2014-11-10 06:27:08 -05:00
logger = require "logger-sharelatex"
WebApiManager = require "./WebApiManager"
module.exports = WebsocketController =
# If the protocol version changes when the client reconnects,
# it will force a full refresh of the page. Useful for non-backwards
# compatible protocol changes. Use only in extreme need.
joinProject: (client, user, project_id, callback = (error, project, privilegeLevel, protocolVersion) ->) ->
user_id = user?._id
logger.log {user_id, project_id}, "user joining project"
WebApiManager.joinProject project_id, user_id, (error, project, privilegeLevel) ->
return callback(error) if error?
if !privilegeLevel or privilegeLevel == ""
err = new Error("not authorized")
logger.error {err, project_id, user_id}, "user is not authorized to join project"
2014-11-10 06:38:26 -05:00
# Don't send an error object since socket.io can apparently
# only serialize JSON.
return callback({message: err.message})
2014-11-10 06:27:08 -05:00
client.set("user_id", user_id)
client.set("project_id", project_id)
client.set("owner_id", project?.owner?._id)
client.set("first_name", user?.first_name)
client.set("last_name", user?.last_name)
client.set("email", user?.email)
client.set("connected_time", new Date())
client.set("signup_date", user?.signUpDate)
client.set("login_count", user?.loginCount)
callback null, project, privilegeLevel, WebsocketController.PROTOCOL_VERSION