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synced 2025-03-28 02:14:21 +00:00
327003421 Update index.md cafdccc13 Hugo 0.86.1 467a89a02 Merge branch 'v0861' a22c37bc9 Merge branch 'release-0.86.1' 276da91a8 releaser: Add release notes to /docs for release of 0.86.1 198cdf8f0 tpl/lang: Add new localized versions of lang.FormatNumber etc. 93f986ecc Add timezone support for front matter dates without one b30b876bb Localize time.Format 950fdab90 Fix AddDate documentation 78d7b52b6 Document config.cascade fd1e1e4b7 Fix grammar and spelling (#1497) 05bf3aa32 Fix grammar / typos in news 32060a3b4 One more try f6e24ddfa PNG to JPG for the rel notes image 9ec5bdfad Update index.md 5f5d7f69d Release Hugo 0.86.0 2dd60bb71 releaser: Add release notes to /docs for release of 0.86.0 6445fb36c Merge commit '53a352795a69a9d4a373f50ec62138595948c6ea' cb57ca73a Simplify "active menu" logic for section menus git-subtree-dir: docs git-subtree-split: 327003421d8c07f9764aaaf644626805287fd30c
54 lines
1.7 KiB
54 lines
1.7 KiB
{{ $pkg := .Params.package}}
{{ $funcs := index site.Data.docs.tpl.funcs $pkg }}
{{ range $k, $v := $funcs }}
{{ if $v.Description }}
{{ $func := printf "%s.%s" $pkg $k }}
<a class="header-link" href="#{{ $func | anchorize | safeURL }}">
<svg class="fill-current o-60 hover-accent-color-light" height="22px" viewBox="0 0 24 24" width="22px" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">
<path d="M0 0h24v24H0z" fill="none"/>
<path d="M3.9 12c0-1.71 1.39-3.1 3.1-3.1h4V7H7c-2.76 0-5 2.24-5 5s2.24 5 5 5h4v-1.9H7c-1.71 0-3.1-1.39-3.1-3.1zM8 13h8v-2H8v2zm9-6h-4v1.9h4c1.71 0 3.1 1.39 3.1 3.1s-1.39 3.1-3.1 3.1h-4V17h4c2.76 0 5-2.24 5-5s-2.24-5-5-5z"/>
{{ $func }}
{{ with $v.Description }}
<p class="f4 lh-copy">
{{ . | $.RenderString | safeHTML }}
{{ end }}
<h4 class="minor mb3 pt2 primary-color-dark">
<div class="f5 mb4 ph3 pv2 bg-light-gray" style="border-left:4px solid #0594CB;">
{{ $pkg }}.{{ $k }}
{{ with $v.Args }}
<span class="ttu">
{{ delimit $v.Args ", "}}
{{ end }}
{{ if $v.Examples }}
<h4 class="minor mb3 pt2 primary-color-dark">
{{ end }}
{{ range $v.Examples }}
{{ $input := index . 0 }}
{{ $result := index . 1 }}
{{ $example := printf "%s ---> %s" $input $result }}
{{ highlight $example "go-html-template" "" }}
{{ end }}
{{ with $v.Aliases }}
<h4 class="minor mb3 pt2 primary-color-dark">
{{ delimit . ", "}}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}