package eu.kanade.tachiyomi import android.os.Build import androidx.core.content.edit import androidx.preference.PreferenceManager import import import import import import import eu.kanade.tachiyomi.extension.ExtensionUpdateJob import import eu.kanade.tachiyomi.ui.library.LibrarySort import eu.kanade.tachiyomi.ui.library.setting.SortDirectionSetting import eu.kanade.tachiyomi.ui.library.setting.SortModeSetting import eu.kanade.tachiyomi.ui.reader.setting.OrientationType import eu.kanade.tachiyomi.util.system.toast import eu.kanade.tachiyomi.widget.ExtendedNavigationView import uy.kohesive.injekt.Injekt import uy.kohesive.injekt.api.get import object Migrations { /** * Performs a migration when the application is updated. * * @param preferences Preferences of the application. * @return true if a migration is performed, false otherwise. */ fun upgrade(preferences: PreferencesHelper): Boolean { val context = preferences.context val oldVersion = preferences.lastVersionCode().get() if (oldVersion < BuildConfig.VERSION_CODE) { preferences.lastVersionCode().set(BuildConfig.VERSION_CODE) // Always set up background tasks to ensure they're running if (BuildConfig.INCLUDE_UPDATER) { UpdaterJob.setupTask(context) } ExtensionUpdateJob.setupTask(context) LibraryUpdateJob.setupTask(context) BackupCreatorJob.setupTask(context) // Fresh install if (oldVersion == 0) { return false } if (oldVersion < 14) { // Restore jobs after upgrading to Evernote's job scheduler. if (BuildConfig.INCLUDE_UPDATER) { UpdaterJob.setupTask(context) } LibraryUpdateJob.setupTask(context) } if (oldVersion < 15) { // Delete internal chapter cache dir. File(context.cacheDir, "chapter_disk_cache").deleteRecursively() } if (oldVersion < 19) { // Move covers to external files dir. val oldDir = File(context.externalCacheDir, "cover_disk_cache") if (oldDir.exists()) { val destDir = context.getExternalFilesDir("covers") if (destDir != null) { oldDir.listFiles()?.forEach { it.renameTo(File(destDir, } } } } if (oldVersion < 26) { // Delete external chapter cache dir. val extCache = context.externalCacheDir if (extCache != null) { val chapterCache = File(extCache, "chapter_disk_cache") if (chapterCache.exists()) { chapterCache.deleteRecursively() } } } if (oldVersion < 43) { // Restore jobs after migrating from Evernote's job scheduler to WorkManager. if (BuildConfig.INCLUDE_UPDATER) { UpdaterJob.setupTask(context) } LibraryUpdateJob.setupTask(context) BackupCreatorJob.setupTask(context) // New extension update check job ExtensionUpdateJob.setupTask(context) } if (oldVersion < 44) { // Reset sorting preference if using removed sort by source val prefs = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(context) val oldSortingMode = prefs.getInt(PreferenceKeys.librarySortingMode, 0) @Suppress("DEPRECATION") if (oldSortingMode == LibrarySort.SOURCE) { prefs.edit { putInt(PreferenceKeys.librarySortingMode, LibrarySort.ALPHA) } } } if (oldVersion < 52) { // Migrate library filters to tri-state versions val prefs = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(context) fun convertBooleanPrefToTriState(key: String): Int { val oldPrefValue = prefs.getBoolean(key, false) return if (oldPrefValue) ExtendedNavigationView.Item.TriStateGroup.State.INCLUDE.value else ExtendedNavigationView.Item.TriStateGroup.State.IGNORE.value } prefs.edit { putInt(PreferenceKeys.filterDownloaded, convertBooleanPrefToTriState("pref_filter_downloaded_key")) remove("pref_filter_downloaded_key") putInt(PreferenceKeys.filterUnread, convertBooleanPrefToTriState("pref_filter_unread_key")) remove("pref_filter_unread_key") putInt(PreferenceKeys.filterCompleted, convertBooleanPrefToTriState("pref_filter_completed_key")) remove("pref_filter_completed_key") } } if (oldVersion < 54) { // Force MAL log out due to login flow change // v52: switched from scraping to WebView // v53: switched from WebView to OAuth val trackManager = Injekt.get() if (trackManager.myAnimeList.isLogged) { trackManager.myAnimeList.logout() context.toast(R.string.myanimelist_relogin) } } if (oldVersion < 57) { // Migrate DNS over HTTPS setting val prefs = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(context) val wasDohEnabled = prefs.getBoolean("enable_doh", false) if (wasDohEnabled) { prefs.edit { putInt(PreferenceKeys.dohProvider, PREF_DOH_CLOUDFLARE) remove("enable_doh") } } } if (oldVersion < 59) { // Reset rotation to Free after replacing Lock val prefs = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(context) if (prefs.contains("pref_rotation_type_key")) { prefs.edit { putInt("pref_rotation_type_key", 1) } } // Disable update check for Android 5.x users if (BuildConfig.INCLUDE_UPDATER && Build.VERSION.SDK_INT <= Build.VERSION_CODES.M) { UpdaterJob.cancelTask(context) } } if (oldVersion < 60) { // Re-enable update check that was prevously accidentally disabled for M if (BuildConfig.INCLUDE_UPDATER && Build.VERSION.SDK_INT == Build.VERSION_CODES.M) { UpdaterJob.setupTask(context) } // Migrate Rotation and Viewer values to default values for viewer_flags val prefs = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(context) val newOrientation = when (prefs.getInt("pref_rotation_type_key", 1)) { 1 -> OrientationType.FREE.flagValue 2 -> OrientationType.PORTRAIT.flagValue 3 -> OrientationType.LANDSCAPE.flagValue 4 -> OrientationType.LOCKED_PORTRAIT.flagValue 5 -> OrientationType.LOCKED_LANDSCAPE.flagValue else -> OrientationType.FREE.flagValue } // Reading mode flag and prefValue is the same value val newReadingMode = prefs.getInt("pref_default_viewer_key", 1) prefs.edit { putInt("pref_default_orientation_type_key", newOrientation) remove("pref_rotation_type_key") putInt("pref_default_reading_mode_key", newReadingMode) remove("pref_default_viewer_key") } } if (oldVersion < 61) { // Handle removed every 1 or 2 hour library updates val updateInterval = preferences.libraryUpdateInterval().get() if (updateInterval == 1 || updateInterval == 2) { preferences.libraryUpdateInterval().set(3) LibraryUpdateJob.setupTask(context, 3) } } if (oldVersion < 64) { val prefs = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(context) val oldSortingMode = prefs.getInt(PreferenceKeys.librarySortingMode, 0) val oldSortingDirection = prefs.getBoolean(PreferenceKeys.librarySortingDirection, true) @Suppress("DEPRECATION") val newSortingMode = when (oldSortingMode) { LibrarySort.ALPHA -> SortModeSetting.ALPHABETICAL LibrarySort.LAST_READ -> SortModeSetting.LAST_READ LibrarySort.LAST_CHECKED -> SortModeSetting.LAST_CHECKED LibrarySort.UNREAD -> SortModeSetting.UNREAD LibrarySort.TOTAL -> SortModeSetting.TOTAL_CHAPTERS LibrarySort.LATEST_CHAPTER -> SortModeSetting.LATEST_CHAPTER LibrarySort.CHAPTER_FETCH_DATE -> SortModeSetting.DATE_FETCHED LibrarySort.DATE_ADDED -> SortModeSetting.DATE_ADDED else -> SortModeSetting.ALPHABETICAL } val newSortingDirection = when (oldSortingDirection) { true -> SortDirectionSetting.ASCENDING else -> SortDirectionSetting.DESCENDING } prefs.edit(commit = true) { remove(PreferenceKeys.librarySortingMode) remove(PreferenceKeys.librarySortingDirection) } prefs.edit { putString(PreferenceKeys.librarySortingMode, putString(PreferenceKeys.librarySortingDirection, } } return true } return false } }