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synced 2025-03-01 06:53:29 +00:00
Before this commit, you would have to use page bundles to do image processing etc. in Hugo. This commit adds * A new `/assets` top-level project or theme dir (configurable via `assetDir`) * A new template func, `resources.Get` which can be used to "get a resource" that can be further processed. This means that you can now do this in your templates (or shortcodes): ```bash {{ $sunset := (resources.Get "images/sunset.jpg").Fill "300x200" }} ``` This also adds a new `extended` build tag that enables powerful SCSS/SASS support with source maps. To compile this from source, you will also need a C compiler installed: ``` HUGO_BUILD_TAGS=extended mage install ``` Note that you can use output of the SCSS processing later in a non-SCSSS-enabled Hugo. The `SCSS` processor is a _Resource transformation step_ and it can be chained with the many others in a pipeline: ```bash {{ $css := resources.Get "styles.scss" | resources.ToCSS | resources.PostCSS | resources.Minify | resources.Fingerprint }} <link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ $styles.RelPermalink }}" integrity="{{ $styles.Data.Digest }}" media="screen"> ``` The transformation funcs above have aliases, so it can be shortened to: ```bash {{ $css := resources.Get "styles.scss" | toCSS | postCSS | minify | fingerprint }} <link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ $styles.RelPermalink }}" integrity="{{ $styles.Data.Digest }}" media="screen"> ``` A quick tip would be to avoid the fingerprinting part, and possibly also the not-superfast `postCSS` when you're doing development, as it allows Hugo to be smarter about the rebuilding. Documentation will follow, but have a look at the demo repo in https://github.com/bep/hugo-sass-test New functions to create `Resource` objects: * `resources.Get` (see above) * `resources.FromString`: Create a Resource from a string. New `Resource` transformation funcs: * `resources.ToCSS`: Compile `SCSS` or `SASS` into `CSS`. * `resources.PostCSS`: Process your CSS with PostCSS. Config file support (project or theme or passed as an option). * `resources.Minify`: Currently supports `css`, `js`, `json`, `html`, `svg`, `xml`. * `resources.Fingerprint`: Creates a fingerprinted version of the given Resource with Subresource Integrity.. * `resources.Concat`: Concatenates a list of Resource objects. Think of this as a poor man's bundler. * `resources.ExecuteAsTemplate`: Parses and executes the given Resource and data context (e.g. .Site) as a Go template. Fixes #4381 Fixes #4903 Fixes #4858
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