Show number of unique library items (closes )

- Filters do affect this
- Won't be shown if tabs aren't visible and there's more than 1 category (so it'd always show the per-category count), but a separate stats page should show that info instead
This commit is contained in:
arkon 2022-08-29 14:34:11 -04:00
parent 32190b6cac
commit 8a3a7418d0

View file

@ -97,19 +97,16 @@ class LibraryPresenter(
private val trackManager: TrackManager = Injekt.get(),
) : BasePresenter<LibraryController>(), LibraryState by state {
var loadedManga by mutableStateOf(emptyMap<Long, List<LibraryItem>>())
private set
private var loadedManga by mutableStateOf(emptyMap<Long, List<LibraryItem>>())
val isLibraryEmpty by derivedStateOf { loadedManga.isEmpty() }
val tabVisibility by preferences.categoryTabs().asState()
val mangaCountVisibility by preferences.categoryNumberOfItems().asState()
var activeCategory: Int by preferences.lastUsedCategory().asState()
val isDownloadOnly: Boolean by preferences.downloadedOnly().asState()
val isIncognitoMode: Boolean by preferences.incognitoMode().asState()
@ -147,7 +144,7 @@ class LibraryPresenter(
if (librarySubscription == null || librarySubscription!!.isCancelled) {
librarySubscription = presenterScope.launchIO {
.combineLatest(badgeTriggerRelay.observeOn( { lib, _ ->
lib.apply { setBadges(mangaMap) }
@ -402,8 +399,16 @@ class LibraryPresenter(
* @return an observable of the categories and its manga.
private fun getLibraryObservable(): Observable<Library> {
return combine(getCategoriesFlow(), getLibraryMangasFlow()) { dbCategories, libraryManga ->
private fun getLibraryFlow(): Flow<Library> {
val categoriesFlow = getCategories.subscribe()
val libraryMangasFlow = getLibraryManga.subscribe()
.map { list -> { libraryManga ->
// Display mode based on user preference: take it from global library setting or category
}.groupBy { it.manga.category.toLong() }
return combine(categoriesFlow, libraryMangasFlow) { dbCategories, libraryManga ->
val categories = if (libraryManga.isNotEmpty() && libraryManga.containsKey(0).not()) {
dbCategories.filterNot { it.isSystemCategory }
} else {
@ -412,32 +417,7 @@ class LibraryPresenter(
state.categories = categories
Library(categories, libraryManga)
* Get the categories from the database.
* @return an observable of the categories.
private fun getCategoriesFlow(): Flow<List<Category>> {
return getCategories.subscribe()
* Get the manga grouped by categories.
* @return an observable containing a map with the category id as key and a list of manga as the
* value.
private fun getLibraryMangasFlow(): Flow<LibraryMap> {
return getLibraryManga.subscribe()
.map { list -> { libraryManga ->
// Display mode based on user preference: take it from global library setting or category
}.groupBy { it.manga.category.toLong() }
@ -531,8 +511,8 @@ class LibraryPresenter(
* @param mangas the list of manga.
fun downloadUnreadChapters(mangas: List<Manga>) {
mangas.forEach { manga ->
launchIO {
launchIO {
mangas.forEach { manga ->
val chapters = getChapterByMangaId.await(
.filter { ! }
.map { it.toDbChapter() }
@ -548,8 +528,8 @@ class LibraryPresenter(
* @param mangas the list of manga.
fun markReadStatus(mangas: List<Manga>, read: Boolean) {
mangas.forEach { manga ->
launchIO {
launchIO {
mangas.forEach { manga ->
manga = manga,
read = read,
@ -635,14 +615,15 @@ class LibraryPresenter(
return produceState(initialValue = default, category, loadedManga, mangaCountVisibility, tabVisibility) {
val title = if (tabVisibility.not()) categoryName else defaultTitle
val count = when {
category == null || mangaCountVisibility.not() -> null
tabVisibility.not() -> loadedManga[]?.size
else -> loadedManga.values.flatten().distinct().size
value = when {
category == null -> default
(tabVisibility.not() && mangaCountVisibility.not()) -> LibraryToolbarTitle(title)
tabVisibility.not() && mangaCountVisibility -> LibraryToolbarTitle(title, loadedManga[]?.size)
(tabVisibility && categories.size > 1) && mangaCountVisibility -> LibraryToolbarTitle(title)
tabVisibility && mangaCountVisibility -> LibraryToolbarTitle(title, loadedManga[]?.size)
else -> default
value = when (category) {
null -> default
else -> LibraryToolbarTitle(title, count)
@ -674,10 +655,6 @@ class LibraryPresenter(
fun hasSelection(): Boolean {
return selection.isNotEmpty()
fun clearSelection() {
state.selection = emptyList()