
114 lines
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'use strict'
const { expect } = require('chai')
const ot = require('..')
const safePathname = ot.safePathname
describe('safePathname', function () {
function expectClean(input, output) {
// check expected output and also idempotency
const cleanedInput = safePathname.clean(input)
it('cleans pathnames', function () {
// preserve valid pathnames
expectClean('llama.jpg', 'llama.jpg')
expectClean('DSC4056.JPG', 'DSC4056.JPG')
// detects unclean pathnames
expect(safePathname.isClean('rm -rf /')).to.be.falsy
// replace invalid characters with underscores
expectClean('test-s*\u0001\u0002m\u0007st\u0008.jpg', 'test-s___m_st_.jpg')
// keep slashes, normalize paths, replace ..
expectClean('./foo', 'foo')
expectClean('../foo', '__/foo')
expectClean('foo/./bar', 'foo/bar')
expectClean('foo/../bar', 'bar')
expectClean('../../tricky/foo.bar', '__/__/tricky/foo.bar')
expectClean('foo/../../tricky/foo.bar', '__/tricky/foo.bar')
expectClean('foo/bar/../../tricky/foo.bar', 'tricky/foo.bar')
expectClean('foo/bar/baz/../../tricky/foo.bar', 'foo/tricky/foo.bar')
// remove illegal chars even when there is no extension
expectClean('**foo', '__foo')
// remove windows file paths
expectClean('c:\\temp\\foo.txt', 'c:/temp/foo.txt')
// do not allow a leading slash (relative paths only)
expectClean('/foo', '_/foo')
expectClean('//foo', '_/foo')
// do not allow multiple leading slashes
expectClean('//foo', '_/foo')
// do not allow a trailing slash
expectClean('/', '_')
expectClean('foo/', 'foo')
expectClean('foo.tex/', 'foo.tex')
// do not allow multiple trailing slashes
expectClean('//', '_')
expectClean('///', '_')
expectClean('foo//', 'foo')
// file and folder names that consist of . and .. are not OK
expectClean('.', '_')
expectClean('..', '__')
// we will allow name with more dots e.g. ... and ....
expectClean('...', '...')
expectClean('....', '....')
expectClean('foo/...', 'foo/...')
expectClean('foo/....', 'foo/....')
expectClean('foo/.../bar', 'foo/.../bar')
expectClean('foo/..../bar', 'foo/..../bar')
// leading dots are OK
expectClean('._', '._')
expectClean('.gitignore', '.gitignore')
// trailing dots are not OK on Windows but we allow them
expectClean('_.', '_.')
expectClean('foo/_.', 'foo/_.')
expectClean('foo/_./bar', 'foo/_./bar')
expectClean('foo/_../bar', 'foo/_../bar')
// spaces are allowed
expectClean('a b.png', 'a b.png')
// leading and trailing spaces are not OK
expectClean(' foo', 'foo')
expectClean(' foo', 'foo')
expectClean('foo ', 'foo')
expectClean('foo ', 'foo')
// reserved file names on Windows should not be OK, but we already have
// some in the old system, so have to allow them for now
expectClean('AUX', 'AUX')
expectClean('foo/AUX', 'foo/AUX')
expectClean('AUX/foo', 'AUX/foo')
// multiple dots are OK
expectClean('a.b.png', 'a.b.png')
expectClean('a.code.tex', 'a.code.tex')
// there's no particular reason to allow multiple slashes; sometimes people
// seem to rename files to URLs (https://domain/path) in an attempt to
// upload a file, and this results in an empty directory name
expectClean('foo//bar.png', 'foo/bar.png')
expectClean('foo///bar.png', 'foo/bar.png')
// Check javascript property handling
expectClean('foo/prototype', 'foo/prototype') // OK as part of a pathname
expectClean('prototype/test.txt', 'prototype/test.txt')
expectClean('prototype', '@prototype') // not OK as whole pathname
expectClean('hasOwnProperty', '@hasOwnProperty')
expectClean('**proto**', '@__proto__')