Bjørn Erik Pedersen 0d6e593ffb Fix and add integration test for the Bootstrap SCSS module for both Dart Sass and Libsass
This fixes the reverse filesystem lookup (absolute filename to path relative to the composite filesystem).

The old logic had some assumptions about the locality of the actual files that didn't work in more complex scenarios.

This commit now also adds the popular Bootstrap SCSS Hugo module to the CI build (both for libsass and dartsass transpiler), so we can hopefully avoid similar future breakage.

Fixes #12178
2024-03-01 14:18:52 +01:00

816 lines
20 KiB

package hugolib
import (
qt ""
type TestOpt func(*IntegrationTestConfig)
func TestOptRunning() TestOpt {
return func(c *IntegrationTestConfig) {
c.Running = true
// Enable tracing in integration tests.
// THis should only be used during development and not committed to the repo.
func TestOptTrace() TestOpt {
return func(c *IntegrationTestConfig) {
c.LogLevel = logg.LevelTrace
// TestOptDebug will enable debug logging in integration tests.
func TestOptDebug() TestOpt {
return func(c *IntegrationTestConfig) {
c.LogLevel = logg.LevelDebug
// TestOptWarn will enable warn logging in integration tests.
func TestOptWarn() TestOpt {
return func(c *IntegrationTestConfig) {
c.LogLevel = logg.LevelWarn
// TestOptWithNFDOnDarwin will normalize the Unicode filenames to NFD on Darwin.
func TestOptWithNFDOnDarwin() TestOpt {
return func(c *IntegrationTestConfig) {
c.NFDFormOnDarwin = true
// TestOptWithWorkingDir allows setting any config optiona as a function al option.
func TestOptWithConfig(fn func(c *IntegrationTestConfig)) TestOpt {
return func(c *IntegrationTestConfig) {
// Test is a convenience method to create a new IntegrationTestBuilder from some files and run a build.
func Test(t testing.TB, files string, opts ...TestOpt) *IntegrationTestBuilder {
cfg := IntegrationTestConfig{T: t, TxtarString: files}
for _, o := range opts {
return NewIntegrationTestBuilder(cfg).Build()
// TestE is the same as Test, but returns an error instead of failing the test.
func TestE(t testing.TB, files string, opts ...TestOpt) (*IntegrationTestBuilder, error) {
cfg := IntegrationTestConfig{T: t, TxtarString: files}
for _, o := range opts {
return NewIntegrationTestBuilder(cfg).BuildE()
// TestRunning is a convenience method to create a new IntegrationTestBuilder from some files with Running set to true and run a build.
// Deprecated: Use Test with TestOptRunning instead.
func TestRunning(t testing.TB, files string, opts ...TestOpt) *IntegrationTestBuilder {
cfg := IntegrationTestConfig{T: t, TxtarString: files, Running: true}
for _, o := range opts {
return NewIntegrationTestBuilder(cfg).Build()
// In most cases you should not use this function directly, but the Test or TestRunning function.
func NewIntegrationTestBuilder(conf IntegrationTestConfig) *IntegrationTestBuilder {
// Code fences.
conf.TxtarString = strings.ReplaceAll(conf.TxtarString, "§§§", "```")
// Multiline strings.
conf.TxtarString = strings.ReplaceAll(conf.TxtarString, "§§", "`")
data := txtar.Parse([]byte(conf.TxtarString))
if conf.NFDFormOnDarwin {
for i, f := range data.Files {
data.Files[i].Name = norm.NFD.String(f.Name)
c, ok := conf.T.(*qt.C)
if !ok {
c = qt.New(conf.T)
if conf.NeedsOsFS {
if !filepath.IsAbs(conf.WorkingDir) {
tempDir, clean, err := htesting.CreateTempDir(hugofs.Os, "hugo-integration-test")
c.Assert(err, qt.IsNil)
conf.WorkingDir = filepath.Join(tempDir, conf.WorkingDir)
if !conf.PrintAndKeepTempDir {
} else {
fmt.Println("\nUsing WorkingDir dir:", conf.WorkingDir)
} else if conf.WorkingDir == "" {
conf.WorkingDir = helpers.FilePathSeparator
return &IntegrationTestBuilder{
Cfg: conf,
C: c,
data: data,
// IntegrationTestBuilder is a (partial) rewrite of sitesBuilder.
// The main problem with the "old" one was that it was that the test data was often a little hidden,
// so it became hard to look at a test and determine what it should do, especially coming back to the
// test after a year or so.
type IntegrationTestBuilder struct {
data *txtar.Archive
fs *hugofs.Fs
H *HugoSites
Cfg IntegrationTestConfig
changedFiles []string
createdFiles []string
removedFiles []string
renamedFiles []string
renamedDirs []string
buildCount int
GCCount int
counters *buildCounters
logBuff lockingBuffer
lastBuildLog string
builderInit sync.Once
type lockingBuffer struct {
func (b *lockingBuffer) ReadFrom(r io.Reader) (n int64, err error) {
n, err = b.Buffer.ReadFrom(r)
func (b *lockingBuffer) Write(p []byte) (n int, err error) {
n, err = b.Buffer.Write(p)
func (s *IntegrationTestBuilder) AssertLogContains(els ...string) {
for _, el := range els {
s.Assert(s.lastBuildLog, qt.Contains, el)
func (s *IntegrationTestBuilder) AssertLogNotContains(els ...string) {
for _, el := range els {
s.Assert(s.lastBuildLog, qt.Not(qt.Contains), el)
func (s *IntegrationTestBuilder) AssertLogMatches(expression string) {
re := regexp.MustCompile(expression)
s.Assert(re.MatchString(s.lastBuildLog), qt.IsTrue, qt.Commentf(s.lastBuildLog))
func (s *IntegrationTestBuilder) AssertBuildCountData(count int) {
s.Assert(, qt.Equals, count)
func (s *IntegrationTestBuilder) AssertBuildCountGitInfo(count int) {
s.Assert(s.H.init.gitInfo.InitCount(), qt.Equals, count)
func (s *IntegrationTestBuilder) AssertBuildCountLayouts(count int) {
s.Assert(s.H.init.layouts.InitCount(), qt.Equals, count)
func (s *IntegrationTestBuilder) AssertFileCount(dirname string, expected int) {
fs := s.fs.WorkingDirReadOnly
count := 0
afero.Walk(fs, dirname, func(path string, info os.FileInfo, err error) error {
if err != nil {
return err
if info.IsDir() {
return nil
return nil
s.Assert(count, qt.Equals, expected)
func (s *IntegrationTestBuilder) AssertFileContent(filename string, matches ...string) {
content := strings.TrimSpace(s.FileContent(filename))
for _, m := range matches {
cm := qt.Commentf("File: %s Match %s", filename, m)
lines := strings.Split(m, "\n")
for _, match := range lines {
match = strings.TrimSpace(match)
if match == "" || strings.HasPrefix(match, "#") {
var negate bool
if strings.HasPrefix(match, "! ") {
negate = true
match = strings.TrimPrefix(match, "! ")
if negate {
s.Assert(content, qt.Not(qt.Contains), match, cm)
s.Assert(content, qt.Contains, match, cm)
func (s *IntegrationTestBuilder) AssertFileContentExact(filename string, matches ...string) {
content := s.FileContent(filename)
for _, m := range matches {
s.Assert(content, qt.Contains, m, qt.Commentf(m))
func (s *IntegrationTestBuilder) AssertPublishDir(matches ...string) {
s.AssertFs(s.fs.PublishDir, matches...)
func (s *IntegrationTestBuilder) AssertFs(fs afero.Fs, matches ...string) {
var buff bytes.Buffer
s.Assert(s.printAndCheckFs(fs, "", &buff), qt.IsNil)
printFsLines := strings.Split(buff.String(), "\n")
content := strings.TrimSpace((strings.Join(printFsLines, "\n")))
for _, m := range matches {
cm := qt.Commentf("Match: %q\nIn:\n%s", m, content)
lines := strings.Split(m, "\n")
for _, match := range lines {
match = strings.TrimSpace(match)
var negate bool
if strings.HasPrefix(match, "! ") {
negate = true
match = strings.TrimPrefix(match, "! ")
if negate {
s.Assert(content, qt.Not(qt.Contains), match, cm)
s.Assert(content, qt.Contains, match, cm)
func (s *IntegrationTestBuilder) printAndCheckFs(fs afero.Fs, path string, w io.Writer) error {
if fs == nil {
return nil
return afero.Walk(fs, path, func(path string, info os.FileInfo, err error) error {
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error: path %q: %s", path, err)
path = filepath.ToSlash(path)
if path == "" {
path = "."
if !info.IsDir() {
f, err := fs.Open(path)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error: path %q: %s", path, err)
defer f.Close()
// This will panic if the file is a directory.
var buf [1]byte
io.ReadFull(f, buf[:])
fmt.Fprintln(w, path, info.IsDir())
return nil
func (s *IntegrationTestBuilder) AssertFileExists(filename string, b bool) {
checker := qt.IsNil
if !b {
checker = qt.IsNotNil
_, err := s.fs.WorkingDirReadOnly.Stat(filename)
if !herrors.IsNotExist(err) {
s.Assert(err, qt.IsNil)
s.Assert(err, checker)
func (s *IntegrationTestBuilder) AssertIsFileError(err error) herrors.FileError {
s.Assert(err, qt.ErrorAs, new(herrors.FileError))
return herrors.UnwrapFileError(err)
func (s *IntegrationTestBuilder) AssertRenderCountContent(count int) {
s.Assert(s.counters.contentRenderCounter.Load(), qt.Equals, uint64(count))
func (s *IntegrationTestBuilder) AssertRenderCountPage(count int) {
s.Assert(s.counters.pageRenderCounter.Load(), qt.Equals, uint64(count))
func (s *IntegrationTestBuilder) AssertRenderCountPageBetween(from, to int) {
i := int(s.counters.pageRenderCounter.Load())
s.Assert(i >= from && i <= to, qt.IsTrue)
func (s *IntegrationTestBuilder) Build() *IntegrationTestBuilder {
_, err := s.BuildE()
if s.Cfg.Verbose || err != nil {
if s.H != nil && err == nil {
for _, s := range s.H.Sites {
m := s.pageMap
var buff bytes.Buffer
fmt.Fprintf(&buff, "PageMap for site %q\n\n", s.Language().Lang)
m.debugPrint("", 999, &buff)
} else if s.Cfg.LogLevel <= logg.LevelDebug {
s.Assert(err, qt.IsNil)
if s.Cfg.RunGC {
s.GCCount, err = s.H.GC()
s.Assert(err, qt.IsNil)
return s
func (s *IntegrationTestBuilder) LogString() string {
return s.lastBuildLog
func (s *IntegrationTestBuilder) BuildE() (*IntegrationTestBuilder, error) {
if err := s.initBuilder(); err != nil {
return s, err
err :=
return s, err
func (s *IntegrationTestBuilder) Init() *IntegrationTestBuilder {
if err := s.initBuilder(); err != nil {
s.Fatalf("Failed to init builder: %s", err)
s.lastBuildLog = s.logBuff.String()
return s
type IntegrationTestDebugConfig struct {
Out io.Writer
PrintDestinationFs bool
PrintPagemap bool
PrefixDestinationFs string
PrefixPagemap string
func (s *IntegrationTestBuilder) EditFileReplaceAll(filename, old, new string) *IntegrationTestBuilder {
return s.EditFileReplaceFunc(filename, func(s string) string {
return strings.ReplaceAll(s, old, new)
func (s *IntegrationTestBuilder) EditFileReplaceFunc(filename string, replacementFunc func(s string) string) *IntegrationTestBuilder {
absFilename := s.absFilename(filename)
b, err := afero.ReadFile(s.fs.Source, absFilename)
s.Assert(err, qt.IsNil)
s.changedFiles = append(s.changedFiles, absFilename)
oldContent := string(b)
s.writeSource(absFilename, replacementFunc(oldContent))
return s
func (s *IntegrationTestBuilder) EditFiles(filenameContent ...string) *IntegrationTestBuilder {
for i := 0; i < len(filenameContent); i += 2 {
filename, content := filepath.FromSlash(filenameContent[i]), filenameContent[i+1]
absFilename := s.absFilename(filename)
s.changedFiles = append(s.changedFiles, absFilename)
s.writeSource(absFilename, content)
return s
func (s *IntegrationTestBuilder) AddFiles(filenameContent ...string) *IntegrationTestBuilder {
for i := 0; i < len(filenameContent); i += 2 {
filename, content := filepath.FromSlash(filenameContent[i]), filenameContent[i+1]
absFilename := s.absFilename(filename)
s.createdFiles = append(s.createdFiles, absFilename)
s.writeSource(absFilename, content)
return s
func (s *IntegrationTestBuilder) RemoveFiles(filenames ...string) *IntegrationTestBuilder {
for _, filename := range filenames {
absFilename := s.absFilename(filename)
s.removedFiles = append(s.removedFiles, absFilename)
s.Assert(s.fs.Source.Remove(absFilename), qt.IsNil)
return s
func (s *IntegrationTestBuilder) RenameFile(old, new string) *IntegrationTestBuilder {
absOldFilename := s.absFilename(old)
absNewFilename := s.absFilename(new)
s.renamedFiles = append(s.renamedFiles, absOldFilename)
s.createdFiles = append(s.createdFiles, absNewFilename)
s.Assert(s.fs.Source.MkdirAll(filepath.Dir(absNewFilename), 0o777), qt.IsNil)
s.Assert(s.fs.Source.Rename(absOldFilename, absNewFilename), qt.IsNil)
return s
func (s *IntegrationTestBuilder) RenameDir(old, new string) *IntegrationTestBuilder {
absOldFilename := s.absFilename(old)
absNewFilename := s.absFilename(new)
s.renamedDirs = append(s.renamedDirs, absOldFilename)
s.changedFiles = append(s.changedFiles, absNewFilename)
afero.Walk(s.fs.Source, absOldFilename, func(path string, info os.FileInfo, err error) error {
if err != nil {
return err
if info.IsDir() {
return nil
s.createdFiles = append(s.createdFiles, strings.Replace(path, absOldFilename, absNewFilename, 1))
return nil
s.Assert(s.fs.Source.MkdirAll(filepath.Dir(absNewFilename), 0o777), qt.IsNil)
s.Assert(s.fs.Source.Rename(absOldFilename, absNewFilename), qt.IsNil)
return s
func (s *IntegrationTestBuilder) FileContent(filename string) string {
return s.readWorkingDir(s, s.fs, filepath.FromSlash(filename))
func (s *IntegrationTestBuilder) initBuilder() error {
var initErr error
s.builderInit.Do(func() {
var afs afero.Fs
if s.Cfg.NeedsOsFS {
afs = afero.NewOsFs()
} else {
afs = afero.NewMemMapFs()
if s.Cfg.LogLevel == 0 {
s.Cfg.LogLevel = logg.LevelError
isBinaryRe := regexp.MustCompile(`^(.*)(\.png|\.jpg)$`)
const dataSourceFilenamePrefix = "sourcefilename:"
for _, f := range {
filename := filepath.Join(s.Cfg.WorkingDir, f.Name)
data := bytes.TrimSuffix(f.Data, []byte("\n"))
datastr := strings.TrimSpace(string(data))
if strings.HasPrefix(datastr, dataSourceFilenamePrefix) {
// Read from file relative to the current dir.
var err error
wd, _ := os.Getwd()
filename := filepath.Join(wd, strings.TrimSpace(strings.TrimPrefix(datastr, dataSourceFilenamePrefix)))
data, err = os.ReadFile(filename)
s.Assert(err, qt.IsNil)
} else if isBinaryRe.MatchString(filename) {
var err error
data, err = base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(string(data))
s.Assert(err, qt.IsNil)
s.Assert(afs.MkdirAll(filepath.Dir(filename), 0o777), qt.IsNil)
s.Assert(afero.WriteFile(afs, filename, data, 0o666), qt.IsNil)
configDir := "config"
if _, err := afs.Stat(filepath.Join(s.Cfg.WorkingDir, "config")); err != nil {
configDir = ""
var flags config.Provider
if s.Cfg.BaseCfg != nil {
flags = s.Cfg.BaseCfg
} else {
flags = config.New()
if s.Cfg.Running {
flags.Set("internal", maps.Params{
"running": s.Cfg.Running,
"watch": s.Cfg.Running,
if s.Cfg.WorkingDir != "" {
flags.Set("workingDir", s.Cfg.WorkingDir)
var w io.Writer
if s.Cfg.LogLevel == logg.LevelTrace {
w = os.Stdout
} else {
w = &s.logBuff
logger := loggers.New(
Stdout: w,
Stderr: w,
Level: s.Cfg.LogLevel,
DistinctLevel: logg.LevelWarn,
res, err := allconfig.LoadConfig(
Flags: flags,
ConfigDir: configDir,
Fs: afs,
Logger: logger,
Environ: s.Cfg.Environ,
if err != nil {
initErr = err
fs := hugofs.NewFrom(afs, res.LoadingInfo.BaseConfig)
s.Assert(err, qt.IsNil)
depsCfg := deps.DepsCfg{Configs: res, Fs: fs, LogLevel: logger.Level(), LogOut: logger.Out()}
sites, err := NewHugoSites(depsCfg)
if err != nil {
initErr = err
if sites == nil {
initErr = errors.New("no sites")
s.H = sites
s.fs = fs
if s.Cfg.NeedsNpmInstall {
wd, _ := os.Getwd()
s.Assert(os.Chdir(s.Cfg.WorkingDir), qt.IsNil)
s.C.Cleanup(func() { os.Chdir(wd) })
sc := security.DefaultConfig
sc.Exec.Allow, err = security.NewWhitelist("npm")
s.Assert(err, qt.IsNil)
ex := hexec.New(sc)
command, err := ex.New("npm", "install")
s.Assert(err, qt.IsNil)
s.Assert(command.Run(), qt.IsNil)
return initErr
func (s *IntegrationTestBuilder) absFilename(filename string) string {
filename = filepath.FromSlash(filename)
if filepath.IsAbs(filename) {
return filename
if s.Cfg.WorkingDir != "" && !strings.HasPrefix(filename, s.Cfg.WorkingDir) {
filename = filepath.Join(s.Cfg.WorkingDir, filename)
return filename
func (s *IntegrationTestBuilder) reset() {
s.changedFiles = nil
s.createdFiles = nil
s.removedFiles = nil
s.renamedFiles = nil
func (s *IntegrationTestBuilder) build(cfg BuildCfg) error {
defer func() {
s.lastBuildLog = s.logBuff.String()
changeEvents := s.changeEvents()
s.counters = &buildCounters{}
cfg.testCounters = s.counters
if s.buildCount > 0 && (len(changeEvents) == 0) {
return nil
err := s.H.Build(cfg, changeEvents...)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (s *IntegrationTestBuilder) changeEvents() []fsnotify.Event {
var events []fsnotify.Event
for _, v := range s.removedFiles {
events = append(events, fsnotify.Event{
Name: v,
Op: fsnotify.Remove,
for _, v := range s.renamedFiles {
events = append(events, fsnotify.Event{
Name: v,
Op: fsnotify.Rename,
for _, v := range s.renamedDirs {
events = append(events, fsnotify.Event{
Name: v,
// This is what we get on MacOS.
Op: fsnotify.Remove | fsnotify.Rename,
for _, v := range s.changedFiles {
events = append(events, fsnotify.Event{
Name: v,
Op: fsnotify.Write,
for _, v := range s.createdFiles {
events = append(events, fsnotify.Event{
Name: v,
Op: fsnotify.Create,
// Shuffle events.
for i := range events {
j := rand.Intn(i + 1)
events[i], events[j] = events[j], events[i]
return events
func (s *IntegrationTestBuilder) readWorkingDir(t testing.TB, fs *hugofs.Fs, filename string) string {
return s.readFileFromFs(t, fs.WorkingDirReadOnly, filename)
func (s *IntegrationTestBuilder) readFileFromFs(t testing.TB, fs afero.Fs, filename string) string {
filename = filepath.Clean(filename)
b, err := afero.ReadFile(fs, filename)
if err != nil {
// Print some debug info
hadSlash := strings.HasPrefix(filename, helpers.FilePathSeparator)
start := 0
if hadSlash {
start = 1
end := start + 1
parts := strings.Split(filename, helpers.FilePathSeparator)
if parts[start] == "work" {
s.Assert(err, qt.IsNil)
return string(b)
func (s *IntegrationTestBuilder) writeSource(filename, content string) {
s.writeToFs(s.fs.Source, filename, content)
func (s *IntegrationTestBuilder) writeToFs(fs afero.Fs, filename, content string) {
if err := afero.WriteFile(fs, filepath.FromSlash(filename), []byte(content), 0o755); err != nil {
s.Fatalf("Failed to write file: %s", err)
type IntegrationTestConfig struct {
T testing.TB
// The files to use on txtar format, see
TxtarString string
// COnfig to use as the base. We will also read the config from the txtar.
BaseCfg config.Provider
// Environment variables passed to the config loader.
Environ []string
// Whether to simulate server mode.
Running bool
// Will print the log buffer after the build
Verbose bool
// The log level to use.
LogLevel logg.Level
// Whether it needs the real file system (e.g. for js.Build tests).
NeedsOsFS bool
// Whether to run GC after each build.
RunGC bool
// Do not remove the temp dir after the test.
PrintAndKeepTempDir bool
// Whether to run npm install before Build.
NeedsNpmInstall bool
// Whether to normalize the Unicode filenames to NFD on Darwin.
NFDFormOnDarwin bool
// The working dir to use. If not absolute, a temp dir will be created.
WorkingDir string
// The config to pass to Build.
BuildCfg BuildCfg