
252 lines
6.8 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2014-02-12 05:23:40 -05:00
define [
], (Modal, CompiledView, LogParser) ->
class PdfManager
pdfLink: $("#pdfSideBarLinkTemplate").html()
constructor: (@ide) ->
_.extend @, Backbone.Events
name: "compile",
bindKey: win: "Ctrl-Enter", mac: "Command-Enter"
exec: (editor) =>
readOnly: true
@ide.editor.aceEditor.commands.removeCommand "replace"
createPdfPanel: () ->
@view = new CompiledView manager: @, ide: @ide
2014-04-08 11:49:21 -04:00
@view.on "dblclick", (e) => @syncToCode(e)
2014-02-12 05:23:40 -05:00
if $.localStorage("layout.pdf") == "flat"
else if $.localStorage("layout.pdf") == "split"
else if $(window).width() < 1024
switchToFlatView: (options = {showPdf: false}) ->
if options.showPdf
@ide.sideBarView.selectLink "pdf"
@ide.mainAreaManager.change "pdf"
switchToSplitView: () ->
setupFlatView: () ->
pdfLink = $(@templates.pdfLink)
identifier : "pdf"
before : "history"
element : pdfLink
pdfLink.on "click", (e) => @showPdfPanel()
identifier: "pdf"
element: @view.$el
teardownFlatView: () ->
setupSplitView: () ->
setTimeout(@ide.layoutManager.resizeAllSplitters, 100)
teardownSplitView: () ->
showPdfPanel: () ->
@ide.sideBarView.selectLink 'pdf'
@ide.mainAreaManager.change 'pdf'
if !@view.hasPdf()
showRawLogPanel: () ->
@ide.mainAreaManager.change 'rawLog'
refreshPdf: (opts) ->
if @ide.project?
@ide.on "afterJoinProject", () =>
_refreshPdfWhenProjectIsLoaded: (opts) ->
doneCompiling = _.once =>
@compiling = false
setTimeout doneCompiling, 1000 * 60
if !@ide.project.get("rootDoc_id")?
new Modal
title: "No root document selected"
message: "First you need to choose a root document via the settings menu. This tells ShareLaTeX which file to run LaTeX on."
buttons: [{
text: "OK",
class: "btn-primary"
else if !@compiling
@compiling = true
@ide.socket.emit "pdfProject", opts, (err, pdfExists, outputFiles) =>
@compiling = false
if err? and err.rateLimitHit
if err?
@view.updateLog(pdfExists: false, logExists: false)
if pdfExists
if outputFiles?
fetchLogAndUpdateView: (pdfExists) ->
url: "/project/#{@ide.project_id}/output/output.log"
success: (body, status, response) =>
@parseLogAndUpdateView(pdfExists, body)
error: () =>
@view.updateLog(pdfExists: pdfExists, logExists: false)
parseLogAndUpdateView: (pdfExists, log) ->
errors = LogParser.parse(log, ignoreDuplicates: true)
lastCompileErrors = {}
for error in errors.all
error.file = @_normalizeFilePath(error.file)
doc_id = @ide.fileTreeManager.getDocIdOfPath(error.file)
if doc_id?
lastCompileErrors[doc_id] ||= []
row: error.line - 1
type: if error.level == "error" then "error" else "warning"
text: error.message
@ide.editor.compilationErrors = lastCompileErrors
@view.updateLog(pdfExists: pdfExists, logExists: true, compileErrors: errors, rawLog: log)
_normalizeFilePath: (path) ->
path = path.replace(/^compiles\/[0-9a-f]{32}\/(\.\/)?/, "")
path = path.replace(/^\/compile\//, "")
rootDoc_id = @ide.project.get("rootDoc_id")
if rootDoc_id?
rootDocPath = @ide.fileTreeManager.getPathOfEntityId(rootDoc_id)
if rootDocPath?
rootDocDir = rootDocPath.split("/").slice(0,-1).map( (part) -> part + "/" ).join("")
path = path.replace(/^\.\//, rootDocDir)
return path
downloadPdf: () ->
@ide.mainAreaManager.setIframeSrc "/project/#{@ide.project_id}/output/output.pdf?popupDownload=true"
deleteCachedFiles: () ->
modal = new Modal
title: "Clear cache?"
message: "This will clear all hidden LaTeX files like .aux, .bbl, etc, from our compile server. You generally don't need to do this unless you're having trouble with references. Your project files will not be deleted or changed."
buttons: [{
text: "Cancel"
}, {
text: "Clear from cache",
class: "btn-primary",
close: false
callback: ($button) =>
$button.prop("disabled", true)
url: "/project/#{@ide.project_id}/output"
type: "DELETE"
"X-CSRF-Token": window.csrfToken
complete: () -> modal.remove()
2014-04-08 11:49:21 -04:00
syncToCode: (e) ->
$.ajax {
url: "/project/#{@ide.project_id}/sync/pdf"
page: e.page + 1
h: e.x.toFixed(2)
v: e.y.toFixed(2)
type: "GET"
success: (response) =>
data = JSON.parse(response)
if data.code and data.code.length > 0
file = data.code[0].file
line = data.code[0].line
@ide.fileTreeManager.openDocByPath(file, line)
syncToPdf: () ->
entity_id = @ide.editor.getCurrentDocId()
file = @ide.fileTreeManager.getPathOfEntityId(entity_id)
line = @ide.editor.getCurrentLine()
column = @ide.editor.getCurrentColumn()
$.ajax {
url: "/project/#{@ide.project_id}/sync/code"
file: file
line: line + 1
column: column
type: "GET"
success: (response) =>
data = JSON.parse(response)
if data.pdf and data.pdf.length > 0
page = data.pdf[0].page - 1
h = data.pdf[0].h
v = data.pdf[0].v
@view.setPdfPosition page, v - 100, h