Bjørn Erik Pedersen e1da7cb320 Fix case issues with Params
There are currently several Params and case related issues floating around in Hugo.

This is very confusing for users and one of the most common support questions on the forum.

And while there have been done some great leg work in Viper etc., this is of limited value since this and similar doesn't work:


Hugo has control over all the template method invocations, and can take care of all the lower-casing of the map lookup keys.

But that doesn't help with direct template lookups of type `Site.Params.TWITTER_CONFIG.USER_ID`.

This commit solves that by doing some carefully crafted modifications of the templates' AST -- lowercasing the params keys.

This is low-level work, but it's not like the template API wil change -- and this is important enough to defend such "bit fiddling".

Tests are added for all the template engines: Go templates, Ace and Amber.

Fixes #2615
Fixes #1129
Fixes #2590
2016-11-22 17:33:52 +01:00

288 lines
7.1 KiB

// Copyright 2016 The Hugo Authors. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package hugolib
import (
bp ""
jww ""
// renderPages renders pages each corresponding to a markdown file.
// TODO(bep np doc
func (s *Site) renderPages() error {
results := make(chan error)
pages := make(chan *Page)
errs := make(chan error)
go errorCollator(results, errs)
procs := getGoMaxProcs()
wg := &sync.WaitGroup{}
for i := 0; i < procs*4; i++ {
go pageRenderer(s, pages, results, wg)
for _, page := range s.Pages {
pages <- page
err := <-errs
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Error(s) rendering pages: %.60s…", err)
return nil
func pageRenderer(s *Site, pages <-chan *Page, results chan<- error, wg *sync.WaitGroup) {
defer wg.Done()
for p := range pages {
targetPath := p.TargetPath()
layouts := p.layouts()
jww.DEBUG.Printf("Render %s to %q with layouts %q", p.Kind, targetPath, layouts)
if err := s.renderAndWritePage("page "+p.FullFilePath(), targetPath, p, s.appendThemeTemplates(layouts)...); err != nil {
results <- err
// Taxonomy terms have no page set to paginate, so skip that for now.
if p.IsNode() && p.Kind != KindTaxonomyTerm {
if err := s.renderPaginator(p); err != nil {
results <- err
if err := s.renderRSS(p); err != nil {
results <- err
// renderPaginator must be run after the owning Page has been rendered.
func (s *Site) renderPaginator(p *Page) error {
if p.paginator != nil {
jww.DEBUG.Printf("Render paginator for page %q", p.Path())
paginatePath := helpers.Config().GetString("paginatePath")
// write alias for page 1
// TODO(bep) ml all of these n.addLang ... fix.
aliasPath := p.addLangPathPrefix(helpers.PaginateAliasPath(path.Join(p.sections...), 1))
link := p.Permalink()
s.writeDestAlias(aliasPath, link, nil)
pagers := p.paginator.Pagers()
for i, pager := range pagers {
if i == 0 {
// already created
pagerNode := p.copy()
pagerNode.paginator = pager
if pager.TotalPages() > 0 {
first, _ :=
pagerNode.Date = first.Date
pagerNode.Lastmod = first.Lastmod
pageNumber := i + 1
htmlBase := path.Join(p.URLPath.URL, fmt.Sprintf("/%s/%d", paginatePath, pageNumber))
htmlBase = p.addLangPathPrefix(htmlBase)
if err := s.renderAndWritePage(pagerNode.Title,
filepath.FromSlash(htmlBase), pagerNode, p.layouts()...); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (s *Site) renderRSS(p *Page) error {
layouts := p.rssLayouts()
if layouts == nil {
// No RSS for this NodeType
return nil
rssPage := p.copy()
rssPage.Kind = kindRSS
// TODO(bep) we zero the date here to get the number of diffs down in
// testing. But this should be set back later; the RSS feed should
// inherit the publish date from the node it represents.
if p.Kind == KindTaxonomy {
var zeroDate time.Time
rssPage.Date = zeroDate
high := 50
if len(rssPage.Pages) > high {
rssPage.Pages = rssPage.Pages[:high]
rssPage.Data["Pages"] = rssPage.Pages
rssURI := s.Language.GetString("rssURI")
rssPath := path.Join(rssPage.URLPath.URL, rssURI)
s.setPageURLs(rssPage, rssPath)
if err := s.renderAndWriteXML(rssPage.Title, rssPage.addLangFilepathPrefix(rssPath), rssPage, s.appendThemeTemplates(layouts)...); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (s *Site) render404() error {
if viper.GetBool("disable404") {
return nil
p := s.newNodePage(kind404)
p.Title = "404 Page not found"
p.Data["Pages"] = s.Pages
p.Pages = s.Pages
s.setPageURLs(p, "404.html")
nfLayouts := []string{"404.html"}
if nfErr := s.renderAndWritePage("404 page", "404.html", p, s.appendThemeTemplates(nfLayouts)...); nfErr != nil {
return nfErr
return nil
func (s *Site) renderSitemap() error {
if viper.GetBool("disableSitemap") {
return nil
sitemapDefault := parseSitemap(viper.GetStringMap("sitemap"))
n := s.newNodePage(kindSitemap)
// Include all pages (regular, home page, taxonomies etc.)
pages := s.Pages
page := s.newNodePage(kindSitemap)
page.URLPath.URL = ""
page.Sitemap.ChangeFreq = sitemapDefault.ChangeFreq
page.Sitemap.Priority = sitemapDefault.Priority
page.Sitemap.Filename = sitemapDefault.Filename
n.Data["Pages"] = pages
n.Pages = pages
// TODO(bep) this should be done somewhere else
for _, page := range pages {
if page.Sitemap.ChangeFreq == "" {
page.Sitemap.ChangeFreq = sitemapDefault.ChangeFreq
if page.Sitemap.Priority == -1 {
page.Sitemap.Priority = sitemapDefault.Priority
if page.Sitemap.Filename == "" {
page.Sitemap.Filename = sitemapDefault.Filename
smLayouts := []string{"sitemap.xml", "_default/sitemap.xml", "_internal/_default/sitemap.xml"}
addLanguagePrefix := n.Site.IsMultiLingual()
if err := s.renderAndWriteXML("sitemap", n.addLangPathPrefixIfFlagSet(page.Sitemap.Filename, addLanguagePrefix), n, s.appendThemeTemplates(smLayouts)...); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (s *Site) renderRobotsTXT() error {
if !viper.GetBool("enableRobotsTXT") {
return nil
n := s.newNodePage(kindRobotsTXT)
n.Data["Pages"] = s.Pages
n.Pages = s.Pages
rLayouts := []string{"robots.txt", "_default/robots.txt", "_internal/_default/robots.txt"}
outBuffer := bp.GetBuffer()
defer bp.PutBuffer(outBuffer)
err := s.renderForLayouts("robots", n, outBuffer, s.appendThemeTemplates(rLayouts)...)
if err == nil {
err = s.writeDestFile("robots.txt", outBuffer)
return err
// renderAliases renders shell pages that simply have a redirect in the header.
func (s *Site) renderAliases() error {
for _, p := range s.Pages {
if len(p.Aliases) == 0 {
plink := p.Permalink()
for _, a := range p.Aliases {
if err := s.writeDestAlias(a, plink, p); err != nil {
return err
if s.owner.multilingual.enabled() {
mainLang := s.owner.multilingual.DefaultLang.Lang
if s.Info.defaultContentLanguageInSubdir {
mainLangURL := s.Info.pathSpec.AbsURL(mainLang, false)
jww.DEBUG.Printf("Write redirect to main language %s: %s", mainLang, mainLangURL)
if err := s.publishDestAlias(s.languageAliasTarget(), "/", mainLangURL, nil); err != nil {
return err
} else {
mainLangURL := s.Info.pathSpec.AbsURL("", false)
jww.DEBUG.Printf("Write redirect to main language %s: %s", mainLang, mainLangURL)
if err := s.publishDestAlias(s.languageAliasTarget(), mainLang, mainLangURL, nil); err != nil {
return err
return nil