2024-06-20 12:59:19 -04:00
import { User , Features } from '../../../types/user'
2024-06-18 06:01:37 -04:00
import { User as MinimalUser } from '../../../types/admin/user'
import { User as ManagedUser } from '../../../types/group-management/user'
import { UserSettings } from '../../../types/user-settings'
import { OAuthProviders } from '../../../types/oauth-providers'
import { ExposedSettings } from '../../../types/exposed-settings'
import {
type AllowedImageName ,
OverallThemeMeta ,
type SpellCheckLanguage ,
} from '../../../types/project-settings'
import { CurrencyCode } from '../../../types/subscription/currency'
import { PricingFormState } from '../../../types/subscription/payment-context-value'
import { Plan } from '../../../types/subscription/plan'
import { Affiliation } from '../../../types/affiliation'
import type { PortalTemplate } from '../../../types/portal-template'
import { UserEmailData } from '../../../types/user-email'
import {
GroupsAndEnterpriseBannerVariant ,
Institution as InstitutionType ,
Notification as NotificationType ,
PendingGroupSubscriptionEnrollment ,
} from '../../../types/project/dashboard/notification'
import { Survey } from '../../../types/project/dashboard/survey'
import { GetProjectsResponseBody } from '../../../types/project/dashboard/api'
import { Tag } from '../../../app/src/Features/Tags/types'
import { Institution } from '../../../types/institution'
import {
ManagedGroupSubscription ,
MemberGroupSubscription ,
} from '../../../types/subscription/dashboard/subscription'
import { SplitTestInfo } from '../../../types/split-test'
import { ValidationStatus } from '../../../types/group-management/validation'
import { ManagedInstitution } from '../../../types/subscription/dashboard/managed-institution'
import { GroupSSOTestResult } from '../../../modules/group-settings/frontend/js/utils/types'
import {
AccessToken ,
InstitutionLink ,
SAMLError ,
} from '../../../types/settings-page'
import { SuggestedLanguage } from '../../../types/system-message'
import type { TeamInvite } from '../../../types/team-invite'
import { GroupPlans } from '../../../types/subscription/dashboard/group-plans'
import { GroupSSOLinkingStatus } from '../../../types/subscription/sso'
import { PasswordStrengthOptions } from '../../../types/password-strength-options'
import { Subscription as ProjectDashboardSubscription } from '../../../types/project/dashboard/subscription'
import { ThirdPartyIds } from '../../../types/third-party-ids'
import { Publisher } from '../../../types/subscription/dashboard/publisher'
import _ from 'lodash'
import { isSplitTestEnabled } from '@/utils/splitTestUtils'
export interface Meta {
'ol-ExposedSettings' : ExposedSettings
'ol-allInReconfirmNotificationPeriods' : UserEmailData [ ]
'ol-allowedImageNames' : AllowedImageName [ ]
'ol-anonymous' : boolean
'ol-bootstrapVersion' : 3 | 5
'ol-brandVariation' : Record < string , any >
// dynamic keys based on permissions
'ol-cannot-add-secondary-email' : boolean
'ol-cannot-change-password' : boolean
'ol-cannot-delete-own-account' : boolean
'ol-cannot-join-subscription' : boolean
'ol-cannot-leave-group-subscription' : boolean
'ol-cannot-link-google-sso' : boolean
'ol-cannot-link-other-third-party-sso' : boolean
'ol-cannot-reactivate-subscription' : boolean
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'ol-cannot-use-ai' : boolean
2024-06-18 06:01:37 -04:00
'ol-countryCode' : PricingFormState [ 'country' ]
'ol-couponCode' : PricingFormState [ 'coupon' ]
'ol-createdAt' : Date
'ol-csrfToken' : string
'ol-currentInstitutionsWithLicence' : Institution [ ]
'ol-currentManagedUserAdminEmail' : string
'ol-currentUrl' : string
'ol-debugPdfDetach' : boolean
'ol-detachRole' : 'detached' | 'detacher' | ''
'ol-dropbox' : { error : boolean ; registered : boolean }
'ol-editorThemes' : string [ ]
'ol-email' : string
'ol-emailAddressLimit' : number
'ol-error' : { name : string } | undefined
'ol-expired' : boolean
2024-06-20 12:59:19 -04:00
'ol-features' : Features
2024-06-18 06:01:37 -04:00
'ol-fromPlansPage' : boolean
'ol-gitBridgeEnabled' : boolean
'ol-gitBridgePublicBaseUrl' : string
'ol-github' : { enabled : boolean ; error : boolean }
'ol-groupId' : string
'ol-groupName' : string
'ol-groupPlans' : GroupPlans
'ol-groupSSOActive' : boolean
'ol-groupSSOTestResult' : GroupSSOTestResult
'ol-groupSettingsEnabledFor' : string [ ]
'ol-groupSize' : number
'ol-groupSsoSetupSuccess' : boolean
'ol-groupSubscriptionsPendingEnrollment' : PendingGroupSubscriptionEnrollment [ ]
'ol-groupsAndEnterpriseBannerVariant' : GroupsAndEnterpriseBannerVariant
'ol-hasGroupSSOFeature' : boolean
'ol-hasIndividualRecurlySubscription' : boolean
'ol-hasManagedUsersFeature' : boolean
'ol-hasPassword' : boolean
'ol-hasSubscription' : boolean
'ol-hasTrackChangesFeature' : boolean
'ol-hideLinkingWidgets' : boolean // CI only
'ol-i18n' : { currentLangCode : string }
'ol-inactiveTutorials' : string [ ]
'ol-institutionEmailNonCanonical' : string | undefined
'ol-institutionLinked' : InstitutionLink | undefined
'ol-inviteToken' : string
'ol-inviterName' : string
'ol-isExternalAuthenticationSystemUsed' : boolean
'ol-isManagedAccount' : boolean
'ol-isProfessional' : boolean
'ol-isRegisteredViaGoogle' : boolean
'ol-isRestrictedTokenMember' : boolean
'ol-isSaas' : boolean
'ol-itm_campaign' : string
'ol-itm_content' : string
'ol-itm_referrer' : string
2024-06-20 12:59:19 -04:00
'ol-labs' : boolean
2024-06-18 06:01:37 -04:00
'ol-languages' : SpellCheckLanguage [ ]
'ol-learnedWords' : string [ ]
'ol-legacyEditorThemes' : string [ ]
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'ol-linkSharingWarning' : boolean
2024-06-18 06:01:37 -04:00
'ol-loadingText' : string
'ol-managedGroupSubscriptions' : ManagedGroupSubscription [ ]
'ol-managedInstitutions' : ManagedInstitution [ ]
'ol-managedPublishers' : Publisher [ ]
'ol-managedUsersActive' : boolean
'ol-managedUsersEnabled' : boolean
'ol-managers' : MinimalUser [ ]
'ol-mathJaxPath' : string
'ol-maxDocLength' : number
'ol-memberGroupSubscriptions' : MemberGroupSubscription [ ]
'ol-memberOfSSOEnabledGroups' : GroupSSOLinkingStatus [ ]
'ol-members' : MinimalUser [ ]
'ol-no-single-dollar' : boolean
'ol-notifications' : NotificationType [ ]
'ol-notificationsInstitution' : InstitutionType [ ]
'ol-oauthProviders' : OAuthProviders
'ol-optionalPersonalAccessToken' : boolean
'ol-overallThemes' : OverallThemeMeta [ ]
'ol-passwordStrengthOptions' : PasswordStrengthOptions
'ol-personalAccessTokens' : AccessToken [ ] | undefined
'ol-plan' : Plan
'ol-planCode' : string
'ol-planCodesChangingAtTermEnd' : string [ ] | undefined
'ol-plans' : Plan [ ]
'ol-portalTemplates' : PortalTemplate [ ]
'ol-postCheckoutRedirect' : string
'ol-postUrl' : string
'ol-prefetchedProjectsBlob' : GetProjectsResponseBody | undefined
'ol-primaryEmail' : { email : string ; confirmed : boolean }
'ol-project' : any // TODO
'ol-projectSyncSuccessMessage' : string
'ol-projectTags' : Tag [ ]
'ol-project_id' : string
'ol-recommendedCurrency' : CurrencyCode
'ol-reconfirmationRemoveEmail' : string
'ol-reconfirmedViaSAML' : string
'ol-recurlyApiKey' : string
'ol-recurlySubdomain' : string
'ol-samlError' : SAMLError | undefined
'ol-settingsGroupSSO' : { enabled : boolean } | undefined
'ol-settingsPlans' : Plan [ ]
'ol-shouldAllowEditingDetails' : boolean
'ol-showAiErrorAssistant' : boolean
'ol-showBrlGeoBanner' : boolean
'ol-showCouponField' : boolean
'ol-showGroupsAndEnterpriseBanner' : boolean
'ol-showInrGeoBanner' : boolean
'ol-showLATAMBanner' : boolean
'ol-showPersonalAccessToken' : boolean
'ol-showSupport' : boolean
'ol-showSymbolPalette' : boolean
'ol-showTemplatesServerPro' : boolean
'ol-showUpgradePrompt' : boolean
'ol-skipUrl' : string
'ol-splitTestInfo' : { [ name : string ] : SplitTestInfo }
'ol-splitTestVariants' : { [ name : string ] : string }
'ol-ssoDisabled' : boolean
'ol-ssoErrorMessage' : string
'ol-subscription' : any // TODO: mixed types, split into two fields
'ol-subscriptionId' : string
'ol-suggestedLanguage' : SuggestedLanguage | undefined
'ol-survey' : Survey | undefined
'ol-symbolPaletteAvailable' : boolean
'ol-tags' : Tag [ ]
'ol-teamInvites' : TeamInvite [ ]
'ol-thirdPartyIds' : ThirdPartyIds
'ol-translationLoadErrorMessage' : string
'ol-useShareJsHash' : boolean
'ol-user' : User
'ol-userAffiliations' : Affiliation [ ]
'ol-userEmails' : UserEmailData [ ]
'ol-userSettings' : UserSettings
'ol-user_id' : string | undefined
'ol-users' : ManagedUser [ ]
'ol-usersBestSubscription' : ProjectDashboardSubscription | undefined
'ol-usersEmail' : string | undefined
'ol-validationStatus' : ValidationStatus
'ol-wikiEnabled' : boolean
'ol-writefullCssUrl' : string
'ol-writefullEnabled' : boolean
'ol-writefullJsUrl' : string
'ol-wsUrl' : string
// cache for parsed values
window . metaAttributesCache = window . metaAttributesCache || new Map ( )
export default function getMeta < T extends keyof Meta > ( name : T ) : Meta [ T ] {
if ( window . metaAttributesCache . has ( name ) ) {
return window . metaAttributesCache . get ( name )
const element = document . head . querySelector (
` meta[name=" ${ name } "] `
) as HTMLMetaElement
if ( ! element ) {
return undefined !
const plainTextValue = element . content
let value
switch ( element . dataset . type ) {
case 'boolean' :
// in pug: content=false -> no content field
// in pug: content=true -> empty content field
value = element . hasAttribute ( 'content' )
case 'json' :
if ( ! plainTextValue ) {
// JSON.parse('') throws
value = undefined
} else {
value = JSON . parse ( plainTextValue )
default :
value = plainTextValue
window . metaAttributesCache . set ( name , value )
return value
function convertMetaToWindowAttributes() {
Array . from ( document . querySelectorAll ( 'meta[name^="ol-"]' ) )
. map ( element = > ( element as HTMLMetaElement ) . name )
// process short labels before long ones:
// e.g. assign 'foo' before 'foo.bar'
. sort ( )
. forEach ( nameWithNamespace = > {
const label = nameWithNamespace . slice ( 'ol-' . length )
// @ts-ignore
_ . set ( window , label , getMeta ( nameWithNamespace ) )
} )
// Deduplicate warning, the bootstrap-3 bundle ships its own copy of this module.
if ( ! window . warnedAboutWindowAttributeRemoval ) {
window . warnedAboutWindowAttributeRemoval = true
// Notify any extension developers about the upcoming removal of window attributes.
// eslint-disable-next-line no-console
console . warn (
'overleaf.com: We are sunsetting window properties like "window.project_id". If you need access to any of these, please reach out to support@overleaf.com to discuss options.'
if ( ! isSplitTestEnabled ( 'remove-window-attributes' ) ) {
convertMetaToWindowAttributes ( )