done)->
@project.existsInVersioningApi = true
opts =
path : "/somehwere/idsadsds"
project_id : project_id
@ProjectModel.putElement = (project_id, folder_id, doc, type, callback)-> callback(null, {path:{fileSystem:opts.path}})
@tpdsUpdateSender.addFile = (options)=>
options.project_id.should.equal project_id
options.project_name.should.equal @project.name
options.path.should.equal opts.path
options.rev.should.equal 0
@ProjectEntityHandler.copyFileFromExistingProject project_id, folder_id, oldProject_id, oldFileRef, (err, fileRef, parentFolder)->
describe "renameEntity", ->
beforeEach ->
@entity_id = "4eecaffcbffa66588e000009"
@entityType = "doc"
@newName = "new.tex"
@path = mongo: "mongo.path", fileSystem: "/file/system/old.tex"
@projectLocator.findElement = sinon.stub().callsArgWith(1, null, @entity = { _id: @entity_id, name:"old.tex", rev:4 }, @path)
@ProjectModel.update = sinon.stub().callsArgWith(3)
@tpdsUpdateSender.moveEntity = sinon.stub()
it "should update the name in mongo", (done)->
@ProjectEntityHandler.renameEntity @project_id, @entity_id, @entityType, @newName, =>
@ProjectModel.update.calledWith({_id : @project_id}, {"$set":{"mongo.path.name":@newName}}).should.equal true
it "should send the update to the tpds", (done)->
@ProjectEntityHandler.renameEntity @project_id, @entity_id, @entityType, @newName, =>
@tpdsUpdateSender.moveEntity.calledWith({project_id:@project_id, startPath:@path.fileSystem, endPath:"/file/system/new.tex", project_name:@project.name, rev:4}).should.equal true
describe "_insertDeletedDocReference", ->
beforeEach ->
@doc =
_id: ObjectId()
name: "test.tex"
@callback = sinon.stub()
@ProjectModel.update = sinon.stub().callsArgWith(3)
@ProjectEntityHandler._insertDeletedDocReference project_id, @doc, @callback
it "should insert the doc into deletedDocs", ->
_id: project_id
}, {
$push: {
deletedDocs: {
_id: @doc._id
name: @doc.name
.should.equal true
it "should call the callback", ->
@callback.called.should.equal true
describe "_cleanUpDoc", ->
beforeEach ->
@project =
_id: ObjectId(project_id)
@doc =
_id: ObjectId()
name: "test.tex"
@ProjectEntityHandler.unsetRootDoc = sinon.stub().callsArg(1)
@ProjectEntityHandler._insertDeletedDocReference = sinon.stub().callsArg(2)
@documentUpdaterHandler.deleteDoc = sinon.stub().callsArg(2)
@DocstoreManager.deleteDoc = sinon.stub().callsArg(2)
@callback = sinon.stub()
describe "when the doc is the root doc", ->
beforeEach ->
@project.rootDoc_id = @doc._id
@ProjectEntityHandler._cleanUpDoc @project, @doc, @callback
it "should unset the root doc", ->
.should.equal true
it "should delete the doc in the doc updater", ->
.calledWith(project_id, @doc._id.toString())
it "should insert the doc into the deletedDocs array", ->
.calledWith(@project._id, @doc)
.should.equal true
it "should delete the doc in the doc store", ->
.calledWith(project_id, @doc._id.toString())
.should.equal true
it "should call the callback", ->
@callback.called.should.equal true
describe "when the doc is not the root doc", ->
beforeEach ->
@project.rootDoc_id = ObjectId()
@ProjectEntityHandler._cleanUpDoc @project, @doc, @callback
it "should not unset the root doc", ->
@ProjectEntityHandler.unsetRootDoc.called.should.equal false
it "should call the callback", ->
@callback.called.should.equal true