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synced 2025-02-19 18:04:07 +00:00
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182 lines
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querystring = require 'querystring'
crypto = require 'crypto'
request = require 'request'
Settings = require "settings-sharelatex"
xml2js = require "xml2js"
logger = require("logger-sharelatex")
module.exports = RecurlyWrapper =
apiUrl : "https://api.recurly.com/v2"
apiRequest : (options, callback) ->
options.url = @apiUrl + "/" + options.url
options.headers =
"Authorization" : "Basic " + new Buffer(Settings.apis.recurly.apiKey).toString("base64")
"Accept" : "application/xml"
"Content-Type" : "application/xml; charset=utf-8"
request options, (error, response, body) ->
unless error? or response.statusCode == 200 or response.statusCode == 201 or response.statusCode == 204
error = "Recurly API returned with status code: #{response.statusCode}"
callback(error, response, body)
sign : (parameters, callback) ->
nestAttributesForQueryString = (attributes, base) ->
newAttributes = {}
for key, value of attributes
if base?
newKey = "#{base}[#{key}]"
newKey = key
if typeof value == "object"
for key, value of nestAttributesForQueryString(value, newKey)
newAttributes[key] = value
newAttributes[newKey] = value
return newAttributes
crypto.randomBytes 32, (error, buffer) ->
return callback error if error?
parameters.nonce = buffer.toString "base64"
parameters.timestamp = Math.round((new Date()).getTime() / 1000)
unsignedQuery = querystring.stringify nestAttributesForQueryString(parameters)
signed = crypto.createHmac("sha1", Settings.apis.recurly.privateKey).update(unsignedQuery).digest("hex")
signature = "#{signed}|#{unsignedQuery}"
callback null, signature
getSubscription: (subscriptionId, options, callback) ->
callback = options unless callback?
options ||= {}
if options.recurlyJsResult
url = "recurly_js/result/#{subscriptionId}"
url = "subscriptions/#{subscriptionId}"
url: url
}, (error, response, body) =>
return callback(error) if error?
@_parseSubscriptionXml body, (error, recurlySubscription) =>
return callback(error) if error?
if options.includeAccount
if recurlySubscription.account? and recurlySubscription.account.url?
accountId = recurlySubscription.account.url.match(/accounts\/(.*)/)[1]
return callback "I don't understand the response from Recurly"
@getAccount accountId, (error, account) ->
return callback(error) if error?
recurlySubscription.account = account
callback null, recurlySubscription
callback null, recurlySubscription
getAccount: (accountId, callback) ->
url: "accounts/#{accountId}"
}, (error, response, body) =>
return callback(error) if error?
@_parseAccountXml body, callback
updateSubscription: (subscriptionId, options, callback) ->
logger.log subscriptionId:subscriptionId, options:options, "telling recurly to update subscription"
requestBody = """
url : "subscriptions/#{subscriptionId}"
method : "put"
body : requestBody
}, (error, response, responseBody) =>
return callback(error) if error?
@_parseSubscriptionXml responseBody, callback
cancelSubscription: (subscriptionId, callback) ->
logger.log subscriptionId:subscriptionId, "telling recurly to cancel subscription"
url: "subscriptions/#{subscriptionId}/cancel",
method: "put"
}, (error, response, body) ->
reactivateSubscription: (subscriptionId, callback) ->
logger.log subscriptionId:subscriptionId, "telling recurly to reactivating subscription"
url: "subscriptions/#{subscriptionId}/reactivate",
method: "put"
}, (error, response, body) ->
_parseSubscriptionXml: (xml, callback) ->
@_parseXml xml, (error, data) ->
return callback(error) if error?
if data? and data.subscription?
recurlySubscription = data.subscription
return callback "I don't understand the response from Recurly"
callback null, recurlySubscription
_parseAccountXml: (xml, callback) ->
@_parseXml xml, (error, data) ->
return callback(error) if error?
if data? and data.account?
account = data.account
return callback "I don't understand the response from Recurly"
callback null, account
_parseXml: (xml, callback) ->
convertDataTypes = (data) ->
if data? and data["$"]?
if data["$"]["nil"] == "nil"
data = null
else if data["$"].href?
data.url = data["$"].href
delete data["$"]
else if data["$"]["type"] == "integer"
data = parseInt(data["_"], 10)
else if data["$"]["type"] == "datetime"
data = new Date(data["_"])
else if data["$"]["type"] == "array"
delete data["$"]
array = []
for key, value of data
if value instanceof Array
array = array.concat(convertDataTypes(value))
data = array
if data instanceof Array
data = (convertDataTypes(entry) for entry in data)
else if typeof data == "object"
for key, value of data
data[key] = convertDataTypes(value)
return data
parser = new xml2js.Parser(
explicitRoot : true
explicitArray : false
parser.parseString xml, (error, data) ->
return callback(error) if error?
result = convertDataTypes(data)
callback null, result