mirror of
synced 2025-02-08 06:51:37 +00:00
In the internal Radix we stored the directory based nodes without a traling slash, e.g. `/blog`. The original motivation was probably to make it easy to do prefix searching: Give me all ancestors. This, however have lead to some ambigouty with overlapping directory names. This particular problem was, however, not possible to work around in an easy way, so from now we store these as `/blog/`. Fixes #7301
430 lines
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430 lines
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// Copyright 2019 The Hugo Authors. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package hugolib
import (
qt "github.com/frankban/quicktest"
const pageCollectionsPageTemplate = `---
title: "%s"
- Hugo
# Doc
func BenchmarkGetPage(b *testing.B) {
var (
cfg, fs = newTestCfg()
r = rand.New(rand.NewSource(time.Now().UnixNano()))
for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
for j := 0; j < 100; j++ {
writeSource(b, fs, filepath.Join("content", fmt.Sprintf("sect%d", i), fmt.Sprintf("page%d.md", j)), "CONTENT")
s := buildSingleSite(b, deps.DepsCfg{Fs: fs, Cfg: cfg}, BuildCfg{SkipRender: true})
pagePaths := make([]string, b.N)
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
pagePaths[i] = fmt.Sprintf("sect%d", r.Intn(10))
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
home, _ := s.getPageNew(nil, "/")
if home == nil {
b.Fatal("Home is nil")
p, _ := s.getPageNew(nil, pagePaths[i])
if p == nil {
b.Fatal("Section is nil")
func createGetPageRegularBenchmarkSite(t testing.TB) *Site {
var (
c = qt.New(t)
cfg, fs = newTestCfg()
pc := func(title string) string {
return fmt.Sprintf(pageCollectionsPageTemplate, title)
for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
for j := 0; j < 100; j++ {
content := pc(fmt.Sprintf("Title%d_%d", i, j))
writeSource(c, fs, filepath.Join("content", fmt.Sprintf("sect%d", i), fmt.Sprintf("page%d.md", j)), content)
return buildSingleSite(c, deps.DepsCfg{Fs: fs, Cfg: cfg}, BuildCfg{SkipRender: true})
func TestBenchmarkGetPageRegular(t *testing.T) {
c := qt.New(t)
s := createGetPageRegularBenchmarkSite(t)
for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
pp := path.Join("/", fmt.Sprintf("sect%d", i), fmt.Sprintf("page%d.md", i))
page, _ := s.getPageNew(nil, pp)
c.Assert(page, qt.Not(qt.IsNil), qt.Commentf(pp))
func BenchmarkGetPageRegular(b *testing.B) {
r := rand.New(rand.NewSource(time.Now().UnixNano()))
b.Run("From root", func(b *testing.B) {
s := createGetPageRegularBenchmarkSite(b)
c := qt.New(b)
pagePaths := make([]string, b.N)
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
pagePaths[i] = path.Join(fmt.Sprintf("/sect%d", r.Intn(10)), fmt.Sprintf("page%d.md", r.Intn(100)))
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
page, _ := s.getPageNew(nil, pagePaths[i])
c.Assert(page, qt.Not(qt.IsNil))
b.Run("Page relative", func(b *testing.B) {
s := createGetPageRegularBenchmarkSite(b)
c := qt.New(b)
allPages := s.RegularPages()
pagePaths := make([]string, b.N)
pages := make([]page.Page, b.N)
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
pagePaths[i] = fmt.Sprintf("page%d.md", r.Intn(100))
pages[i] = allPages[r.Intn(len(allPages)/3)]
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
page, _ := s.getPageNew(pages[i], pagePaths[i])
c.Assert(page, qt.Not(qt.IsNil))
type getPageTest struct {
name string
kind string
context page.Page
pathVariants []string
expectedTitle string
func (t *getPageTest) check(p page.Page, err error, errorMsg string, c *qt.C) {
errorComment := qt.Commentf(errorMsg)
switch t.kind {
case "Ambiguous":
c.Assert(err, qt.Not(qt.IsNil))
c.Assert(p, qt.IsNil, errorComment)
case "NoPage":
c.Assert(err, qt.IsNil)
c.Assert(p, qt.IsNil, errorComment)
c.Assert(err, qt.IsNil, errorComment)
c.Assert(p, qt.Not(qt.IsNil), errorComment)
c.Assert(p.Kind(), qt.Equals, t.kind, errorComment)
c.Assert(p.Title(), qt.Equals, t.expectedTitle, errorComment)
func TestGetPage(t *testing.T) {
var (
cfg, fs = newTestCfg()
c = qt.New(t)
pc := func(title string) string {
return fmt.Sprintf(pageCollectionsPageTemplate, title)
for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
for j := 0; j < 10; j++ {
content := pc(fmt.Sprintf("Title%d_%d", i, j))
writeSource(t, fs, filepath.Join("content", fmt.Sprintf("sect%d", i), fmt.Sprintf("page%d.md", j)), content)
content := pc("home page")
writeSource(t, fs, filepath.Join("content", "_index.md"), content)
content = pc("about page")
writeSource(t, fs, filepath.Join("content", "about.md"), content)
content = pc("section 3")
writeSource(t, fs, filepath.Join("content", "sect3", "_index.md"), content)
writeSource(t, fs, filepath.Join("content", "sect3", "unique.md"), pc("UniqueBase"))
writeSource(t, fs, filepath.Join("content", "sect3", "Unique2.md"), pc("UniqueBase2"))
content = pc("another sect7")
writeSource(t, fs, filepath.Join("content", "sect3", "sect7", "_index.md"), content)
content = pc("deep page")
writeSource(t, fs, filepath.Join("content", "sect3", "subsect", "deep.md"), content)
// Bundle variants
writeSource(t, fs, filepath.Join("content", "sect3", "b1", "index.md"), pc("b1 bundle"))
writeSource(t, fs, filepath.Join("content", "sect3", "index", "index.md"), pc("index bundle"))
writeSource(t, fs, filepath.Join("content", "section_bundle_overlap", "_index.md"), pc("index overlap section"))
writeSource(t, fs, filepath.Join("content", "section_bundle_overlap_bundle", "index.md"), pc("index overlap bundle"))
s := buildSingleSite(t, deps.DepsCfg{Fs: fs, Cfg: cfg}, BuildCfg{SkipRender: true})
sec3, err := s.getPageNew(nil, "/sect3")
c.Assert(err, qt.IsNil)
c.Assert(sec3, qt.Not(qt.IsNil))
tests := []getPageTest{
// legacy content root relative paths
{"Root relative, no slash, home", page.KindHome, nil, []string{""}, "home page"},
{"Root relative, no slash, root page", page.KindPage, nil, []string{"about.md", "ABOUT.md"}, "about page"},
{"Root relative, no slash, section", page.KindSection, nil, []string{"sect3"}, "section 3"},
{"Root relative, no slash, section page", page.KindPage, nil, []string{"sect3/page1.md"}, "Title3_1"},
{"Root relative, no slash, sub setion", page.KindSection, nil, []string{"sect3/sect7"}, "another sect7"},
{"Root relative, no slash, nested page", page.KindPage, nil, []string{"sect3/subsect/deep.md"}, "deep page"},
{"Root relative, no slash, OS slashes", page.KindPage, nil, []string{filepath.FromSlash("sect5/page3.md")}, "Title5_3"},
{"Short ref, unique", page.KindPage, nil, []string{"unique.md", "unique"}, "UniqueBase"},
{"Short ref, unique, upper case", page.KindPage, nil, []string{"Unique2.md", "unique2.md", "unique2"}, "UniqueBase2"},
{"Short ref, ambiguous", "Ambiguous", nil, []string{"page1.md"}, ""},
// ISSUE: This is an ambiguous ref, but because we have to support the legacy
// content root relative paths without a leading slash, the lookup
// returns /sect7. This undermines ambiguity detection, but we have no choice.
//{"Ambiguous", nil, []string{"sect7"}, ""},
{"Section, ambigous", page.KindSection, nil, []string{"sect7"}, "Sect7s"},
{"Absolute, home", page.KindHome, nil, []string{"/", ""}, "home page"},
{"Absolute, page", page.KindPage, nil, []string{"/about.md", "/about"}, "about page"},
{"Absolute, sect", page.KindSection, nil, []string{"/sect3"}, "section 3"},
{"Absolute, page in subsection", page.KindPage, nil, []string{"/sect3/page1.md", "/Sect3/Page1.md"}, "Title3_1"},
{"Absolute, section, subsection with same name", page.KindSection, nil, []string{"/sect3/sect7"}, "another sect7"},
{"Absolute, page, deep", page.KindPage, nil, []string{"/sect3/subsect/deep.md"}, "deep page"},
{"Absolute, page, OS slashes", page.KindPage, nil, []string{filepath.FromSlash("/sect5/page3.md")}, "Title5_3"}, //test OS-specific path
{"Absolute, unique", page.KindPage, nil, []string{"/sect3/unique.md"}, "UniqueBase"},
{"Absolute, unique, case", page.KindPage, nil, []string{"/sect3/Unique2.md", "/sect3/unique2.md", "/sect3/unique2", "/sect3/Unique2"}, "UniqueBase2"},
//next test depends on this page existing
// {"NoPage", nil, []string{"/unique.md"}, ""}, // ISSUE #4969: this is resolving to /sect3/unique.md
{"Absolute, missing page", "NoPage", nil, []string{"/missing-page.md"}, ""},
{"Absolute, missing section", "NoPage", nil, []string{"/missing-section"}, ""},
// relative paths
{"Dot relative, home", page.KindHome, sec3, []string{".."}, "home page"},
{"Dot relative, home, slash", page.KindHome, sec3, []string{"../"}, "home page"},
{"Dot relative about", page.KindPage, sec3, []string{"../about.md"}, "about page"},
{"Dot", page.KindSection, sec3, []string{"."}, "section 3"},
{"Dot slash", page.KindSection, sec3, []string{"./"}, "section 3"},
{"Page relative, no dot", page.KindPage, sec3, []string{"page1.md"}, "Title3_1"},
{"Page relative, dot", page.KindPage, sec3, []string{"./page1.md"}, "Title3_1"},
{"Up and down another section", page.KindPage, sec3, []string{"../sect4/page2.md"}, "Title4_2"},
{"Rel sect7", page.KindSection, sec3, []string{"sect7"}, "another sect7"},
{"Rel sect7 dot", page.KindSection, sec3, []string{"./sect7"}, "another sect7"},
{"Dot deep", page.KindPage, sec3, []string{"./subsect/deep.md"}, "deep page"},
{"Dot dot inner", page.KindPage, sec3, []string{"./subsect/../../sect7/page9.md"}, "Title7_9"},
{"Dot OS slash", page.KindPage, sec3, []string{filepath.FromSlash("../sect5/page3.md")}, "Title5_3"}, //test OS-specific path
{"Dot unique", page.KindPage, sec3, []string{"./unique.md"}, "UniqueBase"},
{"Dot sect", "NoPage", sec3, []string{"./sect2"}, ""},
//{"NoPage", sec3, []string{"sect2"}, ""}, // ISSUE: /sect3 page relative query is resolving to /sect2
{"Abs, ignore context, home", page.KindHome, sec3, []string{"/"}, "home page"},
{"Abs, ignore context, about", page.KindPage, sec3, []string{"/about.md"}, "about page"},
{"Abs, ignore context, page in section", page.KindPage, sec3, []string{"/sect4/page2.md"}, "Title4_2"},
{"Abs, ignore context, page subsect deep", page.KindPage, sec3, []string{"/sect3/subsect/deep.md"}, "deep page"}, //next test depends on this page existing
{"Abs, ignore context, page deep", "NoPage", sec3, []string{"/subsect/deep.md"}, ""},
// Taxonomies
{"Taxonomy term", page.KindTaxonomyTerm, nil, []string{"categories"}, "Categories"},
{"Taxonomy", page.KindTaxonomy, nil, []string{"categories/hugo", "categories/Hugo"}, "Hugo"},
// Bundle variants
{"Bundle regular", page.KindPage, nil, []string{"sect3/b1", "sect3/b1/index.md", "sect3/b1/index.en.md"}, "b1 bundle"},
{"Bundle index name", page.KindPage, nil, []string{"sect3/index/index.md", "sect3/index"}, "index bundle"},
// https://github.com/gohugoio/hugo/issues/7301
{"Section and bundle overlap", page.KindPage, nil, []string{"section_bundle_overlap_bundle"}, "index overlap bundle"},
for _, test := range tests {
c.Run(test.name, func(c *qt.C) {
errorMsg := fmt.Sprintf("Test case %v %v -> %s", test.context, test.pathVariants, test.expectedTitle)
// test legacy public Site.GetPage (which does not support page context relative queries)
if test.context == nil {
for _, ref := range test.pathVariants {
args := append([]string{test.kind}, ref)
page, err := s.Info.GetPage(args...)
test.check(page, err, errorMsg, c)
// test new internal Site.getPageNew
for _, ref := range test.pathVariants {
page2, err := s.getPageNew(test.context, ref)
test.check(page2, err, errorMsg, c)
// https://github.com/gohugoio/hugo/issues/6034
func TestGetPageRelative(t *testing.T) {
b := newTestSitesBuilder(t)
for i, section := range []string{"what", "where", "who"} {
isDraft := i == 2
section+"/_index.md", fmt.Sprintf("---title: %s\n---", section),
section+"/members.md", fmt.Sprintf("---title: members %s\ndraft: %t\n---", section, isDraft),
b.WithTemplates("_default/list.html", `
{{ with .GetPage "members.md" }}
Members: {{ .Title }}
{{ else }}
{{ end }}
b.AssertFileContent("public/what/index.html", `Members: members what`)
b.AssertFileContent("public/where/index.html", `Members: members where`)
b.AssertFileContent("public/who/index.html", `NOT FOUND`)
// https://github.com/gohugoio/hugo/issues/7016
func TestGetPageMultilingual(t *testing.T) {
b := newTestSitesBuilder(t)
b.WithConfigFile("yaml", `
baseURL: "http://example.org/"
languageCode: "en-us"
defaultContentLanguage: ru
title: "My New Hugo Site"
uglyurls: true
ru: {}
en: {}
"docs/1.md", "\n---title: p1\n---",
"news/1.md", "\n---title: p1\n---",
"news/1.en.md", "\n---title: p1en\n---",
"news/about/1.md", "\n---title: about1\n---",
"news/about/1.en.md", "\n---title: about1en\n---",
b.WithTemplates("index.html", `
{{ with site.GetPage "docs/1" }}
Docs p1: {{ .Title }}
{{ else }}
{{ end }}
b.AssertFileContent("public/index.html", `Docs p1: p1`)
b.AssertFileContent("public/en/index.html", `NOT FOUND`)
func TestShouldDoSimpleLookup(t *testing.T) {
c := qt.New(t)
c.Assert(shouldDoSimpleLookup("foo.md"), qt.Equals, true)
c.Assert(shouldDoSimpleLookup("/foo.md"), qt.Equals, true)
c.Assert(shouldDoSimpleLookup("./foo.md"), qt.Equals, false)
c.Assert(shouldDoSimpleLookup("docs/foo.md"), qt.Equals, false)
func TestRegularPagesRecursive(t *testing.T) {
b := newTestSitesBuilder(t)
b.WithConfigFile("yaml", `
baseURL: "http://example.org/"
title: "My New Hugo Site"
"docs/1.md", "\n---title: docs1\n---",
"docs/sect1/_index.md", "\n---title: docs_sect1\n---",
"docs/sect1/ps1.md", "\n---title: docs_sect1_ps1\n---",
"docs/sect1/ps2.md", "\n---title: docs_sect1_ps2\n---",
"docs/sect1/sect1_s2/_index.md", "\n---title: docs_sect1_s2\n---",
"docs/sect1/sect1_s2/ps2_1.md", "\n---title: docs_sect1_s2_1\n---",
"docs/sect2/_index.md", "\n---title: docs_sect2\n---",
"docs/sect2/ps1.md", "\n---title: docs_sect2_ps1\n---",
"docs/sect2/ps2.md", "\n---title: docs_sect2_ps2\n---",
"news/1.md", "\n---title: news1\n---",
b.WithTemplates("index.html", `
{{ $sect1 := site.GetPage "sect1" }}
Sect1 RegularPagesRecursive: {{ range $sect1.RegularPagesRecursive }}{{ .Kind }}:{{ .RelPermalink}}|{{ end }}|End.
b.AssertFileContent("public/index.html", `
Sect1 RegularPagesRecursive: page:/docs/sect1/ps1/|page:/docs/sect1/ps2/|page:/docs/sect1/sect1_s2/ps2_1/||End.