mirror of
synced 2025-03-27 21:32:10 +00:00
Both will of course work, but hugo.toml will win if both are set. We should have done this a long time ago, of course, but the reason I'm picking this up now is that my VS Code setup by default picks up some JSON config schema from some random other software which also names its config files config.toml. Fixes #8979
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// Copyright 2019 The Hugo Authors. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package hugolib
import (
cpaths "github.com/gohugoio/hugo/common/paths"
hglob "github.com/gohugoio/hugo/hugofs/glob"
var ErrNoConfigFile = errors.New("Unable to locate config file or config directory. Perhaps you need to create a new site.\n Run `hugo help new` for details.\n")
// LoadConfig loads Hugo configuration into a new Viper and then adds
// a set of defaults.
func LoadConfig(d ConfigSourceDescriptor, doWithConfig ...func(cfg config.Provider) error) (config.Provider, []string, error) {
if d.Environment == "" {
d.Environment = hugo.EnvironmentProduction
if len(d.Environ) == 0 && !hugo.IsRunningAsTest() {
d.Environ = os.Environ()
var configFiles []string
l := configLoader{ConfigSourceDescriptor: d, cfg: config.New()}
// Make sure we always do this, even in error situations,
// as we have commands (e.g. "hugo mod init") that will
// use a partial configuration to do its job.
defer l.deleteMergeStrategies()
names := d.configFilenames()
if names != nil {
for _, name := range names {
var filename string
filename, err := l.loadConfig(name)
if err == nil {
configFiles = append(configFiles, filename)
} else if err != ErrNoConfigFile {
return nil, nil, l.wrapFileError(err, filename)
} else {
for _, name := range config.DefaultConfigNames {
var filename string
filename, err := l.loadConfig(name)
if err == nil {
configFiles = append(configFiles, filename)
} else if err != ErrNoConfigFile {
return nil, nil, l.wrapFileError(err, filename)
if d.AbsConfigDir != "" {
dcfg, dirnames, err := config.LoadConfigFromDir(l.Fs, d.AbsConfigDir, l.Environment)
if err == nil {
if len(dirnames) > 0 {
l.cfg.Set("", dcfg.Get(""))
configFiles = append(configFiles, dirnames...)
} else if err != ErrNoConfigFile {
if len(dirnames) > 0 {
return nil, nil, l.wrapFileError(err, dirnames[0])
return nil, nil, err
if err := l.applyConfigDefaults(); err != nil {
return l.cfg, configFiles, err
// We create languages based on the settings, so we need to make sure that
// all configuration is loaded/set before doing that.
for _, d := range doWithConfig {
if err := d(l.cfg); err != nil {
return l.cfg, configFiles, err
// Some settings are used before we're done collecting all settings,
// so apply OS environment both before and after.
if err := l.applyOsEnvOverrides(d.Environ); err != nil {
return l.cfg, configFiles, err
modulesConfig, err := l.loadModulesConfig()
if err != nil {
return l.cfg, configFiles, err
// Need to run these after the modules are loaded, but before
// they are finalized.
collectHook := func(m *modules.ModulesConfig) error {
// We don't need the merge strategy configuration anymore,
// remove it so it doesn't accidentally show up in other settings.
if err := l.loadLanguageSettings(nil); err != nil {
return err
mods := m.ActiveModules
// Apply default project mounts.
if err := modules.ApplyProjectConfigDefaults(l.cfg, mods[0]); err != nil {
return err
return nil
_, modulesConfigFiles, modulesCollectErr := l.collectModules(modulesConfig, l.cfg, collectHook)
if err != nil {
return l.cfg, configFiles, err
configFiles = append(configFiles, modulesConfigFiles...)
if err := l.applyOsEnvOverrides(d.Environ); err != nil {
return l.cfg, configFiles, err
if err = l.applyConfigAliases(); err != nil {
return l.cfg, configFiles, err
if err == nil {
err = modulesCollectErr
return l.cfg, configFiles, err
// LoadConfigDefault is a convenience method to load the default "hugo.toml" config.
func LoadConfigDefault(fs afero.Fs) (config.Provider, error) {
v, _, err := LoadConfig(ConfigSourceDescriptor{Fs: fs})
return v, err
// ConfigSourceDescriptor describes where to find the config (e.g. config.toml etc.).
type ConfigSourceDescriptor struct {
Fs afero.Fs
Logger loggers.Logger
// Path to the config file to use, e.g. /my/project/config.toml
Filename string
// The path to the directory to look for configuration. Is used if Filename is not
// set or if it is set to a relative filename.
Path string
// The project's working dir. Is used to look for additional theme config.
WorkingDir string
// The (optional) directory for additional configuration files.
AbsConfigDir string
// production, development
Environment string
// Defaults to os.Environ if not set.
Environ []string
func (d ConfigSourceDescriptor) configFileDir() string {
if d.Path != "" {
return d.Path
return d.WorkingDir
func (d ConfigSourceDescriptor) configFilenames() []string {
if d.Filename == "" {
return nil
return strings.Split(d.Filename, ",")
// SiteConfig represents the config in .Site.Config.
type SiteConfig struct {
// This contains all privacy related settings that can be used to
// make the YouTube template etc. GDPR compliant.
Privacy privacy.Config
// Services contains config for services such as Google Analytics etc.
Services services.Config
type configLoader struct {
cfg config.Provider
// Handle some legacy values.
func (l configLoader) applyConfigAliases() error {
aliases := []types.KeyValueStr{{Key: "taxonomies", Value: "indexes"}}
for _, alias := range aliases {
if l.cfg.IsSet(alias.Key) {
vv := l.cfg.Get(alias.Key)
l.cfg.Set(alias.Value, vv)
return nil
func (l configLoader) applyConfigDefaults() error {
defaultSettings := maps.Params{
"cleanDestinationDir": false,
"watch": false,
"resourceDir": "resources",
"publishDir": "public",
"publishDirOrig": "public",
"themesDir": "themes",
"buildDrafts": false,
"buildFuture": false,
"buildExpired": false,
"environment": hugo.EnvironmentProduction,
"uglyURLs": false,
"verbose": false,
"ignoreCache": false,
"canonifyURLs": false,
"relativeURLs": false,
"removePathAccents": false,
"titleCaseStyle": "AP",
"taxonomies": maps.Params{"tag": "tags", "category": "categories"},
"permalinks": maps.Params{},
"sitemap": maps.Params{"priority": -1, "filename": "sitemap.xml"},
"disableLiveReload": false,
"pluralizeListTitles": true,
"forceSyncStatic": false,
"footnoteAnchorPrefix": "",
"footnoteReturnLinkContents": "",
"newContentEditor": "",
"paginate": 10,
"paginatePath": "page",
"summaryLength": 70,
"rssLimit": -1,
"sectionPagesMenu": "",
"disablePathToLower": false,
"hasCJKLanguage": false,
"enableEmoji": false,
"defaultContentLanguage": "en",
"defaultContentLanguageInSubdir": false,
"enableMissingTranslationPlaceholders": false,
"enableGitInfo": false,
"ignoreFiles": make([]string, 0),
"disableAliases": false,
"debug": false,
"disableFastRender": false,
"timeout": "30s",
"enableInlineShortcodes": false,
return nil
func (l configLoader) applyOsEnvOverrides(environ []string) error {
if len(environ) == 0 {
return nil
const delim = "__env__delim"
// Extract all that start with the HUGO prefix.
// The delimiter is the following rune, usually "_".
const hugoEnvPrefix = "HUGO"
var hugoEnv []types.KeyValueStr
for _, v := range environ {
key, val := config.SplitEnvVar(v)
if strings.HasPrefix(key, hugoEnvPrefix) {
delimiterAndKey := strings.TrimPrefix(key, hugoEnvPrefix)
if len(delimiterAndKey) < 2 {
// Allow delimiters to be case sensitive.
// It turns out there isn't that many allowed special
// chars in environment variables when used in Bash and similar,
// so variables on the form HUGOxPARAMSxFOO=bar is one option.
key := strings.ReplaceAll(delimiterAndKey[1:], delimiterAndKey[:1], delim)
key = strings.ToLower(key)
hugoEnv = append(hugoEnv, types.KeyValueStr{
Key: key,
Value: val,
for _, env := range hugoEnv {
existing, nestedKey, owner, err := maps.GetNestedParamFn(env.Key, delim, l.cfg.Get)
if err != nil {
return err
if existing != nil {
val, err := metadecoders.Default.UnmarshalStringTo(env.Value, existing)
if err != nil {
if owner != nil {
owner[nestedKey] = val
} else {
l.cfg.Set(env.Key, val)
} else if nestedKey != "" {
owner[nestedKey] = env.Value
} else {
// The container does not exist yet.
l.cfg.Set(strings.ReplaceAll(env.Key, delim, "."), env.Value)
return nil
func (l configLoader) collectModules(modConfig modules.Config, v1 config.Provider, hookBeforeFinalize func(m *modules.ModulesConfig) error) (modules.Modules, []string, error) {
workingDir := l.WorkingDir
if workingDir == "" {
workingDir = v1.GetString("workingDir")
themesDir := cpaths.AbsPathify(l.WorkingDir, v1.GetString("themesDir"))
var ignoreVendor glob.Glob
if s := v1.GetString("ignoreVendorPaths"); s != "" {
ignoreVendor, _ = hglob.GetGlob(hglob.NormalizePath(s))
filecacheConfigs, err := filecache.DecodeConfig(l.Fs, v1)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
secConfig, err := security.DecodeConfig(v1)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
ex := hexec.New(secConfig)
v1.Set("filecacheConfigs", filecacheConfigs)
var configFilenames []string
hook := func(m *modules.ModulesConfig) error {
for _, tc := range m.ActiveModules {
if len(tc.ConfigFilenames()) > 0 {
if tc.Watch() {
configFilenames = append(configFilenames, tc.ConfigFilenames()...)
// Merge from theme config into v1 based on configured
// merge strategy.
v1.Merge("", tc.Cfg().Get(""))
if hookBeforeFinalize != nil {
return hookBeforeFinalize(m)
return nil
modulesClient := modules.NewClient(modules.ClientConfig{
Fs: l.Fs,
Logger: l.Logger,
Exec: ex,
HookBeforeFinalize: hook,
WorkingDir: workingDir,
ThemesDir: themesDir,
Environment: l.Environment,
CacheDir: filecacheConfigs.CacheDirModules(),
ModuleConfig: modConfig,
IgnoreVendor: ignoreVendor,
v1.Set("modulesClient", modulesClient)
moduleConfig, err := modulesClient.Collect()
// Avoid recreating these later.
v1.Set("allModules", moduleConfig.ActiveModules)
// We want to watch these for changes and trigger rebuild on version
// changes etc.
if moduleConfig.GoModulesFilename != "" {
configFilenames = append(configFilenames, moduleConfig.GoModulesFilename)
if moduleConfig.GoWorkspaceFilename != "" {
configFilenames = append(configFilenames, moduleConfig.GoWorkspaceFilename)
return moduleConfig.ActiveModules, configFilenames, err
func (l configLoader) loadConfig(configName string) (string, error) {
baseDir := l.configFileDir()
var baseFilename string
if filepath.IsAbs(configName) {
baseFilename = configName
} else {
baseFilename = filepath.Join(baseDir, configName)
var filename string
if cpaths.ExtNoDelimiter(configName) != "" {
exists, _ := helpers.Exists(baseFilename, l.Fs)
if exists {
filename = baseFilename
} else {
for _, ext := range config.ValidConfigFileExtensions {
filenameToCheck := baseFilename + "." + ext
exists, _ := helpers.Exists(filenameToCheck, l.Fs)
if exists {
filename = filenameToCheck
if filename == "" {
return "", ErrNoConfigFile
m, err := config.FromFileToMap(l.Fs, filename)
if err != nil {
return filename, err
// Set overwrites keys of the same name, recursively.
l.cfg.Set("", m)
return filename, nil
func (l configLoader) deleteMergeStrategies() {
l.cfg.WalkParams(func(params ...config.KeyParams) bool {
return false
func (l configLoader) loadLanguageSettings(oldLangs langs.Languages) error {
_, err := langs.LoadLanguageSettings(l.cfg, oldLangs)
return err
func (l configLoader) loadModulesConfig() (modules.Config, error) {
modConfig, err := modules.DecodeConfig(l.cfg)
if err != nil {
return modules.Config{}, err
return modConfig, nil
func (configLoader) loadSiteConfig(cfg config.Provider) (scfg SiteConfig, err error) {
privacyConfig, err := privacy.DecodeConfig(cfg)
if err != nil {
servicesConfig, err := services.DecodeConfig(cfg)
if err != nil {
scfg.Privacy = privacyConfig
scfg.Services = servicesConfig
func (l configLoader) wrapFileError(err error, filename string) error {
fe := herrors.UnwrapFileError(err)
if fe != nil {
pos := fe.Position()
pos.Filename = filename
return err
return herrors.NewFileErrorFromFile(err, filename, l.Fs, nil)