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synced 2025-02-03 20:41:20 +00:00
bcc4f9324 Add transparent background in rgba for search field fce835fea Trim newlines from .Inner in the 'code' shortcode 9117f54b3 Remove code toggle from netlify.toml babbb9090 fix version number - 404 error d28cf15e1 The input search is not displayed correctly in Safari because of the one declaration CSS background property. Safari needs the no-repeat to be after position and size property. Adjusting the search icon to be vertically on center. f4ef4c146 Repairing link from issue 131 using jamesrhea's comment https://github.com/gohugoio/hugoDocs/issues/131#issuecomment-324083739 7f73f5685 Update related.md (#1436) 41d24297c Mention `not` (#1432) git-subtree-dir: docs git-subtree-split: bcc4f93242334f03c6699e2c4226ee178317ec4b
26 lines
1.2 KiB
26 lines
1.2 KiB
{{ $file := .Get "file" }}
{{ $codeLang := "" }}
{{ $suffix := findRE "(\\.[^.]+)$" $file 1 }}
{{ with $suffix }}
{{ $codeLang = (index . 0 | strings.TrimPrefix ".") }}
{{ end }}
{{ with .Get "codeLang" }}{{ $codeLang = . }}{{ end }}
{{ if eq $codeLang "html" }}
{{ $codeLang = "go-html-template" }}
{{ end }}
<div class="code relative" id="{{ $file | urlize }}">
{{- with $file -}}
<div class="filename san-serif f6 dib lh-solid pl2 pv2">{{ . }}</div>
{{- end -}}
{{ if ne (.Get "copy") "false" }}
<button class="needs-js copy bg-accent-color-dark f6 absolute top-0 right-0 lh-solid hover-bg-primary-color-dark bn white ph3 pv2" title="Copy this code to your clipboard." data-clipboard-action="copy" aria-label="copy button">
{{/* Functionality located within filesaver.js The copy here is located in the css with .copy class so it can be replaced with JS on success */}}
{{ end }}
<div class="code-copy-content nt3" {{ with .Get "download" }}id="{{ . }}"{{ end }}>
{{ $inner := trim .Inner "\n" | safeHTML }}
{{ if .Get "nocode" }}{{ $inner }}{{ else }}{{ with $codeLang }}{{ highlight $inner . "" }}{{ else }}<pre><code>{{ $inner }}</code></pre>{{ end }}{{ end }}