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synced 2025-03-12 18:02:24 +00:00
This commit implements Hugo Modules. This is a broad subject, but some keywords include: * A new `module` configuration section where you can import almost anything. You can configure both your own file mounts nd the file mounts of the modules you import. This is the new recommended way of configuring what you earlier put in `configDir`, `staticDir` etc. And it also allows you to mount folders in non-Hugo-projects, e.g. the `SCSS` folder in the Bootstrap GitHub project. * A module consists of a set of mounts to the standard 7 component types in Hugo: `static`, `content`, `layouts`, `data`, `assets`, `i18n`, and `archetypes`. Yes, Theme Components can now include content, which should be very useful, especially in bigger multilingual projects. * Modules not in your local file cache will be downloaded automatically and even "hot replaced" while the server is running. * Hugo Modules supports and encourages semver versioned modules, and uses the minimal version selection algorithm to resolve versions. * A new set of CLI commands are provided to manage all of this: `hugo mod init`, `hugo mod get`, `hugo mod graph`, `hugo mod tidy`, and `hugo mod vendor`. All of the above is backed by Go Modules. Fixes #5973 Fixes #5996 Fixes #6010 Fixes #5911 Fixes #5940 Fixes #6074 Fixes #6082 Fixes #6092
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// Copyright 2019 The Hugo Authors. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package resources
import (
var (
_ resource.ContentResource = (*genericResource)(nil)
_ resource.ReadSeekCloserResource = (*genericResource)(nil)
_ resource.Resource = (*genericResource)(nil)
_ resource.Source = (*genericResource)(nil)
_ resource.Cloner = (*genericResource)(nil)
_ resource.ResourcesLanguageMerger = (*resource.Resources)(nil)
_ permalinker = (*genericResource)(nil)
_ collections.Slicer = (*genericResource)(nil)
_ resource.Identifier = (*genericResource)(nil)
var noData = make(map[string]interface{})
type permalinker interface {
relPermalinkFor(target string) string
permalinkFor(target string) string
relTargetPathsFor(target string) []string
relTargetPaths() []string
TargetPath() string
type Spec struct {
MediaTypes media.Types
OutputFormats output.Formats
Logger *loggers.Logger
TextTemplates tpl.TemplateParseFinder
Permalinks page.PermalinkExpander
// Holds default filter settings etc.
imaging *Imaging
imageCache *imageCache
ResourceCache *ResourceCache
FileCaches filecache.Caches
func NewSpec(
s *helpers.PathSpec,
fileCaches filecache.Caches,
logger *loggers.Logger,
outputFormats output.Formats,
mimeTypes media.Types) (*Spec, error) {
imaging, err := decodeImaging(s.Cfg.GetStringMap("imaging"))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if logger == nil {
logger = loggers.NewErrorLogger()
permalinks, err := page.NewPermalinkExpander(s)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
rs := &Spec{PathSpec: s,
Logger: logger,
imaging: &imaging,
MediaTypes: mimeTypes,
OutputFormats: outputFormats,
Permalinks: permalinks,
FileCaches: fileCaches,
imageCache: newImageCache(
rs.ResourceCache = newResourceCache(rs)
return rs, nil
type ResourceSourceDescriptor struct {
// TargetPaths is a callback to fetch paths's relative to its owner.
TargetPaths func() page.TargetPaths
// Need one of these to load the resource content.
SourceFile source.File
OpenReadSeekCloser resource.OpenReadSeekCloser
FileInfo os.FileInfo
// If OpenReadSeekerCloser is not set, we use this to open the file.
SourceFilename string
Fs afero.Fs
// The relative target filename without any language code.
RelTargetFilename string
// Any base paths prepended to the target path. This will also typically be the
// language code, but setting it here means that it should not have any effect on
// the permalink.
// This may be several values. In multihost mode we may publish the same resources to
// multiple targets.
TargetBasePaths []string
// Delay publishing until either Permalink or RelPermalink is called. Maybe never.
LazyPublish bool
func (r ResourceSourceDescriptor) Filename() string {
if r.SourceFile != nil {
return r.SourceFile.Filename()
return r.SourceFilename
func (r *Spec) New(fd ResourceSourceDescriptor) (resource.Resource, error) {
return r.newResourceFor(fd)
func (r *Spec) newResourceFor(fd ResourceSourceDescriptor) (resource.Resource, error) {
if fd.OpenReadSeekCloser == nil {
if fd.SourceFile != nil && fd.SourceFilename != "" {
return nil, errors.New("both SourceFile and AbsSourceFilename provided")
} else if fd.SourceFile == nil && fd.SourceFilename == "" {
return nil, errors.New("either SourceFile or AbsSourceFilename must be provided")
if fd.RelTargetFilename == "" {
fd.RelTargetFilename = fd.Filename()
if len(fd.TargetBasePaths) == 0 {
// If not set, we publish the same resource to all hosts.
fd.TargetBasePaths = r.MultihostTargetBasePaths
return r.newResource(fd.Fs, fd)
func (r *Spec) newResource(sourceFs afero.Fs, fd ResourceSourceDescriptor) (resource.Resource, error) {
fi := fd.FileInfo
var sourceFilename string
if fd.OpenReadSeekCloser != nil {
} else if fd.SourceFilename != "" {
var err error
fi, err = sourceFs.Stat(fd.SourceFilename)
if err != nil {
if os.IsNotExist(err) {
return nil, nil
return nil, err
sourceFilename = fd.SourceFilename
} else {
sourceFilename = fd.SourceFile.Filename()
if fd.RelTargetFilename == "" {
fd.RelTargetFilename = sourceFilename
ext := filepath.Ext(fd.RelTargetFilename)
mimeType, found := r.MediaTypes.GetFirstBySuffix(strings.TrimPrefix(ext, "."))
// TODO(bep) we need to handle these ambigous types better, but in this context
// we most likely want the application/xml type.
if mimeType.Suffix() == "xml" && mimeType.SubType == "rss" {
mimeType, found = r.MediaTypes.GetByType("application/xml")
if !found {
// A fallback. Note that mime.TypeByExtension is slow by Hugo standards,
// so we should configure media types to avoid this lookup for most
// situations.
mimeStr := mime.TypeByExtension(ext)
if mimeStr != "" {
mimeType, _ = media.FromStringAndExt(mimeStr, ext)
gr := r.newGenericResourceWithBase(
if mimeType.MainType == "image" {
imgFormat, ok := imageFormats[ext]
if !ok {
// This allows SVG etc. to be used as resources. They will not have the methods of the Image, but
// that would not (currently) have worked.
return gr, nil
if err := gr.initHash(); err != nil {
return nil, err
return &Image{
format: imgFormat,
imaging: r.imaging,
genericResource: gr}, nil
return gr, nil
// TODO(bep) unify
func (r *Spec) IsInImageCache(key string) bool {
// This is used for cache pruning. We currently only have images, but we could
// imagine expanding on this.
return r.imageCache.isInCache(key)
func (r *Spec) DeleteCacheByPrefix(prefix string) {
func (r *Spec) ClearCaches() {
func (r *Spec) CacheStats() string {
defer r.imageCache.mu.RUnlock()
s := fmt.Sprintf("Cache entries: %d", len(r.imageCache.store))
count := 0
for k := range r.imageCache.store {
if count > 5 {
s += "\n" + k
return s
type dirFile struct {
// This is the directory component with Unix-style slashes.
dir string
// This is the file component.
file string
func (d dirFile) path() string {
return path.Join(d.dir, d.file)
type resourcePathDescriptor struct {
// The relative target directory and filename.
relTargetDirFile dirFile
// Callback used to construct a target path relative to its owner.
targetPathBuilder func() page.TargetPaths
// This will normally be the same as above, but this will only apply to publishing
// of resources. It may be mulltiple values when in multihost mode.
baseTargetPathDirs []string
// baseOffset is set when the output format's path has a offset, e.g. for AMP.
baseOffset string
type resourceContent struct {
content string
contentInit sync.Once
type resourceHash struct {
hash string
hashInit sync.Once
type publishOnce struct {
publisherInit sync.Once
publisherErr error
logger *loggers.Logger
func (l *publishOnce) publish(s resource.Source) error {
l.publisherInit.Do(func() {
l.publisherErr = s.Publish()
if l.publisherErr != nil {
l.logger.ERROR.Printf("failed to publish Resource: %s", l.publisherErr)
return l.publisherErr
// genericResource represents a generic linkable resource.
type genericResource struct {
title string
name string
params map[string]interface{}
// Absolute filename to the source, including any content folder path.
// Note that this is absolute in relation to the filesystem it is stored in.
// It can be a base path filesystem, and then this filename will not match
// the path to the file on the real filesystem.
sourceFilename string
// Will be set if this resource is backed by something other than a file.
openReadSeekerCloser resource.OpenReadSeekCloser
// A hash of the source content. Is only calculated in caching situations.
// This may be set to tell us to look in another filesystem for this resource.
// We, by default, use the sourceFs filesystem in the spec below.
sourceFs afero.Fs
spec *Spec
resourceType string
mediaType media.Type
osFileInfo os.FileInfo
// We create copies of this struct, so this needs to be a pointer.
// May be set to signal lazy/delayed publishing.
type commonResource struct {
func (l *genericResource) Data() interface{} {
return noData
func (l *genericResource) Content() (interface{}, error) {
if err := l.initContent(); err != nil {
return nil, err
return l.content, nil
func (l *genericResource) ReadSeekCloser() (hugio.ReadSeekCloser, error) {
if l.openReadSeekerCloser != nil {
return l.openReadSeekerCloser()
f, err := l.getSourceFs().Open(l.sourceFilename)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return f, nil
func (l *genericResource) MediaType() media.Type {
return l.mediaType
// Implement the Cloner interface.
func (l genericResource) WithNewBase(base string) resource.Resource {
l.baseOffset = base
l.resourceContent = &resourceContent{}
return &l
// Slice is not meant to be used externally. It's a bridge function
// for the template functions. See collections.Slice.
func (commonResource) Slice(in interface{}) (interface{}, error) {
switch items := in.(type) {
case resource.Resources:
return items, nil
case []interface{}:
groups := make(resource.Resources, len(items))
for i, v := range items {
g, ok := v.(resource.Resource)
if !ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("type %T is not a Resource", v)
groups[i] = g
return groups, nil
return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid slice type %T", items)
func (l *genericResource) initHash() error {
var err error
l.hashInit.Do(func() {
var hash string
var f hugio.ReadSeekCloser
f, err = l.ReadSeekCloser()
if err != nil {
err = errors.Wrap(err, "failed to open source file")
defer f.Close()
hash, err = helpers.MD5FromFileFast(f)
if err != nil {
l.hash = hash
return err
func (l *genericResource) initContent() error {
var err error
l.contentInit.Do(func() {
var r hugio.ReadSeekCloser
r, err = l.ReadSeekCloser()
if err != nil {
defer r.Close()
var b []byte
b, err = ioutil.ReadAll(r)
if err != nil {
l.content = string(b)
return err
func (l *genericResource) getSourceFs() afero.Fs {
return l.sourceFs
func (l *genericResource) publishIfNeeded() {
if l.publishOnce != nil {
func (l *genericResource) Permalink() string {
return l.spec.PermalinkForBaseURL(l.relPermalinkForRel(l.relTargetDirFile.path(), true), l.spec.BaseURL.HostURL())
func (l *genericResource) RelPermalink() string {
return l.relPermalinkFor(l.relTargetDirFile.path())
func (l *genericResource) Key() string {
return l.relTargetDirFile.path()
func (l *genericResource) relPermalinkFor(target string) string {
return l.relPermalinkForRel(target, false)
func (l *genericResource) permalinkFor(target string) string {
return l.spec.PermalinkForBaseURL(l.relPermalinkForRel(target, true), l.spec.BaseURL.HostURL())
func (l *genericResource) relTargetPathsFor(target string) []string {
return l.relTargetPathsForRel(target)
func (l *genericResource) relTargetPaths() []string {
return l.relTargetPathsForRel(l.TargetPath())
func (l *genericResource) Name() string {
return l.name
func (l *genericResource) Title() string {
return l.title
func (l *genericResource) Params() map[string]interface{} {
return l.params
func (l *genericResource) setTitle(title string) {
l.title = title
func (l *genericResource) setName(name string) {
l.name = name
func (l *genericResource) updateParams(params map[string]interface{}) {
if l.params == nil {
l.params = params
// Sets the params not already set
for k, v := range params {
if _, found := l.params[k]; !found {
l.params[k] = v
func (l *genericResource) relPermalinkForRel(rel string, isAbs bool) string {
return l.spec.PathSpec.URLizeFilename(l.relTargetPathForRel(rel, false, isAbs, true))
func (l *genericResource) relTargetPathsForRel(rel string) []string {
if len(l.baseTargetPathDirs) == 0 {
return []string{l.relTargetPathForRelAndBasePath(rel, "", false, false)}
var targetPaths = make([]string, len(l.baseTargetPathDirs))
for i, dir := range l.baseTargetPathDirs {
targetPaths[i] = l.relTargetPathForRelAndBasePath(rel, dir, false, false)
return targetPaths
func (l *genericResource) relTargetPathForRel(rel string, addBaseTargetPath, isAbs, isURL bool) string {
if addBaseTargetPath && len(l.baseTargetPathDirs) > 1 {
panic("multiple baseTargetPathDirs")
var basePath string
if addBaseTargetPath && len(l.baseTargetPathDirs) > 0 {
basePath = l.baseTargetPathDirs[0]
return l.relTargetPathForRelAndBasePath(rel, basePath, isAbs, isURL)
func (l *genericResource) createBasePath(rel string, isURL bool) string {
if l.targetPathBuilder == nil {
return rel
tp := l.targetPathBuilder()
if isURL {
return path.Join(tp.SubResourceBaseLink, rel)
// TODO(bep) path
return path.Join(filepath.ToSlash(tp.SubResourceBaseTarget), rel)
func (l *genericResource) relTargetPathForRelAndBasePath(rel, basePath string, isAbs, isURL bool) string {
rel = l.createBasePath(rel, isURL)
if basePath != "" {
rel = path.Join(basePath, rel)
if l.baseOffset != "" {
rel = path.Join(l.baseOffset, rel)
if isURL {
bp := l.spec.PathSpec.GetBasePath(!isAbs)
if bp != "" {
rel = path.Join(bp, rel)
if len(rel) == 0 || rel[0] != '/' {
rel = "/" + rel
return rel
func (l *genericResource) ResourceType() string {
return l.resourceType
func (l *genericResource) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("Resource(%s: %s)", l.resourceType, l.name)
func (l *genericResource) Publish() error {
fr, err := l.ReadSeekCloser()
if err != nil {
return err
defer fr.Close()
fw, err := helpers.OpenFilesForWriting(l.spec.BaseFs.PublishFs, l.targetFilenames()...)
if err != nil {
return err
defer fw.Close()
_, err = io.Copy(fw, fr)
return err
// Path is stored with Unix style slashes.
func (l *genericResource) TargetPath() string {
return l.relTargetDirFile.path()
func (l *genericResource) targetFilenames() []string {
paths := l.relTargetPaths()
for i, p := range paths {
paths[i] = filepath.Clean(p)
return paths
// TODO(bep) clean up below
func (r *Spec) newGenericResource(sourceFs afero.Fs,
targetPathBuilder func() page.TargetPaths,
osFileInfo os.FileInfo,
baseFilename string,
mediaType media.Type) *genericResource {
return r.newGenericResourceWithBase(
func (r *Spec) newGenericResourceWithBase(
sourceFs afero.Fs,
lazyPublish bool,
openReadSeekerCloser resource.OpenReadSeekCloser,
targetPathBaseDirs []string,
targetPathBuilder func() page.TargetPaths,
osFileInfo os.FileInfo,
baseFilename string,
mediaType media.Type) *genericResource {
if osFileInfo != nil && osFileInfo.IsDir() {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("dirs nto supported resource types: %v", osFileInfo))
// This value is used both to construct URLs and file paths, but start
// with a Unix-styled path.
baseFilename = helpers.ToSlashTrimLeading(baseFilename)
fpath, fname := path.Split(baseFilename)
var resourceType string
if mediaType.MainType == "image" {
resourceType = mediaType.MainType
} else {
resourceType = mediaType.SubType
pathDescriptor := resourcePathDescriptor{
baseTargetPathDirs: helpers.UniqueStringsReuse(targetPathBaseDirs),
targetPathBuilder: targetPathBuilder,
relTargetDirFile: dirFile{dir: fpath, file: fname},
var po *publishOnce
if lazyPublish {
po = &publishOnce{logger: r.Logger}
return &genericResource{
openReadSeekerCloser: openReadSeekerCloser,
publishOnce: po,
resourcePathDescriptor: pathDescriptor,
sourceFs: sourceFs,
osFileInfo: osFileInfo,
sourceFilename: sourceFilename,
mediaType: mediaType,
resourceType: resourceType,
spec: r,
params: make(map[string]interface{}),
name: baseFilename,
title: baseFilename,
resourceContent: &resourceContent{},
resourceHash: &resourceHash{},