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synced 2025-03-15 01:13:03 +00:00
To sort an image's colors from darkest to lightest, you can then do: ```handlebars {{ {{ $colorsByLuminance := sort $image.Colors "Luminance" }} ``` This uses the formula defined here: https://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG21/#dfn-relative-luminance Fixes #10450
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// Copyright 2019 The Hugo Authors. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package images
import (
const (
ActionResize = "resize"
ActionCrop = "crop"
ActionFit = "fit"
ActionFill = "fill"
var (
imageFormats = map[string]Format{
".jpg": JPEG,
".jpeg": JPEG,
".jpe": JPEG,
".jif": JPEG,
".jfif": JPEG,
".png": PNG,
".tif": TIFF,
".tiff": TIFF,
".bmp": BMP,
".gif": GIF,
".webp": WEBP,
imageFormatsBySubType = map[string]Format{
media.Builtin.JPEGType.SubType: JPEG,
media.Builtin.PNGType.SubType: PNG,
media.Builtin.TIFFType.SubType: TIFF,
media.Builtin.BMPType.SubType: BMP,
media.Builtin.GIFType.SubType: GIF,
media.Builtin.WEBPType.SubType: WEBP,
// Add or increment if changes to an image format's processing requires
// re-generation.
imageFormatsVersions = map[Format]int{
PNG: 3, // Fix transparency issue with 32 bit images.
WEBP: 2, // Fix transparency issue with 32 bit images.
GIF: 1, // Fix resize issue with animated GIFs when target != GIF.
// Increment to mark all processed images as stale. Only use when absolutely needed.
// See the finer grained smartCropVersionNumber and imageFormatsVersions.
mainImageVersionNumber = 0
var anchorPositions = map[string]gift.Anchor{
strings.ToLower("Center"): gift.CenterAnchor,
strings.ToLower("TopLeft"): gift.TopLeftAnchor,
strings.ToLower("Top"): gift.TopAnchor,
strings.ToLower("TopRight"): gift.TopRightAnchor,
strings.ToLower("Left"): gift.LeftAnchor,
strings.ToLower("Right"): gift.RightAnchor,
strings.ToLower("BottomLeft"): gift.BottomLeftAnchor,
strings.ToLower("Bottom"): gift.BottomAnchor,
strings.ToLower("BottomRight"): gift.BottomRightAnchor,
// These encoding hints are currently only relevant for Webp.
var hints = map[string]webpoptions.EncodingPreset{
"picture": webpoptions.EncodingPresetPicture,
"photo": webpoptions.EncodingPresetPhoto,
"drawing": webpoptions.EncodingPresetDrawing,
"icon": webpoptions.EncodingPresetIcon,
"text": webpoptions.EncodingPresetText,
var imageFilters = map[string]gift.Resampling{
strings.ToLower("NearestNeighbor"): gift.NearestNeighborResampling,
strings.ToLower("Box"): gift.BoxResampling,
strings.ToLower("Linear"): gift.LinearResampling,
strings.ToLower("Hermite"): hermiteResampling,
strings.ToLower("MitchellNetravali"): mitchellNetravaliResampling,
strings.ToLower("CatmullRom"): catmullRomResampling,
strings.ToLower("BSpline"): bSplineResampling,
strings.ToLower("Gaussian"): gaussianResampling,
strings.ToLower("Lanczos"): gift.LanczosResampling,
strings.ToLower("Hann"): hannResampling,
strings.ToLower("Hamming"): hammingResampling,
strings.ToLower("Blackman"): blackmanResampling,
strings.ToLower("Bartlett"): bartlettResampling,
strings.ToLower("Welch"): welchResampling,
strings.ToLower("Cosine"): cosineResampling,
func ImageFormatFromExt(ext string) (Format, bool) {
f, found := imageFormats[ext]
return f, found
func ImageFormatFromMediaSubType(sub string) (Format, bool) {
f, found := imageFormatsBySubType[sub]
return f, found
const (
defaultJPEGQuality = 75
defaultResampleFilter = "box"
defaultBgColor = "#ffffff"
defaultHint = "photo"
var (
defaultImaging = map[string]any{
"resampleFilter": defaultResampleFilter,
"bgColor": defaultBgColor,
"hint": defaultHint,
"quality": defaultJPEGQuality,
defaultImageConfig *config.ConfigNamespace[ImagingConfig, ImagingConfigInternal]
func init() {
var err error
defaultImageConfig, err = DecodeConfig(defaultImaging)
if err != nil {
func DecodeConfig(in map[string]any) (*config.ConfigNamespace[ImagingConfig, ImagingConfigInternal], error) {
if in == nil {
in = make(map[string]any)
buildConfig := func(in any) (ImagingConfigInternal, any, error) {
m, err := maps.ToStringMapE(in)
if err != nil {
return ImagingConfigInternal{}, nil, err
// Merge in the defaults.
maps.MergeShallow(m, defaultImaging)
var i ImagingConfigInternal
if err := mapstructure.Decode(m, &i.Imaging); err != nil {
return i, nil, err
if err := i.Imaging.init(); err != nil {
return i, nil, err
i.BgColor, err = hexStringToColorGo(i.Imaging.BgColor)
if err != nil {
return i, nil, err
if i.Imaging.Anchor != "" && i.Imaging.Anchor != smartCropIdentifier {
anchor, found := anchorPositions[i.Imaging.Anchor]
if !found {
return i, nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid anchor value %q in imaging config", i.Anchor)
i.Anchor = anchor
filter, found := imageFilters[i.Imaging.ResampleFilter]
if !found {
return i, nil, fmt.Errorf("%q is not a valid resample filter", filter)
i.ResampleFilter = filter
return i, nil, nil
ns, err := config.DecodeNamespace[ImagingConfig](in, buildConfig)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to decode media types: %w", err)
return ns, nil
func DecodeImageConfig(action string, options []string, defaults *config.ConfigNamespace[ImagingConfig, ImagingConfigInternal], sourceFormat Format) (ImageConfig, error) {
var (
c ImageConfig = GetDefaultImageConfig(action, defaults)
err error
action = strings.ToLower(action)
c.Action = action
if options == nil {
return c, errors.New("image options cannot be empty")
for _, part := range options {
part = strings.ToLower(part)
if part == smartCropIdentifier {
c.AnchorStr = smartCropIdentifier
} else if pos, ok := anchorPositions[part]; ok {
c.Anchor = pos
c.AnchorStr = part
} else if filter, ok := imageFilters[part]; ok {
c.Filter = filter
c.FilterStr = part
} else if hint, ok := hints[part]; ok {
c.Hint = hint
} else if part[0] == '#' {
c.BgColorStr = part[1:]
c.BgColor, err = hexStringToColorGo(c.BgColorStr)
if err != nil {
return c, err
} else if part[0] == 'q' {
c.Quality, err = strconv.Atoi(part[1:])
if err != nil {
return c, err
if c.Quality < 1 || c.Quality > 100 {
return c, errors.New("quality ranges from 1 to 100 inclusive")
c.qualitySetForImage = true
} else if part[0] == 'r' {
c.Rotate, err = strconv.Atoi(part[1:])
if err != nil {
return c, err
} else if strings.Contains(part, "x") {
widthHeight := strings.Split(part, "x")
if len(widthHeight) <= 2 {
first := widthHeight[0]
if first != "" {
c.Width, err = strconv.Atoi(first)
if err != nil {
return c, err
if len(widthHeight) == 2 {
second := widthHeight[1]
if second != "" {
c.Height, err = strconv.Atoi(second)
if err != nil {
return c, err
} else {
return c, errors.New("invalid image dimensions")
} else if f, ok := ImageFormatFromExt("." + part); ok {
c.TargetFormat = f
switch c.Action {
case ActionCrop, ActionFill, ActionFit:
if c.Width == 0 || c.Height == 0 {
return c, errors.New("must provide Width and Height")
case ActionResize:
if c.Width == 0 && c.Height == 0 {
return c, errors.New("must provide Width or Height")
if c.Width != 0 || c.Height != 0 {
return c, errors.New("width or height are not supported for this action")
if action != "" && c.FilterStr == "" {
c.FilterStr = defaults.Config.Imaging.ResampleFilter
c.Filter = defaults.Config.ResampleFilter
if c.Hint == 0 {
c.Hint = webpoptions.EncodingPresetPhoto
if action != "" && c.AnchorStr == "" {
c.AnchorStr = defaults.Config.Imaging.Anchor
c.Anchor = defaults.Config.Anchor
// default to the source format
if c.TargetFormat == 0 {
c.TargetFormat = sourceFormat
if c.Quality <= 0 && c.TargetFormat.RequiresDefaultQuality() {
// We need a quality setting for all JPEGs and WEBPs.
c.Quality = defaults.Config.Imaging.Quality
if c.BgColor == nil && c.TargetFormat != sourceFormat {
if sourceFormat.SupportsTransparency() && !c.TargetFormat.SupportsTransparency() {
c.BgColor = defaults.Config.BgColor
c.BgColorStr = defaults.Config.Imaging.BgColor
return c, nil
// ImageConfig holds configuration to create a new image from an existing one, resize etc.
type ImageConfig struct {
// This defines the output format of the output image. It defaults to the source format.
TargetFormat Format
Action string
// If set, this will be used as the key in filenames etc.
Key string
// Quality ranges from 1 to 100 inclusive, higher is better.
// This is only relevant for JPEG and WEBP images.
// Default is 75.
Quality int
qualitySetForImage bool // Whether the above is set for this image.
// Rotate rotates an image by the given angle counter-clockwise.
// The rotation will be performed first.
Rotate int
// Used to fill any transparency.
// When set in site config, it's used when converting to a format that does
// not support transparency.
// When set per image operation, it's used even for formats that does support
// transparency.
BgColor color.Color
BgColorStr string
// Hint about what type of picture this is. Used to optimize encoding
// when target is set to webp.
Hint webpoptions.EncodingPreset
Width int
Height int
Filter gift.Resampling
FilterStr string
Anchor gift.Anchor
AnchorStr string
func (i ImageConfig) GetKey(format Format) string {
if i.Key != "" {
return i.Action + "_" + i.Key
k := strconv.Itoa(i.Width) + "x" + strconv.Itoa(i.Height)
if i.Action != "" {
k += "_" + i.Action
// This slightly odd construct is here to preserve the old image keys.
if i.qualitySetForImage || i.TargetFormat.RequiresDefaultQuality() {
k += "_q" + strconv.Itoa(i.Quality)
if i.Rotate != 0 {
k += "_r" + strconv.Itoa(i.Rotate)
if i.BgColorStr != "" {
k += "_bg" + i.BgColorStr
if i.TargetFormat == WEBP {
k += "_h" + strconv.Itoa(int(i.Hint))
anchor := i.AnchorStr
if anchor == smartCropIdentifier {
anchor = anchor + strconv.Itoa(smartCropVersionNumber)
k += "_" + i.FilterStr
if i.Action == ActionFill || i.Action == ActionCrop {
k += "_" + anchor
if v, ok := imageFormatsVersions[format]; ok {
k += "_" + strconv.Itoa(v)
if mainImageVersionNumber > 0 {
k += "_" + strconv.Itoa(mainImageVersionNumber)
return k
type ImagingConfigInternal struct {
BgColor color.Color
Hint webpoptions.EncodingPreset
ResampleFilter gift.Resampling
Anchor gift.Anchor
Imaging ImagingConfig
func (i *ImagingConfigInternal) Compile(externalCfg *ImagingConfig) error {
var err error
i.BgColor, err = hexStringToColorGo(externalCfg.BgColor)
if err != nil {
return err
if externalCfg.Anchor != "" && externalCfg.Anchor != smartCropIdentifier {
anchor, found := anchorPositions[externalCfg.Anchor]
if !found {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid anchor value %q in imaging config", i.Anchor)
i.Anchor = anchor
filter, found := imageFilters[externalCfg.ResampleFilter]
if !found {
return fmt.Errorf("%q is not a valid resample filter", filter)
i.ResampleFilter = filter
return nil
// ImagingConfig contains default image processing configuration. This will be fetched
// from site (or language) config.
type ImagingConfig struct {
// Default image quality setting (1-100). Only used for JPEG images.
Quality int
// Resample filter to use in resize operations.
ResampleFilter string
// Hint about what type of image this is.
// Currently only used when encoding to Webp.
// Default is "photo".
// Valid values are "picture", "photo", "drawing", "icon", or "text".
Hint string
// The anchor to use in Fill. Default is "smart", i.e. Smart Crop.
Anchor string
// Default color used in fill operations (e.g. "fff" for white).
BgColor string
Exif ExifConfig
func (cfg *ImagingConfig) init() error {
if cfg.Quality < 0 || cfg.Quality > 100 {
return errors.New("image quality must be a number between 1 and 100")
cfg.BgColor = strings.ToLower(strings.TrimPrefix(cfg.BgColor, "#"))
cfg.Anchor = strings.ToLower(cfg.Anchor)
cfg.ResampleFilter = strings.ToLower(cfg.ResampleFilter)
cfg.Hint = strings.ToLower(cfg.Hint)
if cfg.Anchor == "" {
cfg.Anchor = smartCropIdentifier
if strings.TrimSpace(cfg.Exif.IncludeFields) == "" && strings.TrimSpace(cfg.Exif.ExcludeFields) == "" {
// Don't change this for no good reason. Please don't.
cfg.Exif.ExcludeFields = "GPS|Exif|Exposure[M|P|B]|Contrast|Resolution|Sharp|JPEG|Metering|Sensing|Saturation|ColorSpace|Flash|WhiteBalance"
return nil
type ExifConfig struct {
// Regexp matching the Exif fields you want from the (massive) set of Exif info
// available. As we cache this info to disk, this is for performance and
// disk space reasons more than anything.
// If you want it all, put ".*" in this config setting.
// Note that if neither this or ExcludeFields is set, Hugo will return a small
// default set.
IncludeFields string
// Regexp matching the Exif fields you want to exclude. This may be easier to use
// than IncludeFields above, depending on what you want.
ExcludeFields string
// Hugo extracts the "photo taken" date/time into .Date by default.
// Set this to true to turn it off.
DisableDate bool
// Hugo extracts the "photo taken where" (GPS latitude and longitude) into
// .Long and .Lat. Set this to true to turn it off.
DisableLatLong bool