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// Copyright 2024 The Hugo Authors. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package hugolib
import (
// Build builds all sites. If filesystem events are provided,
// this is considered to be a potential partial rebuild.
func (h *HugoSites) Build(config BuildCfg, events ...fsnotify.Event) error {
infol := h.Log.InfoCommand("build")
defer loggers.TimeTrackf(infol, time.Now(), nil, "")
defer func() {
if h.Deps == nil {
panic("must have deps")
if !config.NoBuildLock {
unlock, err := h.BaseFs.LockBuild()
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to acquire a build lock: %w", err)
defer unlock()
defer func() {
for _, s := range h.Sites {
errCollector := h.StartErrorCollector()
errs := make(chan error)
go func(from, to chan error) {
var errors []error
i := 0
for e := range from {
if i > 50 {
errors = append(errors, e)
to <- h.pickOneAndLogTheRest(errors)
}(errCollector, errs)
if h.Metrics != nil {
h.buildCounters = config.testCounters
if h.buildCounters == nil {
h.buildCounters = &buildCounters{}
// Need a pointer as this may be modified.
conf := &config
if conf.whatChanged == nil {
// Assume everything has changed
conf.whatChanged = &whatChanged{contentChanged: true}
var prepareErr error
if !config.PartialReRender {
prepare := func() error {
init := func(conf *BuildCfg) error {
for _, s := range h.Sites {
if len(events) > 0 {
// Rebuild
if err := h.initRebuild(conf); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("initRebuild: %w", err)
} else {
if err := h.initSites(conf); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("initSites: %w", err)
return nil
ctx := context.Background()
if err := h.process(ctx, infol, conf, init, events...); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("process: %w", err)
if err := h.assemble(ctx, infol, conf); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("assemble: %w", err)
return nil
if prepareErr = prepare(); prepareErr != nil {
if prepareErr == nil {
if err := h.render(infol, conf); err != nil {
h.SendError(fmt.Errorf("render: %w", err))
if err := h.postRenderOnce(); err != nil {
h.SendError(fmt.Errorf("postRenderOnce: %w", err))
if err := h.postProcess(infol); err != nil {
h.SendError(fmt.Errorf("postProcess: %w", err))
if h.Metrics != nil {
var b bytes.Buffer
h.Log.Printf("\nTemplate Metrics:\n\n")
err := <-errs
if err != nil {
return err
if err := h.fatalErrorHandler.getErr(); err != nil {
return err
errorCount := h.Log.LoggCount(logg.LevelError) + loggers.Log().LoggCount(logg.LevelError)
if errorCount > 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("logged %d error(s)", errorCount)
return nil
// Build lifecycle methods below.
// The order listed matches the order of execution.
func (h *HugoSites) initSites(config *BuildCfg) error {
return nil
func (h *HugoSites) initRebuild(config *BuildCfg) error {
if !h.Configs.Base.Internal.Watch {
return errors.New("rebuild called when not in watch mode")
h.pageTrees.treePagesResources.WalkPrefixRaw("", func(key string, n contentNodeI) bool {
return false
for _, s := range h.Sites {
return nil
// process prepares the Sites' sources for a full or partial rebuild.
// This will also parse the source and create all the Page objects.
func (h *HugoSites) process(ctx context.Context, l logg.LevelLogger, config *BuildCfg, init func(config *BuildCfg) error, events ...fsnotify.Event) error {
l = l.WithField("step", "process")
defer loggers.TimeTrackf(l, time.Now(), nil, "")
if len(events) > 0 {
// This is a rebuild
return h.processPartial(ctx, l, config, init, events)
return h.processFull(ctx, l, *config)
// assemble creates missing sections, applies aggregate values (e.g. dates, cascading params),
// removes disabled pages etc.
func (h *HugoSites) assemble(ctx context.Context, l logg.LevelLogger, bcfg *BuildCfg) error {
l = l.WithField("step", "assemble")
defer loggers.TimeTrackf(l, time.Now(), nil, "")
if !bcfg.whatChanged.contentChanged {
return nil
assemblers := make([]*sitePagesAssembler, len(h.Sites))
// Changes detected during assembly (e.g. aggregate date changes)
assembleChanges := &whatChanged{
identitySet: make(map[identity.Identity]bool),
for i, s := range h.Sites {
assemblers[i] = &sitePagesAssembler{
Site: s,
watching: s.watching(),
incomingChanges: bcfg.whatChanged,
assembleChanges: assembleChanges,
ctx: ctx,
g, _ := h.workersSite.Start(ctx)
for _, s := range assemblers {
s := s
g.Run(func() error {
return s.assemblePagesStep1(ctx)
if err := g.Wait(); err != nil {
return err
changes := assembleChanges.Changes()
// Changes from the assemble step (e.g. lastMod, cascase) needs a re-calculation
// of what needs to be re-built.
if len(changes) > 0 {
if err := h.resolveAndClearStateForIdentities(ctx, l, nil, changes); err != nil {
return err
h.renderFormats = output.Formats{}
for _, s := range h.Sites {
h.renderFormats = append(h.renderFormats, s.renderFormats...)
for _, s := range assemblers {
if err := s.assemblePagesStep2(); err != nil {
return err
h.renderFormats = output.Formats{}
for _, s := range h.Sites {
h.renderFormats = append(h.renderFormats, s.renderFormats...)
return nil
// render renders the sites.
func (h *HugoSites) render(l logg.LevelLogger, config *BuildCfg) error {
l = l.WithField("step", "render")
start := time.Now()
defer func() {
loggers.TimeTrackf(l, start, h.buildCounters.loggFields(), "")
if _, err := h.init.layouts.Do(context.Background()); err != nil {
return err
siteRenderContext := &siteRenderContext{cfg: config, multihost: h.Configs.IsMultihost}
i := 0
for _, s := range h.Sites {
siteRenderContext.languageIdx = s.languagei
h.currentSite = s
for siteOutIdx, renderFormat := range s.renderFormats {
siteRenderContext.outIdx = siteOutIdx
siteRenderContext.sitesOutIdx = i
select {
case <-h.Done():
return nil
for _, s2 := range h.Sites {
// We render site by site, but since the content is lazily rendered
// and a site can "borrow" content from other sites, every site
// needs this set.
s2.rc = &siteRenderingContext{Format: renderFormat}
if err := s2.preparePagesForRender(s == s2, siteRenderContext.sitesOutIdx); err != nil {
return err
if !config.SkipRender {
ll := l.WithField("substep", "pages").
WithField("site", s.language.Lang).
WithField("outputFormat", renderFormat.Name)
start := time.Now()
if config.PartialReRender {
if err := s.renderPages(siteRenderContext); err != nil {
return err
} else {
if err := s.render(siteRenderContext); err != nil {
return err
loggers.TimeTrackf(ll, start, nil, "")
return nil
// / postRenderOnce runs some post processing that only needs to be done once, e.g. printing of unused templates.
func (h *HugoSites) postRenderOnce() error {
h.postRenderInit.Do(func() {
conf := h.Configs.Base
if conf.PrintPathWarnings {
// We need to do this before any post processing, as that may write to the same files twice
// and create false positives.
hugofs.WalkFilesystems(h.Fs.PublishDir, func(fs afero.Fs) bool {
if dfs, ok := fs.(hugofs.DuplicatesReporter); ok {
dupes := dfs.ReportDuplicates()
if dupes != "" {
h.Log.Warnln("Duplicate target paths:", dupes)
return false
if conf.PrintUnusedTemplates {
unusedTemplates := h.Tmpl().(tpl.UnusedTemplatesProvider).UnusedTemplates()
for _, unusedTemplate := range unusedTemplates {
h.Log.Warnf("Template %s is unused, source file %s", unusedTemplate.Name(), unusedTemplate.Filename())
return nil
// postProcess runs the post processors, e.g. writing the hugo_stats.json file.
func (h *HugoSites) postProcess(l logg.LevelLogger) error {
l = l.WithField("step", "postProcess")
defer loggers.TimeTrackf(l, time.Now(), nil, "")
// Make sure to write any build stats to disk first so it's available
// to the post processors.
if err := h.writeBuildStats(); err != nil {
return err
// This will only be set when js.Build have been triggered with
// imports that resolves to the project or a module.
// Write a jsconfig.json file to the project's /asset directory
// to help JS IntelliSense in VS Code etc.
if !h.ResourceSpec.BuildConfig().NoJSConfigInAssets {
handleJSConfig := func(fi os.FileInfo) {
m := fi.(hugofs.FileMetaInfo).Meta()
if !m.IsProject {
if jsConfig := h.ResourceSpec.JSConfigBuilder.Build(m.SourceRoot); jsConfig != nil {
b, err := json.MarshalIndent(jsConfig, "", " ")
if err != nil {
h.Log.Warnf("Failed to create jsconfig.json: %s", err)
} else {
filename := filepath.Join(m.SourceRoot, "jsconfig.json")
if h.Configs.Base.Internal.Running {
h.skipRebuildForFilenames[filename] = true
// Make sure it's written to the OS fs as this is used by
// editors.
if err := afero.WriteFile(hugofs.Os, filename, b, 0o666); err != nil {
h.Log.Warnf("Failed to write jsconfig.json: %s", err)
fi, err := h.BaseFs.Assets.Fs.Stat("")
if err != nil {
if !herrors.IsNotExist(err) {
h.Log.Warnf("Failed to resolve jsconfig.json dir: %s", err)
} else {
var toPostProcess []postpub.PostPublishedResource
for _, r := range h.ResourceSpec.PostProcessResources {
toPostProcess = append(toPostProcess, r)
if len(toPostProcess) == 0 {
// Nothing more to do.
return nil
workers := para.New(config.GetNumWorkerMultiplier())
g, _ := workers.Start(context.Background())
handleFile := func(filename string) error {
content, err := afero.ReadFile(h.BaseFs.PublishFs, filename)
if err != nil {
return err
k := 0
changed := false
for {
l := bytes.Index(content[k:], []byte(postpub.PostProcessPrefix))
if l == -1 {
m := bytes.Index(content[k+l:], []byte(postpub.PostProcessSuffix)) + len(postpub.PostProcessSuffix)
low, high := k+l, k+l+m
field := content[low:high]
forward := l + m
for i, r := range toPostProcess {
if r == nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("resource %d to post process is nil", i+1))
v, ok := r.GetFieldString(string(field))
if ok {
content = append(content[:low], append([]byte(v), content[high:]...)...)
changed = true
forward = len(v)
k += forward
if changed {
return afero.WriteFile(h.BaseFs.PublishFs, filename, content, 0o666)
return nil
filenames := h.Deps.BuildState.GetFilenamesWithPostPrefix()
for _, filename := range filenames {
filename := filename
g.Run(func() error {
return handleFile(filename)
// Prepare for a new build.
for _, s := range h.Sites {
s.ResourceSpec.PostProcessResources = make(map[string]postpub.PostPublishedResource)
return g.Wait()
func (h *HugoSites) writeBuildStats() error {
if h.ResourceSpec == nil {
panic("h.ResourceSpec is nil")
if !h.ResourceSpec.BuildConfig().BuildStats.Enabled() {
return nil
htmlElements := &publisher.HTMLElements{}
for _, s := range h.Sites {
stats := s.publisher.PublishStats()
stats := publisher.PublishStats{
HTMLElements: *htmlElements,
var buf bytes.Buffer
enc := json.NewEncoder(&buf)
enc.SetIndent("", " ")
err := enc.Encode(stats)
if err != nil {
return err
js := buf.Bytes()
filename := filepath.Join(h.Configs.LoadingInfo.BaseConfig.WorkingDir, files.FilenameHugoStatsJSON)
if existingContent, err := afero.ReadFile(hugofs.Os, filename); err == nil {
// Check if the content has changed.
if bytes.Equal(existingContent, js) {
return nil
// Make sure it's always written to the OS fs.
if err := afero.WriteFile(hugofs.Os, filename, js, 0o666); err != nil {
return err
// Write to the destination as well if it's a in-memory fs.
if !hugofs.IsOsFs(h.Fs.Source) {
if err := afero.WriteFile(h.Fs.WorkingDirWritable, filename, js, 0o666); err != nil {
return err
return nil
type pathChange struct {
// The path to the changed file.
p *paths.Path
// If true, this is a delete operation (a delete or a rename).
delete bool
// If true, this is a directory.
isDir bool
// processPartial prepares the Sites' sources for a partial rebuild.
func (h *HugoSites) processPartial(ctx context.Context, l logg.LevelLogger, config *BuildCfg, init func(config *BuildCfg) error, events []fsnotify.Event) error {
h.Log.Trace(logg.StringFunc(func() string {
var sb strings.Builder
sb.WriteString("File events:\n")
for _, ev := range events {
return sb.String()
events = h.fileEventsFilter(events)
events = h.fileEventsTranslate(events)
logger := h.Log
var (
tmplAdded bool
tmplChanged bool
i18nChanged bool
contentChanged bool
changedPaths := struct {
changedFiles []*paths.Path
changedDirs []*paths.Path
deleted []*paths.Path
removeDuplicatePaths := func(ps []*paths.Path) []*paths.Path {
seen := make(map[string]bool)
var filtered []*paths.Path
for _, p := range ps {
if !seen[p.Path()] {
seen[p.Path()] = true
filtered = append(filtered, p)
return filtered
var (
cacheBusters []func(string) bool
deletedDirs []string
addedContentPaths []*paths.Path
for _, ev := range events {
removed := false
added := false
if ev.Op&fsnotify.Remove == fsnotify.Remove {
removed = true
fi, statErr := h.Fs.Source.Stat(ev.Name)
// Some editors (Vim) sometimes issue only a Rename operation when writing an existing file
// Sometimes a rename operation means that file has been renamed other times it means
// it's been updated.
if ev.Op.Has(fsnotify.Rename) {
// If the file is still on disk, it's only been updated, if it's not, it's been moved
if statErr != nil {
removed = true
if ev.Op.Has(fsnotify.Create) {
added = true
isChangedDir := statErr == nil && fi.IsDir()
cpss := h.BaseFs.ResolvePaths(ev.Name, !removed)
pss := make([]*paths.Path, len(cpss))
for i, cps := range cpss {
p := cps.Path
if removed && !paths.HasExt(p) {
// Assume this is a renamed/removed directory.
// For deletes, we walk up the tree to find the container (e.g. branch bundle),
// so we will catch this even if it is a file without extension.
// This avoids us walking up to the home page bundle for the common case
// of renaming root sections.
p = p + "/_index.md"
deletedDirs = append(deletedDirs, cps.Path)
pss[i] = h.Configs.ContentPathParser.Parse(cps.Component, p)
if added && !isChangedDir && cps.Component == files.ComponentFolderContent {
addedContentPaths = append(addedContentPaths, pss[i])
// Compile cache buster.
np := glob.NormalizePath(path.Join(cps.Component, cps.Path))
g, err := h.ResourceSpec.BuildConfig().MatchCacheBuster(h.Log, np)
if err == nil && g != nil {
cacheBusters = append(cacheBusters, g)
if removed {
changedPaths.deleted = append(changedPaths.deleted, pss...)
} else if isChangedDir {
changedPaths.changedDirs = append(changedPaths.changedDirs, pss...)
} else {
changedPaths.changedFiles = append(changedPaths.changedFiles, pss...)
var (
addedOrChangedContent []pathChange
changes []identity.Identity
// Find the most specific identity possible.
handleChange := func(pathInfo *paths.Path, delete, isDir bool) {
switch pathInfo.Component() {
case files.ComponentFolderContent:
logger.Println("Source changed", pathInfo.Path())
if ids := h.pageTrees.collectAndMarkStaleIdentities(pathInfo); len(ids) > 0 {
changes = append(changes, ids...)
contentChanged = true
if config.RecentlyVisited != nil {
// Fast render mode. Adding them to the visited queue
// avoids rerendering them on navigation.
for _, id := range changes {
if p, ok := id.(page.Page); ok {
if delete {
_, ok := h.pageTrees.treePages.LongestPrefixAll(pathInfo.Base())
if ok {
if pathInfo.IsBundle() {
// Assume directory removed.
h.pageTrees.treePages.DeletePrefixAll(pathInfo.Base() + "/")
h.pageTrees.resourceTrees.DeletePrefixAll(pathInfo.Base() + "/")
} else {
addedOrChangedContent = append(addedOrChangedContent, pathChange{p: pathInfo, delete: delete, isDir: isDir})
case files.ComponentFolderLayouts:
tmplChanged = true
templatePath := pathInfo.TrimLeadingSlash().PathNoLang()
if !h.Tmpl().HasTemplate(templatePath) {
tmplAdded = true
if tmplAdded {
logger.Println("Template added", pathInfo.Path())
// A new template may require a more coarse grained build.
base := pathInfo.Base()
if strings.Contains(base, "_markup") {
// It's hard to determine the exact change set of this,
// so be very coarse grained.
changes = append(changes, identity.GenghisKhan)
if strings.Contains(base, "shortcodes") {
changes = append(changes, identity.NewGlobIdentity(fmt.Sprintf("shortcodes/%s*", pathInfo.BaseNameNoIdentifier())))
} else {
changes = append(changes, pathInfo)
} else {
logger.Println("Template changed", pathInfo.Path())
if templ, found := h.Tmpl().GetIdentity(templatePath); found {
changes = append(changes, templ)
} else {
changes = append(changes, pathInfo)
case files.ComponentFolderAssets:
logger.Println("Asset changed", pathInfo.Path())
var hasID bool
r, _ := h.ResourceSpec.ResourceCache.Get(context.Background(), dynacache.CleanKey(pathInfo.Base()))
identity.WalkIdentitiesShallow(r, func(level int, rid identity.Identity) bool {
hasID = true
changes = append(changes, rid)
return false
if !hasID {
changes = append(changes, pathInfo)
case files.ComponentFolderData:
logger.Println("Data changed", pathInfo.Path())
// This should cover all usage of site.Data.
// Currently very coarse grained.
changes = append(changes, siteidentities.Data)
case files.ComponentFolderI18n:
logger.Println("i18n changed", pathInfo.Path())
i18nChanged = true
// It's hard to determine the exact change set of this,
// so be very coarse grained for now.
changes = append(changes, identity.GenghisKhan)
panic(fmt.Sprintf("unknown component: %q", pathInfo.Component()))
changedPaths.deleted = removeDuplicatePaths(changedPaths.deleted)
changedPaths.changedFiles = removeDuplicatePaths(changedPaths.changedFiles)
h.Log.Trace(logg.StringFunc(func() string {
var sb strings.Builder
sb.WriteString("Resolved paths:\n")
for _, p := range changedPaths.deleted {
sb.WriteString("path: " + p.Path())
for _, p := range changedPaths.changedFiles {
sb.WriteString("path: " + p.Path())
return sb.String()
for _, deletedDir := range deletedDirs {
prefix := deletedDir + "/"
predicate := func(id identity.Identity) bool {
// This will effectively reset all pages below this dir.
return strings.HasPrefix(paths.AddLeadingSlash(id.IdentifierBase()), prefix)
// Test in both directions.
changes = append(changes, identity.NewPredicateIdentity(
// Is dependent.
// Is dependency.
if len(addedContentPaths) > 0 {
// These content files are new and not in use anywhere.
// To make sure that these gets listed in any site.RegularPages ranges or similar
// we could invalidate everything, but first try to collect a sample set
// from the surrounding pages.
var surroundingIDs []identity.Identity
for _, p := range addedContentPaths {
if ids := h.pageTrees.collectIdentitiesSurrounding(p.Base(), 10); len(ids) > 0 {
surroundingIDs = append(surroundingIDs, ids...)
if len(surroundingIDs) > 0 {
changes = append(changes, surroundingIDs...)
} else {
// No surrounding pages found, so invalidate everything.
changes = append(changes, identity.GenghisKhan)
for _, deleted := range changedPaths.deleted {
handleChange(deleted, true, false)
for _, id := range changedPaths.changedFiles {
handleChange(id, false, false)
for _, id := range changedPaths.changedDirs {
handleChange(id, false, true)
resourceFiles := h.fileEventsContentPaths(addedOrChangedContent)
changed := &whatChanged{
contentChanged: contentChanged,
identitySet: make(identity.Identities),
config.whatChanged = changed
if err := init(config); err != nil {
return err
var cacheBusterOr func(string) bool
if len(cacheBusters) > 0 {
cacheBusterOr = func(s string) bool {
for _, cb := range cacheBusters {
if cb(s) {
return true
return false
// Removes duplicates.
changes = changed.identitySet.AsSlice()
if err := h.resolveAndClearStateForIdentities(ctx, l, cacheBusterOr, changes); err != nil {
return err
if tmplChanged || i18nChanged {
// TODO(bep) we should split this, but currently the loading of i18n and layout files are tied together. See #12048.
if err := loggers.TimeTrackfn(func() (logg.LevelLogger, error) {
// TODO(bep) this could probably be optimized to somehow
// only load the changed templates and its dependencies, but that is non-trivial.
ll := l.WithField("substep", "rebuild templates")
var prototype *deps.Deps
for i, s := range h.Sites {
if err := s.Deps.Compile(prototype); err != nil {
return ll, err
if i == 0 {
prototype = s.Deps
return ll, nil
}); err != nil {
return err
if resourceFiles != nil {
if err := h.processFiles(ctx, l, *config, resourceFiles...); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (h *HugoSites) processFull(ctx context.Context, l logg.LevelLogger, config BuildCfg) (err error) {
if err = h.processFiles(ctx, l, config); err != nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("readAndProcessContent: %w", err)
return err
func (s *HugoSites) processFiles(ctx context.Context, l logg.LevelLogger, buildConfig BuildCfg, filenames ...pathChange) error {
if s.Deps == nil {
panic("nil deps on site")
sourceSpec := source.NewSourceSpec(s.PathSpec, buildConfig.ContentInclusionFilter, s.BaseFs.Content.Fs)
// For inserts, we can pick an arbitrary pageMap.
pageMap := s.Sites[0].pageMap
c := newPagesCollector(ctx, s.h, sourceSpec, s.Log, l, pageMap, filenames)
if err := c.Collect(); err != nil {
return err
return nil