package eu.kanade.tachiyomi.source import android.content.Context import import eu.kanade.tachiyomi.R import eu.kanade.tachiyomi.source.model.* import eu.kanade.tachiyomi.util.ChapterRecognition import eu.kanade.tachiyomi.util.DiskUtil import eu.kanade.tachiyomi.util.RarContentProvider import eu.kanade.tachiyomi.util.ZipContentProvider import junrar.Archive import junrar.rarfile.FileHeader import net.greypanther.natsort.CaseInsensitiveSimpleNaturalComparator import org.jsoup.Jsoup import org.jsoup.nodes.Document import rx.Observable import timber.log.Timber import import import import java.util.* import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit import import class LocalSource(private val context: Context) : CatalogueSource { companion object { private val COVER_NAME = "cover.jpg" private val POPULAR_FILTERS = FilterList(OrderBy()) private val LATEST_FILTERS = FilterList(OrderBy().apply { state = Filter.Sort.Selection(1, false) }) private val LATEST_THRESHOLD = TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.convert(7, TimeUnit.DAYS) val ID = 0L fun updateCover(context: Context, manga: SManga, input: InputStream): File? { val dir = getBaseDirectories(context).firstOrNull() if (dir == null) { input.close() return null } val cover = File("${dir.absolutePath}/${manga.url}", COVER_NAME) // It might not exist if using the external SD card cover.parentFile.mkdirs() input.use { cover.outputStream().use { input.copyTo(it) } } return cover } private fun getBaseDirectories(context: Context): List { val c = context.getString(R.string.app_name) + File.separator + "local" return DiskUtil.getExternalStorages(context).map { File(it.absolutePath, c) } } } override val id = ID override val name = "LocalSource" override val lang = "" override val supportsLatest = true override fun toString() = context.getString(R.string.local_source) override fun fetchPopularManga(page: Int) = fetchSearchManga(page, "", POPULAR_FILTERS) override fun fetchSearchManga(page: Int, query: String, filters: FilterList): Observable { val baseDirs = getBaseDirectories(context) val time = if (filters === LATEST_FILTERS) System.currentTimeMillis() - LATEST_THRESHOLD else 0L var mangaDirs = baseDirs.mapNotNull { it.listFiles()?.toList() } .flatten() .filter { it.isDirectory && if (time == 0L), ignoreCase = true) else it.lastModified() >= time } .distinctBy { } val state = ((if (filters.isEmpty()) POPULAR_FILTERS else filters)[0] as OrderBy).state when (state?.index) { 0 -> { if (state!!.ascending) mangaDirs = mangaDirs.sortedBy { } else mangaDirs = mangaDirs.sortedByDescending { } } 1 -> { if (state!!.ascending) mangaDirs = mangaDirs.sortedBy(File::lastModified) else mangaDirs = mangaDirs.sortedByDescending(File::lastModified) } } val mangas = { mangaDir -> SManga.create().apply { title = url = // Try to find the cover for (dir in baseDirs) { val cover = File("${dir.absolutePath}/$url", COVER_NAME) if (cover.exists()) { thumbnail_url = cover.absolutePath break } } // Copy the cover from the first chapter found. if (thumbnail_url == null) { val chapters = fetchChapterList(this).toBlocking().first() if (chapters.isNotEmpty()) { val uri = fetchPageList(chapters.last()).toBlocking().first().firstOrNull()?.uri if (uri != null) { val input = context.contentResolver.openInputStream(uri) try { val dest = updateCover(context, this, input) thumbnail_url = dest?.absolutePath } catch (e: Exception) { Timber.e(e) } } } } initialized = true } } return Observable.just(MangasPage(mangas, false)) } override fun fetchLatestUpdates(page: Int) = fetchSearchManga(page, "", LATEST_FILTERS) override fun fetchMangaDetails(manga: SManga) = Observable.just(manga) override fun fetchChapterList(manga: SManga): Observable> { val comparator = CaseInsensitiveSimpleNaturalComparator.getInstance() val chapters = getBaseDirectories(context) .mapNotNull { File(it, manga.url).listFiles()?.toList() } .flatten() .filter { it.isDirectory || isSupportedFormat(it.extension) } .map { chapterFile -> SChapter.create().apply { url = "${manga.url}/${}" val chapName = if (chapterFile.isDirectory) { } else { chapterFile.nameWithoutExtension } val chapNameCut = chapName.replace(manga.title, "", true).trim() name = if (chapNameCut.isEmpty()) chapName else chapNameCut date_upload = chapterFile.lastModified() ChapterRecognition.parseChapterNumber(this, manga) } } .sortedWith(Comparator { c1, c2 -> val c = c2.chapter_number.compareTo(c1.chapter_number) if (c == 0), else c }) return Observable.just(chapters) } override fun fetchPageList(chapter: SChapter): Observable> { val baseDirs = getBaseDirectories(context) for (dir in baseDirs) { val chapFile = File(dir, chapter.url) if (!chapFile.exists()) continue return Observable.just(getLoader(chapFile).load()) } return Observable.error(Exception("Chapter not found")) } private fun isSupportedFormat(extension: String): Boolean { return extension.equals("zip", true) || extension.equals("cbz", true) || extension.equals("rar", true) || extension.equals("cbr", true) || extension.equals("epub", true) } private fun getLoader(file: File): Loader { val extension = file.extension return if (file.isDirectory) { DirectoryLoader(file) } else if (extension.equals("zip", true) || extension.equals("cbz", true)) { ZipLoader(file) } else if (extension.equals("epub", true)) { EpubLoader(file) } else if (extension.equals("rar", true) || extension.equals("cbr", true)) { RarLoader(file) } else { throw Exception("Invalid chapter format") } } private class OrderBy : Filter.Sort("Order by", arrayOf("Title", "Date"), Filter.Sort.Selection(0, true)) override fun getFilterList() = FilterList(OrderBy()) interface Loader { fun load(): List } class DirectoryLoader(val file: File) : Loader { override fun load(): List { val comparator = CaseInsensitiveSimpleNaturalComparator.getInstance() return file.listFiles() .filter { !it.isDirectory && DiskUtil.isImage(, { FileInputStream(it) }) } .sortedWith(Comparator { f1, f2 ->, }) .map { Uri.fromFile(it) } .mapIndexed { i, uri -> Page(i, uri = uri).apply { status = Page.READY } } } } class ZipLoader(val file: File) : Loader { override fun load(): List { val comparator = CaseInsensitiveSimpleNaturalComparator.getInstance() return ZipFile(file).use { zip -> zip.entries().toList() .filter { !it.isDirectory && DiskUtil.isImage(, { zip.getInputStream(it) }) } .sortedWith(Comparator { f1, f2 ->, }) .map { Uri.parse("content://${ZipContentProvider.PROVIDER}${file.absolutePath}!/${}") } .mapIndexed { i, uri -> Page(i, uri = uri).apply { status = Page.READY } } } } } class RarLoader(val file: File) : Loader { override fun load(): List { val comparator = CaseInsensitiveSimpleNaturalComparator.getInstance() return Archive(file).use { archive -> archive.fileHeaders .filter { !it.isDirectory && DiskUtil.isImage(it.fileNameString, { archive.getInputStream(it) }) } .sortedWith(Comparator { f1, f2 ->, f2.fileNameString) }) .map { Uri.parse("content://${RarContentProvider.PROVIDER}${file.absolutePath}!-/${it.fileNameString}") } .mapIndexed { i, uri -> Page(i, uri = uri).apply { status = Page.READY } } } } } class EpubLoader(val file: File) : Loader { override fun load(): List { ZipFile(file).use { zip -> val allEntries = zip.entries().toList() val ref = getPackageHref(zip) val doc = getPackageDocument(zip, ref) val pages = getPagesFromDocument(doc) val hrefs = getHrefMap(ref, { }) return getImagesFromPages(zip, pages, hrefs) .map { Uri.parse("content://${ZipContentProvider.PROVIDER}${file.absolutePath}!/$it") } .mapIndexed { i, uri -> Page(i, uri = uri).apply { status = Page.READY } } } } /** * Returns the path to the package document. */ private fun getPackageHref(zip: ZipFile): String { val meta = zip.getEntry("META-INF/container.xml") if (meta != null) { val metaDoc = zip.getInputStream(meta).use { Jsoup.parse(it, null, "") } val path = metaDoc.getElementsByTag("rootfile").first()?.attr("full-path") if (path != null) { return path } } return "OEBPS/content.opf" } /** * Returns the package document where all the files are listed. */ private fun getPackageDocument(zip: ZipFile, ref: String): Document { val entry = zip.getEntry(ref) return zip.getInputStream(entry).use { Jsoup.parse(it, null, "") } } /** * Returns all the pages from the epub. */ private fun getPagesFromDocument(document: Document): List { val pages ="manifest > item") .filter { "application/xhtml+xml" == it.attr("media-type") } .associateBy { it.attr("id") } val spine ="spine > itemref").map { it.attr("idref") } return spine.mapNotNull { pages[it] }.map { it.attr("href") } } /** * Returns all the images contained in every page from the epub. */ private fun getImagesFromPages(zip: ZipFile, pages: List, hrefs: Map): List { return { page -> val entry = zip.getEntry(hrefs[page]) val document = zip.getInputStream(entry).use { Jsoup.parse(it, null, "") } document.getElementsByTag("img").mapNotNull { hrefs[it.attr("src")] } }.flatten() } /** * Returns a map with a relative url as key and abolute url as path. */ private fun getHrefMap(packageHref: String, entries: List): Map { val lastSlashPos = packageHref.lastIndexOf('/') if (lastSlashPos < 0) { return entries.associateBy { it } } return entries.associateBy { entry -> if (entry.isNotBlank() && entry.length > lastSlashPos) { entry.substring(lastSlashPos + 1) } else { entry } } } } }