"a_more_comprehensive_list_of_keyboard_shortcuts":"A more comprehensive list of keyboard shortcuts can be found in <0>this __appName__ project template</0>",
"about_to_archive_projects":"You are about to archive the following projects:",
"about_to_delete_folder":"You are about to delete the following folders (any projects in them will not be deleted):",
"about_to_delete_projects":"You are about to delete the following projects:",
"about_to_delete_the_following":"You are about to delete the following ",
"about_to_leave_projects":"You are about to leave the following projects:",
"about_to_trash_projects":"You are about to trash the following projects:",
"accept_all":"Accept all",
"accept_invitation":"Accept invitation",
"accept_or_reject_each_changes_individually":"Accept or reject each change individually",
"accepted_invite":"Accepted invite",
"accepting_invite_as":"You are accepting this invite as",
"acces_work_from_anywhere":"Access your work from anywhere in the world",
"access_denied":"Access Denied",
"access_your_projects_with_git":"Access your projects with Git",
"account_has_been_link_to_institution_account":"Your __appName__ account on <b>__email__</b> has been linked to your <b>__institutionName__</b> institutional account.",
"account_has_past_due_invoice_change_plan_warning":"Your account currently has a past due invoice. You will not be able to change your plan until this is resolved.",
"account_is_linked":"Account is linked",
"account_linking":"Account Linking",
"account_not_linked_to_dropbox":"Your account is not linked to Dropbox",
"account_settings":"Account Settings",
"account_with_email_exists":"It looks like an <b>__appName__</b> account with the email <b>__email__</b> already exists.",
"acct_linked_to_institution_acct_2":"You can <0>log in</0> to Overleaf through your <0>__institutionName__</0> institutional login.",
"activate_account":"Activate your account",
"activation_token_expired":"Your activation token has expired, you will need to get another one sent to you.",
"add_comma_separated_emails_help":"Separate multiple email addresses using the comma (,) character.",
"add_comment":"Add comment",
"add_company_details":"Add Company Details",
"add_email":"Add Email",
"add_email_to_claim_features":"Add an institutional email address to claim your features.",
"add_files":"Add Files",
"add_more_members":"Add more members",
"add_new_email":"Add new email",
"add_or_remove_project_from_tag":"Add or remove project from tag __tagName__",
"add_role_and_department":"Add role and department",
"add_to_folder":"Add to folder",
"add_to_folders":"Add to folders",
"add_your_comment_here":"Add your comment here",
"add_your_first_group_member_now":"Add your first group members now",
"additional_licenses":"Your subscription includes <0>__additionalLicenses__</0> additional license(s) for a total of <1>__totalLicenses__</1> licenses.",
"alternatively_create_new_institution_account":"Alternatively, you can create a <b>new account</b> with your institution email (<b>__email__</b>) by clicking <b>__clickText__</b>.",
"apply_educational_discount_info":"Overleaf offers a 40% educational discount for groups of 10 or more. Applies to students or faculty using Overleaf for teaching.",
"approaching_compile_timeout_limit_upgrade_for_more_compile_time":"You are approaching your compile timeout limit. Upgrade to <strong>Overleaf Premium</strong> for <0>4x more</0> compile time.",
"archive_projects":"Archive Projects",
"archived_projects":"Archived Projects",
"archiving_projects_wont_affect_collaborators":"Archiving projects won’t affect your collaborators.",
"are_you_affiliated_with_an_institution":"Are you affiliated with an institution?",
"are_you_still_at":"Are you still at <0>__institutionName__</0>?",
"are_you_sure":"Are you sure?",
"as_a_member_of_sso_required":"As a member of <b>__institutionName__</b>, you must log in to <b>__appName__</b> through your institution.",
"ask_proj_owner_to_upgrade_for_full_history":"Please ask the project owner to upgrade to access this project’s full history.",
"ask_proj_owner_to_upgrade_for_git_bridge":"Ask the project owner to upgrade their account to use git",
"ask_proj_owner_to_upgrade_for_longer_compiles":"Please ask the project owner to upgrade to increase the timeout limit.",
"ask_proj_owner_to_upgrade_for_references_search":"Please ask the project owner to upgrade to use the References Search feature.",
"auto_close_brackets":"Auto-close Brackets",
"auto_compile":"Auto Compile",
"autocompile_disabled":"Autocompile disabled",
"autocompile_disabled_reason":"Due to high server load, background recompilation has been temporarily disabled. Please recompile by clicking the button above.",
"autocomplete_references":"Reference Autocomplete (inside a <code>\\cite{}</code> block)",
"back_to_account_settings":"Back to account settings",
"back_to_editor":"Back to the editor",
"back_to_log_in":"Back to log in",
"back_to_your_projects":"Back to your projects",
"become_an_advisor":"Become an __appName__ advisor",
"best_choices_companies_universities_non_profits":"Best choice for companies, universities and non-profits",
"beta_program_already_participating":"You are enrolled in the Beta Program",
"beta_program_badge_description":"While using __appName__, you will see beta features marked with this badge:",
"beta_program_benefits":"We’re always improving __appName__. By joining this program you can have <0>early access to new features</0> and help us understand your needs better.",
"beta_program_not_participating":"You are not enrolled in the Beta Program",
"beta_program_opt_in_action":"Opt-In to Beta Program",
"beta_program_opt_out_action":"Opt-Out of Beta Program",
"billed_after_x_days":"You won’t be billed until after your __len__ day trial expires.",
"binary_history_error":"Preview not available for this file type",
"bonus_email_share_body":"Hey, I have been using the online LaTeX editor __appName__ recently and thought you might like to check it out.",
"bonus_email_share_header":"Online LaTeX editor you may like",
"bonus_facebook_caption":"Free Unlimited Projects and Compiles",
"bonus_facebook_description":"__appName__ is a free online LaTeX Editor. Real time collaboration like Google Docs, with Dropbox, history and auto-complete.",
"bonus_twitter_share_text":"I’m using __appName__, the free online collaborative LaTeX editor - it’s awesome and easy to use!",
"browse_plans":"Browse plans",
"browsing_project_as_of":"Browsing project as of",
"browsing_project_labelled":"Browsing project version labelled",
"browsing_project_latest_for_pseudo_label":"Browsing your project’s current state",
"bulk_accept_confirm":"Are you sure you want to accept the selected __nChanges__ changes?",
"bulk_reject_confirm":"Are you sure you want to reject the selected __nChanges__ changes?",
"buy_now":"Buy Now!",
"buy_now_no_exclamation_mark":"Buy now",
"by_subscribing_you_agree_to_our_terms_of_service":"By subscribing, you agree to our <0>terms of service</0>.",
"can_edit":"Can Edit",
"can_link_institution_email_acct_to_institution_acct":"You can now link your <b>__email__</b> <b>__appName__</b> account to your <b>__institutionName__</b> institutional account.",
"can_link_institution_email_by_clicking":"You can link your <b>__email__</b> <b>__appName__</b> account to your <b>__institutionName__</b> account by clicking <b>__clickText__</b>.",
"can_link_institution_email_to_login":"You can link your <b>__email__</b> <b>__appName__</b> account to your <b>__institutionName__</b> account, which will allow you to log in to <b>__appName__</b> through your institution and will reconfirm your institutional email address.",
"can_link_your_institution_acct_2":"You can now <0>link</0> your <0>__appName__</0> account to your <0>__institutionName__</0> institutional account.",
"can_now_relink_dropbox":"You can now <0>relink your Dropbox account</0>.",
"can_revert_back_blurb":"In a collaboration or on your own, sometimes mistakes are made. Reverting back to previous versions is simple and removes the risk of losing work or regretting a change.",
"can_see_collabs_type_blurb":"If multiple people want to work on a document at the same time then that’s no problem. You can see where your colleagues are typing directly in the editor and their changes show up on your screen immediately.",
"cancel_anytime":"We’re confident that you’ll love __appName__, but if not you can cancel anytime. We’ll give you your money back, no questions asked, if you let us know within 30 days.",
"cancel_my_account":"Cancel my subscription",
"cancel_personal_subscription_first":"You already have a personal subscription, would you like us to cancel this first before joining the group licence?",
"cancel_your_subscription":"Cancel Your Subscription",
"cannot_invite_non_user":"Can’t send invite. Recipient must already have an __appName__ account",
"cannot_invite_self":"Can’t send invite to yourself",
"cannot_verify_user_not_robot":"Sorry, we could not verify that you are not a robot. Please check that Google reCAPTCHA is not being blocked by an ad blocker or firewall.",
"cant_find_email":"That email address is not registered, sorry.",
"cant_find_page":"Sorry, we can’t find the page you are looking for.",
"change_plans_any_time":"You can change plans or change your account at any time. ",
"change_primary_email_address_instructions":"To change your primary email, please add your new primary email address first (by clicking <0>Add another email</0>) and confirm it. Then click the <0>Make Primary</0> button. <1>Learn more</1> about managing your __appName__ emails.",
"change_project_owner":"Change Project Owner",
"change_to_annual_billing_and_save":"Get <0>__percentage__</0> off with annual billing. If you switch now you’ll save <1>__yearlySaving__</1> per year.",
"change_to_group_plan":"Change to a group plan",
"change_to_this_plan":"Change to this plan",
"chat_error":"Could not load chat messages, please try again.",
"clear_sessions_description":"This is a list of other sessions (logins) which are active on your account, not including your current session. Click the \"Clear Sessions\" button below to log them out.",
"clear_sessions_success":"Sessions Cleared",
"click_here_to_view_sl_in_lng":"Click here to use __appName__ in <0>__lngName__</0>",
"click_link_to_proceed":"Click <b>__clickText__</b> below to proceed.",
"collabratec_account_not_registered":"IEEE Collabratec™ account not registered. Please connect to Overleaf from IEEE Collabratec™ or login with a different account.",
"collabs_per_proj":"__collabcount__ collaborators per project",
"collabs_per_proj_single":"__collabcount__ collaborator per project",
"commons_plan_tooltip":"You’re on the __plan__ plan because of your affiliation with __institution__. Click to find out how to make the most of your Overleaf premium features!",
"compile_terminated_by_user":"The compile was cancelled using the ‘Stop Compilation’ button. You can download the raw logs to see where the compile stopped.",
"compile_timeout":"Compile timeout (minutes)",
"compile_timeout_short":"Compile timeout",
"compile_timeout_short_info":"This is how much time you get to compile your project on the Overleaf servers. For short and simple projects, 1 minute should be enough, but you may need longer for complex or longer projects",
"confirm_affiliation":"Confirm Affiliation",
"confirm_affiliation_to_relink_dropbox":"Please confirm you are still at the institution and on their license, or upgrade your account in order to relink your Dropbox account.",
"confirm_email":"Confirm Email",
"confirm_new_password":"Confirm New Password",
"confirmation_link_broken":"Sorry, something is wrong with your confirmation link. Please try copy and pasting the link from the bottom of your confirmation email.",
"confirmation_token_invalid":"Sorry, your confirmation token is invalid or has expired. Please request a new email confirmation link.",
"custom_resource_portal_info":"You can have your own custom portal page on Overleaf. This is a great place for your users to find out more about Overleaf, access templates, FAQs and Help resources, and sign up to Overleaf.",
"dedicated_account_manager_info":"Our Account Management Team will be able to assist with requests, questions and to help you spread the word about Overleaf with promotional materials, training resources and webinars.",
"delete_account":"Delete Account",
"delete_account_confirmation_label":"I understand this will delete all projects in my __appName__ account with email address <0>__userDefaultEmail__</0>",
"delete_account_warning_message_3":"You are about to permanently <0>delete all of your account data</0>, including your projects and settings. Please type your account email address and password in the boxes below to proceed.",
"delete_acct_no_existing_pw":"Please use the password reset form to set a password before deleting your account",
"delete_and_leave":"Delete / Leave",
"delete_and_leave_projects":"Delete and Leave Projects",
"did_you_know_institution_providing_professional":"Did you know that __institutionName__ is providing <0>free __appName__ Professional features</0> to everyone at __institutionName__?",
"did_you_know_that_overleaf_offers":"Did you know that __appName__ offers group and organization-wide subscription options? Request information or a quote.",
"direct_link":"Direct Link",
"disable_stop_on_first_error":"Disable “Stop on first error”",
"discounted_group_accounts":"discounted group accounts",
"dismiss_error_popup":"Dismiss first error alert",
"do_not_have_acct_or_do_not_want_to_link":"If you don’t have an <b>__appName__</b> account, or if you don’t want to link to your <b>__institutionName__</b> account, please click <b>__clickText__</b>.",
"does_not_contain_or_significantly_match_your_email":"Does not contain or significantly match your email",
"doesnt_match":"Doesn’t match",
"doing_this_allow_log_in_through_institution":"Doing this will allow you to log in to <b>__appName__</b> through your institution and will reconfirm your institutional email address.",
"doing_this_allow_log_in_through_institution_2":"Doing this will allow you to log in to <0>__appName__</0> through your institution and will reconfirm your institutional email address.",
"doing_this_will_verify_affiliation_and_allow_log_in_2":"Doing this will verify your affiliation with <0>__institutionName__</0> and will allow you to log in to <0>__appName__</0> through your institution.",
"dont_have_account":"Don’t have an account?",
"download_pdf":"Download PDF",
"download_project_at_this_version":"Download project at this version",
"download_zip_file":"Download .zip File",
"drag_a_zip_file":"drag a .zip file",
"drag_here":"drag here",
"drop_files_here_to_upload":"Drop files here to upload",
"dropbox_already_linked_error":"Your Dropbox account cannot be linked as it is already linked with another Overleaf account.",
"dropbox_already_linked_error_with_email":"Your Dropbox account cannot be linked as it is already linked with another Overleaf account using email address __otherUsersEmail__.",
"dropbox_checking_sync_status":"Checking Dropbox for updates",
"dropbox_duplicate_names_error":"Your Dropbox account can not be linked, because you have more than one project with the same name: ",
"dropbox_duplicate_project_names":"Your Dropbox account has been unlinked, because you have more than one project called <0>\"__projectName__\"</0>.",
"dropbox_duplicate_project_names_suggestion":"Please make your project names unique across all your <0>active, archived and trashed</0> projects and then re-link your Dropbox account.",
"dropbox_email_not_verified":"We have been unable to retrieve updates from your Dropbox account. Dropbox reported that your email address is unverified. Please verify your email address in your Dropbox account to resolve this.",
"dropbox_for_link_share_projs":"This project was accessed via link-sharing and won’t be synchronised to your Dropbox unless you are invited via e-mail by the project owner.",
"dropbox_integration":"Dropbox Integration",
"dropbox_integration_info":"Work online and offline seamlessly with two-way Dropbox sync. Changes you make locally will be sent automatically to the version on Overleaf and vice versa.",
"dropbox_is_premium":"Dropbox Sync is a premium feature",
"dropbox_successfully_linked_description":"Thanks, we’ve successfully linked your Dropbox account to __appName__.",
"dropbox_sync":"Dropbox Sync",
"dropbox_sync_both":"Sending and receiving updates",
"dropbox_sync_description":"Keep your __appName__ projects in sync with your Dropbox account. Changes in __appName__ are automatically sent to your Dropbox account, and the other way around.",
"dropbox_sync_error":"Sorry, there was a problem checking our Dropbox service. Please try again in a few moments.",
"dropbox_sync_in":"Receiving updates from Dropbox",
"dropbox_sync_now_rate_limited":"Manual syncing is limited to one per minute. Please wait for a while and try again.",
"dropbox_sync_now_running":"A manual sync for this project has been started in the background. Please give it a few minutes to process.",
"dropbox_sync_out":"Sending updates to Dropbox",
"dropbox_sync_troubleshoot":"Changes not appearing in Dropbox? Please wait a few minutes. If changes still don’t appear, you can <0>sync this project now</0>.",
"dropbox_synced":"Overleaf and Dropbox have processed all updates. Note that your local Dropbox might still be synchronizing",
"dropbox_unlinked_because_access_denied":"Your Dropbox account has been unlinked because the Dropbox service rejected your stored credentials. Please relink your Dropbox account to continue using it with Overleaf.",
"dropbox_unlinked_because_full":"Your Dropbox account has been unlinked because it is full, and we can no longer send updates to it. Please free up some space and relink your Dropbox account to continue using it with Overleaf.",
"dropbox_unlinked_premium_feature":"<0>Your Dropbox account has been unlinked</0> because Dropbox Sync is a premium feature that you had through an institutional license.",
"duplicate_file":"Duplicate File",
"duplicate_projects":"This user has projects with duplicate names",
"ease_of_use":" Ease of Use",
"easily_manage_your_project_files_everywhere":"Easily manage your project files, everywhere",
"edit_dictionary":"Edit Dictionary",
"edit_dictionary_empty":"Your custom dictionary is empty.",
"edit_dictionary_remove":"Remove from dictionary",
"editor_disconected_click_to_reconnect":"Editor disconnected, click anywhere to reconnect.",
"editor_only_hide_pdf":"Editor only <0>(hide PDF)</0>",
"editor_resources":"Editor Resources",
"editor_theme":"Editor theme",
"email_already_associated_with":"The <b>__email1__</b> email is already associated with the <b>__email2__</b> <b>__appName__</b> account.",
"email_already_registered":"This email is already registered",
"email_already_registered_secondary":"This email is already registered as a secondary email",
"email_already_registered_sso":"This email is already registered. Please log in to your account another way and link your account to the new provider via your account settings.",
"email_does_not_belong_to_university":"We don’t recognize that domain as being affiliated with your university. Please contact us to add the affiliation.",
"email_link_expired":"Email link expired, please request a new one.",
"email_or_password_wrong_try_again":"Your email or password is incorrect. Please try again.",
"email_or_password_wrong_try_again_or_reset":"Your email or password is incorrect. Please try again, or <0>set or reset your password</0>.",
"email_required":"Email required",
"email_sent":"Email Sent",
"email_us_to_your_friends":"Email us to your friends",
"emails_and_affiliations_explanation":"Add additional email addresses to your account to access any upgrades your university or institution has, to make it easier for collaborators to find you, and to make sure you can recover your account.",
"emails_and_affiliations_title":"Emails and Affiliations",
"empower_your_organization_to_work_in_overleaf":"Empower your organization to work in __appName__! Get a group or organizational plan.",
"enter_institution_email_to_log_in":"Enter your institutional email to log in through your institution.",
"enter_your_email_address":"Enter your email address",
"enter_your_email_address_below_and_we_will_send_you_a_link_to_reset_your_password":"Enter your email address below, and we will send you a link to reset your password",
"enter_your_new_password":"Enter your new password",
"error_performing_request":"An error has occurred while performing your request.",
"estimated_number_of_users":"Estimated Number of Users",
"example_project":"Example Project",
"existing_plan_active_until_term_end":"Your existing plan and its features will remain active until the end of the current billing period.",
"expiry":"Expiry Date",
"export_csv":"Export CSV",
"export_project_to_github":"Export Project to GitHub",
"faq_change_plans_answer":"Yes, you can change your plan at any time via your subscription settings. This includes options to switch to a different plan, or to switch between monthly and annual billing options, or to cancel to downgrade to the free plan.",
"faq_change_plans_or_cancel_answer":"Yes, you can do this at any time via your subscription settings. You can change plans, switch between monthly and annual billing options, or cancel to downgrade to the free plan. When cancelling, your subscription will continue until the end of the billing period. If your account temporarily does not have a subscription, the only change will be to the features available to you. Your projects will always be available on your account.",
"faq_change_plans_or_cancel_question":"Can I change plans or cancel later?",
"faq_change_plans_question":"Can I change plans later?",
"faq_do_collab_need_on_paid_plan_answer":"No, they can be on any plan, including the free plan. If you are on a premium plan, some premium features will be available to your collaborators in projects that you have created, even if those collaborators are on the free plan. For more information, read about <0>account and subscriptions</0> and <1>how premium features work</1>.",
"faq_do_collab_need_on_paid_plan_question":"Do my collaborators also need to be on a paid plan?",
"faq_do_collab_need_premium_answer":"Premium features, such as tracked changes, will be available to your collaborators on projects that you have created, even if those collaborators have free accounts.",
"faq_do_collab_need_premium_question":"Do my collaborators also need premium accounts?",
"faq_how_does_a_group_plan_work_answer":"Group subscriptions are a way to upgrade more than one Overleaf account. They are easy to manage, help to save on paperwork, and reduce the cost of purchasing multiple subscriptions separately. To learn more, read about <0>joining a group subscription</0> and <1>managing a group subscription</1>. You can purchase group subscriptions above or by <2>contacting us</2>.",
"faq_how_does_a_group_plan_work_question":"How does a group plan work? How can I add people to the plan?",
"faq_how_does_free_trial_works_answer":"You get full access to your chosen __appName__ plan during your __len__-day free trial. There is no obligation to continue beyond the trial. Your card will be charged at the end of your __len__ day trial unless you cancel before then. You can cancel via your subscription settings.",
"faq_how_free_trial_works_answer_v2":"You get full access to your chosen premium plan during your __len__ day free trial, and there is no obligation to continue beyond the trial. Your card will be charged at the end of your trial unless you cancel before then. To cancel, go to your subscription settings in your account (the trial will continue for the full __len__ days).",
"faq_how_free_trial_works_question":"How does the free trial work?",
"faq_how_to_pay_answer":"Yes, you can. All major credit and debit cards and Paypal are supported. Select the plan you’d like above, and you’ll have the option to pay by card or to go through to PayPal when it’s time to set up payment.",
"faq_how_to_pay_question":"Can I pay online with a credit or debit card, or PayPal?",
"faq_i_have_free_account_want_subscription_how_answer_first_paragraph":"In Overleaf, every user creates and manages their own Overleaf account. Most users start on the free plan but can upgrade and enjoy the premium features by subscribing to a plan, joining a group subscription or joining a <0>Common subscription</0>. When you purchase, join or leave a subscription, you can still keep the same Overleaf account.",
"faq_i_have_free_account_want_subscription_how_answer_second_paragraph":"To find out more, read more about <0>how accounts and subscriptions work together in Overleaf</0>.",
"faq_i_have_free_account_want_subscription_how_question":"I have a free account and want to join a subscription, how do I do that?",
"faq_monthly_or_annual_answer":"Annual billing offers a way to cut down on your admin and paperwork. If you’d prefer to manage a single payment every year, instead of twelve, annual billing is for you.",
"faq_monthly_or_annual_question":"Should I choose monthly or annual billing?",
"faq_need_more_collab_answer":"You can upgrade to one of our paid accounts, which support more collaborators. You can also earn additional collaborators on our free accounts by __referFriendsLink__.",
"faq_need_more_collab_question":"What if I need more collaborators?",
"faq_pay_by_invoice_answer":"Yes, if you’d like to purchase a group account or site license and would prefer to pay by invoice,\r\nor need to raise a purchase order, please <0>let us know</0>.\r\nFor individual accounts or accounts with monthly billing, we can only accept payment online\r\nvia credit or debit card, or PayPal.",
"faq_pay_by_invoice_answer_v2":"Yes, if you’d like to purchase a group subscription for five or more people, or a site license. For individual subscriptions we can only accept payment online via credit card, debit card or PayPal.",
"faq_pay_by_invoice_question":"Can I pay by invoice / purchase order?",
"faq_purchase_more_licenses_answer":"Yes, we provide __groupLink__, which are easy to manage, help to save on paperwork, and reduce the cost of purchasing multiple licenses.",
"faq_purchase_more_licenses_question":"Can I purchase additional licenses for my colleagues?",
"faq_the_individual_standard_plan_10_collab_first_paragraph":"No. Only the subscriber’s account will be upgraded. An individual Standard subscription allows you to invite 10 collaborators to each project owned by you.",
"faq_the_individual_standard_plan_10_collab_question":"The individual Standard plan has 10 project collaborators, does it mean that 10 people will be upgraded?",
"faq_the_individual_standard_plan_10_collab_second_paragraph":"While working on a project that you, as a subscriber, share with them, your collaborators will be able to access some premium features such as the full document history and extended compile time for that particular project. Inviting them to a particular project does not upgrade their accounts overall, however. Read more about <0>which features are per project, and which are per account</0>.",
"faq_what_is_the_difference_between_users_and_collaborators_answer_first_paragraph":"In Overleaf, every user creates their own account. You can create projects that only you work on, and you can also invite others to view or work with you on projects that you own. Users that you share your project with are called <0>collaborators</0>. We sometimes refer to them as project collaborators.",
"faq_what_is_the_difference_between_users_and_collaborators_answer_second_paragraph":"In other words, collaborators are just other Overleaf users that you are working with on one of your projects.",
"faq_what_is_the_difference_between_users_and_collaborators_question":"What’s the difference between users and collaborators?",
"faster_compiles_feedback_question":"Was this compile different than usual?",
"faster_compiles_feedback_thanks":"Thanks for the feedback!",
"file_already_exists":"A file or folder with this name already exists",
"file_already_exists_in_this_location":"An item named <0>__fileName__</0> already exists in this location. If you wish to move this file, rename or remove the conflicting file and try again.",
"file_has_been_deleted":"__filename__ has been deleted",
"file_name":"File Name",
"file_name_in_this_project":"File Name In This Project",
"generic_history_error":"Something went wrong trying to fetch your project’s history. If the error persists, please contact us via:",
"generic_if_problem_continues_contact_us":"If the problem continues please contact us",
"generic_linked_file_compile_error":"This project’s output files are not available because it failed to compile. Please open the project to see the compilation error details.",
"generic_something_went_wrong":"Sorry, something went wrong",
"get_collaborative_benefits":"Get the collaborative benefits from __appName__, even if you prefer to work offline",
"get_in_touch":"Get in touch",
"get_in_touch_for_details":"Get in touch for details!",
"get_in_touch_having_problems":"<a href=\"__link__\">Get in touch with support</a> if you’re having problems",
"get_most_subscription_by_checking_features":"Get the most out of your __appName__ subscription by checking out <0>__appName__’s features</0>.",
"get_most_subscription_by_checking_premium_features":"Get the most out of your __appName__ subscription by checking out the list of <0>__appName__’s premium features</0>.",
"get_same_latex_setup":"With __appName__ you get the same LaTeX set-up wherever you go. By working with your colleagues and students on __appName__, you know that you’re not going to hit any version inconsistencies or package conflicts.",
"get_started_now":"Get started now",
"get_the_most_out_headline":"Get the most out of __appName__ with features such as:",
"git_bridge_modal_description":"You can <code>git</code> <code>clone</code> your project using the link displayed below.",
"git_integration_lowercase":"Git integration",
"git_integration_lowercase_info":"You can clone your Overleaf project to a local repository, treating your Overleaf project as a remote repository that changes can be pushed to and pulled from.",
"github_account_is_linked":"Your GitHub account is successfully linked.",
"github_commit_message_placeholder":"Commit message for changes made in __appName__...",
"github_credentials_expired":"Your GitHub authorization credentials have expired",
"github_file_name_error":"This repository cannot be imported, because it contains file(s) with an invalid filename:",
"github_for_link_shared_projects":"This project was accessed via link-sharing and won’t be synchronised with your GitHub unless you are invited via e-mail by the project owner.",
"github_git_and_dropbox_integrations":"<0>Github</0>, <0>Git</0> and <0>Dropbox</0> integrations",
"github_git_folder_error":"This project contains a .git folder at the top level, indicating that it is already a git repository. The Overleaf GitHub sync service cannot sync git histories. Please remove the .git folder and try again.",
"github_integration":"GitHub Integration",
"github_integration_info":"Push and pull commits to and from GitHub or directly from Git, so you or your collaborators can work offline with Git and online with Overleaf.",
"github_integration_lowercase":"Git and GitHub integration",
"github_is_premium":"GitHub Sync is a premium feature",
"github_large_files_error":"Merge failed: your GitHub repository contains files over the 50mb file size limit ",
"github_merge_failed":"Your changes in __appName__ and GitHub could not be automatically merged. Please manually merge the <0>__sharelatex_branch__</0> branch into the default branch in git. Click below to continue, after you have manually merged.",
"github_no_master_branch_error":"This repository cannot be imported as it is missing a default branch. Please make sure the project has a default branch",
"github_only_integration_lowercase_info":"Link your Overleaf projects directly to a GitHub repository that acts as a remote repository for your overleaf project. This allows you to share with collaborators outside of Overleaf, and integrate Overleaf into more complex workflows.",
"github_private_description":"You choose who can see and commit to this repository.",
"github_public_description":"Anyone can see this repository. You choose who can commit.",
"github_repository_diverged":"The default branch of the linked repository has been force-pushed. Pulling GitHub changes after a force push can cause Overleaf and GitHub to get out of sync. You might need to push changes after pulling to get back in sync.",
"github_successfully_linked_description":"Thanks, we’ve successfully linked your GitHub account to __appName__. You can now export your __appName__ projects to GitHub, or import projects from your GitHub repositories.",
"github_symlink_error":"Your GitHub repository contains symbolic link files, which are not currently supported by Overleaf. Please remove these and try again.",
"github_sync":"GitHub Sync",
"github_sync_description":"With GitHub Sync you can link your __appName__ projects to GitHub repositories, create new commits from __appName__, and merge commits from GitHub.",
"github_sync_error":"Sorry, there was a problem checking our GitHub service. Please try again in a few moments.",
"github_sync_repository_not_found_description":"The linked repository has either been removed, or you no longer have access to it. You can set up sync with a new repository by cloning the project and using the ‘GitHub’ menu item. You can also unlink the repository from this project.",
"github_timeout_error":"Syncing your Overleaf project with GitHub has timed out. This may be due to the overall size of your project, or the number of files/changes to sync, being too large.",
"github_too_many_files_error":"This repository cannot be imported as it exceeds the maximum number of files allowed",
"github_validation_check":"Please check that the repository name is valid, and that you have permission to create the repository.",
"github_workflow_files_delete_github_repo":"The repository has been created on GitHub but linking was unsuccessful. You will have to delete GitHub repository or choose a new name.",
"github_workflow_files_error":"The __appName__ GitHub sync service couldn’t sync GitHub Workflow files (in .github/workflows/). Please authorize __appName__ to edit your GitHub workflow files and try again.",
"give_feedback":"Give feedback",
"go_back_and_link_accts":"<a href=\"__link__\">Go back</a> and link your accounts",
"go_next_page":"Go to Next Page",
"go_page":"Go to page __page__",
"go_prev_page":"Go to Previous Page",
"go_to_account_settings":"Go to Account Settings",
"go_to_code_location_in_pdf":"Go to code location in PDF",
"go_to_pdf_location_in_code":"Go to PDF location in code (Tip: double click on the PDF for best results)",
"group_admins_get_access_to":"Group admins get access to",
"group_admins_get_access_to_info":"Special features available only on group plans.",
"group_full":"This group is already full",
"group_members_and_collaborators_get_access_to":"Group members and their project collaborators get access to",
"group_members_and_collaborators_get_access_to_info":"These features are available to group members and their collaborators (other Overleaf users invited to projects owned a group member).",
"group_members_get_access_to":"Group members get access to",
"group_members_get_access_to_info":"These features are available only to group members (subscribers).",
"group_plan_tooltip":"You are on the __plan__ plan as a member of a group subscription. Click to find out how to make the most of your Overleaf premium features!",
"group_plan_with_name_tooltip":"You are on the __plan__ plan as a member of a group subscription, __groupName__. Click to find out how to make the most of your Overleaf premium features!",
"group_plans":"Group Plans",
"group_professional":"Group Professional",
"group_standard":"Group Standard",
"group_subscription":"Group Subscription",
"have_an_extra_backup":"Have an extra backup",
"have_more_days_to_try":"Have another <strong>__days__ days</strong> on your Trial!",
"hundreds_templates_info":"Produce beautiful documents starting from our gallery of LaTeX templates for journals, conferences, theses, reports, CVs and much more.",
"i_confirm_that_i_am_a_student":"I confirm that I am a student",
"i_want_to_stay":"I want to stay",
"if_error_persists_try_relinking_provider":"If this error persists, try re-linking your __provider__ account here",
"if_have_existing_can_link":"If you have an existing <b>__appName__</b> account on another email, you can link it to your <b>__institutionName__</b> account by clicking <b>__clickText__</b>.",
"if_owner_can_link":"If you own the <b>__appName__</b> account with <b>__email__</b>, you will be allowed to link it to your <b>__institutionName__</b> institutional account.",
"ignore_and_continue_institution_linking":"You can also ignore this and <a href=\"__link__\">continue to __appName__ with your <b>__email__</b> account</a>.",
"ignore_validation_errors":"Don’t check syntax",
"ill_take_it":"I’ll take it!",
"import_from_github":"Import from GitHub",
"import_to_sharelatex":"Import to __appName__",
"imported_from_another_project_at_date":"Imported from <0>Another project</0>/__sourceEntityPathHTML__, at __formattedDate__ __relativeDate__",
"imported_from_external_provider_at_date":"Imported from <0>__shortenedUrlHTML__</0> at __formattedDate__ __relativeDate__",
"imported_from_mendeley_at_date":"Imported from Mendeley at __formattedDate__ __relativeDate__",
"imported_from_the_output_of_another_project_at_date":"Imported from the output of <0>Another project</0>: __sourceOutputFilePathHTML__, at __formattedDate__ __relativeDate__",
"imported_from_zotero_at_date":"Imported from Zotero at __formattedDate__ __relativeDate__",
"importing_and_merging_changes_in_github":"Importing and merging changes in GitHub",
"in_good_company":"You’re In Good Company",
"in_order_to_have_a_secure_account_make_sure_your_password":"In order to have a secure account, make sure your password:",
"in_order_to_match_institutional_metadata_2":"In order to match your institutional metadata, we’ve linked your account using <0>__email__</0>.",
"in_order_to_match_institutional_metadata_associated":"In order to match your institutional metadata, your account is associated with the email <b>__email__</b>.",
"institution_account_tried_to_add_affiliated_with_another_institution":"This email is <b>already associated</b> with your account but affiliated with another institution.",
"institution_account_tried_to_add_already_linked":"This institution is <b>already linked</b> with your account via another email address.",
"institution_account_tried_to_add_already_registered":"The email/institution account you tried to add is <b>already registered</b> with __appName__.",
"institution_account_tried_to_add_not_affiliated":"This email is <b>already associated</b> with your account but not affiliated with this institution.",
"institution_account_tried_to_confirm_saml":"This email cannot be confirmed. Please remove the email from your account and try adding it again.",
"institution_acct_successfully_linked_2":"Your <0>__appName__</0> account was successfully linked to your <0>__institutionName__</0> institutional account.",
"institution_and_role":"Institution and role",
"institution_email_new_to_app":"Your <b>__institutionName__</b> email (<b>__email__</b>) is new to __appName__.",
"institutional_leavers_survey_notification":"Provide some quick feedback to receive a 25% discount on an annual subscription!",
"institutional_login_not_supported":"Your institution doesn’t support <b>institutional login</b> yet, but you can still register with your institutional email.",
"institutional_login_unknown":"Sorry, we don’t know which institution issued that email address. You can browse our <a href=\"__link__\">list of institutions</a> to find yours, or you can use one of the other options below.",
"interested_in":"Interested in",
"interested_in_cheaper_personal_plan":"Would you be interested in the cheaper <strong>__price__</strong> Personal plan?",
"invalid_element_name":"Could not copy your project because of filenames containing invalid characters\r\n(such as asterisks, slashes or control characters). Please rename the files and\r\ntry again.",
"invalid_email":"An email address is invalid",
"invalid_file_name":"Invalid File Name",
"invalid_filename":"Upload failed: check that the file name doesn’t contain special characters, trailing/leading whitespace or more than __nameLimit__ characters",
"invalid_institutional_email":"Your institution’s SSO service returned your email address as __email__, which is at an unexpected domain that we do not recognise as belonging to it. You may be able to change your primary email address via your user profile at your institution to one at your institution’s domain. Please contact your IT department if you have any questions.",
"invalid_password":"Invalid Password",
"invalid_password_contains_email":"Password can not contain email address",
"invalid_password_invalid_character":"Password contains an invalid character",
"invalid_password_not_set":"Password is required",
"invalid_password_too_short":"Password too short, minimum __minLength__",
"invalid_request":"Invalid Request. Please correct the data and try again.",
"invalid_zip_file":"Invalid zip file",
"invite_more_collabs":"Invite more collaborators",
"invite_not_accepted":"Invite not yet accepted",
"invite_not_valid":"This is not a valid project invite",
"invite_not_valid_description":"The invite may have expired. Please contact the project owner",
"invited_to_group":"__inviterName__ has invited you to join a group subscription on __appName__",
"invited_to_join":"You have been invited to join",
"ip_address":"IP Address",
"is_email_affiliated":"Is your email affiliated with an institution? ",
"is_longer_than_n_characters":"Is longer than __n__ characters",
"is_not_a_common_or_obvious_password_as_defined_by_the_have_i_been_pwned_database":"Is not a common or obvious password, as defined by the <0>Have I Been Pwned</0> database",
"join_beta_program":"Join beta program",
"join_project":"Join Project",
"join_sl_to_view_project":"Join __appName__ to view this project",
"join_team_explanation":"Please click the button below to join the group subscription and enjoy the benefits of an upgraded __appName__ account",
"joined_team":"You have joined the group subscription managed by __inviterName__",
"kb_suggestions_enquiry":"Have you checked our <0>__kbLink__</0>?",
"keep_current_plan":"Keep my current plan",
"keep_your_account_safe":"Keep your account safe",
"keep_your_email_updated":"Keep your email updated so that you don’t lose access to your account and data.",
"knowledge_base":"knowledge base",
"labs_program_already_participating":"You are enrolled in Labs",
"labs_program_badge_description":"While using __appName__, you will see Labs features marked with this badge:",
"labs_program_benefits":"__appName__ is always looking for new ways to help users work more quickly and effectively. By joining Overleaf Labs, you can participate in experiments that explore innovative ideas in the space of collaborative writing and publishing.",
"labs_program_not_participating":"You are not enrolled in Labs",
"last_active":"Last Active",
"last_active_description":"Last time a project was opened.",
"last_modified":"Last Modified",
"last_name":"Last Name",
"last_resort_trouble_shooting_guide":"If that doesn’t help, follow our <0>troubleshooting guide</0>.",
"last_updated":"Last Updated",
"last_updated_date_by_x":"__lastUpdatedDate__ by __person__",
"latex_editor_info":"Everything you need in a modern LaTeX editor --- spell check, intelligent autocomplete, syntax highlighting, dozens of color themes, vim and emacs bindings, help with LaTeX warnings and error messages, and much more.",
"latex_guides":"LaTeX guides",
"latex_help_guide":"LaTeX help guide",
"latex_in_thirty_minutes":"LaTeX in 30 minutes",
"latex_templates":"LaTeX Templates",
"layout_processing":"Layout processing",
"ldap_create_admin_instructions":"Choose an email address for the first __appName__ admin account. This should correspond to an account in the LDAP system. You will then be asked to log in with this account.",
"learn_more":"Learn more",
"learn_more_about_emails":"<0>Learn more</0> about managing your __appName__ emails.",
"learn_more_about_link_sharing":"Learn more about Link Sharing",
"learn_more_lowercase":"learn more",
"leave_group":"Leave group",
"leave_now":"Leave now",
"leave_projects":"Leave Projects",
"let_us_know":"Let us know",
"limited_offer":"Limited offer",
"line_height":"Line Height",
"link_account":"Link Account",
"link_accounts":"Link Accounts",
"link_accounts_and_add_email":"Link Accounts and Add Email",
"link_institutional_email_get_started":"Link an institutional email address to your account to get started.",
"link_sharing":"Link sharing",
"link_sharing_is_off":"Link sharing is off, only invited users can view this project.",
"link_sharing_is_on":"Link sharing is on",
"link_to_dropbox":"Link to Dropbox",
"link_to_github":"Link to your GitHub account",
"link_to_github_description":"You need to authorise __appName__ to access your GitHub account to allow us to sync your projects.",
"link_to_mendeley":"Link to Mendeley",
"link_to_sl":"Link to __appName__",
"link_to_us":"Link to us from your website",
"link_to_zotero":"Link to Zotero",
"link_your_accounts":"Link your accounts",
"linked_accounts":"linked accounts",
"linked_accounts_explained":"You can link your __appName__ account with other services to enable the features described below.",
"linked_collabratec_description":"Use Collabratec to manage your __appName__ projects.",
"linked_file":"Imported file",
"loading_content":"Creating Project",
"loading_github_repositories":"Loading your GitHub repositories",
"log_entry_maximum_entries_enable_stop_on_first_error":"Try to fix the first error and recompile. Often one error causes many later error messages. You can <button>Enable “Stop on first error”</button> to focus on fixing errors. We recommend fixing errors as soon as possible; letting them accumulate may lead to hard-to-debug and fatal errors. <learn-more-link>Learn more</learn-more-link>",
"log_entry_maximum_entries_see_full_logs":"If you need to see the full logs, you can still download them or view the raw logs below.",
"log_entry_maximum_entries_title":"__total__ log messages total. Showing the first __displayed__",
"log_hint_extra_info":"Learn more",
"log_in":"Log In",
"log_in_and_link":"Log in and link",
"log_in_and_link_accounts":"Log in and link accounts",
"log_in_first_to_proceed":"You will need to <b>log in</b> first to proceed.",
"log_in_now":"Log in now",
"log_in_through_institution":"Log in through your institution",
"log_in_with":"Log in with __provider__",
"log_in_with_email":"Log in with __email__",
"log_in_with_existing_institution_email":"Please log in with your existing <b>__appName__</b> account in order to get your <b>__appName__</b> and <b>__institutionName__</b> institutional accounts linked.",
"log_out":"Log Out",
"log_out_from":"Log out from __email__",
"log_viewer_error":"There was a problem displaying this project’s compilation errors and logs.",
"logged_in_with_email":"You are currently logged in to <b>__appName__</b> with the email <b>__email__</b>.",
"logging_in":"Logging in",
"logging_out":"Logging out",
"login_error":"Login error",
"login_failed":"Login failed",
"login_here":"Login here",
"login_or_password_wrong_try_again":"Your login or password is incorrect. Please try again",
"max_collab_per_project":"Max. collaborators per project",
"max_collab_per_project_info":"The number of people you can invite to work on each project. They just need to have an Overleaf account. They can be different people in each project.",
"mendeley_groups_loading_error":"There was an error loading groups from Mendeley",
"mendeley_groups_relink":"There was an error accessing your Mendeley data. This was likely caused by lack of permissions. Please re-link your account and try again.",
"mendeley_integration_lowercase_info":"Manage your reference library in Mendeley, and link it directly to .bib files in Overleaf, so you can easily cite anything from your libraries.",
"mendeley_is_premium":"Mendeley integration is a premium feature",
"mendeley_reference_loading_error":"Error, could not load references from Mendeley",
"mendeley_reference_loading_error_expired":"Mendeley token expired, please re-link your account",
"mendeley_reference_loading_error_forbidden":"Could not load references from Mendeley, please re-link your account and try again",
"mendeley_sync_description":"With the Mendeley integration you can import your references from Mendeley into your __appName__ projects.",
"more_than_one_kind_of_snippet_was_requested":"The link to open this content on Overleaf included some invalid parameters. If this keeps happening for links on a particular site, please report this to them.",
"most_premium_features":"Most premium features",
"move_to_annual_billing":"Move to Annual Billing",
"newsletter-accept":"I’d like emails about product offers and company news and events.",
"newsletter_info_note":"Please note: you will still receive important emails, such as project invites and security notifications (password resets, account linking, etc).",
"newsletter_info_subscribed":"You are currently <0>subscribed</0> to the __appName__ newsletter. If you would prefer not to receive this email then you can unsubscribe at any time.",
"no_existing_password":"Please use the password reset form to set your password",
"no_featured_templates":"No featured templates",
"no_history_available":"This project doesn’t have any history yet. Please make some changes to the project and try again.",
"no_members":"No members",
"no_messages":"No messages",
"no_new_commits_in_github":"No new commits in GitHub since last merge.",
"no_other_projects_found":"No other projects found, please create another project first",
"no_other_sessions":"No other sessions active",
"no_pdf_error_explanation":"This compile didn’t produce a PDF. This can happen if:",
"no_pdf_error_reason_no_content":"The <code>document</code> environment contains no content. If it’s empty, please add some content and compile again.",
"no_pdf_error_reason_output_pdf_already_exists":"This project contains a file called <code>output.pdf</code>. If that file exists, please rename it and compile again.",
"no_pdf_error_reason_unrecoverable_error":"There is an unrecoverable LaTeX error. If there are LaTeX errors shown below or in the raw logs, please try to fix them and compile again.",
"no_selection_create_new_file":"Your project is currently empty. Please create a new file.",
"no_selection_select_file":"Currently, no file is selected. Please select a file from the file tree.",
"no_symbols_found":"No symbols found",
"no_thanks_cancel_now":"No thanks, I still want to cancel",
"no_update_email":"No, update email",
"normally_x_price_per_month":"Normally __price__ per month",
"normally_x_price_per_year":"Normally __price__ per year",
"not_a_student_question":"Not a student?",
"not_found_error_from_the_supplied_url":"The link to open this content on Overleaf pointed to a file that could not be found. If this keeps happening for links on a particular site, please report this to them.",
"not_now":"Not now",
"not_registered":"Not registered",
"note_experiments_under_development":"<0>Please note</0> that experiments in this program are still being tested and actively developed. This means that they might <0>change</0>, be <0>removed</0> or <0>become part of a paid plan</0>",
"note_features_under_development":"<0>Please note</0> that features in this program are still being tested and actively developed. This means that they might <0>change</0>, be <0>removed</0> or <0>become part of a premium plan</0>",
"nothing_to_install_ready_to_go":"There’s nothing complicated or difficult for you to install, and you can <0>__start_now__</0>, even if you’ve never seen it before. __appName__ comes with a complete, ready to go LaTeX environment which runs on our servers.",
"notification_features_upgraded_by_affiliation":"Good news! Your affiliated organization __institutionName__ has a partnership with Overleaf, and you now have access to all of Overleaf’s Professional features.",
"notification_personal_subscription_not_required_due_to_affiliation":" Good news! Your affiliated organization __institutionName__ has a partnership with Overleaf, and you now have access to Overleaf’s Professional features through your affiliation. You can cancel your personal subscription without losing access to any of your benefits.",
"notification_project_invite":"<b>__userName__</b> would like you to join <b>__projectName__</b> <a class=\"btn btn-sm btn-info pull-right\" href=\"/project/__projectId__/invite/token/__token__\">Join Project</a>",
"notification_project_invite_accepted_message":"You’ve joined <b>__projectName__</b>",
"notification_project_invite_message":"<b>__userName__</b> would like you to join <b>__projectName__</b>",
"number_collab":"Number of collaborators",
"number_of_users":"Number of users",
"number_of_users_info":"The number of users that can upgrade their Overleaf account if you purchase this plan.",
"number_of_users_with_colon":"Number of users:",
"oauth_orcid_description":" <a href=\"__link__\">Securely establish your identity by linking your ORCID iD to your __appName__ account</a>. Submissions to participating publishers will automatically include your ORCID iD for improved workflow and visibility. ",
"open_a_file_on_the_left":"Open a file on the left",
"open_as_template":"Open as Template",
"open_project":"Open Project",
"opted_out_linking":"You’ve opted out from linking your <b>__email__</b> <b>__appName__</b> account to your institutional account.",
"or_create_project_left":"or create your first project on the left.",
"organization_type":"Organization Type",
"other_actions":"Other Actions",
"other_logs_and_files":"Other logs and files",
"other_output_files":"Download other output files",
"other_sessions":"Other Sessions",
"our_values":"Our values",
"over_x_templates_easy_getting_started":"There are thousands of __templates__ in our template gallery, so it’s really easy to get started, whether you’re writing a journal article, thesis, CV or something else.",
"overall_theme":"Overall theme",
"overleaf_history_system":"Overleaf History System",
"partial_outline_warning":"The File outline is out of date. It will update itself as you edit the document",
"participate_in_user_research":"Participate in user research",
"password_cant_be_the_same_as_current_one":"Password can’t be the same as current one",
"password_change_old_password_wrong":"Your old password is wrong",
"password_change_password_must_be_different":"The password you entered is the same as your current password. Please try a different password.",
"password_change_passwords_do_not_match":"Passwords do not match",
"password_change_successful":"Password changed",
"password_managed_externally":"Password settings are managed externally",
"password_reset":"Password Reset",
"password_reset_email_sent":"You have been sent an email to complete your password reset.",
"password_reset_token_expired":"Your password reset token has expired. Please request a new password reset email and follow the link there.",
"password_too_long_please_reset":"Maximum password length exceeded. Please reset your password.",
"password_updated":"Password updated",
"password_was_detected_on_a_public_list_of_known_compromised_passwords":"This password was detected on a <0>public list of known compromised passwords</0>",
"payment_provider_unreachable_error":"Sorry, there was an error talking to our payment provider. Please try again in a few moments.\nIf you are using any ad or script blocking extensions in your browser, you may need to temporarily disable them.",
"payment_summary":"Payment summary",
"paypal_upgrade":"To upgrade, click on the button below and log on to PayPal using your email and password.",
"pdf_compile_in_progress_error":"A previous compile is still running. Please wait a minute and try compiling again.",
"pdf_viewer_error":"There was a problem displaying the PDF for this project.",
"pending_additional_licenses":"Your subscription is changing to include <0>__pendingAdditionalLicenses__</0> additional license(s) for a total of <1>__pendingTotalLicenses__</1> licenses.",
"personalized_onboarding_info":"We’ll help you get everything set up and then we’re here to answer questions from your users about the platform, templates or LaTeX!",
"plan_tooltip":"You’re on the __plan__ plan. Click to find out how to make the most of your Overleaf premium features!",
"planned_maintenance":"Planned Maintenance",
"plans_amper_pricing":"Plans & Pricing",
"plans_and_pricing":"Plans and Pricing",
"please_ask_the_project_owner_to_upgrade_to_track_changes":"Please ask the project owner to upgrade to use track changes",
"please_change_primary_to_remove":"Please change your primary email in order to remove",
"please_check_your_inbox":"Please check your inbox",
"please_check_your_inbox_to_confirm":"Please check your email inbox to confirm your <0>__institutionName__</0> affiliation.",
"please_compile_pdf_before_download":"Please compile your project before downloading the PDF",
"please_compile_pdf_before_word_count":"Please compile your project before performing a word count",
"please_confirm_email":"Please confirm your email __emailAddress__ by clicking on the link in the confirmation email ",
"please_confirm_your_email_before_making_it_default":"Please confirm your email before making it the primary.",
"please_enter_email":"Please enter your email address",
"please_link_before_making_primary":"Please confirm your email by linking to your institutional account before making it the primary email.",
"please_reconfirm_institutional_email":"Please take a moment to confirm your institutional email address or <0>remove it</0> from your account.",
"please_reconfirm_your_affiliation_before_making_this_primary":"Please confirm your affiliation before making this the primary.",
"please_refresh":"Please refresh the page to continue.",
"please_request_a_new_password_reset_email_and_follow_the_link":"Please request a new password reset email and follow the link",
"please_select_a_file":"Please Select a File",
"please_select_a_project":"Please Select a Project",
"please_select_an_output_file":"Please Select an Output File",
"please_set_a_password":"Please set a password",
"please_set_main_file":"Please choose the main file for this project in the project menu. ",
"plus_upgraded_accounts_receive":"Plus with an upgraded account you get",
"portal_add_affiliation_to_join":"It looks like you are already logged in to __appName__! If you have a __portalTitle__ email you can add it now.",
"powerful_latex_editor_and_realtime_collaboration_info":"Spell check, intelligent autocomplete, syntax highlighting, dozens of color themes, vim and emacs bindings, help with LaTeX warnings and error messages, and more. Everyone always has the latest version, and you can see your collaborators’ cursors and changes in real time.",
"premium_feature":"Premium feature",
"premium_features":"Premium features",
"premium_plan_label":"You’re using <b>Overleaf Premium</b>",
"press_and_awards":"Press & awards",
"press_shortcut_to_open_advanced_reference_search":"Press <strong>__ctrlSpace__</strong> or <strong>__altSpace__</strong> to open <strong>Advanced Reference Search</strong>",
"primary_email_check_question":"Is <0>__email__</0> still your email address?",
"priority_support":"Priority support",
"priority_support_info":"Our helpful Support team will prioritise and escalate your support requests where necessary.",
"privacy_and_terms":"Privacy and Terms",
"privacy_policy":"Privacy Policy",
"problem_changing_email_address":"There was a problem changing your email address. Please try again in a few moments. If the problem continues please contact us.",
"problem_talking_to_publishing_service":"There is a problem with our publishing service, please try again in a few minutes",
"problem_with_subscription_contact_us":"There is a problem with your subscription. Please contact us for more information.",
"proceed_to_paypal":"Proceed to PayPal",
"proceeding_to_paypal_takes_you_to_the_paypal_site_to_pay":"Proceeding to PayPal will take you to the PayPal site to pay for your subscription.",
"processing_your_request":"Please wait while we process your request.",
"project_approaching_file_limit":"This project is approaching the file limit",
"project_flagged_too_many_compiles":"This project has been flagged for compiling too often. The limit will be lifted shortly.",
"project_has_too_many_files":"This project has reached the 2000 file limit",
"project_last_published_at":"Your project was last published at",
"project_layout_sharing_submission":"Project Layout, Sharing, and Submission",
"project_name":"Project Name",
"project_not_linked_to_github":"This project is not linked to a GitHub repository. You can create a repository for it in GitHub:",
"project_ownership_transfer_confirmation_1":"Are you sure you want to make <0>__user__</0> the owner of <1>__project__</1>?",
"project_ownership_transfer_confirmation_2":"This action cannot be undone. The new owner will be notified and will be able to change project access settings (including removing your own access).",
"project_synced_with_git_repo_at":"This project is synced with the GitHub repository at",
"realtime_collab_info":"When you’re working together, you can see your collaborators’ cursors and their changes in real time, so everyone always has the latest version.",
"realtime_track_changes_info":"Now you don’t have to choose between tracked changes and typesetting in LaTeX. Leave comments, keep track of TODOs, and accept or reject others’ changes.",
"realtime_track_changes_info_v2":"Switch on track changes to see who made every change, accept or reject others’ changes, and write comments.",
"reauthorize_github_account":"Reauthorize your GitHub Account",
"recaptcha_conditions":"The site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google <1>Privacy Policy</1> and <2>Terms of Service</2> apply.",
"recent_commits_in_github":"Recent commits in GitHub",
"recompile_from_scratch":"Recompile from scratch",
"recompile_pdf":"Recompile the PDF",
"reconfirm_explained":"We need to reconfirm your account. Please request a password reset link via the form below to reconfirm your account. If you have any problems reconfirming your account, please contact us at",
"reconnect":"Try again",
"reconnecting_in_x_secs":"Reconnecting in __seconds__ secs",
"recurly_email_update_needed":"Your billing email address is currently <0>__recurlyEmail__</0>. If needed you can update your billing address to <1>__userEmail__</1>.",
"recurly_email_updated":"Your billing email address was successfully updated",
"redirect_to_editor":"Redirect to editor",
"reduce_costs_group_licenses":"You can cut down on paperwork and reduce costs with our discounted group licenses.",
"refer_a_friend":"Refer a friend",
"reference_error_relink_hint":"If this error persists, try re-linking your account here:",
"reference_managers":"Reference managers",
"reference_search":"Advanced reference search",
"reference_search_info":"You can always search by citation key, and advanced reference search lets you also search by author, title, year or journal.",
"reference_search_info_v2":"It’s easy to find your references - you can search by author, title, year or journal. You can still search by citation key too.",
"reference_sync":"Reference manager sync",
"reference_sync_info":"Manage your reference library in Mendeley or Zotero and link it directly to a .bib file in Overleaf, so you can easily cite anything in your library.",
"references_search_hint":"Press CTRL-Space to Search",
"referring_your_friends":"referring your friends",
"refresh_page_after_linking_dropbox":"Please refresh this page after linking your account to Dropbox.",
"refresh_page_after_starting_free_trial":"Please refresh this page after starting your free trial.",
"register_error":"Registration error",
"register_intercept_sso":"You can link your __authProviderName__ account from the Account Settings page after logging in.",
"register_to_edit_template":"Please register to edit the __templateName__ template",
"register_using_email":"Register using your email",
"register_using_service":"Register using __service__",
"register_with_another_email":"<a href=\"__link__\">Register with __appName__</a> using another email.",
"registration_error":"Registration error",
"reject_all":"Reject all",
"relink_your_account":"Re-link your account",
"reload_editor":"Reload editor",
"remote_service_error":"The remote service produced an error",
"saml_create_admin_instructions":"Choose an email address for the first __appName__ admin account. This should correspond to an account in the SAML system. You will then be asked to log in with this account.",
"save_20_percent_by_paying_annually":"Save 20% by paying annually",
"save_money_groups_companies_research_organizations_can_save_money":"<0>Save Money</0>! Groups, Companies and Research Organizations can save money with our Group and Enterprise plans — request information or a quote.",
"saved_bibtex_appended_to_galileo_bib":"The <strong>__citeKey__</strong> cite key has been added to the <strong>__galileoBib__</strong> file in your project.",
"saved_bibtex_to_new_galileo_bib":"The <strong>__citeKey__</strong> cite key has been copied into a new <strong>__galileoBib__</strong> file in your project. Include this file in your project using the appropriate method for your citation package.",
"send_first_message":"Send your first message to your collaborators",
"send_test_email":"Send a test email",
"server_error":"Server Error",
"server_pro_license_entitlement_line_1":"<0>__appName__</0> Server Pro license",
"server_pro_license_entitlement_line_2":"You currently have <0>__count__ active users</0>. If you need to increase your license entitlement, please <1>contact Overleaf</1>.",
"server_pro_license_entitlement_line_3":"An active user is one who has opened a project in this Server Pro instance in the last 12 months.",
"session_created_at":"Session Created At",
"session_error":"Session error. Please check you have cookies enabled. If the problem persists, try clearing your cache and cookies.",
"session_expired_redirecting_to_login":"Session Expired. Redirecting to login page in __seconds__ seconds",
"single_version_easy_collab_blurb":"__appName__ makes sure that you’re always up to date with your collaborators and what they are doing. There is only a single master version of each document which everyone has access to. It’s impossible to make conflicting changes, and you don’t have to wait for your colleagues to send you the latest draft before you can keep working.",
"site_description":"An online LaTeX editor that’s easy to use. No installation, real-time collaboration, version control, hundreds of LaTeX templates, and more.",
"sitewide_option_available_info":"Users are automatically upgraded when they register or add their email address to Overleaf (domain-based enrollment or SSO).",
"skip_to_content":"Skip to content",
"sl_benefits_plans":"__appName__ is the world’s easiest to use LaTeX editor. Stay up to date with your collaborators, keep track of all changes to your work, and use our LaTeX environment from anywhere in the world.",
"sl_gives_you_free_stuff_see_progress_below":"When someone starts using __appName__ after your recommendation we’ll give you some <strong>free stuff</strong> to say thanks! Check your progress below.",
"sl_included_history_of_changes_blurb":"__appName__ includes a history of all of your changes so you can see exactly who changed what, and when. This makes it extremely easy to keep up to date with any progress made by your collaborators and allows you to review recent work.",
"something_went_wrong_canceling_your_subscription":"Something went wrong canceling your subscription. Please contact support.",
"something_went_wrong_loading_pdf_viewer":"Something went wrong loading the PDF viewer. This might be caused by issues like <0>temporary network problems</0> or an <0>outdated web browser</0>. Please follow the <1>troubleshooting steps for access, loading and display problems</1>. If the issue persists, please <2>let us know</2>.",
"something_went_wrong_rendering_pdf":"Something went wrong while rendering this PDF.",
"something_went_wrong_rendering_pdf_expected":"There was an issue displaying this PDF. <0>Please recompile</0>",
"something_went_wrong_server":"Something went wrong. Please try again.",
"somthing_went_wrong_compiling":"Sorry, something went wrong and your project could not be compiled. Please try again in a few moments.",
"sorry_something_went_wrong_opening_the_document_please_try_again":"Sorry, an unexpected error occurred when trying to open this content on Overleaf. Please try again.",
"sorry_your_token_expired":"Sorry, your token expired",
"spread_the_word_and_fill_bar":"Spread the word and fill this bar up",
"sso_account_already_linked":"Account already linked to another __appName__ user",
"sso_integration":"SSO integration",
"sso_integration_info":"Overleaf offers a standard SAML-based Single Sign On integration.",
"sso_link_error":"Error linking account",
"sso_not_linked":"You have not linked your account to __provider__. Please log in to your account another way and link your __provider__ account via your account settings.",
"sso_user_denied_access":"Cannot log in because __appName__ was not granted access to your __provider__ account. Please try again.",
"start_by_adding_your_email":"Start by adding your email address.",
"start_free_trial":"Start Free Trial!",
"start_using_latex_now":"start using LaTeX right now",
"start_using_sl_now":"Start using __appName__ now",
"stop_on_first_error_enabled_description":"<0>“Stop on first error” is enabled.</0> Disabling it may allow the compiler to produce a PDF (but your project will still have errors).",
"stop_on_first_error_enabled_title":"No PDF: Stop on first error enabled",
"stop_on_validation_error":"Check syntax before compile",
"stop_your_subscription":"Stop Your Subscription",
"store_your_work":"Store your work on your own infrastructure",
"student_and_faculty_support_make_difference":"Student and faculty support make a difference! We can share this information with our contacts at your university when discussing an Overleaf institutional account.",
"student_disclaimer":"The educational discount applies to all students at secondary and postsecondary institutions (schools and universities). We may contact you to confirm that you’re eligible for the discount.",
"student_plan":"Student Plan",
"student_plans":"Student Plans",
"subject_to_additional_vat":"Prices may be subject to additional VAT, depending on your country.",
"subscription_admins_cannot_be_deleted":"You cannot delete your account while on a subscription. Please cancel your subscription and try again. If you keep seeing this message please contact us.",
"subscription_canceled":"Subscription Canceled",
"subscription_canceled_and_terminate_on_x":" Your subscription has been canceled and will terminate on <0>__terminateDate__</0>. No further payments will be taken.",
"subscription_will_remain_active_until_end_of_billing_period_x":"Your subscription will remain active until the end of your billing period, <0>__terminationDate__</0>.",
"support_lots_of_features":"We support almost all LaTeX features, including inserting images, bibliographies, equations, and much more! Read about all the exciting things you can do with __appName__ in our <0>__help_guides_link__</0>",
"sure_you_want_to_cancel_plan_change":"Are you sure you want to revert your scheduled plan change? You will remain subscribed to the <0>__planName__</0> plan.",
"sure_you_want_to_change_plan":"Are you sure you want to change plan to <0>__planName__</0>?",
"sure_you_want_to_delete":"Are you sure you want to permanently delete the following files?",
"sure_you_want_to_leave_group":"Are you sure you want to leave this group?",
"sure_you_want_to_restore_before":"Are you sure you want to restore <0>__filename__</0> to before the changes on __date__?",
"tagline_collaborator":"Great for shared projects",
"tagline_free":"Perfect for getting started",
"tagline_personal":"Ideal when working solo",
"tagline_professional":"For those working with many",
"tagline_student_annual":"Save even more",
"tagline_student_monthly":"Great for a single term",
"take_me_home":"Take me home!",
"take_short_survey":"Take a short survey",
"tc_switch_everyone_tip":"Toggle track-changes for everyone",
"tc_switch_guests_tip":"Toggle track-changes for all link-sharing guests",
"tc_switch_user_tip":"Toggle track-changes for this user",
"template_approved_by_publisher":"This template has been approved by the publisher",
"template_description":"Template Description",
"template_gallery":"Template Gallery",
"template_not_found_description":"This way of creating projects from templates has been removed. Please visit our template gallery to find more templates.",
"template_title_taken_from_project_title":"The template title will be taken automatically from the project title",
"terminated":"Compilation cancelled",
"tex_live_version":"TeX Live version",
"thank_you":"Thank you!",
"thank_you_email_confirmed":"Thank you, your email is now confirmed",
"thank_you_exclamation":"Thank you!",
"thank_you_for_being_part_of_our_beta_program":"Thank you for being part of our Beta Program, where you can have <0>early access to new features</0> and help us understand your needs better",
"thank_you_for_being_part_of_our_labs_program":"Thank you for being part of our Labs program, where you can have <0>early access to experimental features</0> and help us explore innovative ideas that help you work more quickly and effectively",
"thanks_for_subscribing":"Thanks for subscribing!",
"thanks_for_subscribing_you_help_sl":"Thank you for subscribing to the __planName__ plan. It’s support from people like yourself that allows __appName__ to continue to grow and improve.",
"thanks_settings_updated":"Thanks, your settings have been updated.",
"the_easy_online_collab_latex_editor":"The easy to use, online, collaborative LaTeX editor",
"the_file_supplied_is_of_an_unsupported_type ":"The link to open this content on Overleaf pointed to the wrong kind of file. Valid file types are .tex documents and .zip files. If this keeps happening for links on a particular site, please report this to them.",
"the_overleaf_student_plan_is_for_students_using_overleaf_during_their_studies":"The Overleaf Student plan is for <0>students using Overleaf during their studies</0>",
"the_project_that_contains_this_file_is_not_shared_with_you":"The project that contains this file is not shared with you",
"the_requested_conversion_job_was_not_found":"The link to open this content on Overleaf specified a conversion job that could not be found. It’s possible that the job has expired and needs to be run again. If this keeps happening for links on a particular site, please report this to them.",
"the_requested_publisher_was_not_found":"The link to open this content on Overleaf specified a publisher that could not be found. If this keeps happening for links on a particular site, please report this to them.",
"the_required_parameters_were_not_supplied":"The link to open this content on Overleaf was missing some required parameters. If this keeps happening for links on a particular site, please report this to them.",
"the_supplied_parameters_were_invalid":"The link to open this content on Overleaf included some invalid parameters. If this keeps happening for links on a particular site, please report this to them.",
"the_supplied_uri_is_invalid":"The link to open this content on Overleaf included an invalid URI. If this keeps happening for links on a particular site, please report this to them.",
"then_x_price_per_month":"Then __price__ per month",
"then_x_price_per_year":"Then __price__ per year",
"there_was_an_error_opening_your_content":"There was an error creating your project",
"this_action_cannot_be_undone":"This action cannot be undone.",
"this_address_will_be_shown_on_the_invoice":"This address will be shown on the invoice",
"this_field_is_required":"This field is required",
"this_grants_access_to_features_2":"This grants you access to <0>__appName__</0> <0>__featureType__</0> features.",
"this_is_your_template":"This is your template from your project",
"this_project_is_public":"This project is public and can be edited by anyone with the URL.",
"this_project_is_public_read_only":"This project is public and can be viewed but not edited by anyone with the URL",
"this_project_will_appear_in_your_dropbox_folder_at":"This project will appear in your Dropbox folder at ",
"thousands_templates":"Thousands of templates",
"thousands_templates_info":"Produce beautiful documents starting from our gallery of LaTeX templates for journals, conferences, theses, reports, CVs and much more.",
"three_free_collab":"Three free collaborators",
"timedout":"Timed out",
"to_add_email_accounts_need_to_be_linked_2":"To add this email, your <0>__appName__</0> and <0>__institutionName__</0> accounts will need to be linked.",
"to_add_more_collaborators":"To add more collaborators or turn on link sharing, please ask the project owner",
"to_change_access_permissions":"To change access permissions, please ask the project owner",
"to_many_login_requests_2_mins":"This account has had too many login requests. Please wait 2 minutes before trying to log in again",
"to_modify_your_subscription_go_to":"To modify your subscription go to",
"token_access_failure":"Cannot grant access; contact the project owner for help",
"token_read_only":"token read-only",
"token_read_write":"token read-write",
"too_many_attempts":"Too many attempts. Please wait for a while and try again.",
"too_many_files_uploaded_throttled_short_period":"Too many files uploaded, your uploads have been throttled for a short period. Please wait 15 minutes and try again.",
"too_many_requests":"Too many requests were received in a short space of time. Please wait for a few moments and try again.",
"too_many_search_results":"There are more than 100 results. Please refine your search.",
"too_recently_compiled":"This project was compiled very recently, so this compile has been skipped.",
"tooltip_hide_filetree":"Click to hide the file-tree",
"tooltip_hide_pdf":"Click to hide the PDF",
"tooltip_show_filetree":"Click to show the file-tree",
"tooltip_show_pdf":"Click to show the PDF",
"total_per_month":"Total per month",
"total_per_year":"Total per year",
"total_per_year_for_x_users":"total per year for __licenseSize__ users",
"total_words":"Total Words",
"track_any_change_in_real_time":"Track any change, in real-time",
"track_changes":"Track changes",
"track_changes_is_off":"Track changes is <strong>off</strong>",
"track_changes_is_on":"Track changes is <strong>on</strong>",
"trash_projects":"Trash Projects",
"trashed_projects":"Trashed Projects",
"trashing_projects_wont_affect_collaborators":"Trashing projects won’t affect your collaborators.",
"trial_last_day":"This is the last day of your <b>Overleaf Premium</b> trial",
"trial_remaining_days":"__days__ more days on your <b>Overleaf Premium</b> trial",
"tried_to_log_in_with_email":"You’ve tried to login with <b>__email__</b>.",
"tried_to_register_with_email":"You’ve tried to register with <b>__email__</b>, which is already registered with <b>__appName__</b> as an institutional account.",
"try_again":"Please try again",
"try_for_free":"Try for free",
"try_it_for_free":"Try it for free",
"try_now":"Try Now",
"try_out_one_of_our_plans_instead":"Try out one of our plans instead",
"try_premium_for_free":"Try Premium for free",
"try_recompile_project_or_troubleshoot":"Please try recompiling the project from scratch, and if that doesn’t help, follow our <0>troubleshooting guide</0>.",
"try_to_compile_despite_errors":"Try to compile despite errors",
"turn_off_link_sharing":"Turn off link sharing",
"turn_on_link_sharing":"Turn on link sharing",
"unable_to_extract_the_supplied_zip_file":"Opening this content on Overleaf failed because the zip file could not be extracted. Please ensure that it is a valid zip file. If this keeps happening for links on a particular site, please report this to them.",
"unfold_line":"Unfold line",
"unlimited_collaborators_in_each_project":"Unlimited collaborators in each project",
"unlimited_collabs":"Unlimited collaborators",
"unlimited_private":"Unlimited private projects",
"unlimited_private_info":"All your projects are private by default. Invite collaborators to read or edit by email address or by sending them a secret link.",
"unlimited_projects_info":"Your projects are private by default. This means that only you can view them, and only you can allow other people to access them.",
"unlink_dropbox_warning":"Any projects that you have synced with Dropbox will be disconnected and no longer kept in sync with Dropbox. Are you sure you want to unlink your Dropbox account?",
"unlink_github_warning":"Any projects that you have synced with GitHub will be disconnected and no longer kept in sync with GitHub. Are you sure you want to unlink your GitHub account?",
"unlink_provider_account_warning":"Warning: When you unlink your account from __provider__ you will not be able to sign in using __provider__ anymore.",
"unlink_reference":"Unlink References Provider",
"unlink_warning_reference":"Warning: When you unlink your account from this provider you will not be able to import references into your projects.",
"usage_metrics_info":"Metrics that show how many users are accessing the licence, how many projects are being created and worked on, and how much collaboration is happening in Overleaf.",
"use_a_different_password":"Use a different password",
"use_your_own_machine":"Use your own machine, with your own setup",
"user_already_added":"User already added",
"user_deletion_error":"Sorry, something went wrong deleting your account. Please try again in a minute.",
"user_deletion_password_reset_tip":"If you cannot remember your password, or if you are using Single-Sign-On with another provider to sign in (such as Twitter or Google), please <0>reset your password</0> and try again.",
"user_management":"User management",
"user_management_info":"Group plan admins have access to an admin panel where users can be added and removed easily. For site-wide plans, users are automatically upgraded when they register or add their email address to Overleaf (domain-based enrollment or SSO).",
"view_which_changes":"View which changes have been",
"view_your_invoices":"View Your Invoices",
"want_change_to_apply_before_plan_end":"If you wish this change to apply before the end of your current billing period, please contact us.",
"we_cant_find_any_sections_or_subsections_in_this_file":"We can’t find any sections or subsections in this file",
"we_logged_you_in":"We have logged you in.",
"we_may_also_contact_you_from_time_to_time_by_email_with_a_survey":"<0>We may also contact you</0> from time to time by email with a survey, or to see if you would like to participate in other user research initiatives",
"website_status":"Website status",
"wed_love_you_to_stay":"We’d love you to stay",
"welcome_to_sl":"Welcome to __appName__!",
"will_need_to_log_out_from_and_in_with":"You will need to <b>log out</b> from your <b>__email1__</b> account and then log in with <b>__email2__</b>.",
"with_premium_subscription_you_also_get":"With an Overleaf Premium subscription you also get",
"word_count":"Word Count",
"work_directly_with_collabs":"Work directly with your collaborators",
"work_from_anywhere":"Work from anywhere",
"work_offline":"Work offline",
"work_offline_and_sync_with_dropbox":"Work offline and sync your files via Dropbox and GitHub",
"work_on_single_version":"Work together on a single version",
"work_with_non_overleaf_users":"Work with non Overleaf users",
"work_with_word_users":"Work with Word users",
"work_with_word_users_blurb":"__appName__ is so easy to get started with that you’ll be able to invite your non-LaTeX colleagues to contribute directly to your LaTeX documents. They’ll be productive from day one and be able to pick up small amounts of LaTeX as they go.",
"would_you_like_to_see_a_university_subscription":"Would you like to see a university-wide __appName__ subscription at your university?",
"x_collaborators_per_project":"__collaboratorsCount__ collaborators per project",
"x_price_for_first_month":"<0>__price__</0> for your first month",
"x_price_for_first_year":"<0>__price__</0> for your first year",
"x_price_for_y_months":"<0>__price__</0> for your first __discountMonths__ months",
"yes_move_me_to_personal_plan":"Yes, move me to the Personal plan",
"you_and_collaborators_get_access_to":"You and your project collaborators get access to",
"you_and_collaborators_get_access_to_info":"These features are available to you and your collaborators (other Overleaf users that you invite to your projects).",
"you_are_a_manager_and_member_of_x_plan_as_member_of_group_subscription_y_administered_by_z":"You are a <1>manager</1> and <1>member</1> of the <0>__planName__</0> group subscription <1>__groupName__</1> administered by <1>__adminEmail__</1>",
"you_are_a_manager_of_commons_at_institution_x":"You are a <0>manager</0> of the Overleaf Commons subscription at <0>__institutionName__</0>",
"you_are_a_manager_of_x_plan_as_member_of_group_subscription_y_administered_by_z":"You are a <1>manager</1> of the <0>__planName__</0> group subscription <1>__groupName__</1> administered by <1>__adminEmail__</1>",
"you_are_about_to_upgrade":"You are about to upgrade to the __planName__",
"you_are_on_x_plan_as_a_confirmed_member_of_institution_y":"You are on our <0>__planName__</0> plan as a <1>confirmed member</1> of <1>__institutionName__</1>",
"you_are_on_x_plan_as_member_of_group_subscription_y_administered_by_z":"You are on our <0>__planName__</0> plan as a <1>member</1> of the group subscription <1>__groupName__</1> administered by <1>__adminEmail__</1>",
"you_can_now_log_in_sso":"You can now log in through your institution and may receive <0>free __appName__ Professional features</0>!",
"you_can_opt_in_and_out_of_galileo_at_any_time_on_this_page":"You can <0>opt in and out</0> of Galileo at any time on this page",
"you_can_opt_in_and_out_of_overleaf_labs_at_any_time_on_this_page":"You can <0>opt in and out</0> of Overleaf Labs at any time on this page",
"you_can_opt_in_and_out_of_the_program_at_any_time_on_this_page":"You can <0>opt in and out</0> of the program at any time on this page",
"you_can_opt_in_to_individual_experiments":"You will be asked to opt in and out of individual experiments; each experiment may have unique partners, requirements, terms and conditions, etc. that must be opted in to for that specific experiment",
"you_dont_have_any_repositories":"You don’t have any repositories",
"zotero_groups_loading_error":"There was an error loading groups from Zotero",
"zotero_groups_relink":"There was an error accessing your Zotero data. This was likely caused by lack of permissions. Please re-link your account and try again.",
"zotero_integration_lowercase_info":"Manage your reference library in Zotero, and link it directly to .bib files in Overleaf, so you can easily cite anything from your libraries.",
"zotero_is_premium":"Zotero integration is a premium feature",
"zotero_reference_loading_error":"Error, could not load references from Zotero",
"zotero_reference_loading_error_expired":"Zotero token expired, please re-link your account",
"zotero_reference_loading_error_forbidden":"Could not load references from Zotero, please re-link your account and try again",
"zotero_sync_description":"With the Zotero integration you can import your references from Zotero into your __appName__ projects."