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/* eslint-disable
// TODO: This file was created by bulk-decaffeinate.
// Fix any style issues and re-enable lint.
* decaffeinate suggestions:
* DS101: Remove unnecessary use of Array.from
* DS102: Remove unnecessary code created because of implicit returns
* DS103: Rewrite code to no longer use __guard__
* DS104: Avoid inline assignments
* DS204: Change includes calls to have a more natural evaluation order
* DS205: Consider reworking code to avoid use of IIFEs
* DS207: Consider shorter variations of null checks
* Full docs: https://github.com/decaffeinate/decaffeinate/blob/master/docs/suggestions.md
// The model of all the ops. Responsible for applying & transforming remote deltas
// and managing the storage layer.
// Actual storage is handled by the database wrappers in db/*, wrapped by DocCache
let Model;
const {EventEmitter} = require('events');
const queue = require('./syncqueue');
const types = require('../types');
const isArray = o => Object.prototype.toString.call(o) === '[object Array]';
// This constructor creates a new Model object. There will be one model object
// per server context.
// The model object is responsible for a lot of things:
// - It manages the interactions with the database
// - It maintains (in memory) a set of all active documents
// - It calls out to the OT functions when necessary
// The model is an event emitter. It emits the following events:
// create(docName, data): A document has been created with the specified name & data
module.exports = (Model = function(db, options) {
// db can be null if the user doesn't want persistance.
let getOps;
if (!(this instanceof Model)) { return new Model(db, options); }
const model = this;
if (options == null) { options = {}; }
// This is a cache of 'live' documents.
// The cache is a map from docName -> {
// ops:[{op, meta}]
// snapshot
// type
// v
// meta
// eventEmitter
// reapTimer
// committedVersion: v
// snapshotWriteLock: bool to make sure writeSnapshot isn't re-entrant
// dbMeta: database specific data
// opQueue: syncQueue for processing ops
// }
// The ops list contains the document's last options.numCachedOps ops. (Or all
// of them if we're using a memory store).
// Documents are stored in this set so long as the document has been accessed in
// the last few seconds (options.reapTime) OR at least one client has the document
// open. I don't know if I should keep open (but not being edited) documents live -
// maybe if a client has a document open but the document isn't being edited, I should
// flush it from the cache.
// In any case, the API to model is designed such that if we want to change that later
// it should be pretty easy to do so without any external-to-the-model code changes.
const docs = {};
// This is a map from docName -> [callback]. It is used when a document hasn't been
// cached and multiple getSnapshot() / getVersion() requests come in. All requests
// are added to the callback list and called when db.getSnapshot() returns.
// callback(error, snapshot data)
const awaitingGetSnapshot = {};
// The time that documents which no clients have open will stay in the cache.
// Should be > 0.
if (options.reapTime == null) { options.reapTime = 3000; }
// The number of operations the cache holds before reusing the space
if (options.numCachedOps == null) { options.numCachedOps = 10; }
// This option forces documents to be reaped, even when there's no database backend.
// This is useful when you don't care about persistance and don't want to gradually
// fill memory.
// You might want to set reapTime to a day or something.
if (options.forceReaping == null) { options.forceReaping = false; }
// Until I come up with a better strategy, we'll save a copy of the document snapshot
// to the database every ~20 submitted ops.
if (options.opsBeforeCommit == null) { options.opsBeforeCommit = 20; }
// It takes some processing time to transform client ops. The server will punt ops back to the
// client to transform if they're too old.
if (options.maximumAge == null) { options.maximumAge = 40; }
// **** Cache API methods
// Its important that all ops are applied in order. This helper method creates the op submission queue
// for a single document. This contains the logic for transforming & applying ops.
const makeOpQueue = (docName, doc) => queue(function(opData, callback) {
if (!(opData.v >= 0)) { return callback('Version missing'); }
if (opData.v > doc.v) { return callback('Op at future version'); }
// Punt the transforming work back to the client if the op is too old.
if ((opData.v + options.maximumAge) < doc.v) { return callback('Op too old'); }
if (!opData.meta) { opData.meta = {}; }
opData.meta.ts = Date.now();
// We'll need to transform the op to the current version of the document. This
// calls the callback immediately if opVersion == doc.v.
return getOps(docName, opData.v, doc.v, function(error, ops) {
let snapshot;
if (error) { return callback(error); }
if ((doc.v - opData.v) !== ops.length) {
// This should never happen. It indicates that we didn't get all the ops we
// asked for. Its important that the submitted op is correctly transformed.
console.error(`Could not get old ops in model for document ${docName}`);
console.error(`Expected ops ${opData.v} to ${doc.v} and got ${ops.length} ops`);
return callback('Internal error');
if (ops.length > 0) {
try {
// If there's enough ops, it might be worth spinning this out into a webworker thread.
for (const oldOp of Array.from(ops)) {
// Dup detection works by sending the id(s) the op has been submitted with previously.
// If the id matches, we reject it. The client can also detect the op has been submitted
// already if it sees its own previous id in the ops it sees when it does catchup.
if (oldOp.meta.source && opData.dupIfSource && Array.from(opData.dupIfSource).includes(oldOp.meta.source)) {
return callback('Op already submitted');
opData.op = doc.type.transform(opData.op, oldOp.op, 'left');
} catch (error1) {
error = error1;
return callback(error.message);
try {
snapshot = doc.type.apply(doc.snapshot, opData.op);
} catch (error2) {
error = error2;
return callback(error.message);
// The op data should be at the current version, and the new document data should be at
// the next version.
// This should never happen in practice, but its a nice little check to make sure everything
// is hunky-dory.
if (opData.v !== doc.v) {
// This should never happen.
console.error("Version mismatch detected in model. File a ticket - this is a bug.");
console.error(`Expecting ${opData.v} == ${doc.v}`);
return callback('Internal error');
// newDocData = {snapshot, type:type.name, v:opVersion + 1, meta:docData.meta}
const writeOp = (db != null ? db.writeOp : undefined) || ((docName, newOpData, callback) => callback());
return writeOp(docName, opData, function(error) {
if (error) {
// The user should probably know about this.
console.warn(`Error writing ops to database: ${error}`);
return callback(error);
__guardMethod__(options.stats, 'writeOp', o => o.writeOp());
// This is needed when we emit the 'change' event, below.
const oldSnapshot = doc.snapshot;
// All the heavy lifting is now done. Finally, we'll update the cache with the new data
// and (maybe!) save a new document snapshot to the database.
doc.v = opData.v + 1;
doc.snapshot = snapshot;
if (db && (doc.ops.length > options.numCachedOps)) { doc.ops.shift(); }
model.emit('applyOp', docName, opData, snapshot, oldSnapshot);
doc.eventEmitter.emit('op', opData, snapshot, oldSnapshot);
// The callback is called with the version of the document at which the op was applied.
// This is the op.v after transformation, and its doc.v - 1.
callback(null, opData.v);
2014-02-12 05:40:42 -05:00
// I need a decent strategy here for deciding whether or not to save the snapshot.
// The 'right' strategy looks something like "Store the snapshot whenever the snapshot
// is smaller than the accumulated op data". For now, I'll just store it every 20
// ops or something. (Configurable with doc.committedVersion)
if (!doc.snapshotWriteLock && ((doc.committedVersion + options.opsBeforeCommit) <= doc.v)) {
return tryWriteSnapshot(docName, function(error) {
if (error) { return console.warn(`Error writing snapshot ${error}. This is nonfatal`); }
// Add the data for the given docName to the cache. The named document shouldn't already
// exist in the doc set.
// Returns the new doc.
const add = function(docName, error, data, committedVersion, ops, dbMeta) {
let callback, doc;
const callbacks = awaitingGetSnapshot[docName];
delete awaitingGetSnapshot[docName];
if (error) {
if (callbacks) { for (callback of Array.from(callbacks)) { callback(error); } }
} else {
doc = (docs[docName] = {
snapshot: data.snapshot,
v: data.v,
type: data.type,
meta: data.meta,
// Cache of ops
ops: ops || [],
eventEmitter: new EventEmitter,
// Timer before the document will be invalidated from the cache (if the document has no
// listeners)
reapTimer: null,
// Version of the snapshot thats in the database
committedVersion: committedVersion != null ? committedVersion : data.v,
snapshotWriteLock: false,
doc.opQueue = makeOpQueue(docName, doc);
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model.emit('add', docName, data);
if (callbacks) { for (callback of Array.from(callbacks)) { callback(null, doc); } }
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return doc;
2014-02-12 05:40:42 -05:00
// This is a little helper wrapper around db.getOps. It does two things:
// - If there's no database set, it returns an error to the callback
// - It adds version numbers to each op returned from the database
// (These can be inferred from context so the DB doesn't store them, but its useful to have them).
const getOpsInternal = function(docName, start, end, callback) {
if (!db) { return (typeof callback === 'function' ? callback('Document does not exist') : undefined); }
return db.getOps(docName, start, end, function(error, ops) {
if (error) { return (typeof callback === 'function' ? callback(error) : undefined); }
let v = start;
for (const op of Array.from(ops)) { op.v = v++; }
return (typeof callback === 'function' ? callback(null, ops) : undefined);
// Load the named document into the cache. This function is re-entrant.
// The callback is called with (error, doc)
const load = function(docName, callback) {
if (docs[docName]) {
// The document is already loaded. Return immediately.
__guardMethod__(options.stats, 'cacheHit', o => o.cacheHit('getSnapshot'));
return callback(null, docs[docName]);
// We're a memory store. If we don't have it, nobody does.
if (!db) { return callback('Document does not exist'); }
const callbacks = awaitingGetSnapshot[docName];
// The document is being loaded already. Add ourselves as a callback.
if (callbacks) { return callbacks.push(callback); }
__guardMethod__(options.stats, 'cacheMiss', o1 => o1.cacheMiss('getSnapshot'));
// The document isn't loaded and isn't being loaded. Load it.
awaitingGetSnapshot[docName] = [callback];
return db.getSnapshot(docName, function(error, data, dbMeta) {
if (error) { return add(docName, error); }
const type = types[data.type];
if (!type) {
console.warn(`Type '${data.type}' missing`);
return callback("Type not found");
data.type = type;
const committedVersion = data.v;
// The server can close without saving the most recent document snapshot.
// In this case, there are extra ops which need to be applied before
// returning the snapshot.
return getOpsInternal(docName, data.v, null, function(error, ops) {
if (error) { return callback(error); }
if (ops.length > 0) {
console.log(`Catchup ${docName} ${data.v} -> ${data.v + ops.length}`);
try {
for (const op of Array.from(ops)) {
data.snapshot = type.apply(data.snapshot, op.op);
} catch (e) {
// This should never happen - it indicates that whats in the
// database is invalid.
console.error(`Op data invalid for ${docName}: ${e.stack}`);
return callback('Op data invalid');
model.emit('load', docName, data);
return add(docName, error, data, committedVersion, ops, dbMeta);
// This makes sure the cache contains a document. If the doc cache doesn't contain
// a document, it is loaded from the database and stored.
// Documents are stored so long as either:
// - They have been accessed within the past #{PERIOD}
// - At least one client has the document open
var refreshReapingTimeout = function(docName) {
const doc = docs[docName];
if (!doc) { return; }
// I want to let the clients list be updated before this is called.
return process.nextTick(function() {
// This is an awkward way to find out the number of clients on a document. If this
// causes performance issues, add a numClients field to the document.
// The first check is because its possible that between refreshReapingTimeout being called and this
// event being fired, someone called delete() on the document and hence the doc is something else now.
if ((doc === docs[docName]) &&
(doc.eventEmitter.listeners('op').length === 0) &&
(db || options.forceReaping) &&
(doc.opQueue.busy === false)) {
let reapTimer;
return doc.reapTimer = (reapTimer = setTimeout(() => tryWriteSnapshot(docName, function() {
// If the reaping timeout has been refreshed while we're writing the snapshot, or if we're
// in the middle of applying an operation, don't reap.
if ((docs[docName].reapTimer === reapTimer) && (doc.opQueue.busy === false)) { return delete docs[docName]; }
, options.reapTime));
var tryWriteSnapshot = function(docName, callback) {
if (!db) { return (typeof callback === 'function' ? callback() : undefined); }
const doc = docs[docName];
// The doc is closed
if (!doc) { return (typeof callback === 'function' ? callback() : undefined); }
// The document is already saved.
if (doc.committedVersion === doc.v) { return (typeof callback === 'function' ? callback() : undefined); }
if (doc.snapshotWriteLock) { return (typeof callback === 'function' ? callback('Another snapshot write is in progress') : undefined); }
doc.snapshotWriteLock = true;
__guardMethod__(options.stats, 'writeSnapshot', o => o.writeSnapshot());
const writeSnapshot = (db != null ? db.writeSnapshot : undefined) || ((docName, docData, dbMeta, callback) => callback());
const data = {
v: doc.v,
meta: doc.meta,
snapshot: doc.snapshot,
// The database doesn't know about object types.
2014-02-12 05:40:42 -05:00
type: doc.type.name
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// Commit snapshot.
return writeSnapshot(docName, data, doc.dbMeta, function(error, dbMeta) {
doc.snapshotWriteLock = false;
2014-02-12 05:40:42 -05:00
// We have to use data.v here because the version in the doc could
// have been updated between the call to writeSnapshot() and now.
doc.committedVersion = data.v;
doc.dbMeta = dbMeta;
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return (typeof callback === 'function' ? callback(error) : undefined);
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// *** Model interface methods
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// Create a new document.
// data should be {snapshot, type, [meta]}. The version of a new document is 0.
this.create = function(docName, type, meta, callback) {
if (typeof meta === 'function') { [meta, callback] = Array.from([{}, meta]); }
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if (docName.match(/\//)) { return (typeof callback === 'function' ? callback('Invalid document name') : undefined); }
if (docs[docName]) { return (typeof callback === 'function' ? callback('Document already exists') : undefined); }
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if (typeof type === 'string') { type = types[type]; }
if (!type) { return (typeof callback === 'function' ? callback('Type not found') : undefined); }
2014-02-12 05:40:42 -05:00
const data = {
meta:meta || {},
2014-02-12 05:40:42 -05:00
const done = function(error, dbMeta) {
// dbMeta can be used to cache extra state needed by the database to access the document, like an ID or something.
if (error) { return (typeof callback === 'function' ? callback(error) : undefined); }
// From here on we'll store the object version of the type name.
data.type = type;
add(docName, null, data, 0, [], dbMeta);
model.emit('create', docName, data);
return (typeof callback === 'function' ? callback() : undefined);
if (db) {
return db.create(docName, data, done);
} else {
return done();
// Perminantly deletes the specified document.
// If listeners are attached, they are removed.
// The callback is called with (error) if there was an error. If error is null / undefined, the
// document was deleted.
// WARNING: This isn't well supported throughout the code. (Eg, streaming clients aren't told about the
// deletion. Subsequent op submissions will fail).
this.delete = function(docName, callback) {
const doc = docs[docName];
if (doc) {
delete docs[docName];
const done = function(error) {
if (!error) { model.emit('delete', docName); }
return (typeof callback === 'function' ? callback(error) : undefined);
if (db) {
return db.delete(docName, doc != null ? doc.dbMeta : undefined, done);
} else {
return done((!doc ? 'Document does not exist' : undefined));
// This gets all operations from [start...end]. (That is, its not inclusive.)
// end can be null. This means 'get me all ops from start'.
// Each op returned is in the form {op:o, meta:m, v:version}.
// Callback is called with (error, [ops])
// If the document does not exist, getOps doesn't necessarily return an error. This is because
// its awkward to figure out whether or not the document exists for things
// like the redis database backend. I guess its a bit gross having this inconsistant
// with the other DB calls, but its certainly convenient.
// Use getVersion() to determine if a document actually exists, if thats what you're
// after.
this.getOps = (getOps = function(docName, start, end, callback) {
// getOps will only use the op cache if its there. It won't fill the op cache in.
if (!(start >= 0)) { throw new Error('start must be 0+'); }
if (typeof end === 'function') { [end, callback] = Array.from([null, end]); }
const ops = docs[docName] != null ? docs[docName].ops : undefined;
if (ops) {
const version = docs[docName].v;
// Ops contains an array of ops. The last op in the list is the last op applied
if (end == null) { end = version; }
start = Math.min(start, end);
if (start === end) { return callback(null, []); }
// Base is the version number of the oldest op we have cached
const base = version - ops.length;
// If the database is null, we'll trim to the ops we do have and hope thats enough.
if ((start >= base) || (db === null)) {
if (options.stats != null) {
return callback(null, ops.slice((start - base), (end - base)));
if (options.stats != null) {
return getOpsInternal(docName, start, end, callback);
// Gets the snapshot data for the specified document.
// getSnapshot(docName, callback)
// Callback is called with (error, {v: <version>, type: <type>, snapshot: <snapshot>, meta: <meta>})
this.getSnapshot = (docName, callback) => load(docName, (error, doc) => callback(error, doc ? {v:doc.v, type:doc.type, snapshot:doc.snapshot, meta:doc.meta} : undefined));
// Gets the latest version # of the document.
// getVersion(docName, callback)
// callback is called with (error, version).
this.getVersion = (docName, callback) => load(docName, (error, doc) => callback(error, doc != null ? doc.v : undefined));
// Apply an op to the specified document.
// The callback is passed (error, applied version #)
// opData = {op:op, v:v, meta:metadata}
// Ops are queued before being applied so that the following code applies op C before op B:
// model.applyOp 'doc', OPA, -> model.applyOp 'doc', OPB
// model.applyOp 'doc', OPC
this.applyOp = (docName, opData, callback) => // All the logic for this is in makeOpQueue, above.
load(docName, function(error, doc) {
if (error) { return callback(error); }
return process.nextTick(() => doc.opQueue(opData, function(error, newVersion) {
return (typeof callback === 'function' ? callback(error, newVersion) : undefined);
// TODO: store (some) metadata in DB
// TODO: op and meta should be combineable in the op that gets sent
this.applyMetaOp = function(docName, metaOpData, callback) {
const {path, value} = metaOpData.meta;
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if (!isArray(path)) { return (typeof callback === 'function' ? callback("path should be an array") : undefined); }
return load(docName, function(error, doc) {
if (error != null) {
return (typeof callback === 'function' ? callback(error) : undefined);
} else {
let applied = false;
switch (path[0]) {
case 'shout':
doc.eventEmitter.emit('op', metaOpData);
applied = true;
if (applied) { model.emit('applyMetaOp', docName, path, value); }
return (typeof callback === 'function' ? callback(null, doc.v) : undefined);
// Listen to all ops from the specified version. If version is in the past, all
// ops since that version are sent immediately to the listener.
// The callback is called once the listener is attached, but before any ops have been passed
// to the listener.
// This will _not_ edit the document metadata.
// If there are any listeners, we don't purge the document from the cache. But be aware, this behaviour
// might change in a future version.
// version is the document version at which the document is opened. It can be left out if you want to open
// the document at the most recent version.
// listener is called with (opData) each time an op is applied.
// callback(error, openedVersion)
this.listen = function(docName, version, listener, callback) {
if (typeof version === 'function') { [version, listener, callback] = Array.from([null, version, listener]); }
return load(docName, function(error, doc) {
if (error) { return (typeof callback === 'function' ? callback(error) : undefined); }
if (version != null) {
return getOps(docName, version, null, function(error, data) {
if (error) { return (typeof callback === 'function' ? callback(error) : undefined); }
doc.eventEmitter.on('op', listener);
if (typeof callback === 'function') {
callback(null, version);
return (() => {
const result = [];
for (const op of Array.from(data)) {
var needle;
// The listener may well remove itself during the catchup phase. If this happens, break early.
// This is done in a quite inefficient way. (O(n) where n = #listeners on doc)
if ((needle = listener, !Array.from(doc.eventEmitter.listeners('op')).includes(needle))) { break; } else {
return result;
} else { // Version is null / undefined. Just add the listener.
doc.eventEmitter.on('op', listener);
return (typeof callback === 'function' ? callback(null, doc.v) : undefined);
// Remove a listener for a particular document.
// removeListener(docName, listener)
// This is synchronous.
this.removeListener = function(docName, listener) {
// The document should already be loaded.
const doc = docs[docName];
if (!doc) { throw new Error('removeListener called but document not loaded'); }
doc.eventEmitter.removeListener('op', listener);
return refreshReapingTimeout(docName);
// Flush saves all snapshot data to the database. I'm not sure whether or not this is actually needed -
// sharejs will happily replay uncommitted ops when documents are re-opened anyway.
this.flush = function(callback) {
if (!db) { return (typeof callback === 'function' ? callback() : undefined); }
let pendingWrites = 0;
for (const docName in docs) {
const doc = docs[docName];
if (doc.committedVersion < doc.v) {
// I'm hoping writeSnapshot will always happen in another thread.
tryWriteSnapshot(docName, () => process.nextTick(function() {
if (pendingWrites === 0) { return (typeof callback === 'function' ? callback() : undefined); }
// If nothing was queued, terminate immediately.
if (pendingWrites === 0) { return (typeof callback === 'function' ? callback() : undefined); }
// Close the database connection. This is needed so nodejs can shut down cleanly.
this.closeDb = function() {
__guardMethod__(db, 'close', o => o.close());
return db = null;
// Model inherits from EventEmitter.
Model.prototype = new EventEmitter;
function __guardMethod__(obj, methodName, transform) {
if (typeof obj !== 'undefined' && obj !== null && typeof obj[methodName] === 'function') {
return transform(obj, methodName);
} else {
return undefined;