bep be38acdce7 Add PreserveTaxonomyNames flag
Before this commit, taxonomy names were hyphenated, lower-cased and normalized -- then fixed and titleized on the archive page.

So what you entered in the front matter isn't necessarily what you got in the final site.

To preserve backwards compability, `PreserveTaxonomyNames` is default `false`.

Setting it to `true` will preserve what you type (the first characters is made toupper for titles), but normalized in URLs.

This also means that, if you manually construct URLs to the archive pages, you will have to pass the Taxonomy names through the `urlize` func.

Fixes #1180
2015-05-31 20:30:53 +02:00

1622 lines
39 KiB

// Copyright © 2013-14 Steve Francia <>.
// Licensed under the Simple Public License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package hugolib
import (
bp ""
jww ""
var _ = transform.AbsURL
var DefaultTimer *nitro.B
var distinctErrorLogger = helpers.NewDistinctErrorLogger()
// Site contains all the information relevant for constructing a static
// site. The basic flow of information is as follows:
// 1. A list of Files is parsed and then converted into Pages.
// 2. Pages contain sections (based on the file they were generated from),
// aliases and slugs (included in a pages frontmatter) which are the
// various targets that will get generated. There will be canonical
// listing. The canonical path can be overruled based on a pattern.
// 3. Taxonomies are created via configuration and will present some aspect of
// the final page and typically a perm url.
// 4. All Pages are passed through a template based on their desired
// layout based on numerous different elements.
// 5. The entire collection of files is written to disk.
type Site struct {
Pages Pages
Files []*source.File
Tmpl tpl.Template
Taxonomies TaxonomyList
Source source.Input
Sections Taxonomy
Info SiteInfo
Menus Menus
timer *nitro.B
Targets targetList
targetListInit sync.Once
RunMode runmode
params map[string]interface{}
draftCount int
futureCount int
Data map[string]interface{}
type targetList struct {
Page target.Output
File target.Output
Alias target.AliasPublisher
type SiteInfo struct {
BaseURL template.URL
Taxonomies TaxonomyList
Authors AuthorList
Social SiteSocial
Sections Taxonomy
Pages *Pages
Files []*source.File
Menus *Menus
Hugo *HugoInfo
Title string
Author map[string]interface{}
LanguageCode string
DisqusShortname string
Copyright string
LastChange time.Time
Permalinks PermalinkOverrides
Params map[string]interface{}
BuildDrafts bool
canonifyURLs bool
preserveTaxonomyNames bool
paginationPageCount uint64
Data *map[string]interface{}
// SiteSocial is a place to put social details on a site level. These are the
// standard keys that themes will expect to have available, but can be
// expanded to any others on a per site basis
// github
// facebook
// facebook_admin
// twitter
// twitter_domain
// googleplus
// pinterest
// instagram
// youtube
// linkedin
type SiteSocial map[string]string
// BaseUrl is deprecated. Will be removed in 0.15.
func (s *SiteInfo) BaseUrl() template.URL {
helpers.Deprecated("Site", ".BaseUrl", ".BaseURL")
return s.BaseURL
// Recent is deprecated. Will be removed in 0.15.
func (s *SiteInfo) Recent() *Pages {
helpers.Deprecated("Site", ".Recent", ".Pages")
return s.Pages
// Indexes is deprecated. Will be removed in 0.15.
func (s *SiteInfo) Indexes() *TaxonomyList {
helpers.Deprecated("Site", ".Indexes", ".Taxonomies")
return &s.Taxonomies
func (s *SiteInfo) GetParam(key string) interface{} {
v := s.Params[strings.ToLower(key)]
if v == nil {
return nil
switch v.(type) {
case bool:
return cast.ToBool(v)
case string:
return cast.ToString(v)
case int64, int32, int16, int8, int:
return cast.ToInt(v)
case float64, float32:
return cast.ToFloat64(v)
case time.Time:
return cast.ToTime(v)
case []string:
return v
return nil
func (s *SiteInfo) refLink(ref string, page *Page, relative bool) (string, error) {
var refURL *url.URL
var err error
refURL, err = url.Parse(ref)
if err != nil {
return "", err
var target *Page
var link string
if refURL.Path != "" {
for _, page := range []*Page(*s.Pages) {
refPath := filepath.FromSlash(refURL.Path)
if page.Source.Path() == refPath || page.Source.LogicalName() == refPath {
target = page
if target == nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("No page found with path or logical name \"%s\".\n", refURL.Path)
if relative {
link, err = target.RelPermalink()
} else {
link, err = target.Permalink()
if err != nil {
return "", err
if refURL.Fragment != "" {
link = link + "#" + refURL.Fragment
if refURL.Path != "" && target != nil && !target.getRenderingConfig().PlainIDAnchors {
link = link + ":" + target.UniqueID()
} else if page != nil && !page.getRenderingConfig().PlainIDAnchors {
link = link + ":" + page.UniqueID()
return link, nil
func (s *SiteInfo) Ref(ref string, page *Page) (string, error) {
return s.refLink(ref, page, false)
func (s *SiteInfo) RelRef(ref string, page *Page) (string, error) {
return s.refLink(ref, page, true)
func (s *SiteInfo) addToPaginationPageCount(cnt uint64) {
atomic.AddUint64(&s.paginationPageCount, cnt)
type runmode struct {
Watching bool
func (s *Site) Running() bool {
return s.RunMode.Watching
func init() {
DefaultTimer = nitro.Initalize()
func (s *Site) timerStep(step string) {
if s.timer == nil {
s.timer = DefaultTimer
func (s *Site) Build() (err error) {
if err = s.Process(); err != nil {
if err = s.Render(); err != nil {
jww.ERROR.Printf("Error rendering site: %s\nAvailable templates:\n", err)
for _, template := range s.Tmpl.Templates() {
jww.ERROR.Printf("\t%s\n", template.Name())
return nil
func (s *Site) Analyze() {
func (s *Site) prepTemplates() {
s.Tmpl = tpl.InitializeT()
if s.hasTheme() {
s.Tmpl.LoadTemplatesWithPrefix(s.absThemeDir()+"/layouts", "theme")
func (s *Site) addTemplate(name, data string) error {
return s.Tmpl.AddTemplate(name, data)
func (s *Site) loadData(sources []source.Input) (err error) {
s.Data = make(map[string]interface{})
var current map[string]interface{}
for _, currentSource := range sources {
for _, r := range currentSource.Files() {
// Crawl in data tree to insert data
current = s.Data
for _, key := range strings.Split(r.Dir(), helpers.FilePathSeparator) {
if key != "" {
if _, ok := current[key]; !ok {
current[key] = make(map[string]interface{})
current = current[key].(map[string]interface{})
data, err := readData(r)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Failed to read data from %s: %s", filepath.Join(r.Path(), r.LogicalName()), err)
if data == nil {
// Copy content from current to data when needed
if _, ok := current[r.BaseFileName()]; ok {
data := data.(map[string]interface{})
for key, value := range current[r.BaseFileName()].(map[string]interface{}) {
if _, override := data[key]; override {
// filepath.Walk walks the files in lexical order, '/' comes before '.'
// this warning could happen if
// 1. A theme uses the same key; the main data folder wins
// 2. A sub folder uses the same key: the sub folder wins
jww.WARN.Printf("Data for key '%s' in path '%s' is overridden in subfolder", key, r.Path())
data[key] = value
// Insert data
current[r.BaseFileName()] = data
func readData(f *source.File) (interface{}, error) {
switch f.Extension() {
case "yaml", "yml":
return parser.HandleYAMLMetaData(f.Bytes())
case "json":
return parser.HandleJSONMetaData(f.Bytes())
case "toml":
return parser.HandleTOMLMetaData(f.Bytes())
jww.WARN.Printf("Data not supported for extension '%s'", f.Extension())
return nil, nil
func (s *Site) Process() (err error) {
if err = s.initialize(); err != nil {
s.timerStep("initialize & template prep")
dataSources := make([]source.Input, 0, 2)
dataSources = append(dataSources, &source.Filesystem{Base: s.absDataDir()})
// have to be last - duplicate keys in earlier entries will win
themeStaticDir, err := helpers.GetThemeDataDirPath()
if err == nil {
dataSources = append(dataSources, &source.Filesystem{Base: themeStaticDir})
if err = s.loadData(dataSources); err != nil {
s.timerStep("load data")
if err = s.CreatePages(); err != nil {
s.timerStep("import pages")
if err = s.BuildSiteMeta(); err != nil {
s.timerStep("build taxonomies")
func (s *Site) setupPrevNext() {
for i, page := range s.Pages {
if i < len(s.Pages)-1 {
page.Next = s.Pages[i+1]
if i > 0 {
page.Prev = s.Pages[i-1]
func (s *Site) Render() (err error) {
if err = s.RenderAliases(); err != nil {
s.timerStep("render and write aliases")
if err = s.RenderTaxonomiesLists(); err != nil {
s.timerStep("render and write taxonomies")
s.timerStep("render & write taxonomy lists")
if err = s.RenderSectionLists(); err != nil {
s.timerStep("render and write lists")
if err = s.RenderPages(); err != nil {
s.timerStep("render and write pages")
if err = s.RenderHomePage(); err != nil {
s.timerStep("render and write homepage")
if err = s.RenderSitemap(); err != nil {
s.timerStep("render and write Sitemap")
func (s *Site) checkDescriptions() {
for _, p := range s.Pages {
if len(p.Description) < 60 {
jww.FEEDBACK.Println(p.Source.Path() + " ")
func (s *Site) Initialise() (err error) {
return s.initialize()
func (s *Site) initialize() (err error) {
if err = s.checkDirectories(); err != nil {
return err
staticDir := helpers.AbsPathify(viper.GetString("StaticDir") + "/")
s.Source = &source.Filesystem{
AvoidPaths: []string{staticDir},
Base: s.absContentDir(),
s.Menus = Menus{}
func (s *Site) initializeSiteInfo() {
params := viper.GetStringMap("Params")
permalinks := make(PermalinkOverrides)
for k, v := range viper.GetStringMapString("Permalinks") {
permalinks[k] = PathPattern(v)
s.Info = SiteInfo{
BaseURL: template.URL(helpers.SanitizeURLKeepTrailingSlash(viper.GetString("BaseURL"))),
Title: viper.GetString("Title"),
Author: viper.GetStringMap("author"),
LanguageCode: viper.GetString("languagecode"),
Copyright: viper.GetString("copyright"),
DisqusShortname: viper.GetString("DisqusShortname"),
BuildDrafts: viper.GetBool("BuildDrafts"),
canonifyURLs: viper.GetBool("CanonifyURLs"),
preserveTaxonomyNames: viper.GetBool("PreserveTaxonomyNames"),
Pages: &s.Pages,
Menus: &s.Menus,
Params: params,
Permalinks: permalinks,
Data: &s.Data,
func (s *Site) hasTheme() bool {
return viper.GetString("theme") != ""
func (s *Site) absDataDir() string {
return helpers.AbsPathify(viper.GetString("DataDir"))
func (s *Site) absThemeDir() string {
return helpers.AbsPathify("themes/" + viper.GetString("theme"))
func (s *Site) absLayoutDir() string {
return helpers.AbsPathify(viper.GetString("LayoutDir"))
func (s *Site) absContentDir() string {
return helpers.AbsPathify(viper.GetString("ContentDir"))
func (s *Site) absPublishDir() string {
return helpers.AbsPathify(viper.GetString("PublishDir"))
func (s *Site) checkDirectories() (err error) {
if b, _ := helpers.DirExists(s.absContentDir(), hugofs.SourceFs); !b {
return fmt.Errorf("No source directory found, expecting to find it at " + s.absContentDir())
type pageResult struct {
page *Page
err error
func (s *Site) CreatePages() error {
if s.Source == nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("s.Source not set %s", s.absContentDir()))
if len(s.Source.Files()) < 1 {
return nil
files := s.Source.Files()
results := make(chan HandledResult)
filechan := make(chan *source.File)
procs := getGoMaxProcs()
wg := &sync.WaitGroup{}
wg.Add(procs * 4)
for i := 0; i < procs*4; i++ {
go sourceReader(s, filechan, results, wg)
errs := make(chan error)
// we can only have exactly one result collator, since it makes changes that
// must be synchronized.
go readCollator(s, results, errs)
for _, file := range files {
filechan <- file
readErrs := <-errs
results = make(chan HandledResult)
pageChan := make(chan *Page)
fileConvChan := make(chan *source.File)
wg = &sync.WaitGroup{}
wg.Add(2 * procs * 4)
for i := 0; i < procs*4; i++ {
go fileConverter(s, fileConvChan, results, wg)
go pageConverter(s, pageChan, results, wg)
go converterCollator(s, results, errs)
for _, p := range s.Pages {
pageChan <- p
for _, f := range s.Files {
fileConvChan <- f
renderErrs := <-errs
if renderErrs == nil && readErrs == nil {
return nil
if renderErrs == nil {
return readErrs
if readErrs == nil {
return renderErrs
return fmt.Errorf("%s\n%s", readErrs, renderErrs)
func sourceReader(s *Site, files <-chan *source.File, results chan<- HandledResult, wg *sync.WaitGroup) {
defer wg.Done()
for file := range files {
h := NewMetaHandler(file.Extension())
if h != nil {
h.Read(file, s, results)
} else {
jww.ERROR.Println("Unsupported File Type", file.Path())
func pageConverter(s *Site, pages <-chan *Page, results HandleResults, wg *sync.WaitGroup) {
defer wg.Done()
for page := range pages {
var h *MetaHandle
if page.Markup != "" {
h = NewMetaHandler(page.Markup)
} else {
h = NewMetaHandler(page.File.Extension())
if h != nil {
h.Convert(page, s, results)
func fileConverter(s *Site, files <-chan *source.File, results HandleResults, wg *sync.WaitGroup) {
defer wg.Done()
for file := range files {
h := NewMetaHandler(file.Extension())
if h != nil {
h.Convert(file, s, results)
func converterCollator(s *Site, results <-chan HandledResult, errs chan<- error) {
errMsgs := []string{}
for r := range results {
if r.err != nil {
errMsgs = append(errMsgs, r.err.Error())
if len(errMsgs) == 0 {
errs <- nil
errs <- fmt.Errorf("Errors rendering pages: %s", strings.Join(errMsgs, "\n"))
func readCollator(s *Site, results <-chan HandledResult, errs chan<- error) {
errMsgs := []string{}
for r := range results {
if r.err != nil {
errMsgs = append(errMsgs, r.Error())
// !page == file
if == nil {
s.Files = append(s.Files, r.file)
} else {
if {
s.Pages = append(s.Pages,
if {
if {
if len(errMsgs) == 0 {
errs <- nil
errs <- fmt.Errorf("Errors reading pages: %s", strings.Join(errMsgs, "\n"))
func (s *Site) BuildSiteMeta() (err error) {
if len(s.Pages) == 0 {
s.Info.LastChange = s.Pages[0].Lastmod
func (s *Site) getMenusFromConfig() Menus {
ret := Menus{}
if menus := viper.GetStringMap("menu"); menus != nil {
for name, menu := range menus {
m, err := cast.ToSliceE(menu)
if err != nil {
jww.ERROR.Printf("unable to process menus in site config\n")
} else {
for _, entry := range m {
jww.DEBUG.Printf("found menu: %q, in site config\n", name)
menuEntry := MenuEntry{Menu: name}
ime, err := cast.ToStringMapE(entry)
if err != nil {
jww.ERROR.Printf("unable to process menus in site config\n")
menuEntry.URL = s.Info.createNodeMenuEntryURL(menuEntry.URL)
if ret[name] == nil {
ret[name] = &Menu{}
*ret[name] = ret[name].Add(&menuEntry)
return ret
return ret
func (s *SiteInfo) createNodeMenuEntryURL(in string) string {
if !strings.HasPrefix(in, "/") {
return in
// make it match the nodes
menuEntryURL := in
menuEntryURL = helpers.URLizeAndPrep(menuEntryURL)
if !s.canonifyURLs {
menuEntryURL = helpers.AddContextRoot(string(s.BaseURL), menuEntryURL)
return menuEntryURL
func (s *Site) assembleMenus() {
type twoD struct {
MenuName, EntryName string
flat := map[twoD]*MenuEntry{}
children := map[twoD]Menu{}
menuConfig := s.getMenusFromConfig()
for name, menu := range menuConfig {
for _, me := range *menu {
flat[twoD{name, me.KeyName()}] = me
sectionPagesMenu := viper.GetString("SectionPagesMenu")
sectionPagesMenus := make(map[string]interface{})
//creating flat hash
for _, p := range s.Pages {
if sectionPagesMenu != "" {
if _, ok := sectionPagesMenus[p.Section()]; !ok {
if p.Section() != "" {
me := MenuEntry{Identifier: p.Section(), Name: helpers.MakeTitle(helpers.FirstUpper(p.Section())), URL: s.Info.createNodeMenuEntryURL("/" + p.Section())}
if _, ok := flat[twoD{sectionPagesMenu, me.KeyName()}]; ok {
// menu with same id defined in config, let that one win
flat[twoD{sectionPagesMenu, me.KeyName()}] = &me
sectionPagesMenus[p.Section()] = true
for name, me := range p.Menus() {
if _, ok := flat[twoD{name, me.KeyName()}]; ok {
jww.ERROR.Printf("Two or more menu items have the same name/identifier in Menu %q: %q.\nRename or set an unique identifier.\n", name, me.KeyName())
flat[twoD{name, me.KeyName()}] = me
// Create Children Menus First
for _, e := range flat {
if e.Parent != "" {
children[twoD{e.Menu, e.Parent}] = children[twoD{e.Menu, e.Parent}].Add(e)
// Placing Children in Parents (in flat)
for p, childmenu := range children {
_, ok := flat[twoD{p.MenuName, p.EntryName}]
if !ok {
// if parent does not exist, create one without a URL
flat[twoD{p.MenuName, p.EntryName}] = &MenuEntry{Name: p.EntryName, URL: ""}
flat[twoD{p.MenuName, p.EntryName}].Children = childmenu
// Assembling Top Level of Tree
for menu, e := range flat {
if e.Parent == "" {
_, ok := s.Menus[menu.MenuName]
if !ok {
s.Menus[menu.MenuName] = &Menu{}
*s.Menus[menu.MenuName] = s.Menus[menu.MenuName].Add(e)
func (s *Site) assembleTaxonomies() {
s.Taxonomies = make(TaxonomyList)
s.Sections = make(Taxonomy)
taxonomies := viper.GetStringMapString("Taxonomies")
jww.INFO.Printf("found taxonomies: %#v\n", taxonomies)
for _, plural := range taxonomies {
s.Taxonomies[plural] = make(Taxonomy)
for _, p := range s.Pages {
vals := p.getParam(plural, !s.Info.preserveTaxonomyNames)
weight := p.GetParam(plural + "_weight")
if weight == nil {
weight = 0
if vals != nil {
if v, ok := vals.([]string); ok {
for _, idx := range v {
x := WeightedPage{weight.(int), p}
s.Taxonomies[plural].Add(idx, x, s.Info.preserveTaxonomyNames)
} else if v, ok := vals.(string); ok {
x := WeightedPage{weight.(int), p}
s.Taxonomies[plural].Add(v, x, s.Info.preserveTaxonomyNames)
} else {
jww.ERROR.Printf("Invalid %s in %s\n", plural, p.File.Path())
for k := range s.Taxonomies[plural] {
s.Info.Taxonomies = s.Taxonomies
s.Info.Sections = s.Sections
func (s *Site) assembleSections() {
for i, p := range s.Pages {
s.Sections.Add(p.Section(), WeightedPage{s.Pages[i].Weight, s.Pages[i]}, s.Info.preserveTaxonomyNames)
for k := range s.Sections {
for i, wp := range s.Sections[k] {
if i > 0 {
wp.Page.NextInSection = s.Sections[k][i-1].Page
if i < len(s.Sections[k])-1 {
wp.Page.PrevInSection = s.Sections[k][i+1].Page
func (s *Site) possibleTaxonomies() (taxonomies []string) {
for _, p := range s.Pages {
for k := range p.Params {
if !helpers.InStringArray(taxonomies, k) {
taxonomies = append(taxonomies, k)
// RenderAliases renders shell pages that simply have a redirect in the header
func (s *Site) RenderAliases() error {
for _, p := range s.Pages {
for _, a := range p.Aliases {
plink, err := p.Permalink()
if err != nil {
return err
if err := s.WriteDestAlias(a, template.HTML(plink)); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// RenderPages renders pages each corresponding to a markdown file
func (s *Site) RenderPages() error {
results := make(chan error)
pages := make(chan *Page)
procs := getGoMaxProcs()
wg := &sync.WaitGroup{}
for i := 0; i < procs*4; i++ {
go pageRenderer(s, pages, results, wg)
errs := make(chan error)
go errorCollator(results, errs)
for _, page := range s.Pages {
pages <- page
err := <-errs
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Error(s) rendering pages: %s", err)
return nil
func pageRenderer(s *Site, pages <-chan *Page, results chan<- error, wg *sync.WaitGroup) {
defer wg.Done()
for p := range pages {
var layouts []string
if !p.IsRenderable() {
self := "__" + p.TargetPath()
_, err := s.Tmpl.New(self).Parse(string(p.Content))
if err != nil {
results <- err
layouts = append(layouts, self)
} else {
layouts = append(layouts, p.Layout()...)
layouts = append(layouts, "_default/single.html")
err := s.renderAndWritePage("page "+p.FullFilePath(), p.TargetPath(), p, s.appendThemeTemplates(layouts)...)
if err != nil {
results <- err
func errorCollator(results <-chan error, errs chan<- error) {
errMsgs := []string{}
for err := range results {
if err != nil {
errMsgs = append(errMsgs, err.Error())
if len(errMsgs) == 0 {
errs <- nil
} else {
errs <- errors.New(strings.Join(errMsgs, "\n"))
func (s *Site) appendThemeTemplates(in []string) []string {
if s.hasTheme() {
out := []string{}
// First place all non internal templates
for _, t := range in {
if !strings.HasPrefix(t, "_internal/") {
out = append(out, t)
// Then place theme templates with the same names
for _, t := range in {
if !strings.HasPrefix(t, "_internal/") {
out = append(out, "theme/"+t)
// Lastly place internal templates
for _, t := range in {
if strings.HasPrefix(t, "_internal/") {
out = append(out, t)
return out
return in
type taxRenderInfo struct {
key string
pages WeightedPages
singular string
plural string
// RenderTaxonomiesLists renders the listing pages based on the meta data
// each unique term within a taxonomy will have a page created
func (s *Site) RenderTaxonomiesLists() error {
wg := &sync.WaitGroup{}
taxes := make(chan taxRenderInfo)
results := make(chan error)
procs := getGoMaxProcs()
for i := 0; i < procs*4; i++ {
go taxonomyRenderer(s, taxes, results, wg)
errs := make(chan error)
go errorCollator(results, errs)
taxonomies := viper.GetStringMapString("Taxonomies")
for singular, plural := range taxonomies {
for key, pages := range s.Taxonomies[plural] {
taxes <- taxRenderInfo{key, pages, singular, plural}
err := <-errs
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Error(s) rendering taxonomies: %s", err)
return nil
func (s *Site) newTaxonomyNode(t taxRenderInfo) (*Node, string) {
key := t.key
n := s.NewNode()
if s.Info.preserveTaxonomyNames {
key = helpers.MakePathToLower(key)
// keep as is, just make sure the first char is upper
n.Title = helpers.FirstUpper(t.key)
} else {
n.Title = strings.Replace(strings.Title(t.key), "-", " ", -1)
base := t.plural + "/" + key
s.setURLs(n, base)
if len(t.pages) > 0 {
n.Date = t.pages[0].Page.Date
n.Lastmod = t.pages[0].Page.Lastmod
n.Data[t.singular] = t.pages
n.Data["Singular"] = t.singular
n.Data["Plural"] = t.plural
n.Data["Pages"] = t.pages.Pages()
return n, base
func taxonomyRenderer(s *Site, taxes <-chan taxRenderInfo, results chan<- error, wg *sync.WaitGroup) {
defer wg.Done()
var n *Node
for t := range taxes {
var base string
layouts := s.appendThemeTemplates(
[]string{"taxonomy/" + t.singular + ".html", "indexes/" + t.singular + ".html", "_default/taxonomy.html", "_default/list.html"})
n, base = s.newTaxonomyNode(t)
if err := s.renderAndWritePage("taxononomy "+t.singular, base, n, layouts...); err != nil {
results <- err
if n.paginator != nil {
paginatePath := viper.GetString("paginatePath")
// write alias for page 1
s.WriteDestAlias(helpers.PaginateAliasPath(base, 1), s.permalink(base))
pagers := n.paginator.Pagers()
for i, pager := range pagers {
if i == 0 {
// already created
taxonomyPagerNode, _ := s.newTaxonomyNode(t)
taxonomyPagerNode.paginator = pager
if pager.TotalPages() > 0 {
taxonomyPagerNode.Date = pager.Pages()[0].Date
taxonomyPagerNode.Lastmod = pager.Pages()[0].Lastmod
pageNumber := i + 1
htmlBase := fmt.Sprintf("/%s/%s/%d", base, paginatePath, pageNumber)
if err := s.renderAndWritePage(fmt.Sprintf("taxononomy %s", t.singular), htmlBase, taxonomyPagerNode, layouts...); err != nil {
results <- err
if !viper.GetBool("DisableRSS") {
// XML Feed
n.URL = s.permalinkStr(base + "/" + viper.GetString("RSSUri"))
n.Permalink = s.permalink(base)
rssLayouts := []string{"taxonomy/" + t.singular + ".rss.xml", "_default/rss.xml", "rss.xml", "_internal/_default/rss.xml"}
if err := s.renderAndWriteXML("taxonomy "+t.singular+" rss", base+"/"+viper.GetString("RSSUri"), n, s.appendThemeTemplates(rssLayouts)...); err != nil {
results <- err
// RenderListsOfTaxonomyTerms renders a page per taxonomy that lists the terms for that taxonomy
func (s *Site) RenderListsOfTaxonomyTerms() (err error) {
taxonomies := viper.GetStringMapString("Taxonomies")
for singular, plural := range taxonomies {
n := s.NewNode()
n.Title = strings.Title(plural)
s.setURLs(n, plural)
n.Data["Singular"] = singular
n.Data["Plural"] = plural
n.Data["Terms"] = s.Taxonomies[plural]
// keep the following just for legacy reasons
n.Data["OrderedIndex"] = n.Data["Terms"]
n.Data["Index"] = n.Data["Terms"]
layouts := []string{"taxonomy/" + singular + ".terms.html", "_default/terms.html", "indexes/indexes.html"}
layouts = s.appendThemeTemplates(layouts)
if s.layoutExists(layouts...) {
if err := s.renderAndWritePage("taxonomy terms for "+singular, plural+"/index.html", n, layouts...); err != nil {
return err
func (s *Site) newSectionListNode(sectionName, section string, data WeightedPages) *Node {
n := s.NewNode()
sectionName = helpers.FirstUpper(sectionName)
if viper.GetBool("PluralizeListTitles") {
n.Title = inflect.Pluralize(sectionName)
} else {
n.Title = sectionName
s.setURLs(n, section)
n.Date = data[0].Page.Date
n.Lastmod = data[0].Page.Lastmod
n.Data["Pages"] = data.Pages()
return n
// RenderSectionLists renders a page for each section
func (s *Site) RenderSectionLists() error {
for section, data := range s.Sections {
// section keys can be lower case (depending on site.pathifyTaxonomyKeys)
// extract the original casing from the first page to get sensible titles.
sectionName := section
if !s.Info.preserveTaxonomyNames && len(data) > 0 {
sectionName = data[0].Page.Section()
layouts := s.appendThemeTemplates(
[]string{"section/" + section + ".html", "_default/section.html", "_default/list.html", "indexes/" + section + ".html", "_default/indexes.html"})
if s.Info.preserveTaxonomyNames {
section = helpers.MakePathToLower(section)
n := s.newSectionListNode(sectionName, section, data)
if err := s.renderAndWritePage(fmt.Sprintf("section %s", section), section, n, s.appendThemeTemplates(layouts)...); err != nil {
return err
if n.paginator != nil {
paginatePath := viper.GetString("paginatePath")
// write alias for page 1
s.WriteDestAlias(helpers.PaginateAliasPath(section, 1), s.permalink(section))
pagers := n.paginator.Pagers()
for i, pager := range pagers {
if i == 0 {
// already created
sectionPagerNode := s.newSectionListNode(sectionName, section, data)
sectionPagerNode.paginator = pager
if pager.TotalPages() > 0 {
sectionPagerNode.Date = pager.Pages()[0].Date
sectionPagerNode.Lastmod = pager.Pages()[0].Lastmod
pageNumber := i + 1
htmlBase := fmt.Sprintf("/%s/%s/%d", section, paginatePath, pageNumber)
if err := s.renderAndWritePage(fmt.Sprintf("section %s", section), filepath.FromSlash(htmlBase), sectionPagerNode, layouts...); err != nil {
return err
if !viper.GetBool("DisableRSS") && section != "" {
// XML Feed
n.URL = s.permalinkStr(section + "/" + viper.GetString("RSSUri"))
n.Permalink = s.permalink(section)
rssLayouts := []string{"section/" + section + ".rss.xml", "_default/rss.xml", "rss.xml", "_internal/_default/rss.xml"}
if err := s.renderAndWriteXML("section "+section+" rss", section+"/"+viper.GetString("RSSUri"), n, s.appendThemeTemplates(rssLayouts)...); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (s *Site) newHomeNode() *Node {
n := s.NewNode()
n.Title = n.Site.Title
n.IsHome = true
s.setURLs(n, "/")
n.Data["Pages"] = s.Pages
return n
func (s *Site) RenderHomePage() error {
n := s.newHomeNode()
layouts := s.appendThemeTemplates([]string{"index.html", "_default/list.html"})
if err := s.renderAndWritePage("homepage", helpers.FilePathSeparator, n, layouts...); err != nil {
return err
if n.paginator != nil {
paginatePath := viper.GetString("paginatePath")
// write alias for page 1
s.WriteDestAlias(helpers.PaginateAliasPath("", 1), s.permalink("/"))
pagers := n.paginator.Pagers()
for i, pager := range pagers {
if i == 0 {
// already created
homePagerNode := s.newHomeNode()
homePagerNode.paginator = pager
if pager.TotalPages() > 0 {
homePagerNode.Date = pager.Pages()[0].Date
homePagerNode.Lastmod = pager.Pages()[0].Lastmod
pageNumber := i + 1
htmlBase := fmt.Sprintf("/%s/%d", paginatePath, pageNumber)
if err := s.renderAndWritePage(fmt.Sprintf("homepage"), filepath.FromSlash(htmlBase), homePagerNode, layouts...); err != nil {
return err
if !viper.GetBool("DisableRSS") {
// XML Feed
n.URL = s.permalinkStr(viper.GetString("RSSUri"))
n.Title = ""
high := 50
if len(s.Pages) < high {
high = len(s.Pages)
n.Data["Pages"] = s.Pages[:high]
if len(s.Pages) > 0 {
n.Date = s.Pages[0].Date
n.Lastmod = s.Pages[0].Lastmod
rssLayouts := []string{"rss.xml", "_default/rss.xml", "_internal/_default/rss.xml"}
if err := s.renderAndWriteXML("homepage rss", viper.GetString("RSSUri"), n, s.appendThemeTemplates(rssLayouts)...); err != nil {
return err
n.URL = helpers.URLize("404.html")
n.Title = "404 Page not found"
n.Permalink = s.permalink("404.html")
nfLayouts := []string{"404.html"}
if nfErr := s.renderAndWritePage("404 page", "404.html", n, s.appendThemeTemplates(nfLayouts)...); nfErr != nil {
return nfErr
return nil
func (s *Site) RenderSitemap() error {
if viper.GetBool("DisableSitemap") {
return nil
sitemapDefault := parseSitemap(viper.GetStringMap("Sitemap"))
n := s.NewNode()
// Prepend homepage to the list of pages
pages := make(Pages, 0)
page := &Page{}
page.Date = s.Info.LastChange
page.Lastmod = s.Info.LastChange
page.Site = &s.Info
page.URL = "/"
pages = append(pages, page)
pages = append(pages, s.Pages...)
n.Data["Pages"] = pages
for _, page := range pages {
if page.Sitemap.ChangeFreq == "" {
page.Sitemap.ChangeFreq = sitemapDefault.ChangeFreq
if page.Sitemap.Priority == -1 {
page.Sitemap.Priority = sitemapDefault.Priority
smLayouts := []string{"sitemap.xml", "_default/sitemap.xml", "_internal/_default/sitemap.xml"}
if err := s.renderAndWriteXML("sitemap", "sitemap.xml", n, s.appendThemeTemplates(smLayouts)...); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (s *Site) Stats() {
jww.FEEDBACK.Printf("%d pages created\n", len(s.Pages))
jww.FEEDBACK.Printf("%d paginator pages created\n", s.Info.paginationPageCount)
taxonomies := viper.GetStringMapString("Taxonomies")
for _, pl := range taxonomies {
jww.FEEDBACK.Printf("%d %s created\n", len(s.Taxonomies[pl]), pl)
func (s *Site) setURLs(n *Node, in string) {
n.URL = helpers.URLizeAndPrep(in)
n.Permalink = s.permalink(n.URL)
n.RSSLink = s.permalink(in + ".xml")
func (s *Site) permalink(plink string) template.HTML {
return template.HTML(s.permalinkStr(plink))
func (s *Site) permalinkStr(plink string) string {
return helpers.MakePermalink(string(viper.GetString("BaseURL")), helpers.URLizeAndPrep(plink)).String()
func (s *Site) NewNode() *Node {
return &Node{
Data: make(map[string]interface{}),
Site: &s.Info,
func (s *Site) layoutExists(layouts ...string) bool {
_, found := s.findFirstLayout(layouts...)
return found
func (s *Site) renderAndWriteXML(name string, dest string, d interface{}, layouts ...string) error {
renderBuffer := bp.GetBuffer()
defer bp.PutBuffer(renderBuffer)
renderBuffer.WriteString("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\" standalone=\"yes\" ?>\n")
err := s.render(name, d, renderBuffer, layouts...)
outBuffer := bp.GetBuffer()
defer bp.PutBuffer(outBuffer)
var path []byte
if viper.GetBool("RelativeURLs") {
path = []byte(helpers.GetDottedRelativePath(dest))
} else {
s := viper.GetString("BaseURL")
if !strings.HasSuffix(s, "/") {
s += "/"
path = []byte(s)
transformer := transform.NewChain(transform.AbsURLInXML)
transformer.Apply(outBuffer, renderBuffer, path)
if err == nil {
err = s.WriteDestFile(dest, outBuffer)
return err
func (s *Site) renderAndWritePage(name string, dest string, d interface{}, layouts ...string) error {
renderBuffer := bp.GetBuffer()
defer bp.PutBuffer(renderBuffer)
err := s.render(name, d, renderBuffer, layouts...)
outBuffer := bp.GetBuffer()
defer bp.PutBuffer(outBuffer)
transformLinks := transform.NewEmptyTransforms()
if viper.GetBool("RelativeURLs") || viper.GetBool("CanonifyURLs") {
transformLinks = append(transformLinks, transform.AbsURL)
if viper.GetBool("watch") && !viper.GetBool("DisableLiveReload") {
transformLinks = append(transformLinks, transform.LiveReloadInject)
var path []byte
if viper.GetBool("RelativeURLs") {
translated, err := s.PageTarget().(target.OptionalTranslator).TranslateRelative(dest)
if err != nil {
return err
path = []byte(helpers.GetDottedRelativePath(translated))
} else if viper.GetBool("CanonifyURLs") {
s := viper.GetString("BaseURL")
if !strings.HasSuffix(s, "/") {
s += "/"
path = []byte(s)
transformer := transform.NewChain(transformLinks...)
transformer.Apply(outBuffer, renderBuffer, path)
if err == nil {
if err = s.WriteDestPage(dest, outBuffer); err != nil {
return err
return err
func (s *Site) render(name string, d interface{}, renderBuffer *bytes.Buffer, layouts ...string) error {
layout, found := s.findFirstLayout(layouts...)
if found == false {
jww.WARN.Printf("Unable to locate layout for %s: %s\n", name, layouts)
return nil
if err := s.renderThing(d, layout, renderBuffer); err != nil {
// Behavior here should be dependent on if running in server or watch mode.
distinctErrorLogger.Printf("Error while rendering %s: %v", name, err)
if !s.Running() {
return nil
func (s *Site) findFirstLayout(layouts ...string) (string, bool) {
for _, layout := range layouts {
if s.Tmpl.Lookup(layout) != nil {
return layout, true
return "", false
func (s *Site) renderThing(d interface{}, layout string, w io.Writer) error {
// If the template doesn't exist, then return, but leave the Writer open
if s.Tmpl.Lookup(layout) == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Layout not found: %s", layout)
return s.Tmpl.ExecuteTemplate(w, layout, d)
func (s *Site) NewXMLBuffer() *bytes.Buffer {
header := "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\" standalone=\"yes\" ?>\n"
return bytes.NewBufferString(header)
func (s *Site) PageTarget() target.Output {
return s.Targets.Page
func (s *Site) FileTarget() target.Output {
return s.Targets.File
func (s *Site) AliasTarget() target.AliasPublisher {
return s.Targets.Alias
func (s *Site) initTargetList() {
s.targetListInit.Do(func() {
if s.Targets.Page == nil {
s.Targets.Page = &target.PagePub{
PublishDir: s.absPublishDir(),
UglyURLs: viper.GetBool("UglyURLs"),
if s.Targets.File == nil {
s.Targets.File = &target.Filesystem{
PublishDir: s.absPublishDir(),
if s.Targets.Alias == nil {
s.Targets.Alias = &target.HTMLRedirectAlias{
PublishDir: s.absPublishDir(),
func (s *Site) WriteDestFile(path string, reader io.Reader) (err error) {
jww.DEBUG.Println("creating file:", path)
return s.FileTarget().Publish(path, reader)
func (s *Site) WriteDestPage(path string, reader io.Reader) (err error) {
jww.DEBUG.Println("creating page:", path)
return s.PageTarget().Publish(path, reader)
func (s *Site) WriteDestAlias(path string, permalink template.HTML) (err error) {
jww.DEBUG.Println("alias created at:", path)
return s.AliasTarget().Publish(path, permalink)
func (s *Site) draftStats() string {
var msg string
switch s.draftCount {
case 0:
return "0 draft content"
case 1:
msg = "1 draft rendered"
msg = fmt.Sprintf("%d drafts rendered", s.draftCount)
if viper.GetBool("BuildDrafts") {
return fmt.Sprintf("%d of ", s.draftCount) + msg
return "0 of " + msg
func (s *Site) futureStats() string {
var msg string
switch s.futureCount {
case 0:
return "0 future content "
case 1:
msg = "1 future rendered "
msg = fmt.Sprintf("%d future rendered", s.draftCount)
if viper.GetBool("BuildFuture") {
return fmt.Sprintf("%d of ", s.futureCount) + msg
return "0 of " + msg
func getGoMaxProcs() int {
if gmp := os.Getenv("GOMAXPROCS"); gmp != "" {
if p, err := strconv.Atoi(gmp); err != nil {
return p
return 1