Bjørn Erik Pedersen dea71670c0
Add Hugo Piper with SCSS support and much more
Before this commit, you would have to use page bundles to do image processing etc. in Hugo.

This commit adds

* A new `/assets` top-level project or theme dir (configurable via `assetDir`)
* A new template func, `resources.Get` which can be used to "get a resource" that can be further processed.

This means that you can now do this in your templates (or shortcodes):

{{ $sunset := (resources.Get "images/sunset.jpg").Fill "300x200" }}

This also adds a new `extended` build tag that enables powerful SCSS/SASS support with source maps. To compile this from source, you will also need a C compiler installed:

HUGO_BUILD_TAGS=extended mage install

Note that you can use output of the SCSS processing later in a non-SCSSS-enabled Hugo.

The `SCSS` processor is a _Resource transformation step_ and it can be chained with the many others in a pipeline:

{{ $css := resources.Get "styles.scss" | resources.ToCSS | resources.PostCSS | resources.Minify | resources.Fingerprint }}
<link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ $styles.RelPermalink }}" integrity="{{ $styles.Data.Digest }}" media="screen">

The transformation funcs above have aliases, so it can be shortened to:

{{ $css := resources.Get "styles.scss" | toCSS | postCSS | minify | fingerprint }}
<link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ $styles.RelPermalink }}" integrity="{{ $styles.Data.Digest }}" media="screen">

A quick tip would be to avoid the fingerprinting part, and possibly also the not-superfast `postCSS` when you're doing development, as it allows Hugo to be smarter about the rebuilding.

Documentation will follow, but have a look at the demo repo in

New functions to create `Resource` objects:

* `resources.Get` (see above)
* `resources.FromString`: Create a Resource from a string.

New `Resource` transformation funcs:

* `resources.ToCSS`: Compile `SCSS` or `SASS` into `CSS`.
* `resources.PostCSS`: Process your CSS with PostCSS. Config file support (project or theme or passed as an option).
* `resources.Minify`: Currently supports `css`, `js`, `json`, `html`, `svg`, `xml`.
* `resources.Fingerprint`: Creates a fingerprinted version of the given Resource with Subresource Integrity..
* `resources.Concat`: Concatenates a list of Resource objects. Think of this as a poor man's bundler.
* `resources.ExecuteAsTemplate`: Parses and executes the given Resource and data context (e.g. .Site) as a Go template.

Fixes #4381
Fixes #4903
Fixes #4858
2018-07-06 11:46:12 +02:00

754 lines
18 KiB

// Copyright 2016-present The Hugo Authors. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package hugolib
import (
jww ""
// HugoSites represents the sites to build. Each site represents a language.
type HugoSites struct {
Sites []*Site
multilingual *Multilingual
// Multihost is set if multilingual and baseURL set on the language level.
multihost bool
// If this is running in the dev server.
running bool
// Keeps track of bundle directories and symlinks to enable partial rebuilding.
ContentChanges *contentChangeMap
// If enabled, keeps a revision map for all content.
gitInfo *gitInfo
func (h *HugoSites) IsMultihost() bool {
return h != nil && h.multihost
func (h *HugoSites) NumLogErrors() int {
if h == nil {
return 0
return int(h.Log.LogCountForLevelsGreaterThanorEqualTo(jww.LevelError))
func (h *HugoSites) PrintProcessingStats(w io.Writer) {
stats := make([]*helpers.ProcessingStats, len(h.Sites))
for i := 0; i < len(h.Sites); i++ {
stats[i] = h.Sites[i].PathSpec.ProcessingStats
helpers.ProcessingStatsTable(w, stats...)
func (h *HugoSites) langSite() map[string]*Site {
m := make(map[string]*Site)
for _, s := range h.Sites {
m[s.Language.Lang] = s
return m
// GetContentPage finds a Page with content given the absolute filename.
// Returns nil if none found.
func (h *HugoSites) GetContentPage(filename string) *Page {
for _, s := range h.Sites {
pos := s.rawAllPages.findPagePosByFilename(filename)
if pos == -1 {
return s.rawAllPages[pos]
// If not found already, this may be bundled in another content file.
dir := filepath.Dir(filename)
for _, s := range h.Sites {
pos := s.rawAllPages.findPagePosByFilnamePrefix(dir)
if pos == -1 {
return s.rawAllPages[pos]
return nil
// NewHugoSites creates a new collection of sites given the input sites, building
// a language configuration based on those.
func newHugoSites(cfg deps.DepsCfg, sites ...*Site) (*HugoSites, error) {
if cfg.Language != nil {
return nil, errors.New("Cannot provide Language in Cfg when sites are provided")
langConfig, err := newMultiLingualFromSites(cfg.Cfg, sites...)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var contentChangeTracker *contentChangeMap
h := &HugoSites{
running: cfg.Running,
multilingual: langConfig,
multihost: cfg.Cfg.GetBool("multihost"),
Sites: sites}
for _, s := range sites {
s.owner = h
if err := applyDepsIfNeeded(cfg, sites...); err != nil {
return nil, err
h.Deps = sites[0].Deps
// Only needed in server mode.
// TODO(bep) clean up the running vs watching terms
if cfg.Running {
contentChangeTracker = &contentChangeMap{pathSpec: h.PathSpec, symContent: make(map[string]map[string]bool)}
h.ContentChanges = contentChangeTracker
if err := h.initGitInfo(); err != nil {
return nil, err
return h, nil
func (h *HugoSites) initGitInfo() error {
if h.Cfg.GetBool("enableGitInfo") {
gi, err := newGitInfo(h.Cfg)
if err != nil {
h.Log.ERROR.Println("Failed to read Git log:", err)
} else {
h.gitInfo = gi
return nil
func applyDepsIfNeeded(cfg deps.DepsCfg, sites ...*Site) error {
if cfg.TemplateProvider == nil {
cfg.TemplateProvider = tplimpl.DefaultTemplateProvider
if cfg.TranslationProvider == nil {
cfg.TranslationProvider = i18n.NewTranslationProvider()
var (
d *deps.Deps
err error
for _, s := range sites {
if s.Deps != nil {
cfg.Language = s.Language
cfg.MediaTypes = s.mediaTypesConfig
if d == nil {
cfg.WithTemplate = s.withSiteTemplates(cfg.WithTemplate)
var err error
d, err = deps.New(cfg)
if err != nil {
return err
d.OutputFormatsConfig = s.outputFormatsConfig
s.Deps = d
if err = d.LoadResources(); err != nil {
return err
} else {
d, err = d.ForLanguage(cfg)
if err != nil {
return err
d.OutputFormatsConfig = s.outputFormatsConfig
s.Deps = d
return nil
// NewHugoSites creates HugoSites from the given config.
func NewHugoSites(cfg deps.DepsCfg) (*HugoSites, error) {
sites, err := createSitesFromConfig(cfg)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return newHugoSites(cfg, sites...)
func (s *Site) withSiteTemplates(withTemplates ...func(templ tpl.TemplateHandler) error) func(templ tpl.TemplateHandler) error {
return func(templ tpl.TemplateHandler) error {
for _, wt := range withTemplates {
if wt == nil {
if err := wt(templ); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func createSitesFromConfig(cfg deps.DepsCfg) ([]*Site, error) {
var (
sites []*Site
languages := getLanguages(cfg.Cfg)
for _, lang := range languages {
if lang.Disabled {
var s *Site
var err error
cfg.Language = lang
s, err = newSite(cfg)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
sites = append(sites, s)
return sites, nil
// Reset resets the sites and template caches, making it ready for a full rebuild.
func (h *HugoSites) reset() {
for i, s := range h.Sites {
h.Sites[i] = s.reset()
// resetLogs resets the log counters etc. Used to do a new build on the same sites.
func (h *HugoSites) resetLogs() {
for _, s := range h.Sites {
s.Deps.DistinctErrorLog = helpers.NewDistinctLogger(h.Log.ERROR)
func (h *HugoSites) createSitesFromConfig() error {
oldLangs, _ := h.Cfg.Get("languagesSorted").(langs.Languages)
if err := loadLanguageSettings(h.Cfg, oldLangs); err != nil {
return err
depsCfg := deps.DepsCfg{Fs: h.Fs, Cfg: h.Cfg}
sites, err := createSitesFromConfig(depsCfg)
if err != nil {
return err
langConfig, err := newMultiLingualFromSites(depsCfg.Cfg, sites...)
if err != nil {
return err
h.Sites = sites
for _, s := range sites {
s.owner = h
if err := applyDepsIfNeeded(depsCfg, sites...); err != nil {
return err
h.Deps = sites[0].Deps
h.multilingual = langConfig
h.multihost = h.Deps.Cfg.GetBool("multihost")
return nil
func (h *HugoSites) toSiteInfos() []*SiteInfo {
infos := make([]*SiteInfo, len(h.Sites))
for i, s := range h.Sites {
infos[i] = &s.Info
return infos
// BuildCfg holds build options used to, as an example, skip the render step.
type BuildCfg struct {
// Reset site state before build. Use to force full rebuilds.
ResetState bool
// Re-creates the sites from configuration before a build.
// This is needed if new languages are added.
CreateSitesFromConfig bool
// Skip rendering. Useful for testing.
SkipRender bool
// Use this to indicate what changed (for rebuilds).
whatChanged *whatChanged
// Recently visited URLs. This is used for partial re-rendering.
RecentlyVisited map[string]bool
// shouldRender is used in the Fast Render Mode to determine if we need to re-render
// a Page: If it is recently visited (the home pages will always be in this set) or changed.
// Note that a page does not have to have a content page / file.
// For regular builds, this will allways return true.
func (cfg *BuildCfg) shouldRender(p *Page) bool {
if len(cfg.RecentlyVisited) == 0 {
return true
if cfg.RecentlyVisited[p.RelPermalink()] {
return true
if cfg.whatChanged != nil && p.File != nil {
return cfg.whatChanged.files[p.File.Filename()]
return false
func (h *HugoSites) renderCrossSitesArtifacts() error {
if !h.multilingual.enabled() || h.IsMultihost() {
return nil
sitemapEnabled := false
for _, s := range h.Sites {
if s.isEnabled(kindSitemap) {
sitemapEnabled = true
if !sitemapEnabled {
return nil
// TODO(bep) DRY
sitemapDefault := parseSitemap(h.Cfg.GetStringMap("sitemap"))
s := h.Sites[0]
smLayouts := []string{"sitemapindex.xml", "_default/sitemapindex.xml", "_internal/_default/sitemapindex.xml"}
return s.renderAndWriteXML(&s.PathSpec.ProcessingStats.Sitemaps, "sitemapindex",
sitemapDefault.Filename, h.toSiteInfos(), s.appendThemeTemplates(smLayouts)...)
func (h *HugoSites) assignMissingTranslations() error {
// This looks heavy, but it should be a small number of nodes by now.
allPages := h.findAllPagesByKindNotIn(KindPage)
for _, nodeType := range []string{KindHome, KindSection, KindTaxonomy, KindTaxonomyTerm} {
nodes := h.findPagesByKindIn(nodeType, allPages)
// Assign translations
for _, t1 := range nodes {
for _, t2 := range nodes {
if t1.isNewTranslation(t2) {
t1.translations = append(t1.translations, t2)
// Now we can sort the translations.
for _, p := range allPages {
if len(p.translations) > 0 {
return nil
// createMissingPages creates home page, taxonomies etc. that isnt't created as an
// effect of having a content file.
func (h *HugoSites) createMissingPages() error {
var newPages Pages
for _, s := range h.Sites {
if s.isEnabled(KindHome) {
// home pages
home := s.findPagesByKind(KindHome)
if len(home) > 1 {
panic("Too many homes")
if len(home) == 0 {
n := s.newHomePage()
s.Pages = append(s.Pages, n)
newPages = append(newPages, n)
// Will create content-less root sections.
newSections := s.assembleSections()
s.Pages = append(s.Pages, newSections...)
newPages = append(newPages, newSections...)
// taxonomy list and terms pages
taxonomies := s.Language.GetStringMapString("taxonomies")
if len(taxonomies) > 0 {
taxonomyPages := s.findPagesByKind(KindTaxonomy)
taxonomyTermsPages := s.findPagesByKind(KindTaxonomyTerm)
for _, plural := range taxonomies {
if s.isEnabled(KindTaxonomyTerm) {
foundTaxonomyTermsPage := false
for _, p := range taxonomyTermsPages {
if p.sections[0] == plural {
foundTaxonomyTermsPage = true
if !foundTaxonomyTermsPage {
n := s.newTaxonomyTermsPage(plural)
s.Pages = append(s.Pages, n)
newPages = append(newPages, n)
if s.isEnabled(KindTaxonomy) {
for key := range s.Taxonomies[plural] {
foundTaxonomyPage := false
origKey := key
if s.Info.preserveTaxonomyNames {
key = s.PathSpec.MakePathSanitized(key)
for _, p := range taxonomyPages {
// Some people may have /authors/MaxMustermann etc. as paths.
// p.sections contains the raw values from the file system.
// See
singularKey := s.PathSpec.MakePathSanitized(p.sections[1])
if p.sections[0] == plural && singularKey == key {
foundTaxonomyPage = true
if !foundTaxonomyPage {
n := s.newTaxonomyPage(plural, origKey)
s.Pages = append(s.Pages, n)
newPages = append(newPages, n)
if len(newPages) > 0 {
// This resorting is unfortunate, but it also needs to be sorted
// when sections are created.
first := h.Sites[0]
first.AllPages = append(first.AllPages, newPages...)
for _, s := range h.Sites {
for i := 1; i < len(h.Sites); i++ {
h.Sites[i].AllPages = first.AllPages
return nil
func (h *HugoSites) removePageByFilename(filename string) {
for _, s := range h.Sites {
func (h *HugoSites) setupTranslations() {
for _, s := range h.Sites {
for _, p := range s.rawAllPages {
if p.Kind == kindUnknown {
p.Kind = p.s.kindFromSections(p.sections)
if !p.s.isEnabled(p.Kind) {
shouldBuild := p.shouldBuild()
if shouldBuild {
if p.headless {
s.headlessPages = append(s.headlessPages, p)
} else {
s.Pages = append(s.Pages, p)
allPages := make(Pages, 0)
for _, s := range h.Sites {
allPages = append(allPages, s.Pages...)
for _, s := range h.Sites {
s.AllPages = allPages
// Pull over the collections from the master site
for i := 1; i < len(h.Sites); i++ {
h.Sites[i].Data = h.Sites[0].Data
if len(h.Sites) > 1 {
allTranslations := pagesToTranslationsMap(allPages)
assignTranslationsToPages(allTranslations, allPages)
func (s *Site) preparePagesForRender(start bool) error {
for _, p := range s.Pages {
if err := p.initMainOutputFormat(); err != nil {
return err
for _, p := range s.headlessPages {
if err := p.initMainOutputFormat(); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// Pages returns all pages for all sites.
func (h *HugoSites) Pages() Pages {
return h.Sites[0].AllPages
func handleShortcodes(p *PageWithoutContent, rawContentCopy []byte) ([]byte, error) {
if p.shortcodeState != nil && p.shortcodeState.contentShortcodes.Len() > 0 {
p.s.Log.DEBUG.Printf("Replace %d shortcodes in %q", p.shortcodeState.contentShortcodes.Len(), p.BaseFileName())
err := p.shortcodeState.executeShortcodesForDelta(p)
if err != nil {
return rawContentCopy, err
rawContentCopy, err = replaceShortcodeTokens(rawContentCopy, shortcodePlaceholderPrefix, p.shortcodeState.renderedShortcodes)
if err != nil {
p.s.Log.FATAL.Printf("Failed to replace shortcode tokens in %s:\n%s", p.BaseFileName(), err.Error())
return rawContentCopy, nil
func (s *Site) updateBuildStats(page *Page) {
if page.IsDraft() {
if page.IsFuture() {
if page.IsExpired() {
func (h *HugoSites) findPagesByKindNotIn(kind string, inPages Pages) Pages {
return h.Sites[0].findPagesByKindNotIn(kind, inPages)
func (h *HugoSites) findPagesByKindIn(kind string, inPages Pages) Pages {
return h.Sites[0].findPagesByKindIn(kind, inPages)
func (h *HugoSites) findAllPagesByKind(kind string) Pages {
return h.findPagesByKindIn(kind, h.Sites[0].AllPages)
func (h *HugoSites) findAllPagesByKindNotIn(kind string) Pages {
return h.findPagesByKindNotIn(kind, h.Sites[0].AllPages)
func (h *HugoSites) findPagesByShortcode(shortcode string) Pages {
var pages Pages
for _, s := range h.Sites {
pages = append(pages, s.findPagesByShortcode(shortcode)...)
return pages
// Used in partial reloading to determine if the change is in a bundle.
type contentChangeMap struct {
mu sync.RWMutex
branches []string
leafs []string
pathSpec *helpers.PathSpec
// Hugo supports symlinked content (both directories and files). This
// can lead to situations where the same file can be referenced from several
// locations in /content -- which is really cool, but also means we have to
// go an extra mile to handle changes.
// This map is only used in watch mode.
// It maps either file to files or the real dir to a set of content directories where it is in use.
symContent map[string]map[string]bool
symContentMu sync.Mutex
func (m *contentChangeMap) add(filename string, tp bundleDirType) {
dir := filepath.Dir(filename) + helpers.FilePathSeparator
dir = strings.TrimPrefix(dir, ".")
switch tp {
case bundleBranch:
m.branches = append(m.branches, dir)
case bundleLeaf:
m.leafs = append(m.leafs, dir)
panic("invalid bundle type")
// Track the addition of bundle dirs.
func (m *contentChangeMap) handleBundles(b *bundleDirs) {
for _, bd := range b.bundles {
// resolveAndRemove resolves the given filename to the root folder of a bundle, if relevant.
// It also removes the entry from the map. It will be re-added again by the partial
// build if it still is a bundle.
func (m *contentChangeMap) resolveAndRemove(filename string) (string, string, bundleDirType) {
// Bundles share resources, so we need to start from the virtual root.
relPath := m.pathSpec.RelContentDir(filename)
dir, name := filepath.Split(relPath)
if !strings.HasSuffix(dir, helpers.FilePathSeparator) {
dir += helpers.FilePathSeparator
fileTp, isContent := classifyBundledFile(name)
// This may be a member of a bundle. Start with branch bundles, the most specific.
if fileTp == bundleBranch || (fileTp == bundleNot && !isContent) {
for i, b := range m.branches {
if b == dir {
m.branches = append(m.branches[:i], m.branches[i+1:]...)
return dir, b, bundleBranch
// And finally the leaf bundles, which can contain anything.
for i, l := range m.leafs {
if strings.HasPrefix(dir, l) {
m.leafs = append(m.leafs[:i], m.leafs[i+1:]...)
return dir, l, bundleLeaf
// Not part of any bundle
return dir, filename, bundleNot
func (m *contentChangeMap) addSymbolicLinkMapping(from, to string) {
mm, found := m.symContent[from]
if !found {
mm = make(map[string]bool)
m.symContent[from] = mm
mm[to] = true
func (m *contentChangeMap) GetSymbolicLinkMappings(dir string) []string {
mm, found := m.symContent[dir]
if !found {
return nil
dirs := make([]string, len(mm))
i := 0
for dir := range mm {
dirs[i] = dir
return dirs